2014-11-20 CoIT Notes - Council on Information Technology

November 20, 2014, 10:00 A.M.
OSRHE, Regents Conference Room
655 Research Parkway, Oklahoma City, OK
1. Welcome and Introductions – Cynthia Rolfe / All
Introductions and one project each campus is working on:
 Dana Saliba – OU Tulsa – Migrate data center equipment from old data center to new data center by
end of calendar year.
 Craig Ricke – NWOSU – No big projects currently.
 Mark Engleman – SWOSU – Retiring Director- January 9, 2015.
 Karen Kline – SWOSU – Updating technology in classrooms across campus.
 John Primo – Rose State College – Hosted bond project for new fiber optic, $5 million.
 Von Royal – OSRHE – Reiterating that initiatives are important for CoIT.
 Anna Biggers – OU Norman – Office 365 roll out to faculty/staff/students.
 Michael Martin – Carl Albert State College – New online application- one application for scholarships,
housing, etc.
 Jonathan Fozard – OSU OKC – Banner upgrade system-wide.
 Cynthia Rolfe – UCO – Office 365 implementation.
 David Anderson – OCCC – Working on specifications to open a new facility in Capital Hill.
 Dan Moore – SEOSU – Equipping emergency operations center.
 Becki Trepagnier – OU HSC – Time attendance and leave system implementation.
 Matthew Hamilton – Redlands Community College – Thank you to OU HSC & OneNet for assistance in
completing an infrastructure project to extend services to a remote location. This was a 3 year
project completed in 3 weeks with help from OU HSC & OneNet.
 Mark Hunter – Seminole State College – Jenzabar conversion.
 Kevin Hewlett – OSU Okmulgee – Purchased Compellent SAN and are virtualizing data center.
 Jeremy Bennett – ECU - Jenzabar transition, Disaster recovering planning period, Updating fiber and
wireless across campus.
** Joined after introductions had been completed.
 Don Mercer – Murray State College
 Eric Maynard – OSU
 Kim Bunch – NEO
 Lynn Boyce – USAO
2. Tribal Stories – John Primo
Learning management system (LMS) consortium process in 2005-2006. Cynthia brought specs and
questions with the idea of creating a consortium process to lower costs for a LMS. In February 2006,
UCO hosted an event for CIO's and LMS administrators to ask questions to vendors. In March 2006,
Rose hosted vendors as well. In September 2007, with the help of OneNet, John and Mark presented a
LMS consortium process. A number of colleges were interested. This process gave us the ability to work
together as a group.
3. Initiative Overview and Updates
a. Advocacy – Jonathan Fozard
 Legislative Tours will be starting soon (at UCO on Friday). The purpose of the tours will be to
talk about state initiatives for the year. Representatives from the districts usually attend as
well. The presentations are typically available on the state website after the tour. This year
will include IT cost savings and how it’s used. Von will send out a short-list to CoIT on what
is public information from the legislature. Von's team is working on legislative profiles to
help CoIT gather more information about their legislators.
 Beginning in December, the committee will start reaching out personally to members. It’s
important to continue to keep reaching out to members to build relationships. At the
January meeting, the committee will have a communication plan to present.
b. Find the Savings! – Anna Biggers
 The goal is to have one contract in place by the end of the fiscal year.
 The committee received 13 responses with major contracts to review.
o The top used contracts are: Oracle, D2L, Microsoft, SAS, IBM, HP, Cox, AutoDesk,
and Blackboard.
 The committee is still looking for membership. Staff members are also invited to participate
in the committee.
o The next step will be for the committee to meet to make a recommendation to
meet with 3-5 vendors.
 The Lynda.com contract is available. The deadline has been extended.
 The goal is to capture the savings for CoIT tribal stories and shared services initiative: Adobe
and Lynda.com.
c. Shared Services – Becki Trepagnier
 The committee is requesting that everyone spend some time on the marketplace website.
The committee is also requesting feedback on the layout.
o The co-location of disaster recovery services between Redlands and TCC should go
on marketplace site.
o The committee is requesting that staff members meet with the committee to
discuss the goal of the committee, as they want to capture collaboration across
 The marketplace is more than just an internal initiative. This is a message of what higher
education is doing. This will show the legislature collaboration and cost savings across higher
 There is a sub-committee to work on the Poise to Jenzabar transition. This committee will try
to get better license pricing. Dan Moore is chairing the committee.
d. Collaboration and Information Sharing – Kim Bunch
i. IT Summit – Professional Development for IT Staff (brainstorming for tracks) – Dan
 The 2014 Summit went really well. The planning for 2015 is starting much earlier.
UCO is hosting and handling vendor-management piece.
 CoIT needs to put together session tracks.
{Brainstorming exercise for the group}
o IT Security
o Cloud Services (office 365 included or separate)
o Classroom Innovation
o Cyber Security (breaches and reporting)
o Analytics & data warehousing
o Managerial / soft skills for IT leaders
o Research
o Legislative (roundtable discussion)
Networking (if not session, then a networking breakout/mixer) / Trade show
format for vendors to bring goodies / photo booth (shared services)
o Disaster Recovery
o Leadership / Customer Service
o Systems (VDI, wireless, DR, etc.)
o Lessons Learned
Send vendor contact information to Cynthia and Janis.
o Vendor booth - assistive tools for people with disabilities
o Networking event with alcohol (cash bar or vendor to sponsor)
Goal is to have the agenda set in January to be available when registration opens.
4. Committees and Reports (if different from Initiatives)
a. Executive – Cynthia Rolfe
b. ByLaws – David Anderson
c. Research – Anna Biggers (Find the Savings)
d. Policy and Legislative -- Jonathan Fozard (Advocacy)
i. Hollye Hunt (OSHRE; Legislation)
Was unavailable to attend the meeting. Will provide an update next meeting.
ii. Mark Gower (State of Oklahoma Chief Security Office & CyberCommand Director,
 OMES found that the assessment was too cumbersome and questions not easily
answerable, so they asked for reprieve from Legislature to rework it. The goal was
to have a framework to give organizations to work from and still keep within the
rules and regulations. The assessment originally had 649 questions, but has been
reworked into something more manageable.
 In the past, the assessment was delegated to lower levels and not completed
properly. The goal is to not have the same person answering both sides of the
survey. The business focus should be answered by a manager level.
 The assessment was restructured to COBIT maturity model rating (1-5):
46 questions – Business focus
58 questions – IT focus
 OMES has been delayed in getting the framework out, as it has been getting
reviewed by multiple organizations, but is hoping to have the assessment available
mid-December. Last year, the assessment was due pass. This year, OMES is asking
for an extension from the legislature for March/April 2015.
 In the past, the helpdesk has not been helpful.
o Statewide security operations center is set up at state CyberCommand and
employees will be trained on the tool. If problems arise, tell the helpdesk
that you need to speak to someone in the state CyberCommand and that
you are working on the assessment.
e. Cross-Institutional Policies and Partnerships – Becki Trepagnier (Shared Services)
f. Professional Development– Kim Bunch (Collaboration and Information Sharing, in conjunction
with Dan Moore)
5. Compliance – Von Royal
OMES / Reporting – Von and Cynthia met with Matt Singleton, and asked that OMES provide an updated
spreadsheet on which reports are due annually. OMES will provide the update in writing. Von will share
the information to CoIT.
6. OneNet Update – Robert Nordmark (Director of Network Services, OneNet. Equipment and physical
access to hubsite facilities.)
 Access: OneNet staff needs 24 hour access to campuses so they can provide updates and repairs as
o OneNet staff would like a 24/7 contact list to call upon when they need on campus. Usually
they can contact campus security, but sometimes they’re not available during the breaks.
OneNet would like door access codes possibly or a staff member who is available 24/7. They
will still let campus officials know, but just to have the availability. They don't want to
bypass IT, but still want to get into buildings when it’s necessary.
o Each campus should let OneNet know what will work best for their respective campuses.
OneNet wants to accommodate what each campus requires.
o CoIT will commit to giving Robert/James one name in the short-term. In January, the body
will come up with a plan.
o The Collaboration and Advocacy teams will help facilitate this request.
7. New / Other Business
A. Cyber Security Insurance – Von Royal
 OSRHE wants to gauge interest levels in cyber security insurance. CoIT will receive an email survey
about the interest status on their campus. The survey is looking for input for the legislators and
chancellor. Currently, no known campuses have it (in attendance at CoIT). What area on campus
would pay for it? OU and UCO are looking at it.
 The state went through an evaluation and cyber security insurance for several areas.
o Marsh Consulting was the chosen vendor. There was a self-assessment questionnaire
completed. Marsh reviews it with a consortium of insurance companies and boards,
and then assigns a risk rating to your organization. That dictates what the premium
should be. Higher education was excluded from scope.
B. New CoIT Wiki Demonstration – Cynthia Rolfe / Janis Ferguson
 team.coit.onenet.net
 Each CoIT member should have “author” access and be able to post documents.
Notes/Administrative Updates:
1. Next meeting is January 22, 2015.
2. There are a couple of dates that the Regents conference room isn't available. Perhaps a regional
university could host those dates. Cynthia/Janis will send out special notifications for those meeting