Part 3 1 EXERCISE 22 On 1 June 2011 the firm CPC from The Hague purchases a € 35,700 (including 19% VAT) delivery van for small deliveries. The purchase was made on credit. The monthly depreciation on the truck is 1.5% of the purchase price. In the ledger of CPC the following accounts are found: 003 Delivery van 110 Bank 140 Creditors 180 VAT reclaimable 433 Depreciation costs CPC draws up the profit and loss account on a monthly basis. a. b. Give all the journal entries resulting from the van purchase for June 2011. Draw up accounts 003 and 433 for 2001 (including the closure on 31 December 2001). EXERCISE 23 On the trial balance sheet as on 31 December 2010 of FSR from Rotterdam, the following accounts are seen, int. al.: Debit 001 Store premises € 1,446,000 002 Store equipment € 83,350 003 Vehicles € 108,750 401 Depreciation costs store premises € ………… 402 Depreciation costs store equipment € ………… 403 Depreciation costs vehicles € ………… Further information: - On the store premises every year 4% of the purchase price (€ 1,800,000) is depreciated. On the store equipment every year € 27,000 is depreciated. On 1 January 2009 the two cars were purchased for € 97,500 (VAT excluded) each. It was decided to depreciate the cars each month using equal amounts, where the amount is calculated on an expected 4 year durability and residual value of € 7,500 per car. The depreciation costs are booked monthly; for December 2010 the bookings still have to be made. In 2010 no purchases or sales of non-current assets were made. Questions: a. Calculate the balances on the accounts 401, 402 and 403, as on 1 December 2010. b. Give the journal entries for the depreciation costs of December 2010. c. Calculate the book value of the store premises, the store equipment and the vehicles as on 31 December 2010. 2 EXERCISE 24 On the trial balance as on 31 November 2011 of the industrial firm Forum the following is seen: 001 011 400 Cars Depreciation cars Depreciation costs cars Debit € 360,000 Credit € 144,000 € 79,200 The depreciation is 24% per year of the purchase price. The depreciation is booked monthly, and bookings up to November 2011 have been made. a. b. Journalize the depreciation costs for December 2011. Calculate the book value of the cars as at 31 December 2011. EXERCISE 25 Part A At founding on 1 January 2011, a company purchased a building for € 600,000. Present the journal entries at the end of the financial year 2011 for the depreciation of € 18,000, if: a. b. only the accounts ‘040 Buildings’ and ‘435 Depreciation costs buildings’ is used. next to the accounts of a. the account ‘015 Depreciation buildings’ is used. Part B On a trial balance sheet as on 1 December the following accounts are found (int. al.): 040 045 430 Buses Depreciation buses Depreciation costs buses Debit € 800,000 Credit €280,000 € 88,000 The depreciation costs are 12% of the purchase price of the buses, per year, but bookings are made monthly. a. b. c. How old are the buses on 1 December? Give the journal entry of the depreciation costs for December. This entry had not yet been made. What is the lifetime of the buses (in months)? There is no residual value. 3 Part C On 1 January 2011, the balance on the ledger account 020 Office equipment is € 175,000. The office equipment was originally purchased for € 250,000. It is decided to register the cumulative depreciation separately in the ledger on a (to be opened) account 025 Depreciation Office equipment. 1. 2. 3. Journalize the opening of the new account. The depreciation on the office equipment is 20% per year of the purchase price. There also is an account 4.. Depreciation costs office equipment. How old is the office equipment on 1 January 2011? Draw up the extended trial balance for the three accounts as on 31 December 2011. EXERCISE 26 On the trial balance as on 1 December 2011 of Paagman from The Hague, the following is seen: 001 011 400 900 Delivery truck Depreciation delivery trucks Depreciation costs delivery trucks Incidental returns € 196,000 (debit) € 88,000 (credit) € 40,400 (debit) The depreciation on the delivery trucks is booked monthly and amounts 2% of the purchase price of the trucks present on the first day of the month. At the end of December 2011 a new delivery truck is purchased. Paagman trades in one of the old trucks. The invoice shows: Price new delivery truck less: resale value old truck VAT 19% To be paid € € € 94,000 22,000 72,000 13,680 85,680 The old truck was originally purchased for € 64,000, excluding VAT, while the cumulative deprecation on 30 November 2011 was € 44,000. a. Journalize the depreciation costs for the month November 2011. b. Give the journal entry resulting from the mentioned trade. c. Calculate the values of the accounts 001 and 011 on the balance sheet of 31 December 2011. 4 EXERCISE 27 On the balance sheet as on 31 May 2011 of the firm Zevenheuvelen from Nijmegen the following assets are presented: 001 Buildings 011 Depreciation buildings € 5,760,000 € 605,000 € 5,155,000 002 Office equipment € 1,125,000 012 Depreciation office equipment € 416,250 € 708,750 005 Other non-current assets € 450,000 On a yearly basis 6% of purchase price of the buildings and 24% of the purchase price of the office equipment is depreciated. On the investments and divestments made during a month, half of the depreciation percentage is used. The other assets are linearly depreciated in five years. On the ledger account 005 Other noncurrent assets 40% has been depreciated as per 31 May 2011. Per 1 June 2011 the management of Zevenheuvelen decides to also register the cumulative depreciation on the Other non-current assets separately in the ledger. For this, the account ‘015 Depreciaton other assets’ is created. A B Give the journal entry needed for the change per 1 June 2011 so that the purchase price and the cumulative depreciation on other non-current assets can be registered separately. Give the journal entries for the depreciation on the different tangible non-current assets over June 2011. N.B. The following accounts are used: 431 Depreciation costs buildings 432 Depreciation costs office equipment 435 Depreciation costs other non-current assets 5 EXERCISE 28 At the industrial firm Knegt & co from ‘s Gravenhage invoices of purchased goods are received a short period of time after the receipt of the goods. This is why in the ledger of the firm the account 1.. Invoices receivable (or invoices to receive) is used. On 1 January 2012 the account balance is € 62,800 (Fixed Transfer Price).The sold goods and the invoices are sent to the supplier at the same time. On 31 January 2012 the administration includes the following book totals: 1 Warehouse receipts book € 416,000 FTP 2 Register received invoices € 440,000 purchase price excl. 19% VAT (FTP € 448,000) 3 Register sent invoices € 552,000 selling price excl. 19% VAT 4 Warehouse deliveries book € 432,000 FTP The following ledger accounts are in use: 1.. Creditors 1.. Debtors 1.. VAT reclaimable 1.. VAT payable 7.. Stock of goods 7.. Price differences 8.. Cost of goods sold 8.. Sales Of all sent invoices in the period the goods were delivered as well. Questions: a. Journalize the above book totals for Knegt & co. b. Calculate the balance of account 1.. Invoices receivable as on 31 January 2012. c. What account is complemented by the balance on account 1.. Invoices receivable? EXERCISE 29 In commercial enterprise DTD purchased goods are booked at the fixed transfer price on the ledger account 7.. Goods. Because the order in which the goods and invoices are received differs, the company uses the ledger accounts 1.. Invoices receivable (or Invoices to receive) against FTP and 7.. Goods receivable (or Goods to receive) against purchase prices. The sold goods and invoices to the customers are sent at the same time. For March 2011 the following facts have been registered: Purchases day book: Received invoices VAT 19% € 380,000 € 72,200 € 452,200 Warehouse receipts book: Received goods € 352,000 (FTP) 6 Sales day book Invoiced VAT 19% € 450,000 € 85,500 € 535,500 Warehouse deliveries book € 376,000 Synchronization register received invoices and goods Total FTP-value Total invoice value (or purchase price value) € 320,000 € 312,000 The administration includes a.o. the following ledger accounts: 1.. Creditors 1.. Debtors 1.. VAT reclaimable 1.. VAT payable 7.. Stock of goods 7.. Price discrepancies 8.. Cost of goods sold 8.. Sales Present the journal entries resulting from the mentioned facts. EXERCISE 30 In the ledger of company Dre Hazes from Vinkeveen the following accounts are seen (int. al.): 1.. Invoices receivable 1.. Debtors 1.. Creditors 1.. VAT reclaimable 1.. VAT payable 7.. Stock of goods 7.. Goods receivable 7.. Price discrepancies purchases 8.. Cost of goods sold 8.. Sales € 228,000 (credit) € 768,000 € 96,000 (debit) € 9,000 The receipt of the invoices is journalized against the invoice price, using the information from the Register received invoices. The receipt of goods in the warehouse is booked against the FTP, using the information from the Register received goods. At the end of each month discrepancies between the invoice price and the FTP, for all batches where both the goods and the invoices have been received in that month, are booked on account 7..Price discrepancies purchases. 7 In the Register sent invoices both the amounts on the outbound invoices and the amounts converted to FTP are registered. All batches that are invoiced in a certain month are delivered in the same month (meaning: invoices and goods are sent to customers at the same time). Account for 19% VAT. For January 2012 the following information has been collected: 1. 2. 3. 4. Total amount invoices, including VAT, according to the Register received invoices: € 380,800. Total amount invoices, including VAT, according to the Register sent invoices: € 714,000. The FTP value of the invoiced, and also delivered goods is € 480,000. The Register received goods totals € 340,000. Synchronization of purchases: Invoice price of batches for which the invoices and the goods have been received € 308,000 excl. VAT. The FTP of the batches is € 488,000. Synchronization of the Register received goods and the Register received invoices at the end of January gives that: Invoice price of batches of which invoices and goods have been received: € 308,000 excl VAT. The FTP of these batches is € 488,000. (The information from the Synchronization can also be given as follows: “Synchronization of the Register received goods and the Register received invoices at the end of January gives that: i) from several received invoices the goods have not been received, for a total invoice amount (excluding VAT) of € 108,000, and ii) from several received goods the invoices have not been received, for a total amount (FTP) of € 80,000.” Questions: 1 Journalize the facts from point 1, 2 and 3, for Dre Hazes over January 2012. 2 Journalize the synchronization for January 2012. 3 Draw up the ledger accounts 1.. Invoices receivable and 7.. Goods receivable, using the January 2012 journal entries from question 1. EXERCISE 31 In the ledger of WASNEEPLUS from Varsseveld the following accounts are found: 1.. Delivered goods 1.. Invoices receivable against FTP (= standard purchase price) invoice price 7.. Stock of goods 7.. Goods receivable against invoice price (= purchase price) 7.. Price discrepancies purchases 7.. Goods deliverable (or goods to deliver) 8 The financial facts for January 2012 are as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Invoices received from suppliers against purchase price € 160,000 excl VAT. Goods received from suppliers against FTP € 165,000. Invoices sent to customers against a selling price of € 340,000 excl VAT. The FTP is € 260,000. Goods sent to customers with a FTP of € 220,000. Synchronization of purchases: Invoice price of batches of which invoices and goods have been received: € 151,000 excl VAT. The FTP of these batches is € 158,000. Synchronization of sales: The FTP of the batches of which the invoices and goods have been sent: € 125,000. Question: Give the journal entries for WASNEEPLUS and account, when necessary, for 19% VAT. EXERCISE 32 Since the beginning of 2005 enterprise Tolkamp from Amstelveen rents and uses a warehouse from the firm PEEBEE Real Estate. On 1 November 2012 Tolkamp buys the warehouse from PEEBEE for € 900,000, buyer’s closing costs (the buyer pays the closing costs, like the transfer tax and the cadastral rights) . The transfer tax is 6% of the purchase price. The cadastral rights are € 5,800. On 1 July 2012 Tolkamp paid € 30,000 to PEEBEE Real Estate. This was the rent for the period 1 July – 31 December 2012. After correcting for the rent paid in advance, the amount owed is paid by bank on 1 November. What journal entry for this payment is made by Tolkamp? A B C Buildings Cadastral rights Transitoria To Bank Buildings Transitoria To Bank Buildings To Transitoria To Bank € 954,000 € 5,800 € 10,000 € 969,800 € 959,800 € 10,000 € 969,800 € 959,800 € 10,000 € 949,800 CASE related to questions 2-3 From the beginning of 2005 company BENBO NV from Amstelveen has rented a warehouse to PEEBEE Real Estate. On 1 November 2012 BENBO NV sells the warehouse, with the closing costs for the buyer, to PEEBEE for € 900,000. BENBO uses an account ‘Buildings’ that is kept against purchase prices. At the moment of the sale, the book value of the warehouse is € 800,000, which is 80% of the purchase price. The transfer tax is € 54,000. The cadastral rights are € 5,800. On 1 July 2012 BENBO received € 30,000 in rental payments 9 from PEEBEE Real Estate, regarding the period 1 July – 31 December 2012. After correcting for the rent received in advance, the amount owed is received, by bank, by BENBO on 1 November. 2 What is the correct journal entry for BENBO NV, regarding this sale? A B C 3 Bank Rent paid in advance To Buildings To Incidental returns Bank Depreciation costs Rental revenues To Buildings To Incidental returns Bank Depreciation buildings Rent received in advance To Buildings To Incidental returns € 890,000 € 10,000 € 800,000 € 100,000 € 890,000 € 200,000 € 10,000 € 1,000,000 € 100,000 € 890,000 € 200,000 € 10,000 € 1,000,000 € 100,000 With what amount will the ledger account ‘Buildings’ change following the journal entry PEEBEE makes for this sale? A B C € 949,800 € 959,800 € 969,800 End of Case 4 For the firm S. Stevin the following partial trial balance as on 31 December 2011 is given: Account nr 011 012 450 980 Account name Machines Depreciation machines Depreciation costs Miscellaneous revenues and expenses Debit Credit € 5,504,000 € 2,842,440 € 2,607 On 31 December 2011 machines with a purchase price of € 500,000 are discarded. The discarded machines have no value for the firm. The book value of the machines was € 54,000. 10 The booking for the discarding of the machines is: A B C 5 Miscellaneous revenues and expenses To Machines Depreciation costs Deprecation machines To Machines Miscellaneous revenues and expenses Depreciation machines To Machines € 54,000 € 54,000 € 54,000 € 446,000 € 500,000 € 54,000 € 446,000 € 500,000 For the firm IDAV the following partial trial balance sheet as on 31 December 2011 is given: Account nr 020 021 Account name Cars Depreciation cars Debit ………. Credit € 35,000 Every year 25% of the Cars’ book value as on 1 January is depreciated. On 31 December 2011 the cars are 2 years old. The depreciations for 2011 have been booked and are processed in the trial balance sheet of 31 December 2011. The journal entry for the depreciation of the cars in 2011 is: A B C Depreciation costs To Depreciation cars Depreciation costs To Depreciation cars Depreciation costs To Depreciation cars € 20,000 € 20,000 € 17,500 € 17,500 € 15,000 € 15,000 6 On 1 March 2011 a car, purchased in 2005 for € 51,600, is replaced. The purchase price of the new car was € 70,800. The old car was traded in for € 8,000. The payment by bank of € 62,800 (€ 70,800 – € 8,000) is debited on the account Cars. The ledger account Cars is kept against book value. Every year, regardless of the purchase date, 20% of the Cars’ purchase price is depreciated, until the residual value is zero. Taxes are ignored. The journal entry to correct the wrong journal entry of this trade is: A Cars To Incidental revenues and expenses Depreciation cars To Cars To Incidental revenues and expenses Depreciation cars Cars To Bank To Incidental revenues and expenses B C € 8,000 € 8,000 € 51,600 € 43,600 € 8,000 € 51,600 € 19,200 € 62,800 € 8,000 11 CASE related to questions 7-9 For a firm the following partial trial balance is given: Buildings Office equipment Vehicles 31 December 2011 € 900,000 € 130,000 € 212,000 31 December 2012 € 870,000 € 145,000 € 174,000 The depreciation costs of the non-current assets in 2012 are € 135,000. The buildings were purchased for € 1,290,000. After this no investments in buildings have been made. The buildings are linearly depreciated in 40 years, with a residual value of € 90,000. On the office equipment € 26,000 was depreciated in 2012. In 2012 no office equipment or vehicles were sold. 7 When were the buildings purchased? A B C 8 What amount was invested in the other non-current assets in 2012? A B C 9 1 January 1998 1 January 1999 1 January 2000 € 23,000 € 41,000 € 82,000 What is the journal entry for the monthly depreciation costs in 2012? A B C Depreciation costs To Depreciation buildings To Depreciation office equipment To Depreciation vehicles Depreciation costs To Buildings To Office equipment To Vehicles Depreciation costs To Depreciation non-current assets End of case 10 In the ledger of the firm Pieter the account ‘Purchases’ is found. On the balance date the account has a debit balance of € 16,000. This account can be substituted by: A Goods to receive B Invoices to receive C Goods 12 11 On the trial balance as on 31 December 2012 of the firm HAJEE, the following accounts are found: Goods against standard purchase price € 44,000 (Debit) Price discrepancies purchases € 6,500 (Credit) Result price discrepancies The account ‘Price discrepancies purchases’ is a non-permanent account. The invoice price of the goods present on 31 December 2012 is € 42,000. What preceding journal entry must HAJEE make? A Price discrepancies purchases To Result price discrepancies B Price discrepancies purchases To Result price discrepancies C Price discrepancies purchases To Result price discrepancies € 2,000 € 2,000 € 4,500 € 4,500 € 8,500 € 8,500 13