क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू List of General Courses conducted / planned by the Institute S.NO Title of Course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Course on Corporate Governance & Analysis of Financial Statements Course on New format of Finance Accounts and Checks exercised in Preparation of Finance and Appropriation Accounts and Financial Attestation Audit Course on Auditing Standards and Regulations on Audit & Accounts order 2007 Course on Internal Control Evaluation Manual Course on Maintenance & Implementation of Rosters. Preparation and Conduct of DPC Meetings. Preparation of Panels. Writing and Maintenance of APARs Course on Administrative Vigilance and Disciplinary Proceedings Course on Accounts in PRI’S and ULB’S Course on Government Accounting Course on Statistical Sampling in Audit Course on Audit of Value Added Tax Course on Audit of Public Works Department, Forest Department & Environment Audit Course on Fraud Examination Course on Audit of Tenders and Contracts Course on Inventory Management Course on Report Drafting on Key Documentation Course on Performance Auditing and thematic audit and Department centric/ CCO based audit. Course on Accounting Standards with Exposure to IFRS Course on Auditing of Public Private Partnership Course on Treasury Inspection Course on Training of Trainers Duration in Days 04 05 05 05 05 06 04 05 04 05 06 03 05 03 03 05 05 04 05 03 1 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू Course Contents General Courses 1. Course on Corporate Governance & Analysis of Financial Statements Working Days 04 Session Day 1 I & II III&IV Day 2 I&II III&IV Day 3 I&II III& IV Day 4 I&II III IV Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behavior Test Introductory Framework. Evolution Developments in the Concept of Corporate Governance at the International level and in India. Elements of good Corporate Governance, Factors influencing quality of Corporate Governance Salient features of Corporate Governance requirements under the listing Agreement Corporate Governance Report and other distinct Governance practices Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility .Role of Institute of Company Secretaries of India in Promoting Good Corporate Governance Nature, objective and types of Financial Statements. Form and content of balance sheet Form and content of income Statement Financial Statements Analysis Types of Financial Statements Analysis Devices of Financial Statements Analysis Awareness to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 2 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 2. Course on New format of Finance Accounts and Checks exercised in Preparation of Finance and Appropriation Accounts and Financial Attestation Audit Manual Working Days Day 1 05 Session I&II III&IV Day 2 I&II III&IV Day 3 Day 4 I&II III& IV I&II III& IV Day 5 I&II III & IV Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Introductory to Finance and Appropriation Accounts. Preparation of Finance Accounts – detailed statements. Preparation of Appropriation Accounts Summarized statements Finance Accounts. Reconciliation of Finance and Appropriation Accounts, Group exercise on Reconciliation of Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts Audit and Certification of Finance and Appropriation Accounts Concepts and overview of Financial Attest Audit Manual , Financial Audit of different types of entities Accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and disclosure requirements Audit Planning and Field Audit Programme, Audit Objective and Audit Approaches. Principles of reporting and drafting of report relating to Financial Attestation Audit. Ethics & Values Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 3 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 3. Course on Auditing Standards and Regulations on Audit & Accounts order 2007 Working Days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Session I & II III & IV I & II III & IV I & II III & IV I & II III & IV Day 5 I & II III & IV 05 Topics Inauguration of the Course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Introduction to Auditing Standards. Audit Mandate Basic Postulates. General Standards in Government Auditing Field Standards in Government Auditing Reporting Standards. Section 23 of CAG’s (DPC) Act-1971: Introduction to Regulations on Audit & Accounts 2007, Scope & extent of Audit. Financial audit Compliance Audit: Performance Audit: Audit of Bodies other than Govt. establishment & companies Audit of Government Companies. Role of CAG in Audit of PRIs & ULBs. Audit in IT environment, Audit Evidence Conduct of Audit. Audit notes & Inspection Reports, Audit Reports Ethics & Values Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 4 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 4. Course on Internal Control Evaluation Manual Working Days 05 Session Day 1 I & II Day 2 III & IV Components of Internal Control, control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring. I & II Roles and responsibilities of personnel in an organization for internal control in a system. Internal auditing-objectivity, activity and risks. Role of Internal Auditors Attribute standards, Performance standards. Engagement planning, in\improvement of risk management, communication of results to management. Discussion on examples relating to fulfilling accountability obligations and connected control activities. Discussion on examples relating to fulfilling accountability obligations and connected control activities. Reporting and follow-up. Communicating audit messages, feedback from clients / stakeholders relationship between legislative committees Internal Audit. Internal Quality assurance review/Peer review III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV Day 4 I & II III & IV Day 5 Topic Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Internal Controls- Definition, Responsibility of an organization in respect of setting up and maintenance of an Internal Control system- Achievement of objective-Limitations on Internal Control effectiveness. I & II III IV AQMF-Vision, Mission, Core Values and Auditing Standards. Strategic Direction and Planning Portfolio and Risk Management Resourcing Building. Performance Management and Appraisal. Personnel Welfare and Benefits. Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 5 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 5. Course on Maintenance & Implementation of Rosters. Preparation and Conduct of DPC Meetings. Preparation of Panels. Writing and Maintenance of APARs Working Days Session Day 1 I & II III, IV Day 2 I & II III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV Day 4 Day 5 I & II III & IV I & II III &IV 05 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Maintenance of Rosters and its implementation(Theoretical) Concept of reservation in Govt . Service, Writing of APARs, Importance of APARs, Contents and manner of writing of APARs, Mention of warnings / reprimands in APARs. Communication of adverse entries Maintenance of Rosters (Practical) Preparation and conduct of DPC meetings, Guidelines for DPCs, Function of DPCs, Composition of DPCs, Frequency of DPC meetings, Evaluation of Confidential Reports. Determination and calculation of vacancies and crucial date for determining eligibility, Procedure to be followed by DPC in regard to retired employees, Implementation of the recommendations of DPC Guidelines for preparing extended panel in the case of promotions, Validity of a panel, Review of panels, Security of official information and documents. Introduction to Right To Information( Act) 2005 Introduction to CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 Gender Sensitization Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 6 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 6. Course on Administrative Vigilance and Disciplinary Proceedings Working Days Session Day 1 I & II III & IV Day 2 I & II III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV Day 4 I & II III & IV I & II Day 5 III & IV Day 6 I & II III & IV 06 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Role of Government servants in handling public money and in dealing with public, Sensitive positions Need for vigilance, Vigilance compared to discipline and control. An overview of vigilance measures, Role of Departmental Vigilance Officers, Central Vigilance Organization, and Central Bureau of Investigation. Constitutional provisions on status and tenure of government servants, Provisions of Administrative law including Fundamental Rules (17 and 17A), Principles of Natural Justice. Provisions of Conduct Rules and Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules relating to misconduct, important provisions of Vigilance Manual, Misconduct liable to disciplinary proceedings and punishment. Suspension, procedure and entitlements during suspension. Guidelines for disciplinary and appointing authorities Reference to UPSC and reference to Central Vigilance Commission in disciplinary and vigilance cases. Procedure for imposing penalties. Minor penalties, Major penalties without an inquiry under Article 311 (2) of Constitution and major penalties with protection of inquiry under Article 311(2) of Constitution. Disciplinary proceedings, Departmental Inquiries Act, Instructions for Inquiry Officer, Instructions for Presenting Officer. Double jeopardy – Parallel departmental action. Appeals, Revisions, Review, Appeal to the CAG of India, Appeal to the President of India. Role of Central Administrative Tribunals and higher courts in vigilance cases, Stays and application for removal of stay. Typical cases to be presented by participants Group discussion on cases. Overview to Right to Information Act 2005 Historical background of Right to Information in different countries Evolution of Right to Information Act in India Procedure for obtaining instructions regarding documents in possession of IA&AD offices. Guidelines for providing technical assistance by the Audit Personnel to the Investigating Authorities Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 7 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 7. Course on Accounts in PRI’S and ULB’S Working Days 04 Session Day 1 I & II III &IV Day 2 I to IV Day 3 I to IV Day 4 I & II III & IV 8. Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Panchayat Raj-Background and concept under article 243 of the constitution of India and 73rd &74rth Amendment Act. Eleventh Finance Commission recommendation .Budget formulation. Punchayati Raj Institutions Working/Functions and accounting practices.. Role of CAG and mandate of CAG for audit and its scope under DPC Act,1971. Non Governmental Organization in PRI’s Gender Sensitization in PRI’s. Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction Course on Government Accounting Working Days 05 Session Day 1 I & II III&IV Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 I & II Classification and Forms of Government Accounts Compilation of Accounts III &IV I&II III&IV I&II Transfer Entries, Debt, Deposit and Remittance Heads Finance Accounts Appropriation Accounts Personal deposits accounts. Personal ledger accounts. Types there of Rules and Regulations of Deposit Transactions. Bearing Interest & Non-bearing Interest-Lapse of Deposits Inter State Settlement Account with PAO’s, AG’S and other agencies. Wrong posting. Suspence Heads. Adverse Balances in Public Account. Introductory. State Plan / Block Grants Accountal of Grants-in-aid / Loans III&IV Day 5 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Introduction to Government Accounts Duties and Powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India I&II 8 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू III & IV 9. Course on Statistical Sampling in Audit Working Days 04 Session Day 1 I & II III IV Day2 Review of present system and introduction of Accrual basis accounting system Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) & Summing up and valediction Exit Test Summing up and valediction I II Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Descriptive Statistics: 1. What is data? (Qualitative vs. Quantitative data): 2. What is an Attribute? 3. Frequency distribution of data. 4.Concept of random variable. 1.Measure of Central Tendency (Mean , Median and Mode): Concept, measure & applicability 2. Measure of Dispersion (Range, Standard Deviation & Coefficient of variation): Concept, measure & applicability Practical: Using Excel/IDEA package demonstrate different statistics using live data and interpret the statistics to draw conclusions about the distribution of the data.. Statistical Sampling: 1.What is Statistical Sampling? 2.How it is different from judgmental and convenience sampling? 3.Advantages of statistical sampling. 4. What is a Random Number Table? Its relevance in statistical sampling and concept of sampling frame. Statistical Sampling (contd.): 1.Stratification in sampling 2.Cluster Sampling. 3. Stratification vs. Cluster Sampling 4.Advantages of stratification. 5.Estimation formulae under stratification. 6. Demonstrate with examples. Practical:1) Problems on selection of samples and evaluation of few characters of interest using SRSWR, SRSWOR, Systematic, PPS, and PPS-systematic design. 9 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू Course on Statistical Sampling in Audit (Continued…) Day 2 Session III IV Day 3 I & II III IV Topics 1.Different techniques of statistical sampling: Simple Random Sampling (SRS), Systematic Random Sampling: concepts, definition and applicability. 2.Methodology of drawing samples using SRS & Systematic (both Linear Systematic and Circular Systematic) using a) Random Number Table & b) Using IDEA package. 3. Estimation formulae for estimation of population average, total and proportion of an attribute and corresponding estimation of standard errors: (Only the formulae to be stated, without proof) 4. Demonstration with various examples is very important. Statistical Sampling (contd.): 1.Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) sampling: concept, definition & applicability 2. Different techniques of drawing samples for PPS design (Cumulative Total method, Prof. Lahiri’s method of drawing samples). 3. PPS-Systematic sampling & its method of drawing samples. 4. Demonstration may be given with examples 5. Estimation formulae for estimation of population average, total and corresponding estimation of standard errors & concept of multiplier in sampling. (Only the formulae to be stated without proof) Practical: 1) Selection of samples under a two-stage stratified design from a given set of data and estimation of two characteristics of the population from the selected sample. 1. Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) sampling with particular reference to two-stage sampling: Concepts & applicability. 2. Estimation formulae using two-stage design – (a) 1st stage as PPSWR and the 2nd Stage as SRSWOR. (b) SRSWOR in both the stages. Audit Sampling: 1. What is Statistical Audit Sampling 2. Its advantages in audit 3. The risk of statistical sampling 4. Attribute vs. Variable Sampling 10 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू Course on Statistical Sampling in Audit (Concluded) Day 4 Session I II III & IV 10. Topics 1. Attribute sampling plan, determination of optimum sample size along with concepts of confidence level, precision & population deviation rate. 2. Variable Sampling plan determination of optimum sample size along with concepts of confidence level, precision & population standard deviation. 3.Unstratified Mean Per Unit. 4.Stratified Mean Per Unit. Risk assessment & sampling in audit 1.Risk based analysis & the risk model in audit. 2.Risk perception as input to statistical sampling Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction Course on Audit of Value Added Tax Working Days 05 Day 1 Session I & II Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Learning on VAT Tax Structure in India Day 2 III&IV I & II Value Added Tax-International Experience Day 3 III &IV I to IV Day 4 I & II Day 5 III & IV I & II Case Studies on Frauds in VAT System of Taxation Ethics & Values III & IV Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction Indirect Tax Structure in India Need for rationalization Design of Value Added Tax Structure for a Major State Audit of Receipt under Value Added Tax of a Major State 11 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 11. Course on Audit of Public Works Department, Forest Department & Environment Audit Working Days Day 1 Session I & II III &IV Day 2 I & II III &IV Day 3 Day 4 I & II Initial Accounts kept in Public Works Department. Various registers maintained in the Department. Functions of DA Internal control in Public Works and Projects, Procedure for conducting local audit of the Public Works Department. Scrutiny of various records Audit of records relating to construction of building. Audit of Stores and Stock Main features of Indian Forest Act 1927 Conducting detailed analysis of major works, while conducting the audit of PWD I & II Maintenance aspect of road works. Maintenance during and after construction Audit of records regarding Construction of roads. Understanding structural aspect of the roads. Audit of records regarding construction of irrigation tanks Structural aspect of the irrigation dam. Department. Define contract. Types contracts etc. Audit of contract. Procedure for Acquisition of land for Public Works. Environmental Auditing (EA) and Sustainable Development – Application of INTOSAI Auditing standards and INTOSAI Auditing guidelines on EA and Sustainable Development.How EA differs from other Audits - Performance Audit, Regularity Audit (Financial Audit and Compliance Audit) Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction I & II III& IV Day 6 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Introduction to Public Works Department. Functionaries in PWD Organizational Set Up. III & IV III & IV Day 5 06 I & II III & IV 12 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 12. Course on Fraud Examination Working Days 03 Day Day 1 Session I & II Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Basic concepts of Fraud and Corruption. Responsibilities for prevention of Fraud and Corruption. Day 2 III&IV I & II III &IV Day 3 I&II Understanding Fraud and Corruption. Fraud Detection Techniques. ASOSAI Guidelines for dealing with audit of Fraud and Corruption Overview, learning objective, Internal Control System, Control procedure, Assessment and Evaluation of Internal Control System. Understanding Risk and risk assessment, risk measurement, use of sampling Overview, Learning objective, Role and responsibilities of management and audit in prevention and detection of fraud, understanding general and field standards in relation to planning of fraud related audit Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction III & IV 13 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 13. Course on Audit of Tenders and Contracts Working Days Day 1 Session I & II III & IV Day 2 I & II III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV Day 4 I & II III & IV Day 5 I & II III & IV 05 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Mandate for audit of contracts as per Art.149 of constitution and provision of DPC (Act) 1971 and CAG regulations. General principles governing audit of contracts. Definition of contract under Indian contract Act 1872. Basic concepts and legal requirements of contract. Essentials of contract agreement. Kinds of contract. Contractstypes and nature, forms to be used. Guidelines for audit of contracts Audit of tender documents. Preparation of NIT, sale of tenders , publicity of tenders, receipt of tenders, single tender: negotiations, acceptance of tenders. Audit of pre-requisite earnest money/security deposit-Rate/bank guarantee/fixed deposit receipts: Refund inadequacies in contracts for procurement to locate poor tendering ,poor preparation of NIT, pre-disposition, one sided contract , unfair conditions, poor follow up of obligations Poor quality of inspection :Delayed payments etc. delivery points-arrangements for freight/carriage. Audit of performance of contracts. Payments released (Running A/C).Final payments, time schedule of payment of bill, inspection clause/arrangements for supply contracts/works contracts, forms to be used. Works contracts. Inspection of works by S.E./ C.E/ Sr. Architect / Advance payments Secured advances /Mobilization advance against plant & machinery to contractors. Site order book. Extra substituted & deviated items of work. Deviationregularization / extension of time & compensation for delay. Payment of sub-standard work Interpretation of contract clause. Fair wage contract, labour regulation . Rules for enlistment of contractor. Procedure in case of accident of contract labour and work charged staff. Arbitration and litigation. Role of arbitrators, engagement of lawyers. Acceptance of award setting aside of award Payment of award money, period of limitation, justification of courts. Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 14 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 14. Course on Inventory Management Working Days 03 Day 1 Session I & II Day 2 III & IV I & II III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV 15. Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Mandate for Audit of Accounts of Stores/Material Management and overview. Forecasting, Planning & Budgeting Inventory Control-ABC analysis-Minimum, Maximum stockRecorder level, inventory carrying costs-economic Ordering Quantity Inventory Control-ABC analysis-Minimum, Maximum stockRecorder level, inventory carrying costs-economic Ordering Quantity Tender ethics-art of negotiation-legal issues in material management. Supplier selection procedure and vendor rating applicable to both domestic and global tenders. Supply Chain Management and customer orientation. Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction Course on Report Drafting on Key Documentation Working Days 03 Session Day 1 I &II III & IV Day 2 I II III IV Day 3 I II Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Reporting Standards ,Objective, contents and structure of Audit Memos and Audit Inspection Reports Exercises on Drafting of Draft Audit Paras Groups to be formed & participants told about the workshop exercises, Material to be distributed amongst the groups. Audit Memos, Draft Paras be attempted by each group Inter group discussion (within same discipline) and presentation of the Proposed Draft Paras. Distribution of processed Draft Para. by Audit Office Framing of comments- Distribution of comments received from Headquarters office. Ethics & Values 15 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू III & IV Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 16. Course on Performance Auditing and thematic audit and Department centric/ CCO based audit. Working Days Day 1 Session I & II III & IV Day 2 I & II III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV Day 4 I & II III & IV Day 5 I & II III & IV 05 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Outlining the learning process, training techniques to be followed. Change in approach. What was the earlier method? What is the new one? Strategic planning & selection of subjects for performance audit. Principles & procedures. Risk assessment. Hands-on exercise on risk assessment Understanding the entity. Concept & hands-on exercises. Understanding performance audit implementation plan: Steps in planning. Structure of performance audit implementation guidelines. Exercise/ Group Discussion. Setting audit objectives & Understanding issue analysis. Exercise/ Group Discussion Hands-on exercises in setting audit objectives & issue analysis. Criteria: the concepts & sources. Hands-on exercises in setting criteria Exercise / Group discussion. Concept of study design matrix.Exercise / Group Discussion. Participants will be exposed Evidence Reporting Process and documentation Evidence: types & sources.Exercise / Group Discussion Preparation of audit test programme, evidence-gathering, analysis & documentation. Developing audit conclusions from audit findings and observations Exercise / Group Discussion Hands-on exercises on developing audit conclusions Statistical Sampling Exercise/ Group Discussion Using Information Systems in Performance Audit Ethics & Values Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 16 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 17. Course on Accounting Standards with Exposure to IFRS Working Days Session Day I & II 1 III & IV Day 2 I & II 05 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test CAG’S DPC Act 1971. Audit Mandate for PSUs AS-I Disclosure of Accounting Policies,AS-2 Valuation of Inventories,AS-4 Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date AS-6 Depreciation Accounting, AS-10 Accounting for Fixed Assets, Case Studies/Exercises. III & IV Day 3 I & II III & IV AS-5 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies, AS-9 Revenue Recognition AS-12 Accounting for Government Grants, AS-13 Accounting for Investments, Case Studies AS-15 Accounting for Retirement Benefits in the Financial Statement of Employees, AS-16 Borrowing Costs, , Case studies/Exercises AS-20 Earnings Per Share, AS-21 Consolidated Financial Statements, AS-22 Accounting for Taxes on Income, Case studies/Exercises Day 4 Day 5 I & II AS-24 Discontinuing Operations, AS-25 Interim Financial Reporting Case studies/Exercises AS-26 Intangible Assets, AS-28 Impairment of Assets Case studies/Exercises III & IV Introduction about International Accounting Standards Board and structure of IFRS I & II Role of frame work and objective of Financial Standards and underlying of assumption III & IV Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction 17 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 18. Course on Auditing of Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Projects Working Days Day 1 Day 2 Session I & II Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Public Private Partnership(PPP): An overview Types of PPP. objectives of PPPs. PPP audit in different (infrastructure) sectors. III & IV Institutional arrangements for appraisal and approval of PPP projects: Procedure for formulation and appraisal. Final support to projects in infrastructure, MCA, institutional arrangements in State Govts. Scope and objectives of PPP Audit. Types of documents to be audited. Project formulation and approval. Contracts/Concession Agreement. Documents available with Public Sector Partner. Accessing the documents and records of the Private Sector Partner. When should a PPP Project to be subjected to Public Audit. Mandate of PPP Audit and Accessibility to records. Intl. Auditing standards and Guidelines. State risks, SAI risks. PPP Audit and Performance Audit Guidelines Identifying and sharing risks. Audit Planning and selection of PPP projects for Audit-Collection of data, selection of projects, Audit Plan, External Experts. Auditing process and criteria. Process flow, Audit of Projects: A sequential approach. Audit of concessions, Risk Allocation, Viability Gap Funding, Audit of construction of the project. Value of money evaluation Ethics & values Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction I & II III & IV Day 3 I &II III & IV Day 4 04 I & II III &IV 18 क्षेत्रीय प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, जम्मू 19. Course on Treasury Inspection Working Days Session I & II Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 III &IV I &II III &IV I &II III &IV Day 4 I &II III &IV Day 5 I & II III &IV 20. 05 Topics Inauguration of the course Ice-breaking Session Entry Behaviour Test Overview of Functioning of Treasury Role of Treasury in budgetary control of the State Internal controls and Registers in Treasury Role Play relating to Internal Controls Planning a Treasury Inspection and Areas of Focus Conducting Treasury Inspection Reporting the results of inspection and discussion of common irregularities at treasuries Case Study Introduction to Gender Sensitization and Gender concerns in Human development Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Exit Test Summing up and valediction Course on Training for Trainers Working days Day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Session I & II III & IV I & II III & IV I & II III & IV 03 Topic Inauguration of the course Introduction to ‘Training’ Systematic approach to Training Trainers Skill Training Methodology Presentation Skills (a) Communication (b) Motivation Introduction to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions( ISSAI) Summing up & Valedictory. 19