NOTES ON CONSCIOUSNESS Excerpted from, and related to Eckert Tolle’s work in A New Earth There is CONSCIOUSNESS. There are “OBJECTS”. “Objects” is a slippery word, because A THOUGHT PATTERN IS ALSO AN “OBJECT! (Sometimes the word “Awareness” is a helpful substitute for the word Consciousness) MUSIC: “Furniture Pieces”= Objects. About perfect renditions of known entities. “Processes Pieces” = Contextual Relationships Room design, function, moving the furniture around, More like Weather They are about experiencing POTENTIAL in the form of sound. “This Could happen” “This Might happen” “What if…?” Therefore, Consciousness and Awareness – IN THE MOMENT. *************************************************** All KNOWING IS WITHIN THE REALM OF DUALITY Subject and Object, the Knower and the Known. Consciousness/Spirit is NOT OF THAT REALM, and therefore, Can’t be known through it. This is because THE “I”, the “EXPERIENCER” has no form. Only FORMS can be KNOWN. Therefore: Consciousness – the traditional word for which is SPIRIT – cannot be known in the normal sense of understanding a word. (Seeking is FUTILE) Although you Cannot Know Consciousness, you can become conscious of it as your SELF. You can SENSE it directly in any situation. The words you are hearing now are the foreground, THE FURNITURE, and Consciousness, the “I AM”, is the Sub-straight, the Underlying Background, the PROCESS of every experience, thought, and feeling that you have. Can you feel the “energy” of it in your body and behind your thoughts? So, who is TAS? I AM. And what am “I”? – CONSCIOUSNESS What is Consciousness? This question CANNOT BE ANSWERED - because it goes beyond thought forms. The moment you “answer” it, you falsify it, Because you make it into an OBJECT. You can approach it metaphorically – something like the dialectical method used by Jung to study the Unconscious. It is ALWAYS a METAPHOR, NOT A SIMILE. But you cannot reach a final definition – partially because CONSCIOUSNESS is always EXPANDING [Awareness both Expands and Contracts] ****************************************************** TIP: “When you leave the realm of the Transcendent, you immediately enter the world of opposites”, the realm of Duality (and Multiplicity). This is Reversable! ****************************************************** Definition of Ego - from Oprah Interview # 2, EGO = Identification with forms – primarily thought forms. THE (complete) SELF IDENTIFICATION WITH THE STREAM OF THINKING. Why the parenthesis? Because there are various levels of ego involvement. Tolle says: “If evil has any reality (and it is a relative reality) it’s this: complete identification with forms, primarily thought forms.” CAUTION: Mind-Made Images are VERY SUSCEPTALE to OUTSIDE INFLUENCES (advertisers, insinuations of various sorts, and so on) EVIL = Complete Ego involvement, complete identification with objects (including the stream of words in your thinking). Because this makes us forget what/how we really are: This breaks or weakens one’s connection to “the Whole” of nature; Evil = A break in your connection to all of life and existence. This results in (total) unawareness of your connectedness with the “Whole”, Unawareness of your intrinsic Oneness with every OTHER, as well as with the “Source”. ****************************************************** This kind of Forgetfulness is “Original Sin”, suffering, or delusion. Our movement AWAY from Paradise “Eating from The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good and Evil” metaphorically represents the BIRTH of our ABILITY to THINK. Thinking was very good at first, but it slowly took over. This was to the exclusion of other ways of connecting to the world. * Why do you suppose we are doing Movement/Embodyment work on Thursdays?!?! Memory, Past Conditioning, and Mental Concepts (all made up of Thinking) have come to dominate most people’s awareness and presence in the world. People now derive their sense of “who they are” from their stream of thinking; from mind-made images. THIS DIVIDES THEM They split themselves in two: “The Story of ME”. “There’s Me and My Story: Me and Myself”, as in “I said to Myself”, or “I can no longer live with “Myself” What exactly is the “IT” that can no longer live WITH IT’S SELF? Remember: This was Tolle’s big breakthrough realization!!! It led him to see that his True Essence is Prior to Thinking and Goes Beyond It. Many people are not aware of what they are BEYOND their own Mental Image of who they are. It is what you are BEYOND the limitations of your mental selfimage that is the truest and most primary ground of your being. ****************************************************** This is many people’s reality: As soon as something is perceived, it is named, interpreted, compared with something else, liked, disliked, or called good or bad by the phantom self: The Ego. It is through this constant “naming” that the Ego remains in place as the Unobserved Mind. Most people are imprisoned in thought forms, in objectconsciousness. You do not awaken spiritually until you become aware of the compulsive “Naming” and are, thus, able to observe it as it happens. “Be Still, and Know that I Am God” Whenever the naming ceases (Naming = the stream of word-objects in your mind), even when you just become aware that the “naming” is happening, you can sense an Inner Space (Also called PESENCE) and your are no longer completely Possessed by the Mind. Remember: It is what you are BEYOND the limitations of your mental selfimage that is the truest and most primary ground of your being. You are NOT your experiences, you are THE EXPERIENCER. ****************************************************** THE EXPERIENCER IS PRIOR TO ALL EXPERIENCE, BUT WITHOUT IT THERE WOULD BE NO EXPERIENCE! “What Was Your Face Before Your Parents Were Born?” ****************************************************** When Ego seeks out and attaches itself to things it is substituting them for BEINGNESS, which EGO is UNABLE to FEEL. EGO CAN’T FEEL, it can only THINK TECHNIQUE: Awareness (of Breathing) creates gaps in the stream of thinking. Without those gaps, your thinking becomes repetitive and uninspired. These gaps will lengthen as you practice this. Bring these gaps into your daily activities Intersperse Thinking with Awareness; with SPACE What does “Inspired” mean? It means: “Having been Breathed Into” ****************************************************** Remember our Sem Ticket quote: “We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions. The Buddhist discards the world of unconscious fantasies as useless illusions; the Christian puts his Church and his Bible between himself and his unconscious; and the rational intellectual does not yet know that his consciousness is not his total psyche” (p. 92). “Subjective Consciousness” means EGO here! ****************************************************** Jung says that there is both an Inner and Outer Ego He reminds us that the Unconscious parts of our Psyche have their own priorities and sense of direction. This is related to the inner “Great Man” (great person), and to the psyche’s natural gravitation toward Individuation. POSSIBILITYALERT: Finding One’s Purpose is when the Inner and Outer Egos are in “agreement” about one’s direction in life. ****************************************************** How Do You Move Through Daily Experience: Is this Moment an obstacle to be overcome (because you have to get to some other moment); a means to an end, a stepping stone to get to the next moment? Ask “How do I relate to the Present Moment?” – because that is your relationship to life, and... Life always reflects back to you your Predominant State of Consciousness. So, what is your relationship with Life? Is it hostile, do you make the present moment into an obstacle, or even an enemy? If so, you will consistently feel life as an obstacle or an enemy. SOLUTION: You can go into “Presence”, be aware of the “Now”, and problems will lighten. Yes, you you’ll still have challenges, but not “Problems”. Problems require that you fixate on them and leave the present moment; go into future projection or ruminations on the past: Into Obsessive Thinking! Can you not be present because you have TOO MUCH ON YOUR MIND??? Careful, the mind will sometimes tell you that there is no point in even trying to be present. However, if you are present, it will lead to “Right Action”. - But that’s for another program!!!!!!!!!!!