*** DBA MARKETING STRATEGY & SOCIAL MEDIA PLANNING STRATEGY *** [MKTG 490; Dr. Carter; Fall 2012] >>> 40 Points Combined: Preliminary Outline DUE Fri. Nov. 2nd 15pts; Final Report DUE Sat. Dec. 1st 35pts. <<< INTRODUCTION The Bakersfield Downtown Business Association (DBA) Strategy Project is presented as a case study analysis for evaluating and recommending both marketing planning and social media marketing strategy. The DBA stakeholders comprise the focus of the case, representing the types of businesses, activities, and services provided in downtown Bakersfield. Therefore, instead of a lengthy passage describing the background, situation, and strategic factors, we will allow the DBA staff to present that information as requested for particular stakeholders (including possible field visits). Of course, a general orientation can be gained by visiting these links: http://bakersfielddba.com/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downtown_Bakersfield. List of DBA Stakeholders & Assigned Groups Highlighted Partial List of DBA Sponsored Events/Causes 1) Arts & Museums ... FIGUEROA GROUP (4) A) 1st Friday & Arts Walk (ARTS) 2) Civic and Municipal Services (City Hall, Courts, Citizen/Voting, etc.) B) 3rd Thursday Fair in Mill Creek Park (MERCHANTS) 3) CLEAN & SAFE C) DBA “MIXERS” & “Taste” Events (RESTAURANTS) 4) Law Enforcement, First Responders, & Military D) Party in the Plaza (Condors/Rabobank/MERCHANTS) 5) Education & Libraries E) Christmas Parade (MERCHANTS) 6) Transportation & Taxi/Currier/Limousines F) Veterans’ Day Celebration (CITIZENS & MERCHANTS) 7) Financial Institutions 8) Hospitality 9) Digital/Social Media Services & Support ... CLAFFY GROUP (4) G) Preservation, Restoration & Grand Openings Fox Theater Ice/Aquatics Center Padre Hotel Mill Creek Park Maya Cinema Downtown Courthouse California High-Speed Rail Downtown Bakersfield … And Many Others 10) Sports/Athletics & Recreation … VAZQUEZ GROUP (4) 11) Restaurants … KOSKI GROUP (3) 12) Entertainment (overlaps w/restaurants/athletics venues) … SANCHEZ GROUP (4) 13) Antique Shops … SWAN (1) 14) Historical Buildings/Sites 15) Fashion Apparel Merchants … REN GROUP (4) 16) General Merchants 17) Healthcare 18) Faith-based Institutions 19) ??? OTHERS??? 1 *** DBA MARKETING STRATEGY & SOCIAL MEDIA PLANNING STRATEGY *** [MKTG 490; Dr. Carter; Fall 2012] >>> 40 Points Combined: Preliminary Outline DUE Fri. Nov. 2nd 15pts; Final Report DUE Sat. Dec. 1st 35pts. <<< INSTRUCTIONS The DBA Project instructions outlined below describe which chapters from the Marketing Planning (MP) text and Social Media Marketing (SMM) text are assigned to complete the three case study sections (Case Analysis Guide). All instructions are solely focused on the chosen DBA stakeholder. Although the project emphasizes MP text chapters 5 – 9, concepts like ch.2 SWOT analysis and ch.4 segmentation/positioning are also required. There is no minimum page length as long as each outline item is responded to completely with correct concept application. The “Preliminary” and “Final” report should be formatted with a cover page, Headings/subheadings corresponding to outline items, 12” pitch Times font and 1” margins. A. Problem Identification (Also comprises the “DBA PROJECT PRELIMINARY REPORT OUTLINE” – 15pts.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Identify the most important marketing “opportunity” or the most pressing marketing “threat” (MP Ch.2, SWOT & website link) Decide the most appropriate planning “direction” to achieve the “opportunity” or address the “threat” (MP Ch.1 Ex. 1.4; Ch.5 Ex. 5.2) Set planning “objectives” to reach the chosen planning “direction”, including: 3 Marketing, 1 Financial, and 2 Societal (MP Ch.5 Ex. 5.3) Describe the type of “marketing support” (tactics) required to meet the “objectives” (strategy) over the stated time period (MP Ch.5 Ex. 5.5) Explain how the “direction and objectives” (strategy) are aligned with the “marketing mix” elements (tactics) – in general (MP Ch.5 Ex 5.6) Explain how the “direction and objectives” (strategy) are aligned with the “social media mix” zones (tactics) – in general (SMM, Ch.2) Explain how the “5th P” Participation can be achieved for target customers through stakeholder “trial” & “transition” (SMM, Ch.2) Analysis & Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TARGET MARKET -- Determine the best “target market” to reach the chosen “direction” and meet “objectives” by: a) Using “market segmentation bases” to profile consumer and/or business segments (MP Ch.4, Ex. 4.3, 4.4) b) Assessing the “segment(s) attractiveness” from its fit with stakeholder resources/competencies, and the influence of “market, economic/technology, competitive, business environment factors (MP Ch.4, Ex. 4.5) c) Select a segmentation “coverage strategy” -- “concentrated” or “differentiated” (MP Ch.4, p.74) d) Apply “social media customer” concepts to improve connections with the target market segment (SMM text ch.1 – slide 32 funnel cone; “awareness, desire, trial, purchase, loyalty” AND Ch.2 various concepts) e) Apply “social media community” concepts to cultivate collaboration with the target market segment (SMM Ch.3) PRODUCT/SERVICE STRATEGY -- Determine the main “benefit” provided by the DBA stakeholder and its future potential (“product/service”) a) Analyze the “products/services” provided using the ”needs, features, benefits” matrix (MP Ch.6, Ex. 6.3, 6.4) b) Evaluate the DBA stakeholder’s current stage of the “product/service life cycle” (introduction, growth, maturity, decline”) – including any expansions in “product lines/mixes”; e.g., transportation from horses to bikes to trains to buses/cars to light rail (MP Ch.6, Ex.6.5) c) Evaluate the “branding” and “positioning” of the DBA stakeholder as part of the DBA & alone (MP Ch.4, p.76 & Ch.6 Ex.6.8, & website link) d) Evaluate the use of “social media mix” zones to catalyze product/service benefits (SMM Ch.2, 8) PRICE STRATEGY -- Determine the main “cost outflows” and potential “revenue inflows” for the DBA stakeholder (“pricing”) a) Analyze the “total benefits versus total price” for the products/services provided (MP Ch.7, Ex.7.2) b) Identify the different types of “prices” that might actually support the DBA stakeholder (e.g., $, time, attention, participation, info., barter) c) Evaluate methods to “monetize” non-financial prices into money for financial revenues (e.g., attention & participation = sponsor $) d) Evaluate the use of “social media mix” zones to catalyze price inflows – financial and non-financial (SMM Ch.2, 8) PLACE STRATEGY – Determine the main channels/networks for delivering DBA stakeholder “value” (“placement/distribution”) a) Analyze the “value chain” & “value network” for the DBA stakeholder (MP Ch.7, Ex. 8.2 and website links) b) Identify the main “marketing channel members” to deliver the DBA stakeholder “value” (MP Ch.7, Ex.8.3) c) Evaluate the best distribution market coverage strategy – intensive, selective, exclusive (MP Ch.7, Ex.8.4) e) Evaluate the use of “social media mix” zones to catalyze value chain/network flows in the marketing channel (SMM Ch.2, 8) PROMOTION & IMC STRATEGY – Determine the best communication media and messages to stimulate market demand (“promotion”) a) Analyze the communication tools (promotion mix) used by the DBA stakeholder (MP Ch.9, Ex. 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, p.162-164) b) Evaluate the role of promotion mix tools on brand positioning (MP Ch.6, Ex. 6.8 “Brand Resonance Pyramid”, & website link) c) Evaluate the use of “social media mix” zones to catalyze communication/brand awareness and stimulate demand (SMM Ch.2, 8) C. Recommendations & Strategic Proposal Summary Review the analysis and evaluation section responses to summarize a combined marketing strategy to achieve the proposed DBA stakeholder direction and objectives 1. Target Market – segmentation profile 2. Product/Service Strategy – Main “benefits”, future PLC strategy (product mix), and brand positioning 3. Price Strategy – Main sources of financial and non-financial resource inflows and how to “monetize” them into financial assets 4. Place Strategy – Primary “value chain”/“value network”, the best marketing channel coverage strategy and the primary marketing channel members for delivering value 5. Promotion/IMC Strategy – Best “promotion mix” tools including social media and the method for maximizing their impact 6. Social Media Mix Zones – Ideal configuration to support strategic success 7. Ethics & Social Responsibility – Important considerations for balancing commercial objectives and community outcomes. 2