Agreement Between Greenville Technical College

Memorandum of Agreement
Greenville Technical College
and the Charter High Schools (Greenville Technical Charter High School,
Brashier Middle College Charter High School and Greer Middle College Charter High School)
Early College Courses
Commencing Academic Year 2014 - 2014
Greenville Technical College (hereinafter referred to as the “College”) and Greenville Technical
Charter High School (GTCHS), Brashier Middle College Charter High School (BMCCHS), and Greer
Middle College Charter High School (GMCCHS), (hereinafter referred to as the “Charter School(s)”)
will cooperate in offering dual credit courses via the College’s Early College Program for the school’s
qualifying junior and senior grade level students. The Early College program is designed to offer
students the opportunity to take college classes while concurrently enrolled in high school classes
offered at the Charter Schools. Early College courses also help meet high school academic goals as
well as objectives outlined in the State’s Education and Economic Development Act of 2005.
The following provisions will guide the offering of the Early College Program:
1) Enrollment in regular College courses will be open to qualified students attending Charter Schools.
Students will be eligible for Early College participation based on the necessary course
requirements that include: minimum age, placement test scores or SAT/ACT assessment results,
and course prerequisites as outlined in the College’s admissions policies or the Student Exception
policy (stated in State Tech Policy 3-2-100) as applicable.
a) The Student Exception policy approval will be included in the Memorandum to include the
i) Eligible high school sophomores may take a maximum of 2 college courses per semester
ii) Eligible high school juniors may take a maximum of 3 college courses per semester
iii) Eligible high school seniors may take a maximum of 4 college courses per semester
b) High school English 3 must be completed with a grade of “C” or better to be eligible for
college level ENG 101 or higher.
2) Students will be considered dually enrolled at the Charter Schools and the College. Students will
complete the College’s Early College enrollment form, including parent/guardian’s signature,
school counselor’s signature, and attached unofficial high school transcript. These students will
meet the same entry requirements as college students taking the same courses.
3) Students must complete a Declaration of Legal Presence form, as required by the SC Illegal
Immigration Reform Act of 2008. This Act states that all individuals enrolling in courses of public
institutions of higher learning (e.g., Greenville Technical College) are required to prove that they
are either a legal permanent resident in the U.S. or a lawfully present alien in the U.S.
4) Charter School students attending regular College classes will be treated as college students and
will be interacting with College students also attending these courses.
5) If the College class is conducted in the Charter School facility and taught by a Charter School
teacher some differences apply as noted in Academics/Class Operations and Fees/Related
Expenses below.
6) In order for an Early College course to be offered in the Charter School exclusively for Charter
School students, at least 12 students must be enrolled in the course.
Academics/Class Operations:
1. For College classes being held on Charter School premises, students will be subject to all rules and
regulations of Charter School and will be referred to the appropriate school administrator for all
disciplinary and attendance problems.
2. The College will be responsible for providing the faculty necessary to teach the required course.
3. BMCCHS, GTCHS, and GMCCHS may provide SACS qualified instructors for college courses
such as but not limited to CPT 170, MAT 140, MAT 141 as approved by the college. These classes
would be conducted as a college course and would be a mixed student population of regular GTC
students and Early College students.
4. The College will be responsible for ensuring the instructors for all Early College courses meet all
Southern Association for Colleges and Schools faculty qualifications for teaching College courses
offered in the Charter School.
a. Every college instructor is required to complete a GTC orientation regardless of their
primary place of employment. This orientation is typically scheduled and conducted in
mid to late August.
b. If the instructor for Early College courses taught in the Charter School is selected and
paid by GTC, a separate orientation to the Charter School will be done prior to the class
start date.
5. The instructor will be responsible for following all College curriculum, faculty rules, regulations
and procedures. Courses offered will only include those listed by the Commission on Higher
Education. The GTC Department Head is responsible for the college course(s) taught in the Charter
6. The instructor must ensure that rosters from both institutions match for the purpose of reporting
and record keeping. The instructor will submit all required paperwork, including grade rosters, in a
timely manner. The grade rosters will also be shared with the high school guidance counselor
and/or principal. The GTC Department Head responsible for the course is responsible for courses
taught in the Charter School are being conducted to these standards.
7. Upon successful completion of an Early College course, students will be awarded appropriate
college credits for the course.
8. On occasions when the Early College teacher may not be able to attend class at the designated
location, the College will notify the school administration; based on previously determined plans
the school administration will implement plans to ensure students are appropriately engaged during
the scheduled class period.
9. As partners in education, teachers employed by the College in the Early College Program will
agree to participate in appropriate school functions, including parent conferences, faculty meetings
and Open House events.
10. All Early College courses will be offered according to the College calendar. Coverage of classes
during any college holidays or days occurring after the college term has ended will be managed by
the school administration based on previously determined plans.
11. As partners in education, the participating Charter School will provide the Early College Instructor
with a designated classroom, which shall be uninterrupted during class times, as well as computer
and mail access.
12. The College’s Office of Disabilities Services will be notified of any student taking an Early
College class who has a current/valid IEP from the high school.
13. Each high school student will be required to access the college’s Learning Management System
(LMS) – Blackboard, in order to participate in the college class.
Fees/Related Expenses:
1. The Charter School students will not be charged tuition including students participating in the
Middle College National Consortium 13th year Associate’s Degree agreement. The exception are
students taking a full load (12 SCH or more) who drop a class. They will be financially liable for
dropped courses.
2. Students desiring to take classes in the summer semester will be required to pay $40.00 per SCH
and books. Classes conducted in the summer are conducted using the College’s instructors.
3. The College does not purchase textbooks or publisher’s access codes for Early College courses
offered at Charter Schools. When Charter Schools provide the instructor for the class, this may be
4. The College does not purchase course supplies for Early College courses offered at Charter
Schools. When Charter Schools provide the instructor for class, this may be negotiated.
5. Grants and scholarships will be sought by the College and Charter Schools in order to avoid any
student being denied participation based on financial need.
6. Charter Schools will be required to assist the College in completing FAFSA waiver forms for all
students so that the College can access LTA for the students.
7. Early College students are not counted toward the college’s FTE funding.
8. The College’s application, technology, and student fees are waived for Early College students.
This agreement will be considered current and valid until the College and the Charter Schools choose
to revise or terminate it. Thirty (30) days written notice is required by either side to revise or terminate
the agreement. However such notice will not take effect until the academic term in progress is
____________________ Date: __________
Lenna Young
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Greenville Technical College
____________________ Date: __________
Keith Miller
Greenville Technical College
_______________________ Date: __________
Dr. Brodie Bricker
Principal, Greenville College Charter High
Dr. Bob Nash
Chair, GCCHS Board of Directors
_______________________ Date: __________
Michael Sinclair
Principal, Brashier Middle College Charter
High School
Teresa Cron
Chair, BMCCHS Board of Directors
_______________________ Date:___________
Jimmy Armstrong
Interim Principal, Greer Middle College Charter
High School
David Atchley
Interim Executive Director, GMCCHS
Dr. Tracy Kramer
Chair, GMCCHS Board of Directors