Making a business case for process improvement Overview Andrew Quanbeck, M.S. NIATx 200 Scientific Manager About me • Previous experience • NIATx 200 • Business case research Overview • • • • NIATx Fundamentals – 20 minutes Case studies – 20 minutes Business case framework – 20 minutes What keeps you up at night? – 15 minutes Remember yesterday… Our Rotary Phone • Program to Treatment – One size for all – Right treatment at right time for each • Belief to Science – Experience and tradition – Peer reviewed, controlled studies • Human Service to Health – Social supports and change – Restoration to well being • Grant to reimbursement – Charity – Earned income Statistics • 19 million Americans need treatment • 25% are able to access treatment • 50% of those in treatment do not complete • The way services are delivered is a barrier to both access and retention Why Process Improvement? • Customers are served by processes. • 85 percent of customer related problems are caused by organizational processes. • To better serve customers, organizations must improve processes. Why Organizational Change? • Addiction is a population health issue • To serve a population we must organize resources • Well intentioned clinicians and practitioners working in isolation cannot solve addiction • A Framework for Change Five Principles • Understand and Involve the Customer • Focus on the Key Problems • Pick a Powerful Change Leader • Get Ideas from Outside the Organization • Do Rapid-Cycle Testing 1. Understand & Involve the Customer • Most important of the Five Principles • What is it like to be a customer? • Walk-through, focus groups… Why Walk-through? • The walk-through is useful for: – Understanding the customer and organizational processes – Providing a new perspective • Allowing us to ‘feel’ what it’s like • Letting us see the process for what it is – Seeking out and identifying real problems – Generating ideas for improvement – Asking why?…and why? again 2. Focus on Key Problems • What keeps the CEO awake at night? • What processes have been identified by staff and customers as barriers to excellent service? Examples of Key Problems • Excessive paperwork • Initial and ongoing client noshows for services • Length of the intake process • Creating successful handoffs across levels of care • Improving financial solvency • Staff turnover • Tailored treatment Executive Sponsor Role • Visionary – Link to a strategic plan – Set a clear aim • Engagement – Support the change leader – Periodically attend change team meetings – Personally invite change team participants • Leadership – Remove barriers – Connect the dots – Communicate 3. Select a Powerful Change Leader Who has: – Influence, respect and authority across levels of the organization – A direct line to the CEO – Empathy for the staff – Time devoted to leading change projects Leadership Characteristics Overall Perspective Top Five Mentions - Overall Challenges status quo Results verifiable by data Is persistent Is respected Focuses team on objectives. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Change Leader Characteristic Survey 29 Categories, 99 responses - Change leaders (n = 40)/Executive sponsors (n=20)/Change teams members (n=39) 30% 35% 40% 45% Change Team Responsibilities • Regular meetings • Ensure accountability • Identify potential solutions using PI tools – Nominal group technique – Flowcharting 4. Seek Ideas Outside the Organization and the Field • Provides a new way to look at the problem • Real creativity in problem solving comes from looking beyond the familiar Examples of Outside Ideas • • • • Airlines (Southwest, Delta, Midwest) Airline pilots Hy-Vee Etc. 5. Do Rapid Cycle Testing Start by asking three questions: 1. What are we trying to accomplish? 2. How will we know the change is an improvement? 3. What changes can we test that will result in an improvement? Model for Improvement Reference: Langley, Nolan, Nolan, Norman, & Provost. The Improvement Guide, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996 Before Starting the Change • Collect baseline data • Determine the target population and location • Establish a clear aim Make Changes • PDSA Cycles – – – – Plan the change Do the plan Study the results Act on the new knowledge • Adapt • Adopt • Abandon • Rapid-cycle changes should be doable in two weeks Change Cycles A P S D Hunches Theories Ideas Changes That Result in Improvement A P S D Reference: Langley, Nolan, Nolan, Norman, & Provost. The Improvement Guide NIATx Aims • • • • • Reduce waiting time Reduce no-shows Increase admissions Increase continuation Key: waiting time = waste Schematic: show rate vs waiting time 1 0.9 0.8 Show rate 0.7 0.6 0.5 Show rate 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 Days w aiting 25 30 35 A note on measurement… Recap- two things you should do if you haven’t done so already • Start tracking first request for service • Do a walkthrough Provider case examples…. • • • • • • Acadia Hosptial Perinatal Treatment Services Prairie Ridge Kentucky River Community Care Addiction Resource Center Adcare Open Access to IOP- Acadia Hospital Bangor, Maine • Clients who fit clinical profile over phone or at local ED offered an evaluation the following morning at 7:30 a.m. • All evaluated clients invited to start program the same day IMMEDIATE RESULTS • Time between initial contact and screening dropped from 16 days to 1.3 days • More people were screened the first week than in the entire previous month Results Open access has resulted in continued growth in the number of admissions (project implemented in March 2003) 72 70 68/mth 60 50 40 43/mth 30 28/mth 20 10 16/mth 0 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 Project #1 – Operating Results We serve more clients and the program operates more efficiently Persons Served in IOP $300,000 1000 $150,000 800 804 600 0 -$75,000 336 FY03 FY02 -$150,000 192 FY02 $75,000 $0 516 400 200 $208,639 $225,000 FY04 FY05 (annualized from 5/05) -$225,000 FY03 FY04 -$139,346 -$202,611 Outpatient Substance Abuse Services Net Profit or Loss Perinatal Treatment Services • Problem: long-term residential treatment program was only four months into the fiscal year with a net loss of $140,000, 60% continuation rate through the first four units of service, and occupancy rates below 50% • Goal: Increase continuation • Strategy: seeing the program through the eyes of the customer Walkthrough experience • Impersonal admission process (done in public area, took two hours, interrupted several times) • Changes: greeting customer by name, assigning peer mentors, giving bravery awards, creating private admission office PTS Improvements PTS Seattle: Continuation & Targeted Discharges (Grant began September 2003) Continuation: 4 Units of Service (Targeted) Discharge Rate: ATA, Disciplinary 100 90 80 Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 Business Case PTS Seattle: Revenue and Occupancy Rate (Grant began September 2003) 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Sum Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Win Spr 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 Percent (Thousand US $) Monthly Revenue (Thousand US $) Monthly Occupancy Rates (%) Prairie Ridge Addiction Treatment Services • Problem: no increases in state or federal appropriations for eight straight years, with ever-rising costs • Goal: Increase admissions • Strategy: focus on increasing admission among the 40% of clients who are feefor-service Doing more with current resources • Found capacity by driving out inefficiency • Outpatient direct service rates have gone from 40% pre-NIATx to 53% postNIATx • Effective increase of 3.12 new FTEs 40% solution • Pre-NIATx, variable and flat growth of third party, Medicaid, and client fees: – 3rd Party – FY- 04 - $290,888 FY- 06 - $507,852 Medicaid - FY- 04 - $203,471 FY- 06 - $276,801 Client Fee - FY- 04 - $132,834 FY- 04 - $223,714 Other benefits • Improvements in staff retention and morale • State eventually offered contract incentives in response to long-term performance Kentucky River Community Care • Grant funded, indigent populations • Applied PI approach to issue of staff retention (staff can be viewed as customers too) • Baseline six-month retention rate: 40% Kentucky River Community Care • Approach: walkthrough as a new staff member • Ideas: learn from another program with good staff retention (benchmarking) • Results: new orientation and training procedures yield 90%+ staff retention after six months • PI is part of job description Addiction Resource Center – Brunswick Maine Wait Times Are Down 77% From Baseline 14 12 10 8 Wait Time OP Wait Time IOP 6 4 2 No v Fe M b ar ch Ap ril M ay Ju ne Ju A u ly gu s Se t pt . O ct . No v De c Ja n Fe b 0 Monthly Average Addiction Resource Center - Maine IOP Volume Is Up 150% Over Baseline 2006 & 2007 Volumes - ARC IOP MCH Benchmark = 188 units 404 372 376 334 269 320 325 305 297 275 250 199 184 188 128 257 120 e rch Av era g 07 Ma Fe b rua ry ry nu a Ja be r er mb De ce m r No ve Oc t ob e r be pt e m gu st Se Au ly Ju ne Ju y Ma ril Ap rch Ma No ve mb er 0 Addiction Resource Ctr Business Case Medicaid Net is up 53% Over Baseline 3’rd Party and Private Net Is Up 50% Over Baseline Net Revenue 100000 80000 Medicaid 60000 3'rd Party and Private 40000 20000 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Decrease Dependence on Grant Revenues • Through using the basic principles of NIATx the Addiction Resource Center has been able to decrease the overall % the substance abuse dept is underwritten by State grants from 71% in 2007 to 46% by July 1, 2008 (grant amounts have remained flat for 5 years). CASE STUDY: ADCARE OUTPATIENT SERVICES of WORCESTER Support for This Project Was Provided by NIATx Through a Grant From the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Introduced OPEN ACCESS Pre Open Access Wait Time Ave 7.65/days Show Rates Ave 63% Post Open Access 1.1/days 85% Increase in volume of Assessments: 36% AFTER OPEN ACCESS • Increased admissions by 36%. – But we discovered that 35% did not show for their first session post assessment. – Some of our assessments required a higher level of care. – Many of our assessments presented with increased medical and psychiatric co-morbidities. QUANTIFY THE GAINS #1 • Let’s say the increased admissions are 25/month and that the admission assessment results in average revenue of $65.00. • New revenues/month are 25 x $65 = $1625. For a year 12 months x $1625 = $19,500. • AND 300 more people being assessed for treatment. (25 people x 12 months) OPPORTUNITY - To Re-engage Clients in Therapeutic Services. • Created an enhanced tracking system for no shows post assessment. • Trained staff to monitor system. • Assessor made outreach call within 72 hrs when client failed to show for 1st treatment session. RESULTS!!!! •Re-engaged 75% of clients that failed to make first appointment. Business Case And/or Strategic Advantage for the Organization # Assessments # No Follow Up # Re Captured September 192 67 50 175 October 192 67 50 175 November 184 64 48 168 Total Recaptured Total recaptured units 149 2535 QUANTIFY THE GAINS # 2 • At Adcare, 149 people re-engaged in three months, resulting in 2535 more units of service during that quarter. • Let’s say the average reimbursement/unit of service is $20. • At $20/unit of service, new revenue is $50,700. ($20 x 2535 units = $50,700) • AND 149 more people were able to stay in treatment. Recap- case studies • Providers realized: – Financial improvements – Strategic advantage – Improved staff turnover / morale • More info: “Business Case Series” and “Provider Toolkit” Business Case – the Sixth Principle? • What is it like to be a customer? • What keeps the CEO up at night? • The key to sustainability Business Case – the Sixth Principle • Economics really do drive an organization’s ability to offer services and the State’s ability to pay for services • A positive economic position is a better leverage point for clinical and/or organizational change • Programs that drain resources from the organization/State are rarely expanded – they also have more difficulty attracting staff Econ 101 Supply (inefficiency present) Price Supply (equilibrium) c Demand Quantity The way it should be… Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4 Client 5 Client 6 Client 7 Client 8 Client 9 Client 10 First Request x x x x x x x x x x Assessment x x x x x x x x x x Admission (1st Tx) x x x x x x x x x x 2nd Tx x x x x x x x x x x 3rd Tx x x x x x x x x x x 4th Tx x x x x x x x x x x …the way it is. Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4 Client 5 Client 6 Client 7 Client 8 Client 9 Client 10 First Request x x x x x x x x x x Assessment x Admission (1st Tx) 2nd Tx 3rd Tx 4th Tx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Calculating the financial impact of a change • Simple is better – use averages such as average revenue per statistic or average cost per unit of service. • Average revenue per statistic = the total program revenue divided by the program statistic (number of units of service) • Cost “savings” need to be translated to client care gains. What if more people come, but no one can pay? • It is possible to target one payer group, but we have learned over and over again that if you open access, it will help people in every payer class equally. Many clients pay something! • 43.9% of clients paid a portion of the charge for their treatment • 52.9% used two or more sources of payment - NSDUH 2006 What is it like to be the government? Prioritized motives Limited Resources Public justification Public safety/benefit Spending the public’s money well and being able to explain how you know it is a great communication tool • Many of those who make important decisions about how substance abuse treatment and mental health care get funded don’t really know what we do. Business principles like efficiency, cost reduction, improved productivity, and improved outcomes are a common language. Key Business Case ideas • Improved performance can lead to an improved bottom line AND improved client outcomes • Staff retention and morale seem to improve in organizations where staff are excited and involved • Business principles are a good communication tool and provide us a way to advocate for our work and therefore, our clients • The PI model can be applied to virtually any process that is important to organizational function (e.g., staff turnover) Resources • ACTION Campaign II (sign up at • NIATx Business Case Series and NIATx Business Case Calculator “Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age.” - W. Edwards Deming Workshop this afternoon • What is the best way to schedule clients? Acknowledgments • Funding provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse • Thanks to Lynn Madden, NIATx coach and frequent collaborator Discussion question: What is keeping you up at night?