Disaster Plan Animal Evacuation

Disaster Plan:
Animal Evacuation
Once all personnel have been evacuated from Magruder Hall the Fire Marshall will determine whether
animals in the hospital are safe to remain in contained sections of the building or need to be evacuated.
The VTH Large Animal Farm Manager (or designee) and the Small Animal Patient Services Coordinator
(with the SA Work Leaders) will work with the Fire Marshall to coordinate necessary animal evaluations.
Only experienced animal handlers who are CVM employees will be allowed to participate in the animal
Small animals will be taken directly to the Laboratory Animal Resources Center (LARC) for housing and
care. Large animals will be taken to the VTH Barn, stalls, or pastures as appropriate.
The LARC has a fully equipped surgical suite and medical supplies as necessary for both large and small
animal care.
If required the VTH Director in consultation with the LARC Director will arrange for alternate animal
housing. The Department of Animal Science animal facilities (including the Horse Center) and Veterinary
Medicine Animal Isolation Laboratory (VMAIL) are available for animal housing. There is an MOU among
Oregon State University, Oregon Health Science University, Legacy Health Institute, and the Veterans
Affairs Medical Center animal care programs to provide transportation and housing for animals in cases
of urgent need.
Once all animals have been secured the VTH Director with the Client Services Coordinator will contact
clients to confirm animals’ locations and safety.
Helen E. Diggs
VTH, Director