Reach to , with k finger

“ Exceed Customer Expectations
Gain the Edge
Certificate III in Business
Develop Keyboard Skills
Power Access Procedures
Computers today are relatively safe devices but with all electrical equipment
it is a good idea to check your power leads frequently. A quick checklist
includes the following:
Check that the plug is in the socket correctly
Make sure that leads are well away from feet
Ensure leads are plugged into a power board or surge protector
Check leads regularly for fraying
Occupational Health and Safety
OH&S is an important consideration in every workplace. Keyboarding has
historically been the subject of much controversy in terms of its relationship
to what was once called Repetitive Strain Injury that resulted from a person
keying in data over extended periods of time.
Ergonomics is the study of how an individual fits into his or her
workspace. It is important when keying that the workspace be adjusted to fit
the individual. When considering the ergonomic considerations of
setting up an office, the following points need careful consideration:
 The furniture used in the office including the desk and chair
 The lighting
 The amount of dust in the office. If necessary install an air purifier.
 The noise level of the office. If noise is a problem then fabric partitions
may be necessary between offices.
 Work styles are also a part of ergonomics. The day’s tasks should be
planned to provide an interesting work pattern. Goals should be realistic
so as to avoid stress.
 Regular break periods need to be included in the plan to avoid strain on
the body.
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Correct posture is critical in an attempt to avoid any form of stress or
strain on the body. The following diagram demonstrates how to sit
comfortably and safely when using a computer.
 Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen and approximately
6-7 cms away from it. The distance away from the screen will of
course vary with the size of the screen.
 Place typing material on a typing stand just to the side of the screen.
 Adjust the chair so that your feet are squarely on the floor (or on a
foot rest) and the small of your back is supported by the padded back
of the chair.
 Centre the chair in front of the computer and if possible adjust the
chair so that your elbows form a right angle when the fingers are over
the keyboard.
 Hold your wrists up so that your fingers are sloping down towards the
 Curve your fingers over the keyboard. DO NOT rest your wrists on the
 Sit up straight in the chair as you type.
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The level of light needs to be adjusted to suit the task. Glare from
windows can cause problems with computer screens. Window shades,
diffusers on overhead lighting and anti-glare filters are all available to
assist with glare.
Brightness and contrast controls on computers should be adjusted to a
comfortable level. Clean the screen regularly to assist in avoiding eye
Regular eye examinations can be beneficial to those working with
Rest and Exercise Periods
Learning to type can be a very frustrating exercise and is best done in
small stages.
Often keyboarding can be learnt in conjunction other units and thus give
variety to each lesson.
When the body needs a rest it will tell you. There are many different
exercises that can be put into practice. Use them to add variety your
typing sessions.
 To exercise your neck tilt the head to the left then right and then drop
your chin onto your chest then lift it up as high as it will go.
 To exercise your arms and shoulders extend your arms and rotate the
hands in a circular fashion. Put your hands behind your head and
stretch the elbows back.
 To exercise your hands flex your fingers by bending your fingers and
extending them as far as possible.
 To exercise your eyes focus away from the screen then back again, try
blinking several times.
 To exercise your legs – stand up, reach above your head with both
arms, drop them to you sides, repeat, drop them to your toes.
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The Keyboard
The keyboard is divided into four different sections.
Function Keypad
Alphanumeric Keypad
Numeric Keypad
Navigation Keypad
The Alphanumeric Keypad
Majority of the typing on a keyboard is done using the alphanumeric
The Navigation Keypad
There are ten keys on the Navigation keypad. Eight of these are used to
move the cursor around on the screen and the other two are used to
insert and delete characters.
The Numeric Keypad
The Numeric keypad serves two purposes. When Num Lock is pressed it is
a numeric keypad. It is a navigation keypad when Num Lock it is turned
The Function Keypad
Identified by the letter F and a number. Each key has a special purpose.
This purpose varies according to the software program being used.
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The better and only proven method to develop any skills in keyboarding is
to implement regular and frequent practice.
You should aim to type around 25 words per minute by the time you have
completed this unit - this is more than achievable if you practiced
regularly. You should continue to practice your keyboarding skills while
completing the remaining units of study, in doing so, you will continue to
improve your typing speed.
The Guide Keys (often referred to as the home keys)
The keys shaded grey in the following diagram are called the Guide Keys.
These eight keys are where your fingers rest when you are typing:
You should feel a raised piece (dot or little dash) on the F and J keys this makes it possible to feel where these keys are without looking at the
The other keys on the keyboard are accessible by moving the fingers on
the guide keys up and down or left and right. For example the little finger
on the left hand, sitting on the A key, will also strike the Q and Z keys.
The first finger on the left hand that is positioned over the J
key, is used to strike the Y, U, H, N and M keys.
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Position your hands and fingers on the keyboard over the guide keys
using the diagram below as a guide
 Feel the raised indicators under the F and J keys - they will help guide
your fingers.
 Curl your fingers over the keys and lift your wrist up so that the fingers
are coming down onto the keys.
 Do not rest your wrists on the keyboard.
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Special Keys
There are a number off frequently used keys that have a variety of special
 The Enter key. Moves the cursor down a line. Strike with the little
finger of the right hand.
 The Shift key. Capitalises a letter. Press and hold using opposite little
fingers, depending upon the letter that is to be capitalised.
 The Caps Lock key. Activates all capitals. Strike with the little finger
on the left hand to activate and strike again to deactivate
 The Back Space key. Located in the top right hand side of the
keyboard. It is used to remove a character positioned on the left hand
side of the cursor within the document. Strike with the little finger on
the right hand.
 The Space Bar is the longest key on the keyboard. It is under the
keys on the Alphanumeric keypad - strike with the right thumb.
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 Open Microsoft Word
 Change the style to “No Spacing” (Home and styles on the ribbon)
 Change font to Verdana
 Change size to 12
 Type your name with initial Capitals (for example - Julie Martin)
 Tap the ENTER key one (little finger on right hand)
 Insert the date automatically - (Insert, date)
 Tap the ENTER key twice (little finger on right hand)
Work through each of the following lessons - saving each lesson when
completed (ask for assistance if need be).
Each lesson should look similar to the sample below:
Julie Martin
10 March 2009
tap enter once
tap enter twice
Fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; fj fj dk dk sls
Fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; fj fj dk dk sls
tap enter once
tap enter twice
Fjf hhj jhj has has jhj had had jhj hah
Fjf hhj jhj has has jhj had had jhj hah
tap enter once
tap enter twice
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 ALWAYS keep your FINGERS positioned on the GUIDE KEYS.
 ALWAYS keep your THUMBS close the SPACE BAR
 GUIDE KEYS will help you LOCATE ALL other keys.
 RELAX Arms and Wrists.
 STRIKE the key in the CENTRE with a LIGHT SHARP STROKE.
 MOVE only ONE FINGER at a time.
 RETURN QUICKLY to the GUIDE KEY position.
 SPACE BAR - use the THUMB on the RIGHT HAND.
tap the enter key, return quickly to the guide key position.
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Lesson 1
Keys a, s, d, f, j, k, l and ;
Key each line twice - Saying each
letter as you strike the key
ff jj ff jj ff jj ff jj fj fj fj fj fjf
dd kk dd kk dd kk dd kk dk dk dk dk dkd
ss ll ss ll ss ll ss ll sl sl sl sl sls
aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; a; a; a; a; a;a
fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl;
fff jjj ddd kkk sss lll aaa ;;; fff jjj
aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj aa ;; ss ll ddk
fj dk sl a; fj dk sl a; fj dk sl a; fjj
a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a;;
a as lass lass; k ka kaka kaka; a lass;
a lad lads; a lad lads; a salad; salads
a as ask asks; a ask flask; ask flasks;
a jaf jaffa; a jaf jaffa; a jaf jaffas; a
all fall falls; a add adds; lads fall sad;
lad; fad; sad; fad; lad; sad; lad;
a lad; a sad lad; alas a sad lad falls;
ask a lad; ask alf all; ask a sad lass;
add a jaffa; a jaffa falls; all jaffas;
dad asks; dad asks all; alas dad falls;
alas jaffas fall;
ajak adds a salad
all lads add jaffas;
a lad asks a sad lass;
jak adds alfalfa salad;
asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj aaa ;;;
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Lesson 2
Keys h, e, t, i
Keyboard Review – Key each line twice
fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; fj fj dk dk sls
a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a;a
asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj
jas kas las ;as fjk djk sjk ajk ;fd lfd
Reach to h with j finger
jhj jhh jhj jhh fhj dhj shj ahj khj lhj
jhj has had haf; jhj haj hak hal ha; hj
sh shah; ha had has; all hall shall; hj
a lad had half a salad; alf shall dash;
Reach to e with d finger
eee ded eee ded eee ded eee ded eee
eeh ded eej ded eek ded eel ded ee;
eel eel ded eld eld ded elf elf ded
deal dell deaf desk deed ekes elks;
shall shale sheds heal held heels keels
ask asks self shelf ease lease she shed
adele has had a jaffa; jeff fed a seal;
he sees a keel; jess shall shake a leaf
a lessee had a lease; a lad had a desk;
lea sees a dead leaf fall; a shed falls
della shall sell leeks; she held a sale
jake sells seeds; jeff sells sea shells
Reach to t with f finger
ftf ttt ftf ttt ftf ttt ftf ttt ftf ttt
ftf ttf het jet ket let hate kate state
ftf fast last jest test that thee these
the test; the east; the tale; the taste
Reach to i with k finger
kik iii kik iii kik iii kik iii kik iii
kik ida ida kik ike ike kik ide ide kik
kik hit hit kik kit kit kik sit sit kik
kiss kite site tide hide tile tilt this
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Lesson 2 Cont
test the jet; let the flat; fit the tie
tell tessie that the date is the fifth;
see if lettie hill has the title deeds;
teddie is a thief; taffie is still tall
she tied these kites; fit these skates;
the heat; he hates the heat; this heats;
the kite hit; the khaki kit; the thesis;
heidi had the silk sheets fitted;
delia said she liked the silk kilt;
jake said that hattie ate fish flakes;
sheila liked the hats that leah fitted;
sid hesitated as she held the fast kites;
he left the ski field as the sleet fell;
this is the hill that jeff last skied;
a lad felt elated as he skied the hill;
jake fell as he skied; stella skied this hill;
Exhausting work – keep going! The more
you practice the easier it gets!!!
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Lesson 3
Keys r, n, c, o
Keyboard Review – Key each line twice
aid sia dia fia hia jia kia lia eia tia;
tia tis tid tif ti; til tik tij tih tie;
de deal de deft fa fate ki kilt ha hash;
Reach to r with the f finger
ftf rrr ftf rrr ftf rrr ftf rrr ftf rrr;
ftf rid rid ftf red red ftf rat rat frf;
frf risk risk rite rite rife rife rests;
ftf frisk frill friar freer frets fresh;
Reach to n with the J finger
jnj nnn jnj nnn jnj nnn jnj nnn jnj nnn;
jnj net net jnj nit nit jnj nil nil jnj;
jnj fin din sin tin den hen ken ten lent
near neat nine nile rent rind rank tanks
rrr nnn ren rents ren render ten tenders
nnn rrr inner dinner sinner thinner rnrn
dear sir; dear nan; dear lil; dear trina;
alan thinks and learns faster than irene
erina said that randal and narina are in
trisha and rita thanked rennie and nerle
Key to c with the d finger
dcd ccc dcd ccc dcd ccc dcd ccc dcd ccc;
dcd ice ice ded lac lac dcd ace ace dcd;
dcd ceil care cane cats calk clef cliff;
chic chef cans cart cars cash celt cecil
Key to o with the l finger
coo too cool tool hock socks docks locks
co cold colder; la laces laced; ro rock;
on con; or for nor; an can cans canister
corrine liked the coon cheese she tasted
joe called at the store near cook street
cora can choose and order the locks soon
janet has chosen clothes that are dear
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Lesson 4
Keys full stop, shift keys, y and w
Keyboard Review – key each line twice
frf ftf jhj ded kik sas l;l dke dki dcd;
dcd hec dcd jec dcd ace dcd ice dcd ced;
ice rice trice; ack tack track; ick tick
lol ool lol col lol dol lol sol lol aol;
ool cool school; col collar; doll dollar
Reach to full stop with the l finger
l.l … and l.l … the l.l … are l.l.
l.l arc l.l can l.l nor l.l her l.l its.
l.l ice l.l jet l.l his l.l nod l.l all.
Reach to left shift key with a finger
hHa jJa kKa lLa iIa nNa oOa hHa jJa kKa.
Jan and Kate and Lana and Ian and Hanna.
Neither Nan or Kent told Jack or Netta.
Ida Leo Kain Jane Kath Hesta Nella Ossie
Reach to right shift key with ;
fF; dD; sS; eE; rR; tT; aA; fF; dD; cC;.
Ellisa and Allen then Dollie and Conrac.
Tell Rose and Shane that Tina told Rick.
Fiona Donna Sonia Connie Ellen Dino Ron.
Alec Lee attends North Rocks Art School.
Josie had a Holden car and Dale a tractor.
I shall lease the Ford Laser.
Chad and Sarah attended the old theatre.
Order the stocks. Those stocks cost less.
Rod locked a door. Joe told Chris Oli.
Jock chooses rocks. Jo chose rocks too.
Col coached at school. Rose looked cool.
Reach to y with the j finger
jyj yyy jyj yyy jyj yyy jyj yyy jyj yyy.
jyj yah yah jyj yet yet jyj yen yen jyj.
jyj yacht yanks yeast yield yolks hodel.
jerry jenny kitty natty carry caddy dry.
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Lesson 4 Cont
Reach to w with the s finger
sws www sws www sws www sws www sws www.
sws why why sws wan wan sws war war sws.
sws few new sew hew cow now wow wit win.
when whey whet work worn with wire wick.
Witney had two new white cars last year.
Tanya went to work at York on Wednesday.
Paragraph practice
(do not press enter at the end of the line - let the
computer do the work for you - your line endings may
vary to the script you are typing from)
The narrow dirt road on the west was the shortest way to the water. Rory
reached the water when he went on his way to the eastern town. He did
not worry. (Press enter twice)
Scott Jacko sorted the stock of disks. He stored the disks. He hesitated to
look at the crooked clock. He crossed the corridor. He locked the disks in
the cool store. Scott locked his theatre tickets in the old store too.
Stretch, shake, shrug,
blink – keep your body
stress free during your
rest breaks!!
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Lesson 5
Keys g and p
Keyboard Review – Key each line twice
as sw de; dc fr ft; jh jy jn; ki lo l.l.
the end did die elk kin not tar rat tan.
Reach to g with f finger
fgf ggf ggf gale gigs girl grew grid go. fgf
ght sight fight light nights rights. Gaye
Gee will lend the grey gig to Rega.
Reach to p with ; finger
;p; pp; pen ;p; pp; pet ;p; pp; pan ;pp;
;p; prey prey ;p; prop prop ;p; pre pre;
;p; pigs pipe pile pins peat peal peace;
petty pretty; party partly; poddy podgy.
Pip Parks is flying to Port Pirie again. Phyll
cooked three peach and apple pies. Pack
and wrap the present in pink paper.
Grace grasped the edge of the torn page.
Paragraph practice (do not press enter at the end of the
line - let the computer do the work for you - your line
endings may vary to the script you are typing from)
Gwen and Peg Pitt are going to Perth for the gala parade and concert. If
Phillip Greene agrees to store their cases while they go to inspect nine
new sports cars, they will stay a week in Sydney on their way. They will
telephone when they can. (press enter twice)
Josie offers to sell see shells at the school fete. Fred has a stall for
orchids. There are also stalls for freesias or irises. (press enter twice)
Katie tries to trick her little sister. The sister has a choice. She closes the
door. Katie is cross.
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Lesson 6
Keys u, q, b, and ,
Keyboard Review
godds creek knelt foggy windy jokes pep.
Gertha pawned her gold pens.
Reach to u with j finger
juj uuu juj uuu juj uuu juj uuu
juj ute ute juj uke uke juyj ugh ugh juj.
juj jury just jute junk jugs judo judge.
rin rins ruch ruth rust pure cure lures.
Reach to q with a finger
aqa qqa quay aqa qqa quid aqa qqa queer.
aqa quad quad aqa quash aqush aqa queen.
aqa quips quill quiet quite quote queue.
aqua quit quire quirk quack quff quest.
The quest for pearls had a happy sequel.
Pat asked us to quieten the short queue.
The squatter quelled the squealing pigs.
Una had a quarrel with Quentin and June.
Paragraph practice
Peter and Jacque Quin will now enter the quests. They are well qualified
and are happy that their chances are quite good. They say the first
requisite for success is a quick start.
Reach to b with f finger
fbf bb; fbf bb; fbf bb; fbf bb; fbf bb;.
fbf bar bar fbf buy buy fbf bus bus fbs.
fbf baby bath bows boat beep beck birds.
jibs curb bulb brub nibs bobs ruby webs.
Reach to , with
k finger
k,k ,,, k,k ,,, kite ,,, kith ,,, kills,
k,k pick, wick, peck, lock, hock, quack,
fables, fibber, bafflle, buffer, burgles,
bright, brandy, brawls, brogue, brother,
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Lesson 6 Cont
ba batch ba basis ba bandy ba barns bars
bu bulge bu bucks bu buddy bu bugle buns
br brand br brake br brain br brawl bray
be beach be beryl be bench be began bees.
Bill, Babs and Brent went to the ballet.
Brett, Beryl and Bert sailed in the bay.
Ben, Beppi and Bonnie had brown banners.
Black rabbits burrowed beyond the barns.
Paragraph practice
Bebe Boyd says the book can be bought in bulk. It is bound in blue fabric
and it should be durable. It will be bought by business people and will be
in libraries by the beginning of February, she hopes. Bebe suggests we
buy a copy for each boy in the bookkeeping class at the college. Ask
Bruce what he thinks about her idea.
Jin does not like going to the dispatch offices to collect orders. He detests
doing these tasks as he has to delete details on stock cards. He is longing
for a change. He does not think he can last there.
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Lesson 7
Keys m, x, v, z
Keyboard Review
grunt bluff enjoy sweep hacks squid caw,
Burton hunts. Benny runs. Betty tries.
Four wise workers walked slowly onwards.
Sarah ate her fresh trifle at the party.
Ask Russo if Julius had a car in Russia.
Reach to m with j finger
jmj mmm jmj mmm jmj mmm jmj mmm jmj mmm.
jmj mug mug jmj mud mud jmj mum mum jmj.
jmj music mucus mudir muddy mural mutes.
mopes mount mower motel maple mints mits.
Reach to x with s finger
sxs xxx sxs xxx lax sxs mix sxs fox sxs.
sxs ex, ex, ox, ox, axw, axe, six, sixes.
sxs, boxed, taxed, waxed, mixed, hoaxed.
ex, exert, exact, exams, expels, expects.
Merryn got good money for six fox muffs.
Pam and Marina Paxton fixed the old box.
Mona Moss was excited. She was the dux.
Tex is in a fix. Max told him to relax.
Reach to v with f finger
fvf vvv fvf vvv fvf vvv fvf vvv fvf vvv.
fvf vic vic fvf vim vim fvf vow vow fvf.
fvf vice vine visa veal veer vows vicar.
pave rave have nerve verve grove strove.
to have; can have; will have; they have;
very, very much, very good, very prompt;
give it; give him; give them; give some;
to save, can save, does save, will save,
Victor saved Verda. Victor is a marvel.
Viv and Dave Varley went to the Minerva.
Valda travelled through Venice in a van.
They have a delivery docket number.
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Lesson 8
Paragraph practice
The fire exits were jammed many times as the excited crowd left the
games. If we expect the exits to clear some time soon we can fix the time
to go and just relax for a while. Max and Lex said we should not join the
mob and jam the exits more.
Several of the cautious drivers of motor vehicles serviced at our service
station tell us that all of the work done by our mechanic will always be
able to stand up to the heavy wear and tear caused by the rough roads.
Reach to z with a finger
aza zza aeal zeal aza zoom zoom aza zed.
aza zone zone aza zinc zinc aza zoo zoo.
aza quiz quiz aza jazz jazz aza liz liz,
zone zoom zebu zeal zero zips zinc zany.
was lazy; not lazy; too lazy; just lazy;
quiz us, quiz her, quiz him, quiz those,
one dozen; two dozen; three dozen; dozen
small sizes, medium sizes, larger sizes.
Zellie ordered four dozen zip fasteners.
We shall ask Zelma and Zolton to attend.
Zora installed an amazing filing system.
Lizzi is zealous. Zillas is very lazy.
Paragraph practice
It was his job to seize the eighty dozen copies of the zany book. Although
dazed and somewhat puzzled, he went ahead with zeal. Somebody implied
that he was lazy when only seven dozen copies of the book were seized.
Two jet planes, which arrived from New Zealand this morning, made a
forced landing at the exact place where the girls and boys had been pick
nicking near the quiet beach.
The blue box, which contained a queer assortment of articles such as a
jemmy, razors, knives, spanners and a vice, was in the bag left behind by
the burglar.
That’s it - the entire alphabet has been cover
Take a short break before moving on to Numbers.
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Lesson 8
Numbers 3 5 8
Reach to 3 with d finger
ded d3d; ded d3d; ded d3d; ded d3d; d3d;
d33 d33 33 desks; 33 deals; 33 dash; 3d
d3d; 33 d33ds; 33 sheds; 33 leads; 3 he;
she had 33; she sees 3 elks; he had 333.
she seals 33; he has 33; ed had 33; 33.
he adds 3; she had 33; she has had 333.
Reach to 5 with f finger
ftf f55f f55f 55 fish 55 fits 55 fetes.
f55 f55 f5f 55 fists 55 fills 55 files.
f5f 55 falls 55 fails 55 fates 55 flake.
hide 55 flies; held 55 fetes; 55 fleets.
Rech to 8 with k finger
kik k88k k88k 88 kids 88 kilts 88 keels.
k8k k88 k8k 88 is 88if 88 it 88 ida 88.
k8k 88 kius 88 kits 88 skates 88 lakes.
the 88 skiffs sail; the 88 kites failed.
she states that hilda is 58; she is 85.
tessa hid the 85 tiles; this is site 58.
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Lesson 9
Numbers 4 9 2 6
Reach to 4 with f finger
frf f44f f44f 44 fred 44 rifle 44 rakes.
f44 f44 44 rinks; 44 ranks; 44 rinds; 44.
f4f 44 rate 44 raid 44 rft 44 rant f44.
Did Rita see 44 trees at 44 Fleet Street.
There are 44; here are 44; fer the 444.
Nina had 4 dates and Naree had 4 friends.
Reach to 9 with l finger
lol l99l l99l 99 loaf 99 lose 99 lore 99.
l99 l99 l9l 99 locks 99 likes 99 lashes.
l9l; 99 calls; 99 letters; 99 tall rails.
the 99 lofts; and 99 loans; are 99 lost.
Cedric lent 99; Crissie ordered 9 and 99.
Connie is 9 on the 9th and Ron is 9 also.
Reach to 2 with s finger
sws s22s s22s 22 sawn 22 sows 22 sirs 22.
s22 s22 s2s 22 swell 22 sworn 22 swifts.
sws 22 and 22 are 22 all 22 ate 22 arts.
22 sails; 222 sweets; 22 swans; 22 stay.
Reach to 6 with j finger
jyj j66j j66j 66 jaws 66 jews 66 jest 66.
j66 j66 j6j 66 jets 66 jars 66 jack j6j.
j6j 66 jails 66 jerky 66 jetty 66 Jenny.
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Lesson 10
Keyboarding - Numbers 0 7 1
Reach to 0 with ; finger
;p; ;00; ;00; ;00; 200 pies 300 pots 400.
;00 ;00 50 pens 60 pigs 80 paws 90 paths.
On 20 April I had 50 poles and 30 posts.
Reach to 7 with j finger
juj j77j j77j 77 jugs 77 juts 77 junk 77.
j77 j77 j7j 77 urge 77 used 77 unto j7j.
j7j 77 jigs 77 jogs 77 jets 77 jaws j7j.
Reach to 1 with a finger
aqa a11a a11a 11 ales 11 aids 11 ayes 11.
aqa a1a 11 aces 11 apes 11 arcs 11 ages.
There were 111 present on 11 June 1911.
Take a short break before moving on to Miscellaneous Keys.
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Lesson 11
Miscellaneous Characters
Key :
;: ;: ;:;
This is the address: 28 Oceania Street, Newcastle.
;: ;: ;: Locate these names on the map: Roma, Cairns,
;: ;: ;:; This is what I did: I paused; I turned, I yelled.
Key ?
;?; ;?;
Are we? Have they? What is? Can she? Was it?
;?; ;?;
;?; ;?;
May we have our order as soon as possible?
Can they attend on Fridays at 7 pm or 5 pm?
Key -
;-; ;-;
;-; ;-;
;-; ;-;
My well-to-do friends tried to co-operate with me.
Pages 192-194 were omitted from your report.
Twenty-one people underestimated their incomes.
Key ‘
;’; ;’;
;’; ;’;
;”; ;”;
Lisa said, ‘I do not believe Kate will support us’.
‘Whose library book?’ Tim asked. ‘His or hers?’
He said, ‘Josie asked, “Where is the file?”
Keys ( )
l9( l9( l(( l(( l((
;0) ;0) ;0) ;)) ;))
millimetres (mm), metres (m), kilometres (km),
hectares (ha).
lo( (This sentence is typed inside the parentheses.)
Enumerate the paragraphs; (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v).
Key $
posts $$ extra $$ yacht $$ razor $$ union $$ words $
$29 plus sales tax; $38 less trade discount;
f$ f$ Type amounts expressed in dollars and cents as $3.05,
Key !
aq!qa ‘
Stop, thief! Stop! Catch him! Catch him!’
Janet uttered a brief Aha!
What a lovely afternoon! How happy they were!
Getting close to the end now!
Just the Numeric Keypad and Proofreading to go.
Page 25 of 34
Lesson 12
The Numeric Keypad
The home keys for the numeric keypad are the figures
4, 5 and 6
Using your right hand, place your fingers on the home keys
– the middle finger on the 5, the index finger on the 4 and
your third finger on the 6
Your index finger types the figures 7, 4 and 1 as well as the
Your middle finger types the figures 8, 5 and 2
Your third finger types the figures 9, 6, 3 and the decimal
Use your little finger to press the Enter key and the + key
Page 26 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
Turn the Num Lock on before you begin
Use a word processing program such as Word for
these drills, and the Calculator program in the
Accessories for the additions
Enter each drill twice, pressing the Enter key
after each number, using the little finger on your
right hand.
Page 27 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
Home keys 4, 5 and 6
4 44 5 55 6 66 444 555 666 4444 5555 6666 456 654
5 55 6 66 4 44 555 666 444 5555 6666 4444 564 546
6 66 4 44 5 55 666 444 555 6666 4444 5555 645 654
44 46 454 545 4546 5464 4554 6446 456 654 445 664
55 56 545 645 6456 4565 5446 6556 546 564 554 665
66 65 646 565 6465 4656 6446 5665 645 565 664 556
4564 6546 4455 4466 5544 6644 445 544 446 644 456
5645 5465 5566 5544 6644 4455 554 455 556 644 564
6456 6546 6644 6655 4466 5566 664 466 665 566 645
(Click on START select Programs,
Accessories and Calculator)
(Check your answer: 2 242)
7 and 1
4 47 447 474 4747 4774 4477 7744 4774 477 774 474
4 41 441 414 4141 4114 4411 1144 4114 411 114 141
4 11 471 417 4711 4714 4177 4174 4411 447 741 147
4 77 714 474 4177 4174 4711 4714 4477 441 147 741
4 71 171 717 4171 4717 7411 1477 4417 774 414 417
4 17 717 171 4717 4171 4177 7411 4417 114 474 471
Page 28 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
456 475 476 415 416 4156 4716 4716 4651 4561 6574
654 657 141 466 757 1564 5671 6541 6557 5641 6551
516 651 576 657 456 6544 4567 7415 6517 6514 6746
1 547
7 546
4 771
(Check your answer: 15 391)
8 and 2
5 58 558 585 5858 5885 5588 8855 5885 588 885 585
5 52 552 525 5252 5225 5522 2255 5225 522 225 525
5 88 528 582 5852 5258 5882 5228 8528 258 852 582
5 58 558 588 5858 8585 8855 5588 5858 855 585 858
5 52 552 522 5252 2525 2255 5522 5252 255 525 252
5 58 582 528 5285 5825 2585 8525 5852 585 525 528
525 585 574 586 6254 7845 1568 5148 5476 5121 265
214 867 576 524 7568 2548 4576 8546 7241 8658 528
584 562 175 486 4761 5842 5214 7865 5752 6864 582
Page 29 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
1 228
2 145
2 578
(Check your answer: 8 498)
9 and 3
6 69 669 696 6969 6996 6699 9966 6996 699 996 696
6 63 663 636 6363 6336 6633 3366 6336 633 336 636
6 33 693 639 6933 6936 6399 6396 6633 669 963 693
6 99 936 696 6399 6396 6933 6936 6699 663 369 963
6 63 363 696 6396 6936 9633 3699 3369 669 636 639
6 39 939 393 6939 6396 3699 9633 6639 336 696 693
693 639 694 631 3516 9768 9524 3576 7563 8961 963
156 349 758 146 5846 1253 9874 1236 4579 6759 369
456 582 471 694 5847 5126 6987 4125 5876 5428 639
3 596
4 562
3 155
8 892
3 216 (Check your answer: 24 656)
Page 30 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
0 and decimal point
Use your index finger for the 0
Use your third finger for the decimal
4 41 410 410 4040 4004 1100 1001 4014 410 401 404
6 63 63. 63. 6.6. 6..6 33.. 3..3 6.36 63. 6.3 3.3
6 0. 4.4 6.6 4104 63.6 .36. 0140 0463 36. 140 6.0
510 630 102 630 .32 5820 3639 4716 63.6 5208 58.7
6.4 698 3.3 471 586 289. 5402 6970 5486 3.05 4713
102 5.3 459 761 684 1586 23.0 3478 3056 9854 7561
(Check your answer: 535.18)
Page 31 of 34
Lesson 12 Cont
Proofreading methods
Enter the figures again to check their accuracy
and verify the answer. When you reach the same
total, then your input is correct
Check the final copy by comparing it with the
original, reading column by column
Ask someone else to check it with you. Your
helper should read aloud the work you have
entered, and you check that what they are
reading corresponds with the original.
Proofreading exercises
The correct figures have been entered in the first column.
The second column contains some mistakes.
Circle each error.
Key in the first column of numbers and then proofread your
own work to ensure it is accurate.
Exercise One
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Did you find 8 errors?
Lesson 12 Cont
Exercise Two
Did you find 10 errors?
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Please ask your supervisor to provide you
with practise papers in preparation for your
keyboarding assessment/s.
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