Mount Carmel Catholic College for Girls Year 10 Revision Summer 2012 Revision Support for all Year 10 students A Message to students We believe that your Year 10 group has the potential to achieve outstanding results. We also know what a difficult and stressful time Year 10 can be. The support we are offering here runs alongside the work going on in your lessons and will help to boost your performance. However, nothing will help you more than regular attendance at lessons where your teachers will increasingly focus on preparing you for the exams by doing exam practice and teaching you exam techniques. All statistical evidence at a national, local and school level shows that where attendance is 95% or higher, students are more likely to achieve their targets. Please remember that you will not achieve the results you hope for without putting in the extra time at home to revise. Buying revision guides will achieve very little if you don’t actually read them! A message to parents You do not need anyone to remind you what an important time this is for your daughter. We want to work with you to ensure that your daughter achieves her very best. Please contact us if you have any exam queries 020 72813536 Vice Principal Ms Haynes – Exam Officer – Ms Bate Assistant Principal Ms Thomas - Head of Year 10 – Ms Eghan - All of us at Mount Carmel wish you every success!!! Key Dates GCSE Examinations begin 14th May 2012 Mock Exams – 25th -29th June 2012 GCSE Public Examinations finish 27th June 2012 GCSE Results day – September 2012 General Support websites There are available to use for most subjects and have a wide range of information on them for all students to use. Subjects Geography Number of Students: 45 Exam Date(s): 14th June 2012 Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books Restless Earth Coastal Zones Living World Club every Monday in room 24. (If cancelled on Mondays due to staff meetings it is always rescheduled later in the week) Online resources 1. Sam learning revision 2. GCSE Bitesize online 3. S-cool online Exam questions pack given to students to work through for all topics Exam questions given to students every lesson from now until the 14th June Eater sessions on Wednesday 6th June with Ms Leech from 11.15-13.15 Early morning revision on 14th June before school starts from 8.45am Subjects: Health &Social Care Number of Students 20 Exam Date(s) 19th June 2012 Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books Factors Affecting Growth and Development Revision book/classwork/exam questions Wk 21st May – 25th May (B) Relationships Revision book/class work/exam questions Wk beg 28th May (A) Self-Concept/Esteem/Image/ Life events Revision book/class work/exam questions Wk beg 11th June (B) Controlled assessment- Promoting health and wellbeing Wk 21st May – 25th May (B) Continue with controlled assessment- task 5 Personalised health plan Wk beg 28th May (A) Continue with controlled assessment- task 5 Personalised health plan and start Task 6 Conclusion Wk beg 11th June (B) HN taking the class Deadline for controlled assessments: 22nd June 2012 Subject: ICT B061 – Exam Revision Topics ICT Systems Section The main components of a computer system: Central Processing Unit (CPU), internal/main memory, backing storage, input and output devices and power supplies A range of common applications where microprocessor technology is used: personal computers, mainframe computers, super computers and embedded systems. The difference between hardware and software. Hardware Section Input devices and their appropriate use: keyboards and pads, specialist keyboards, mouse, joystick, tracker ball, touch pad, microphones, remote controls, scanners, digital cameras, webcams, touch screens, readers for bar codes, magnetic stripes and chip and pin, sensors, MIDI instruments Output devices and their appropriate use: monitor/screens, printers, speakers, head/earphones, digital projectors, plotters, activators Storage devices and their appropriate use: hard disks, optical storage devices, magnetic tape, drives, flash memory devices Communication devices and their appropriate use: modems, routers, hubs, network interface cards in fixed and mobile systems The advantages and disadvantages of a variety of input, output, storage and communication devices User interfaces: human-machine interfaces – graphical, command line, direct neural interface. Software Section Systems software: operating systems, utility software, drivers Applications software: word processors, desktop publishing software, spreadsheets, database management software, multimedia software, slideshow software, web authoring software, photo-editing software, video-editing software, graphics manipulation software, communications software (e.g. social networking software, chat, instant messaging, web browsers, file transfer and email clients), presentation software, gaming software Programming software: compilers, debuggers, interpreters, linkers, editors Appropriate uses of software The advantages and disadvantages of different software applications The different file types used to support software: image, audio, video, document and executable types. Exchanging information Communications Section Communication services: voice telephones, SMS (text messages), instant messaging, fax, email, chat rooms, forums, bulletin boards, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), video conferencing, advantages and disadvantages of using different methods of communication Sharing, exchanging and managing information: sharing files (file naming conventions and online safety version control), the secure transfer of data and secure access (read/write permissions) The safe and responsible use of communication services: showing respect towards others, complying with data protection regulations, staying safe (disclosure of personal data, using appropriate language, misuse of images) Communications software: web browsers, email software, messaging and file transfer The use of the internet: communication, commerce, leisure and information retrieval Controlling ICT systems remotely: remote controls, remote access to computer systems Monitoring and tracking systems: worker monitoring/logging, cookies, key logging, worker call monitoring/recording, electronic consumer surveillance, mobile phone triangulation, automatic number plate recognition, CCTV cameras Emerging technologies: wireless communication, Wi-Fi, mobile technologies, Bluetooth technology, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and other emerging connection/communication technologies. Presenting information Section Types and purposes of different ways of presenting information: word processing and desktop publishing (DTP) software, slideshow, multimedia and web authoring software the Use of ICT tools and features/facilities for presenting information with regard to efficiency and quality of work, ease of transfer Integration between and within software applications: integrating sections from one application into another, charts, tables, original graphics from programs into word processing files. Manipulating Data Data Management Section Different data types: alphanumeric, text, numeric (integer, currency, percentages, number of decimal places and fractions), date/time, limited choice (drop-down list, radio buttons, tick lists), object, logical/Boolean (Yes/No, Male/Female) types the Main issues governing the design of file structures: folders, subfolders, filenames, file types, paths, how encoding affects data entry and retrieval The main issues governing the design of data capture methods – advantages and disadvantages of using different data capture and collection methods: forms questionnaires, online forms, chip and PIN, OMR, barcode reader, voice recognition, biometrics, and RFID tags Validation: range checks, type checks, format checks, presence checks, check digits, parity checks Verification: batch totals, hash totals, double keying, visual checks. Data handling software Section The features of spreadsheet software: cells, cell references, rows, columns (and their height and width), show row/column labels, enter and edit cell content, key fields, cell gridlines, cell ranges, replication, formatting, merging cells, formulae, functions, automatic recalculation, sorting rows/columns, graph/chart, creation and development to suit numerical information (bar chart, pie chart, line graph, scattergram and the use of scales, a title, axis title and key/legend), layout of worksheets and linked sheets The features of modelling software: how a data model may be used to answer ‘what if’ questions and the benefit of being able to answer such questions using a data model The features of database software: field (column) and record (row), field names, key field (unique), primary key, file; create a database, insert/delete field/record, enter and edit field contents, organise and select records, view database structure, control the content of reports by selection of fields and use of headings, control the format of reports (header and footer), creation and development of charts/graphs Typical tasks for which data handling software can be used: organising data, collecting data, amending existing data, deleting redundant data, select/search/filter records, sort on one or more fields (in ascending and descending order), merging data, report production. Data modelling: ‘what if’ questions, formulae, functions, variables, modelling different scenarios, verification of results (accuracy and plausibility) The use of relational databases and spreadsheets: flatfile vs relational databases. Emerging data handling applications: models for financial forecasting, queuing, weather forecasting, flight simulators, expert systems for decision making. Keeping data safe and secure Section Backups and archiving: taking backups of data/programs, keeping information/archives safe, use of backing storage media Secure and safe practices in the use of ICT: protecting data from accidental destruction, protecting data from deliberate damage Appropriate User Security methods and devices: user IDs, password, encryption, restricted physical access (e.g. biometric scans, electronic passes), restricted access to data (e.g. hierarchy of passwords, access rights, encryption), monitoring (e.g. transaction logs) Malicious software and the damage it can cause: viruses, key logging software, other malware The procedures users can take to minimise risks of damage caused by malicious software: anti-virus software, firewalls, malware detection How to avoid the loss/disclosure of personal data to unauthorised users What is meant by data encryption and when and why it is used 2.1.6 Legal, social, ethical and environmental issues when using ICT Section The main aspects of legislation relating to the use of ICT: the computer misuse, data protection, copyright design and patents acts and other legislation as it applies to the use of ICT The potential health problems related to the prolonged use of ICT systems: stress, eye problems, wrist problems, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), back and neck problems The need for good design of user interfaces and their impact on the health of users How ICT systems can affect the quality of life experienced by persons with disabilities: screen filters, voice recognition software, text to voice software, customised desktop environments, Braille keyboards, specialist input devices, communication and control device, software accessibility options A range of safety issues related to using computers and measures needed for prevention of accidents: taking breaks, appropriate lighting, eye tests, wrist rests and other support devices, adjustable seating, monitor positioning, avoiding hazards, electrical safety measures The environmental impact of digital devices: their use, deployment and eventual recycling and disposal The social and ethical implications of the electronic transmission of personal information: monitoring/detecting loss or corruption of information, preventing the abuse of personal information, the purpose and costing of national databases, security of public data, links between public and private databases, national identity cards, CCTV, government access to personal data, the surveillance society. 2.1.7 Using ICT systems How ICT systems are used Section The correct procedures to start, access, exit and shutdown ICT systems The selection and appropriate adjustment of system settings and user preferences The selection and use of the features of user interfaces The management of folder structures and files to ensure the safe storage and retrieval of information Networking: the main types of network, the components and advantages and disadvantages of networked systems. Troubleshooting Section Common problems encountered when using ICT systems: software freeze, error dialogues, storage full, paper jams, hardware malfunction Troubleshooting activities: hardware troubleshooting, software troubleshooting The difference between hardware and software problems, and how these can be solved. 2.1.8 Monitoring, measurement and control technology Section The different types of sensor and their suitable uses: sensors and actuators for visible, tactile, audible and other physical signals The advantages and disadvantages of computerised data logging Writing a sequence of instructions to control a screen image or external device: light buzzers, sound or turtle, using repeated instructions, procedures and variables The use of ICT to control and monitor areas of everyday living: applications that utilise data logging and control, analogue-digital conversion, control and feedback loops and the associated hardware and software. 2.1.9 ICT and modern living Section How ICT systems have changed the way people go about their daily lives: communication, shopping, gaming, entertainment, education and training, banking and financial services, social networking, online/remote working, the advantages/benefits and disadvantages/dangers of using ICT/internet The impact of emerging technologies on organisations: artificial intelligence, robotics, biometrics, vision enhancement, computer-assisted translation, quantum cryptography, 3D and holographic imaging, 3D printing, virtual reality. Subject: Mathematics Unit 1 (re-sits) and Unit 2 (ALL) Number of Students – Unit 2 – ALL of Year 10 Exam Date(s) Unit 1 – 11th June, Unit 2 – 13th June UNIT 1 – Foundation Overview 1. Statistics 3. Number • Handling data cycle • Four operations • Data collection • Decimals • Data representation • Percentages • Analysing data • Equivalent fractions • Interpreting data • Accuracy 2. Probability • Use of calculators • Probability measures 4. Algebra • Relative frequency and • Notation theoretical probability • Graphs • Mutually exclusive 5. Geometry and Measures outcomes • Angles at a point • Scales and units Revision UNIT 2 – Foundation Overview 1. Number 3. Geometry • The four operations • Angles and triangles • Factors and multiples • Symmetry • Squares, cubes and roots • Parallel lines • Index laws • Quadrilaterals • Fractions, decimals and • Perimeter and area percentages • 3-D shapes • Inverse operations • Area and volume • Recurring decimals • Parts of a circle • Finding percentages 4. Measures • Ratio • Scales and units • Accuracy • Compound measures 2. Algebra • Expressions • Factorising • Sequences • Formulae • Coordinates in 2-D • Straight line graphs • Real-life graphs Revision Thursdays after college: ALL Data Handling topics Mymaths Thursdays after college: Algebra, Shape, Number Mymaths UNIT 1 – Higher Overview 1. Statistics • Handling data cycle • Data collection • Data Representation • Analysing data • Interpreting data • Sampling • Box plots, histograms and cumulative frequency 2. Probability • Probability measures • Relative probability • Mutually exclusive outcomes • Mutually exclusive and independent events • Tree diagrams • Addition and multiplication of probabilities 3. Number • Four operations • Decimals • Percentages • Equivalent fractions • Compound interest • Accuracy • Use of calculators 4. Algebra • Notation • Graphs • Graphs of functions 5. Geometry and Measures • Angles at a point • Scales and units UNIT 2 – Higher Overview 3. Geometry 1. Number • The four operations • Factors and multiples • Cubes, roots and squares • Index Laws • Standard form • Surds • Fractions, decimals and percentages • Inverse operations • Accuracy • Recurring decimals • Finding percentages • Ratio 2. Algebra • Expressions • Factorising • Formulae • Rational expressions • Sequences • Coordinates in 2-D and 3-D • Straight line graphs • Gradients of lines • Real life graphs • Angles and triangles • Quadrilaterals • Symmetry • Polygons • Parts of a circle • Perimeter and area • Circle theorems • 3-D shapes • Volume 4. Measures • Scales and measures • Compound measures Revision Thursdays after college: ALL Data Handling topics Mymaths Revision Thursdays after college: Algebra, Shape, Number Mymaths Subject: Science Topics Triple Science classes Double award classes Single award classes Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books In-class revision planned. On-going since mid-April until mid-June CGP revision guides and workbooks Lonsdale revision guides and workbooks Nelson Thornes revision guides and workbooks Biology 2 and Physics 2 exam paper revision packs Availability of science teachers for help before school and any lunchtime from 12:50pm In-class revision planned. On-going until mid-June CGP revision guides and workbooks Nelson Thornes revision guides and workbooks Biology 1, Chemistry 1 and Physics 1 exam paper revision packs Availability of science teachers for help before school and any lunchtime from 12:50pm In-class revision planned. On-going since mid-April until mid-June CGP revision guides and workbooks Nelson Thornes revision guides and workbooks Biology 1 and Physics 1 exam paper revision packs Availability of science teachers for help before school and any lunchtime from 12:50pm Subjects: Sociology Number of Students: 23 Exam Date(s): 19th June 2012 Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books Revision Booklets, and past papers have been photocopied provided. Research Methods Revision session on the 6th of June Revision Booklets, and past papers have been photocopied provided. Socialisation, Culture and Identity Revision session on the 6th of June Year 10 Study Clubs 2011-12 LUNCHTIME Monday AFTER SCHOOL ICT Ms Persaud GEOGRAPHY Ms Devlin Tuesday SCIENCE (12.50-1.20pm) Ms Ayoade/Ms Ahmed/ Ms Ionta/ Mrs Manoharan – Lab 2 Wednesday SCIENCE (12.50-1.20pm) Ms Ayoade/Ms Ahmed/ Ms Ionta/ Mrs Manoharan – Lab 2 Spanish Ms Vega Spanish Ms Vega MATHS (?) ART Mrs Heath /Mr Pantelides MUSIC Ms McDaid ICT Ms Haynes DRAMA Mr Jackson Thursday SCIENCE (12.50-1.20pm) Ms Ayoade/Ms Ahmed/ Ms Ionta/ Mrs Manoharan – Lab 2 ENGLISH (?) Friday HISTORY Mr Davison MEDIA STUDIES Mr Lobo WHITSUN HALF-TERM REVISION CENTRE TIMETABLE WEDNESDAY 6th JUNE – THURSDAY 7th JUNE 2012 SESSION 1 WEDNESDAY SUBJECT Y11 MATHS (9:00 -10:00) 2 (10:00 - 11:00) Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (Unit 1 ONLY) Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (Unit 1 ONLY) Y11 MATHS THURSDAY TEACHER(S) Mr Love Mr Rauf Mr Gray Ms McKenzie Mr Gursel TEACHER(S) ROOM Ms Duffy LRC LRC Y11 HISTORY Ms Thomas 12 Ms Duffy LRC Y11 HISTORY Ms Thomas 12 Mr Love Mr Rauf Mr Gray Ms McKenzie Mr Gursel Maths Rooms Ms Duffy LRC Ms Duffy ROOM Maths Rooms SUBJECT Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (unit 1 ONLY) Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (Unit 1 ONLY) BREAK TIME (11:00 -11:15) WHITSUN HALF-TERM REVISION CENTRE TIMETABLE WEDNESDAY 6th JUNE – THURSDAY 7th JUNE 2012 SESSION 3 WEDNESDAY SUBJECT Y10 GEOGRAPHY Y10 SOCIOLOGY MATHS (11:15 -12:15) Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (unit 1 ONLY) Y10 GEOGRAPHY 4 MATHS (12:15 -13:15) Y10 SOCIOLOGY Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (unit 1 ONLY) TEACHER(S) Ms Leach THURSDAY ROOM 13 Ms Ahazie 12 Mr Love Mr Rauf Mr Gray Ms McKenzie Mr Gursel Maths Rooms Ms Duffy LRC Ms Leach 13 Mr Love Mr Rauf Mr Gray Ms McKenzie Mr Gursel Ms Ahazie Ms Duffy SUBJECT Y11 HISTORY Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (unit 1 ONLY) Y11 HISTORY TEACHER(S) ROOM Ms Thomas 12 Ms Duffy LRC Ms Thomas 12 Ms Duffy LRC Maths 1 Maths 2 12 LRC Y11 Creative Media ICT OCR National (unit 1 ONLY) Summer 2012 External Examinations Timetable Year 10 Date Start Friday 18 May 09:00 13:30 Length of Exam 02:30 00:50 01:00 01:00 00:45 AQA Monday 21 May 09:00 09:00 13:30 09:00 13:30 13:30 01:30 01:00 01:00 EDEXL/GCSE 09:00 10:05 13:30 01:00 01:00 00:50 AQA Monday 28 May 09:00 09:00 00:50 00:50 OCR 01:00 01:00 01:00 01:00 02:30 OCR Wednesday 30 May 09:00 09:00 13:30 13:30 13:30 09:00 01:00 Wednesday 23 May Friday 25 May Friday 1 June Level Years Involved Russian A-Level Unit 2 - Written Response Polish GCSE Unit 1 - Listening Exam GCE/B GCSE/B 10 9, 10 BL2FP BL2HP 46951H Biology Unit 2 Tier F Biology Unit 2 Tier H Spanish Unit 1: Listening Tier H GCSE/B GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 10, 11 5RS1001 A834/01 A824/01 RE - Rom.Cath Christianity Unit 10 Portuguese GCSE: Writing Written Paper Persian GCSE: Writing Written Paper GCSE/B GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10, 11 10 46852 46854 46952H Polish GCSE Unit 2 - Reading Exam Polish GCSE Unit 4 - Writing Exam Spanish Unit 2: Reading Tier H GCSE/B GCSE/B GCSE/B 9, 10, 11 9, 10, 11 10, 11 A831/01 A821/01 Portuguese GCSE: Listening Written Persian GCSE: Listening Written GCSE/B GCSE/B 10, 11 10 EDEXL/GCE A833/01 A823/01 PH2FP PH2HP 6RU0401 Portuguese GCSE: Reading Written Persian GCSE: Reading Written Physics Unit 2 Tier F Physics Unit 2 Tier H Russian A-Level Unit 4 - Written Resp. & Research GCSE/B GCSE/B GCSE/B GCSE/B GCE/B 10, 11 10 10 10 10 OCR B061/02 ICT in Today's World - written exam GCSE/B 10, 11 Board EDEXL/GCE AQA AQA AQA OCR OCR AQA AQA OCR OCR AQA AQA Component Code Component Title 6RU0201 46851 Monday 4 June - Friday 8 June = Half-Term Holiday Summer 2012 External Examinations Timetable Year 10 Length Component Board of Component Title Code Exam 13:30 01:15 EDEXL/GCSE 5MB1F01 Mathematics B1 [Foundation] - Calculator 13:30 01:15 EDEXL/GCSE 5MB1H01 Mathematics B1 [Higher] - Calculator Level Years Involved GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 Tuesday 12 June 09:00 09:00 01:00 01:00 AQA GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 Wednesday 13 June 09:00 09:00 01:15 01:15 EDEXL/GCSE GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 Thursday 14 June 09:00 09:00 01:30 01:30 AQA Friday 15 June 13:30 13:30 01:00 01:00 AQA Tuesday 19 June 09:00 09:00 01:00 01:00 OCR Wednesday 20 June 09:00 09:00 01:00 01:00 AQA Date Monday 11 June Start AQA BL1FP BL1HP Biology Unit 1 Tier F Biology Unit 1 Tier H 5MB2F01 Mathematics Unit 2 Non Calculator [F] EDEXL/GCSE 5MB2H01 Mathematics Unit 2 Non Calculator [H] AQA AQA OCR AQA 40301F 40301H Geography A Unit 1 Tier F Geography A Unit 1 Tier H GCSE/B GCSE/B 10, 11 10 CH1FP CH1HP Chemistry Unit 1 Tier F Chemistry Unit 1 Tier H GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 H&S:Ustd Prsnl Dvlp & Rltns - Written Exam Sociology: Basics - Written Paper GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 Physics Unit 1 Tier F Physics Unit 1 Tier H GCSE/B GCSE/B 10 10 A912/01 B671/01 PH1FP PH1HP