MAT 032 Syllabus (new window)

Arts and Sciences Division
Developmental Studies
MAT 032
Developmental Math
Course Description: This course includes a review of arithmetic skills, measurement, geometry,
and data analysis. The course will focus on the study of basic algebra concepts. Application skills
are emphasized.
Purpose and Prerequisites: MAT 032 is designed to teach and strengthen basic math skills in
preparation for MAT 101, MAT 155 or MAT 170. Registration for MAT 101, 155 and 170 requires
passing MAT 032 with a grade of C (70%) or higher or appropriate placement scores (Compass/Asset).
Students may also elect to take MAT 032 as a refresher course. MAT 032 credit does not transfer to
other colleges and the course may not be counted as credit toward any degree.
Semester Credit Hours: 3.0 (non-transferable credits)
Learning Outcomes: During the course, students will demonstrate:
1. Recognize relationships among real numbers and write numbers in equivalent forms.
2. Apply the order of operations and evaluate expressions.
3. Simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations.
4. Use a table of values to plot points and graph lines.
5. Analyze and solve real world applications.
6. Effectively use a calculator.
Required Learning Resources (Textbooks/Materials/Online):
Wright, D. Franklin. Developmental Mathematics. Charleston, SC: Hawkes
Learning Systems, 2011.
Software: Hawkes Learning Systems
TI-30XS (Multiview) scientific calculator
Blackboard & GTC Gmail: Blackboard will be used to access online documents (syllabus, course
outline), resources and announce assignments and tests in coordination with the Hawkes Learning
System. GTC Gmail will be used to communicate important course information. Students should
regularly access both Blackboard and GTC Gmail to keep up to date with course announcements and
MAT 032 Developmental Math
Course Syllabus
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Course Requirements and Evaluation:
Course Outline/Schedule: A course outline/schedule will be provided that identifies specific topics
covered and assignments/assessments (test/quizzes) due dates across the semester.
Grading Scheme: This course will have the following types of assignment/assessments and final
grades will be weighted as listed.
Homework/Quizzes (Hawkes Certification) 20%
Unit Tests
(4 @ 11.25%)
Final Exam
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 0-59%
There will be no extra credit given in this class and no curving of grades. Your final grade will be
the grade that you earned in the class and should reflect your knowledge of the material.
If this course is required as a prerequisite to another math course, you must receive a final grade
of C or higher to proceed to the next course.
Homework/Quizzes (Hawkes Certification):
Hawkes Certification will be done as homework using the online Hawkes Learning System
software. In this software you will study, practice and “certify” on each topic covered in this class.
To complete each assignment you must demonstrate your mastery by passing the certification
quiz at 80%. This will earn you 100%.
Each Hawkes assignment for a class will be due at the beginning of the next class period. If you
submit assignments late, you may still receive partial credit however there will be a late penalty of
10% per day subtracted from your score. After 5 days, you will receive 50% for a mastered
assignment or a zero for any incomplete assignment. Because of the time needed to install and
learn to use the Hawkes software, your first week’s assignments will be due at the beginning of the
first class period of the second week.
Your 3 lowest Hawkes certification grades will be dropped.
Activities: Consistent participation in class activities, problem-solving practice, group work, in-class
quizzes, discussions, and application experiences is a central part of your learning experience.
Unit Tests: You cannot make up a missed test, but one missed test score may be replaced by the
final exam score. Other missed tests will receive a grade of zero.
Final Exam: You must take the final exam to pass this course. The final exam will be comprehensive
and cannot be exempted. The final exam score may be used to replace a lower grade.
Partial Credit Rubric: Where partial credit is available on a test or exam, the following rubric will be
used to award points for solutions.*
0 (0%)
1 (25%)
Solution is
Solution is incorrect
incorrect and no or incomplete. The
work is shown.
work shown contains
little or no evidence of
understanding of key
concept(s) and
contains multiple
major errors.
2 (50%)
Work shown
contains evidence
of understanding
the key concept or
concepts, but work
contains multiple
3 (75%)
Solution is correct
and work shown
clearly exhibits use
of key concept(s)
and steps, but
contains minor/
careless errors.
4 (100%)
Solution is correct and
work shown effectively
uses key concept(s)
and appropriate steps
with no errors evident.
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Course Syllabus
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How to Succeed in this Class: A Checklist
 Read your emails and check in on Blackboard regularly.
o Your instructor will send out communications to the class via your GTC Gmail account.
o Announcements, assignments and grades will be posted to Blackboard periodically.
 Attend every class.
o If you miss a class, YOU are responsible for learning the material you missed. Read the
book, work the homework and learn the material before coming back for the next class.
o Note: If you miss more than 10% of class sessions AND have less than a 70 average, you
may be administratively withdrawn from the class.
 Be on time and don’t leave early.
o If you must leave early, inform your instructor before class.
o You must be in class for at least half the class to be counted present for the day.
 Bring your book and calculator to class.
 Participate in class activities, problem-solving and discussions.
 Stay focused on the class from beginning to end.
o Do not pack up early.
o Turn off your cell phone and iPod and put any other distractions away. It is important for you
to be focused on math (and nothing else) while in the classroom – It will help you learn.
Read your textbook and study the problems and examples it provides.
 Do your homework/assignments.
o As with all college classes, plan on doing at least 2 hours of study outside class for every hour
spent in class.
o Use Hawkes Learning System Help features and practice opportunities to master each topic.
o Homework is a required part of your learning and you need your homework scores to pass this
class – so make this a regular part of your study plan.
 Ask for help.
o As soon as you have problems - Don’t wait until it is too late to recover from these problems
as you might miss your chance for doing well in (or passing) the course.
o Visit the Student Disability Services if you were in Resources or a Special Education program
(IEP/504 Plan) in high school or have a disability (physical or mental), to see if you are eligible for their
services Location: SC 105-115 Contacts: phone: 250-8202; email at:
o See your instructor before/after class or come by his/her office.
o Go to the ASPIRE Learning Zone (ALZ, 104-357, Barton Campus,
o Go to the Math Center (see locations at each campus and schedules at: ).
o Use a tutor - Free tutoring services are available at GTC, both through the ALZ on the Barton
campus and Tutoring Central at all campuses.
o Contact Your Academic Coach – An Academic Coach will be associated with this
course. The Academic Coach is available to assist students with learning success strategies
such as: study skills, time management, and accessing campus resources. Students may
connect with their Academic Coach through the ASPIRE Learning Zone (104-357). The ALZ
serves as the learning and support center for all Developmental Studies Students.
o Check your Starfish alerts on Blackboard and follow-up.
Additional information on these support programs with schedules and locations can be found at
the GTC website under the ALZ ( Central
( and the Learning Center (
MAT 032 Developmental Math
Course Syllabus
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Course Content
Unit 1: Signed Numbers, Order of Operations & Expressions
Real Number Line, Inequalities and Absolute Value
Addition, Subtraction Multiplication and Division with Real Numbers
Order of Operations with Real Numbers
Properties of Real Numbers
Variables and Algebraic Expressions
Simplifying and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Translating English Phrases and Algebraic Expressions
Unit 2: Solving Equations
Solving Linear Equations
The Cartesian Coordinate System
Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
The Slope-Intercept Form (y = mx + b)
Unit 3: Application Problem Solving
Decimal Numbers and Percents
Applications: Percent Problems; Profit and Simple Interest; Number Problems and Consecutive Integers
Ratios and Proportions
Applications: Solving Proportions; Similar Triangles
Unit 4: Data, Measurement & Geometry
Reading Graphs
Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
Measurement: U.S. Measurements; The Metric System; U.S. to Metric Conversions (temperature)
Perimeter, Area and Volume
Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
Greenville Tech Policies and Learning Resources
Greenville Tech has policies and learning resources that have been developed and designed to
help learners succeed. The following documents include information and guidelines for how to
access resources and complete information on time. It is important that you read through them,
understand your opportunities and your responsibilities and make the most of the supportive
learning environment that has been designed with your success in mind.
Developmental Studies Department Policies
(linked through Blackboard Course Content)
Arts & Sciences Division Policies
(linked through Blackboard Course Content)
Link to Complete List of Important Dates