…a selected overview... New Neutrino Detectors for Astro and Particle Physics ...a “Bright” Future L. R. Sulak CPPM Marseille and Boston University 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 1 now in a new era, well past the 1998 advent of neutrino mass and oscillations next a panoply of key, very difficult, experiments measuring precision neutrino oscillation parameters Kayser, Farine ...the search for CP violation in the second sector of nature Kobayashi, Lasserre, Wong absolute mass scale...the problem of mass zero neutrino double β decay...neutrino = antineutrino? neutrino astronomy Thomas Connolly, Houghey, Kouchner, Olinta,Tomas all point to high energy scale, possibly Grand Unification scale each physics goal has very different challenges neutrino sources...flux, energy, baseline Blondel, Wagner detectors...shielding, depth, volume neutrinos...physics, as critical as searching for electroweak scale ...astronomy, may become important as light ... neutrinos merit the many required new detectors ...consider a few selected future operations... IceCube Km3 Mediterranean astrophysical observatory...complement to IceCube 12 string Antares detector well underway...counterpart to Amanda first data from Nestor prototype “star” Km3 design study in approval process (10 M Euro request) 3 sites and 2 technologies SNOLab... a “new” international lab, in transition expansion program to accommodate many experiments ($50 M) SNO detector evolution...it, and KamLAND...have done there duty Frejus Lab...a home for Megaton? next step in search for proton decay...key to early universe, 1016 GeV ...grand unification with potential ideal oscillation distance, energy, and beams from CERN Neutrino facilities planning in the US ...the future... Evolution of Major Neutrino Research Worldwide Facility SNOLab Soudan Lab Kamioka Lab Gran Sasso Lab Modane Lab South Pole Mediterranean 10 August 2004 Detectors SNO → SNO+ → SNO++ + bb, Dark Matter, ... Minos→NOnA K2K → T2K SK→ Hyper-K Opera, Icarus → Megaton Amanda → IceCube Radio Č → Anita Antares/Nemo/Nestor → Km3 → Acoustic Detection Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak Neutrino Source Bruce Reactor NuMI → p driver+ KEK → JPARC CNGS → SPL CERN → SPL+ cosmic cosmic 4 ...viewing the heavens below each detector... ANTARES (43° North) AMANDA (South Pole) Mkn 421 Mkn 421 Mkn 501 ~Never seen Mkn 501 RXJ 1713.7-39 SN1006 RXJ 1713.7-39 CRAB SN1006 CRAB Never seen CasA CasA PSR B1706-44 1ES2344+514 VELA PSR B1706-44 1ES2344+514 PKS 2155-30 VELA PKS 2155-30 galactic center only seen by Antares 60% overlap in coverage...systematic checks ...neutrino telescopes necessary in both hemispheres 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 5 with Markov & Zheleznykh’s inspiration, ultra high energy neutrino signatures for Dumand (and successors) 1) long penetrating muon tracks, mostly with minimal light 2) short bright hadronic showers if vertex “nearby” signature, & light attenuation length, set spacing & size of light sensors “Proc. Dumand Summer Workshop,” 1976, LRS Dumand array concept: ~ as realized in Amanda the same in Antares ...but 4 km depth “Proc. Dumand Summer Workshop,” 1976 Amanda technology 80 strings / 60 OM’s each 17 m OM spacing 125 m between strings 1 km2 hexagonal pattern Surface array: 2 OMs each string top calibrate angular response 100 tagged TeV /day installation, operation 2005-2010 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 8 Eµ=6 PeV, 1000 hits 0.6° resolution 20m scattering length Amanda II IceCube Simulation Antares: install, operate ‘05-’07, 60 m sea water, 2.1-2.4 km depth 900 pms, 12 lines, 25 stories/line, 3 pms/story, ~0.1 km2 , 0.2° above 10 TeV, x2-3 energy resolution above 1 TeV 14.5 m 350 m 40 km to shore 100 m Junction Box ~70 m 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak Line anchor 10 Submarine links ...deployment of Antares preproduction prototype string, 5 storys 2002 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 11 underwater connections for prototype: manned sub, 1 of 4 from Ifremer, based at shore station, Toulon 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 12 plugging line for prototype string into the junction box 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 13 junction box at depth, with prototype string cable connected 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 14 Antares: unreeling cable from junction box to string bottom ...Cu for power fiber for signals 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 15 plugging-in the pre-production prototype at 2.4 km depth 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 16 Antares preproduction prototype (2002-3)...redeploy in October acoustic receiver 3 optical modules 12m local control module LED beacon acoustic receiver acoustic beacon acoustic releases master local control module 100m string control module and string power module interlink cable with wet-mateable connector Nestor preprototype deployment rigid “star” architecture March 2003 4 km depth 6 blue optical modules 2 pm’s, up & down 6 yellow floats above pix: white lines to bouy red to LED beacon below, unseen: lines to junction box Kouchner Nestor: 800 events from 106 4-fold triggers Track Candidate Number of Hits Number of Used Hits Number of Degrees of Freedom Pseudovertex Zenith Angle (Degrees) Azimuth Angle (Degrees) χ2 Impact Parameter (m) Vx (m) Vy (m) Vz (m) -lnLch Run: 63_37 Event: 396 1 7 7 2 30 (± 35) 82 ±3) 11 11 (± 21) 30 (± 23) 42 (± 9) 3 36.5 2 7 7 2 101 (± 10) 33 (± 29) 9 43 (± 15) 32 (± 16) -4 (± 8) 2.7 30.3 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 19 Nestor Raw Data (1/N)dN/dcos(θ) Angular Fits to M.C. Prediction Data Points Zenith Angle (degrees) 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 20 Nestor measurement of atmospheric muon flux with Dumand and Antares prototypes, 3 existence proofs for deep underwater technology 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 21 ...other neutrino detectors... beside geography, why so many facilities? for Megaton... the bigger cavity, the better. for solar and background sensitive exp’ts the deeper, the better e.g. impossible for IMB consider SNO at Sudbury, then Modane at Frejus ...Letters of Intent, presentations from this May… Prospective Experiments at New SNOLab Int’l Facility 6 kmwe, deepest int’l facility: 70 muons/day vs. 26,000/day at Kamioka 2 new halls, 30m x 15m, approved (~1/2 size vs. Gran Sasso), $50 M upgrades potentially in new halls, starting ‘07: Dark Matter Searches CDMS Chardin vs Soudan, SNO depth minimizes muon-induced fast neutrons ZEPLIN dark matter with liquid scintillator, if Boulby is not deep enough CLEAN 1 T (10 T for solar n) self-shielded, scintillating liquid Ne/Xe* XENON drifting charge dark matter search - R & D DRIFT dark matter with pointing using low pressure TPC: PICASSO acoustic detection of nuclear recoil with superheated bubbles in gel Neutrino Experiments HALO SNO 3He detectors with Pb, supernova neutrinos Noble Liquid Tracking Detectors for solar neutrinos with He or Xe Double Beta Decay searches Majorana 500 kg of Ge detectors for bb : scale up of known technology GERDA (~GENIUS) 1 T Ge crystals in clean Liq N2, no housings, self-shielded EXO Xe TPC, with laser fluorescence tag of Ba upon decay COBRA CdZnTe...semiconductor, all 3 bb candidates recyling SNO Detector or Cavity after 3He neutral current work is done, SNO Phase III over, D2O comes out in ’07 SNO+ geo and reactor neutrinos: fill with scintillator with n tag, get 700 kT fiducial SNO++ bb Decay: scintillator + 1 Ton of Te or Nb nanocrystals or + 2 Ton Xe dissolved gas SNO best facility in world for almost all experiments? ...except potential cavity size too small for Megaton 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 24 ...the other lab with a rebirth... Modane Megaton detector: two possible sites, both ~130 km to CERN Fréjus I required second tunnel, near the present lab, ’05-’08 deep covering, 4800 mwe dry rock, good quality, well known question: 5m diameter safety tunnel or 10m roadway? Fréjus II 15 km experimental tunnel for new Lyon-Torino TGV train (actual train tunnel to be longest and deepest in Europe) endorsed by Chirac and Berlusconi on Monday covering of 7000 mwe rock expected to be hard, but not yet studied potentially water, since glaciers above problem: regional support for lab if no entry in France? 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 25 - 13 km (12 870 m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 2728 293031 323334 70mx 70 mx 250 m France Italy Future Lab. In Europe, build Megaton for proton decay and supernova while tunneling, super at and beta(grey) beams later Present road Tunnel Fréjus and JPARC/T2K: Hyper-K and 2 MW proton source upgrade tentative, pending future Tunnel (black) for safety with 34 bypasses (shelters) decay hint at Super-K, or connecting theproton two Tunnels favorable θ13 measurement in T2K...Hyper-K could be much later ...under study Modane “Megaton,” 2 detector technologies, 3 geometries 1 MT water Cherenkov à la Hyper-K 100 kT liquid argon 10 August 2004 Messina Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 27 ...meanwhile in the USA? Neutrino Physics Planning Processes American Physical Society Neutrino Study (Kayser, co-chair) recommending high priority neutrino experiments: atmospheric and solar (pp?) astrophysical reactor superbeams neutrino factories and beta beams double beta decay NSF Initiative: A “Deep Engineering and Science Underground Laboratory” 7 potential sites: Henderson, Homestake, Icicle Creek, Kimbleton, San Jacinto, Soudan, WIPP 3 solicitations for proposals: 1) site independent physics justification and requirements (out) 2) site specific proposals, a few to be chosen 3) full proposals, limited to the NSF selected sites ...conclusions... new recognition of importance of neutrino physics and astrophysics relative to electroweak symmetry breaking for pointing, where photons cannot penetrate necessity of coupled source / detector facilities to optimize S/B synergism other needs for proton drivers at CERN, FNAL, JPARC increased luminosity and intensity for other experiments radioactive ion beams...nuclear, biology, medicine all naturally lend themselves to hot neutrino beams within a few years...results expected from Antares, Minos...as well as other experiments longer term: significant promise for IceCube...Km3, Megaton...T2K...Hyper-K ...bright future for neutrino detectors this talk is dedicated to Tran hommage for all those Rencontres theory godfather to particle and astroparticle physics and the legacy of neutrino detectors that have followed ...and to Kim...we all wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 30 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 31 …wither this next step in neutrino physics in Europe? Future European Neutrino Sources and Detectors Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe for Hi Intensity Proton Pulsed Injector CERN accelerator projects: Multi-MegaWatt Proton Linac RFQ preinjector 3MeV @ 50 mA... a project of CEA, CNRS, IN2P3 Linac 4 3 MeV → 160MeV…5-10 x more protons...R&D Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL at CERN, Proton Driver at FNAL) 160 MeV → 2 GeV x 2 mA = 4 MW goal for 2014 the promise for neutrino physics: Super-intense CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (SCNGS) 2 x more neutrinos (limited by other elements in complex) Super (but conventional) Neutrino Beams...many more neutrinos (Advantages for LHC (robust operation, hi luminosity for UltraLHC, rare K decays, etc 3-4 x more protons on target) 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 32 ...using the great depth... SNO+ as low energy solar neutrino detector 7Be 0.86 MeV line 10% calculational, 40% experimental uncertainty...difficult pep 1.44 MeV line...a precision measurement 1% predicted uncertainty...3000/year oscillated muon-induced 11C → e+ gives 1 MeV within 20 minutes untenable background in KamLAND , Borexino SNO+ : with only 70 muons/day track muon and veto 1 m radius around it 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 33 An « 0ptimal » schedule for a Megaton Physics Project in Europe Year Procedure : 2003 2004 EoI LoI Safety Tunne l Large Cavity R&D PMT’s, etc. 2007 2008 Prop 2012 2015 Approv. excavation Pre-study study excavation R&D PMT’s, etc PMT’s produc tion Detector installation PMT’s production Detector inst. Start Megaton Physics ………………... …………………. Start Megaton Phys ics SPL + Supe r-beam realization Beta-beam realization 10 August 2004 2020 SPL+Super-beam realization ? Beta-beam realization ? Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 34 EeV neutrinos...e.g. from GKZ pions produced by protons on CMB photons Satellite-based Air Cherenkov telescopes EUSO and OWL >1000 GTon mass Radio Cherenkov seen by balloon above South polar cap Anita 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 35 ...astro successes of water Cherenkov detectors... first physics beyond standard model from cosmic neutrinos mass and oscillation...most cited exp’tal paper of all time first extra-terrestrial neutrinos, imaging sun with them first extra-galactic neutrinos – SN 1987A the truly early universe, and grand unification still an ultimate goal, ...but awaiting discovery annihilations of susy particles in sun, galactic center high energy point sources (e.g. active galactic nuclei, grbs) ...potential future of SNO+ Detector, for geo and reactor neutrinos... A Closer Look at SNO+ infrastructure for low background work e.g. low Rn cover gas (N2), 1 neutron capture/day from U&Th 1 kT of low background liquid scintillator, as in KamLAND w/ 10-17 Geological electron anti-neutrinos n energy = 3.4 MeV - 1.8 MeV Q = 1.6 MeV positron + 1 MeV e+e- annihilation = 2.6 MeV deposited for KamLAND: at 180 km from reactors, looking for geo n at <2.6 MeV confused with 2nd oscillation minimum at 3 MeV ...hard to extract geo n since reactor n spectrum distorted just there and only ~ 40 geo neutrinos per year 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 37 consider geo signal to noise for KamLAND: ...but geo-neutrinos and reactor neutrinos difficult to separate 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 38 ...how important is distance from reactor? SNO+ vs. KamLAND SNO+ is 240 km from 14 GW Bruce vs KamLAND at 180 km from 80 GW 2nd reactor oscillation minimum moves up x 1.5 to 5 MeV reactor flux is max no geo n signal >3.4 MeV ...clean for reactor neutrinos narrower dip sharper spectral distortion a notch at 5 MeV 80 events / year, if no reactor oscillations note subtle difference in pattern with Casper’s Oscillator for geo-neutrinos, look < 2.6 MeV, at SNO+ many fewer reactor neutrinos (1 reactor, further away) oscillation pattern smeared out 64 geo-neutrino events / year vs. 29 at KamLAND & 10 at Borexino U/Th neutrino source thick continental crust, vs. the thin coastal crust in Japan SNO+... ideal to separate geo from reactor neutrinos 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 39 KamLAND 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak D. Casper’s n Oscillator 40 SNO+ 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak D. Casper’s n Oscillator 41 Advantages of either Frejus Site independent, horizontal access neutrino super-beams and beta beams likely upgrades to CERN at “magic distance” and right L/E (130 km/0.3 GeV) for those beams if LEP RF cavities recycled, 2.2 GeV protons give 0.3 GeV n higher energy, muon/pion discrimination a problem lower energy, muons don’t make enough Cherenkov light in water (further away, higher E, as in US, e/po/g separation a problem for Č French and Italian joint initiative “extension” of Gran Sasso Lab... water prevents a Megaton cavity preliminary study of large cavity (106 m3) at both Fréjus sites maximum possible size of cavity for each of 3 shapes? cost and time of excavation? 10 August 2004 Vth Rencontres du Vietnam - L. Sulak 42