2014-09-25 CoIT Notes - Council on Information Technology

SEPTEMBER 25, 2014, 10:00 A.M.
OSRHE, Regents Conference Room
655 Research Parkway, Oklahoma City, OK
CoIT Meeting Notes
Welcome and Introductions – Cynthia Rolfe / All
A new wiki was created – team.coit.onenet.net – where each person can register. The Agenda
and PowerPoint will be added under the meeting date.
Introductions and one project each campus is working on:
 John Primo – Rose State College – Complete installation of fiber optic to campus.
 Kim Bunch – Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College – Experienced five power outages in the
last two weeks. Searching for a new generator.
 Steve Prator – Western Oklahoma State College – Virtualizing servers.
 Anna Biggers – OU Norman – Blacklisted with spam through compromised accounts. Have
since gotten off “that” list, but are still researching how to keep “them” from finding ways
through the back door.
 Jonathan Fozard – OSU OKC – Implementing banner across OSU A&M System. Also
implementing door access control and getting rid of all keys across campus.
 David Anderson – OCCC – VDI.
 Becki Trepagnier – OU HSC – PeopleSoft HR upgrade. Implemented time and leave systems.
Moved all employees from monthly to bi-weekly payroll.
 Matthew Hamilton – Redlands Community College – Inherited campus marketing website to
update and manage.
 Shawn Wakefield – Murray State College – Fiber upgrade and video surveillance.
 Jeremy Bennett – ECU – Migrating ERP system.
 Karen Kline – SWOSU – Bursar retired after 30 years, so the interface to system and student
billing is being standardized.
 Craig Rickey – NWOSU – Migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2013.
 Kevin Hewlett – OSU Okmulgee – VDI, Banner, installing Compellent SAN.
 Mark Hunter – Seminole State College – Migrating to Microsoft infrastructure.
 Dana Saliba – OU Tulsa – Multiple construction projects.
 Michael Martin – Carl Albert State College – Location project with OneNet.
 Cynthia Rolfe – UCO – Complete network infrastructure refresh.
 Von Royal – OneNet – Provides internet services to campus, engineering support, and helps
to be the voice outside of the CoIT group. Door is always open and will always try to
respond as soon as possible. OneNet added 8 new positions in the past month. Will share a
strategic action plan put together by April who assumed a new position. A near initiative,
called GEAR UP, was all started. It is a program for high school students focusing on college
COIT Focus and Strategy – Overview from Strategic Planning Session
A strategic planning retreat was held in July, which helped build the principles that will guide
CoIT meetings for the coming years.
1. True North
This is a shortened version of the mission of the organization.
Capability Compass
Specifically, unified and strategic IT expertise to drive success for students, faculty, and staff
within Oklahoma Higher Education.
2. Key Vectors
i. Common Focus and Voice
1. Advocacy
2. Leverage for expedient collective bargaining
ii. Forum for Interaction and Outreach
iii. Expertise and Professional Development
iv. Collaboration
1. Sharing Resources
2. Contract Sharing
3. Technical Solutions
3. Home Turf
What does CoIT do better than anyone else? How is the organization unique?
Advocacy: The unified voice for technology within Higher Education.
Tribal Stories
This month 10 years ago, the first council meeting was held at UCO. The IT areas on campus
asked for a statewide council similar to that of the Council of President’s and Student Affairs,
etc. Cynthia Rolfe (founding chair), John Primo, and Dana Saliba were among those in
attendance. Committees from 2006 are the same committees in the bylaws today.
Initiative Overview and Updates
Initiatives were created during the strategic planning retreat. Each initiative will be the work of
a committee.
1. Advocacy – Jonathan Fozard
Committee Members: David Anderson
The design of the Advocacy committee is to be the expert voice of CoIT.
There are 3 milestones:
1. November 2014 – Form a communication plan for members and regents: email,
phone calls, etc. The key to the communication plan – how to reach out to new
2. November 2014 – Legislative Committee: send out monthly legislative updates to
CoIT membership.
3. Spring 2015 – Look for opportunities to network with legislators.
2. Find the Savings! – Anna Biggers
Committee Members: Matthew Hamilton, Darlene Hightower, Von Royal
This committee looks for cost efficiencies across the state. The goal is to have a statewide
single purchase contract for next fiscal year. Anna has requested a spreadsheet for
university contracts to be emailed to her no later than October 15th. The committee will
review all the contracts and identify one or two potential contracts to negotiate. The
committee will identify a negotiation team to negotiate on behalf of CoIT. At one of the
spring CoIT meetings, the committee will bring their recommendation to CoIT for
review/approval. This will be an opt in/out option for schools.
3. Shared Services – Becki Trepagnier
Committee Members: TBD (new members welcome)
The committee is creating a shared services marketplace under the CIO webpage. Included
will be services institutions are prepared to offer to other institutions. The committee will
provide communication to CoIT by November 30th. The committee will also meet with
individual schools to discuss potential services. Following the individual meetings, the
marketplace will be enhanced in January 2015. A measure of success by metrics and cost
savings will be provided by June 30, 2105. One goal is to capture the partnerships that are
already happening between schools. Accomplishments from other committees will feed into
the marketplace.
4. Collaboration and Information Sharing – Kim Bunch
Committee members: TBD (new members welcome)
The committee will be changing the name to “Professional Development”. The goal is to
bring in experts in particular areas of interest. This committee will oversee the IT Summit.
The committee will identify individuals from schools with specific certifications/expertise to
share with the group. The committee will provide a professional development plan for CoIT,
as well as create a professional association to bring in the experts.
Committees and Reports (if different from Initiatives)
1. Executive – Cynthia Rolfe
 Bylaws say the executive committee consists of the chairperson and vice chairperson.
 25 people voted for the executive committee.
o Vice Chair – David Anderson
o Past Chair – Becki Trepangier
o 4 Year – Dan Moore
o Research – Anna Biggers
o 2 Year – Jonathan Fozard
 The executive committee will meet via teleconference each month CoIT meets.
2. ByLaws – David Anderson
Proposed that chairperson-elect will chair the Bylaws committee to become familiar
with all the bylaws before becoming chair.
Research – Anna Biggers (Find the Savings)
 Find the Savings initiative
Policy and Legislative – Hollye Hunt / Jonathan Fozard (Advocacy)
 Advocacy initiative
 No chair
 Does not map back to an initiative
 Open to body on how the committee should function –
o Several initiatives go with this committee.
o The original intent was to be a repository of hardware/software specialists and
to bring ideas to the table to discuss.
o The committee should be deactivated since it does not fit with any of the
 Jonathan Fozard – motion to dissolve technology committee.
 Anna Biggers – second.
 Cynthia Rolfe – Vote: Yes – 19; No – 0; Abstentions – 0. Motion carried, committee is
Cross-Institutional Policies and Partnerships – Becki Trepagnier (Shared Services)
 Shared services initiative
Professional Development [proposed] – Kim Bunch (Collaboration and Information Sharing,
in conjunction with Dan Moore)
 Proposed committee (will need to update bylaws if approved)
Compliance – Von Royal
Information regarding compliance has been requested from the state, but has not been
received. Institutions want to be in compliance, but do not know what is required. OneNet will
continue to communicate with them and keep CoIT members updated via email.
OneNet Update – Robert Nordmark
No OneNet update at this time. Robert will report next time.
Notes/Administrative Updates:
1. Initiatives/committee members do not have to members of CoIT. They can be CoIT
member’s staff.
2. Please update contact information as necessary.
3. IT Summit – May 18-29, 2015 at UCO
i. Already have 3 sponsors.
ii. Topics, formats, etc. are welcome. Let the executive committee know.
iii. Members are needed for the planning committee. Let Kim Bunch know if
interested. The planning committee will be a sub-committee of the Professional
Development initiative.
CoIT meeting adjourned at 11:22am.