Arts and Sciences Division Developmental Studies MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra Syllabus ◊ Summer 2014 Course Description: This course includes the study of linear systems and applications; quadratic expressions, equations, functions and graphs; and rational and radical expressions and functions. Purpose and Prerequisites: MAT 102 serves as the prerequisite course for MAT 103, MAT 109, MAT 110, MAT 120, MAT 122, MAT 211 and MAT 215. This course does not provide college-transfer credit. Registration for MAT 102 requires ASSET score of ALGE 50-55 or ALGI 41-48 or ALGC 35-37; or COMPASS test score of ALGE 53-100; ALEKS1 score; SAT Math score 480; ACT Math score 19; or completion of MAT 101 with a grade of C or better. Semester Credit Hours: 3.0 (non-credit) Learning Outcomes: The student satisfactorily completing MAT 102 should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Solve linear, quadratic, rational, and radical equations. Solve compound and absolute value linear inequalities. Solve systems of two linear inequalities. Perform various algebraic procedures, such as factoring and simplifying, and arithmetic operations with polynomial, rational, radical expressions and imaginary numbers. 5. Graph linear, quadratic, and radical functions 6. Solve application problems involving the procedures and techniques detailed above. Required Learning Resources (Textbooks/Materials/Online): Text: Wright, D. Franklin. Developmental Mathematics. Charleston, SC: Hawkes Learning Systems, 2011. Software: Hawkes Learning Systems Other: TI-30XS (Multiview) scientific calculator -To fully participate in the online classroom, students will need to have a headset with a built-in microphone. Students can attend these sessions without using a microphone/headset; however, they will need to listen to the instructor through speakers and ask questions in a chat window. Blackboard & GTC gmail: Blackboard will be used to access online documents (syllabus, course outline), resources and announce assignments and tests in coordination with the Hawkes Learning System. GTC gmail will be used to communicate important course information. Students should regularly access both Blackboard and GTC gmail to keep up to date with course announcements and assignments. MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra Course Syllabus page 2 Course Requirements and Evaluation: Course Outline/Schedule: A course outline/schedule will be provided that identifies specific topics covered with corresponding due dates for all graded assignments (homework, discussions, unit tests, and final exam). Grading Scheme: This course will have the following types of assignment/assessments and final grades will be weighted as listed. Homework 20% (Hawkes certification) Unit tests 45% (4 @ 11.25%) Unit 2 Test must be taken at the Distance Testing Center Final Exam 30% Final Exam must be taken at the Distance Testing Center Discussions 5% Blackboard Discussions Grades: A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: 0-59% There will be no extra credit given in this class and no curving of grades. Your final grade will be the grade that you earned in the class and should reflect your knowledge of the material. If this course is required as a prerequisite to another math course, you must receive a final grade of C or higher to proceed to the next course. Unit Tests: Unit tests will be done online using the Hawkes Learning System software. Two attempts will be allowed for each Unit Test 1, 3 and 4. If you choose to take a test the 2nd time, the two scores will be averaged. Therefore it is recommended that you be well prepared on the first attempt. The Unit 2 Test will be taken on Hawkes at the Distance Testing Center. Work will be shown on a supplied handout and will be required to be submitted with the Unit 2 Test to receive any partial credit. Only one attempt allowed. If you cannot complete a test by the testing dates scheduled, the test will be considered a missed test. A single missed test will be replaced by the final exam. Other missed tests will receive a grade of zero. If you take all unit tests, your lowest score will be replaced by the final exam score (if it is higher). Final Exam (and Unit 2 test): The final exam and Unit 2 test will be given at the Greenville Tech Testing Center, or the student can obtain an approved proctor at an alternate testing site. If you qualify for an off-site proctor, you must submit your request to the Distance Learning Testing Center within 2 weeks of the beginning of this course to have sufficient time to approve and secure a proctor. Use this Testing Center link to check on the location, hours of operation, and policies. Tests are taken according to the Course Outline dates. It will be the student's responsibility to arrive with enough time to complete the exam. A student WILL NOT be allowed to enter the testing center or begin an exam with less than 1 hour before closing time. A picture ID must be presented when testing. DO NOT bring cell phones, radios, etc. into the testing center; they are not allowed. Do remember to bring your TI-30XS Mulitview calculator, your access code for Hawkes (written on a note card) and know your instructor’s name and your course and section number. If documentation from Student Disability Services has indicated accommodations for a student, the student is responsible for providing the instructor with this written documentation prior to taking Test 2. You must take the final exam to pass this course. The final exam will be comprehensive paper and pencil test and cannot be exempted. The final exam score may be used to replace a lower grade. MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra Course Syllabus page 3 Registering into and using HLS: New students using Hawkes Learning System should view the video in Blackboard on how to load HLS on your computer and how to register into your HLS class. There is also a document posted on BlackBoard with written step-by-step directions that can be used. A returning student who has used HLS in a previous semester should log into HLS, and at the Progress Report page click on the button labeled Transfer. The new instructor’s name will be needed as well as the course and section number to transfer yourself into the new section. Homework & Certification: Homework will be done online using the Hawkes Learning System software. In this software you will study, practice and “certify” on each topic covered in this class. To complete each assignment you must demonstrate your mastery by passing the certification quiz at 80%. This will earn you 100% on your homework assignment. Per the Course Outline, all assignments are due by 11:59 pm Sunday night. If you submit assignments late, you may still receive partial credit for the first 5 days after each due date, but there will be a late penalty of 10% per day subtracted from your score. Any assignments completed after the late period will be recorded at 50%. Your 3 lowest homework assignment grades will be dropped. Discussions in Blackboard: Students will contribute to discussion postings about every 2 weeks. Due dates for discussions are listed on the Course Outline. In order to obtain full credit (five percentage points of overall grade), respond to the discussion entirely and be mindful of grammar. Attendance: In order to be counted present, you must “attend” the class at least once a week. A student will be counted present if they: - complete/certify in at least one assignment in Hawkes, - take a unit test, or - are up-to-date on all assignments having already worked ahead per Course Outline A student may be withdrawn from the course if they are absent for two weeks of class AND have an average below 70%. Partial Credit Rubric: Where partial credit is available on a test or exam, the following rubric will be used to award points for solutions.* (0%) 1 Non-responsive Preliminary Solution is Solution is incorrect incorrect and no or incomplete. The work is shown. work shown contains little or no evidence of understanding of key concept(s) and contains multiple major errors. 2 Beginning Work shown contains evidence of understanding the key concept or concepts, but work contains multiple errors. 3 4 Developing Exemplary Solution is correct and work shown clearly exhibits use of key concept(s) and steps, but contains minor/ careless errors. Solution is correct and work shown effectively uses key concept(s) and appropriate steps with no errors evident. * This rubric can be applied to questions of any point value. Two common examples follow: 4 point questions 5 point questions 1 Preliminary 1 pt (25%) 1-2 pts (40%) 2 Beginning 2 pts (50%) 3 pts (60%) 3 Developing 3 pts (75%) 4 pts (80%) 4 Exemplary 4 pts (100%) 5 pts (100%) MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra Course Syllabus page 4 How to Succeed in this Online Class: A Checklist Ensure that you have daily access to: o A computer with reliable internet access (Note: iPads and smartphones are insufficient for completing this online course) Read your emails and check in on Blackboard regularly. o Your instructor will send out communications to the class via your GTC gmail account. o Announcements, assignments and grades will be posted to Blackboard periodically. Make sure to login and participate in the online class regularly – Attendance is required on a weekly basis (at a minimum). Attendance begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Attendance means you do the following: o Complete all assignments due in Blackboard; o Complete all assignments due in the Online Learning Software; o Complete all assignments on or before the due date listed to receive full credit. o Note: If you are absent from this online class for 2 weeks AND have less than a 70 average, you may be administratively withdrawn from the class. Have your book and materials available as you work (pens, calculator, etc.). Participate in class discussions. As you communicate: o Please be respectful and productive. o Communicate clearly and properly online (e.g. don’t use text abbreviations (txt, lol, IDK), don’t YELL (by using all CAPs), etc.) o Make comments that focus on the issue (do not insult anyone) Read your textbook and study the problems and examples it provides. Do your homework/assignments. o Plan on spending at least 9 hours working on this class (including viewing online materials, completing assignments, reading and studying your textbook, working on the online learning software, etc.). o Use HLS Software and Help features and practice opportunities to master each topic. If you need computer access or assistance o Blackboard & GTC Gmail: Access through GTC4me ( Technical Support at: phone: 250-8226 (or toll free: 855-241-8226) or email: o Hawkes Learning Systems: Access through software purchased with text (download to/use from your computer or GTC labs). Get help and Technical Support at: or phone: 800/426-9538. o Go to The ASPIRE Learning Zone (ALZ, 104-357, Barton Campus, The ALZ serves as the learning and support center for students enrolled in Developmental Studies courses and provides access to computers and help with Online Learning Software. Ask for help. o As soon as you have problems - Don’t wait until it is too late to recover from these problems as you might miss your chance for doing well in (or passing) the course. o Contact your instructor online or request an appointment (see the instructor information in Bb). o Use a tutor - Free tutoring services are available at GTC, both through the ALZ on the Barton campus and Tutoring Central at all campuses (Barton, Brashier, Greer, and Northwest ( o Contact an Academic Coach – An Academic Coach is available to assist students with learning success strategies such as: study skills, time management, and accessing campus MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra o o o Course Syllabus page 5 resources. Students may connect with an Academic Coach by visiting the Academic Coaching office at their campus or by emailing: Check your Starfish alerts on Blackboard and follow-up. Go to the Math or Writing Center (see locations at each campus and schedules at: Visit the Student Disability Services if you were in Resources or a Special Education program (IEP/504 Plan) in high school or have a disability to see if you are eligible for their services Location: SC 105-115 Contacts: phone: 250-8202; email at: Additional information on these and other support programs can be found by visiting the Success Network information area located within Starfish. Course Content Section(s) 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Topic(s) Review Factoring GCF and Factor by grouping Review Factoring of Trinomials: x² + bx + c Factoring Trinomials: ax² + bx +c Special Factoring Techniques Additional Factoring Practice Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Applications Review for Test 1 Test 1 (Sections 12.1 thru 12.7) Ch. 2 Review of Fractions Rational Expressions Multiplication and Division with Rational Expressions Addition and Subtraction with Rational Expressions Complex Fractions Solving Equations with Rational Expressions Applications involving Rational Expressions Variation Review for Test 2 Test 2 (Sections 13.1 thru 13.6) taken on campus in the Testing Center Roots and Radicals Simplifying Radicals Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication with Radicals Rationalizing Denominators (refer to supplemental textbook material in Blackboard for examples of radicals with indexes higher than 2) Equations with Radicals Rational Exponents Functions with Radicals; Graphing; Worksheet Assignment posted on Blackboard MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra A.8, A.9 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 A.10 15.5 A.4b A.6 Course Syllabus page 6 Review for Test 3 Test 3 (Chapter 14) Complex Numbers Quadratic Equations: The Square Root Method Quadratic Equations: Completing the Square Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula Applications Equations in Quadratic Form (refer to supplemental textbook material in Blackboard) Quadratic Functions; Worksheet Assignment posted on Blackboard Review for Test 4 Test 4 (Sections 15.1 through 15.5, A.8, A.9, & A.10) Absolute Value Inequalities Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities Review for Final Exam Comprehensive Final Exam Greenville Tech Policies and Learning Resources Greenville Tech has policies and learning resources that have been developed and designed to help learners succeed. The following documents include information and guidelines for how to access resources and complete information on time. It is important that you read through them, understand your opportunities and your responsibilities and make the most of the supportive learning environment that has been designed with your success in mind. Developmental Studies Department Policies (linked through Blackboard Course Content) Arts & Sciences Division Policies (linked through Blackboard Course Content) Important Dates Summer 2014 May 19 May 26 June 30 – July 4 July 11 Aug 4 Aug 6 or 7 Classes Begin (M) Holiday – Memorial Day (M) Summer Break Last Day to Withdraw from Full Term (F) Last Day of Class (M) Exams (W or R) Link to Complete List of Important Dates for the Academic Year. MAT 102 Online Intermediate Algebra Course Syllabus page 7 College - Wide General Education Outcomes Communication Students will demonstrate the ability to use active reading and listening skills and to produce effective written and oral communication for varying audiences. Information Technology and Technological Literacy Students will demonstrate competency in using computer technology within a field of study. Critical Thinking/Reasoning Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the scientific method, mathematical processes, and research skills to analyze and solve problems/issues by using reflection and reasoning to justify conclusions. Professionalism and Personal Responsibility Students will demonstrate the ability to exhibit conduct, attitudes, and etiquette appropriate to the student’s community and chosen career. Students will demonstrate the ability to manage time, to use effective interpersonal skills, and to display responsible behavior. Diversity Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize diversity and to demonstrate respectful conduct and attitudes toward all. Students will demonstrate the ability to explain how global issues impact life, work, and opportunities.