Scripture Powerpoint

Note to teachers
• This PowerPoint uses the Contemporary
English Version the version of the bible
used by the US Bishops for their
Children’s Lectionary for Masses with
children; this powerpoint includes some
passages from the Storytime and Bible
Stories for Little Children books.
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
Psalm 148
The Praise of all Creation
praises to the LORD!
Shout the LORD's praises in the highest heavens.
of you angels, and all who serve him above,
come and offer praise.
and moon, and all of you bright stars,
come and offer praise.
heavens, and the water
above the highest heavens, come and offer praise.
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
Psalm 148
all things praise the name of the LORD,
because they were created
at his command.
made them to last forever,
and nothing can change what he has done.
creatures on earth, you obey his commands,
so come praise the LORD!
monsters and the deep sea,
fire and hail, snow and frost,
and every stormy wind,
come praise the LORD!
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
Psalm 148
mountains and hills,
fruit trees and cedars,
wild and tame animal,
all reptiles and birds,
come praise the LORD!
king and every ruler,
all nations on earth,
man and every woman,
young people and old,
come praise the LORD!
Psalm 148
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
creation, come praise
the name of the LORD.
Praise his name alone.
The glory of God is greater
than heaven and earth.
a bull with mighty horns,
the LORD protects
his faithful nation Israel,
because they belong to him.
Shout praises to the LORD!
Psalm 150
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
Final Song of Praise
praises to the LORD!
Praise God in his temple.
Praise him in heaven,
his mighty fortress.
our God!
His deeds are wonderful,
too marvelous to describe.
God with trumpets
and all kinds of harps.
RERC 0-01a Mystery of God
Psalm 150 (cont’d)
him with tambourines
and dancing,
with stringed instruments
and woodwinds.
God with cymbals,
with clashing cymbals.
every living creature
praise the LORD.
Shout praises to the LORD!
1 Samuel 16:4-13
RERC 0- 02a In the Image of God
The Call of David
did what the LORD told him and went to Bethlehem.
The town leaders went to meet him,
but they were terribly afraid
and asked, "Is this a friendly visit?"
it is!" Samuel answered.
"I've come to offer a sacrifice to the LORD.
Get yourselves ready to take part
in the sacrifice and come with me."
Samuel also invited Jesse and his sons
to come to the sacrifice,
and he got them ready to take part.
1 Samuel 16:4-13 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 02a In the Image of God
The Call of David
Jesse and his sons arrived,
Samuel noticed Jesse's oldest son, Eliab.
"He has to be the one the LORD has chosen,"
Samuel said to himself.
the LORD told him, "Samuel, don't think Eliab is the one
just because he's tall and handsome.
He isn't the one I've chosen.
People judge others by what they look like,
but I judge people by what is in their hearts."
8Jesse told his son Abinadab to go over to Samuel,
but Samuel said, "No, the LORD hasn't chosen him."
1 Samuel 16:4-13 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 02a In the Image of God
The Call of David
Jesse sent his son Shammah to him,
and Samuel said, "The LORD hasn't chosen him either."
10Jesse had all seven of his sons go over to Samuel.
Finally, Samuel said, "Jesse, the LORD hasn't chosen
any of these young men. 11Do you have any more sons?"
"Yes," Jesse answered.
"My youngest son David is out taking care of the sheep."
"Send for him!" Samuel said.
"We won't start the ceremony until he gets here."
1 Samuel 16:4-13 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 02a In the Image of God
The Call of David
sent for David.
He was a healthy, good-looking boy with a sparkle in his eyes.
As soon as David came, the LORD told Samuel,
"He's the one! Get up and pour the olive oil on his head.“
poured the oil on David's head
while his brothers watched.
At that moment, the Spirit of the LORD took control of
David and stayed with him from then on.
Samuel returned home to Ramah.
Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus
that time Emperor Augustus gave orders
for the names of all the people to be listed in
record books. 2These first records were made
when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
3Everyone had to go to their own hometown to
be listed.
Joseph had to leave Nazareth in Galilee and
go to Bethlehem in Judea. Long ago Bethlehem
had been King David's hometown, and Joseph
went there because he was from David's family.
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Luke 2:1-20(cont’d)
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
was engaged to Joseph and traveled
with him to Bethlehem. She was soon going
to have a baby, 6and while they were there,
7she gave birth to her first-born son. She
dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on
a bed of hay, because there was no room
for them in the inn.
That night in the fields near Bethlehem
some shepherds were guarding their sheep.
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Luke 2:1-20(cont’d)
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
at once an angel came down to them from the Lord,
and the brightness of the Lord's glory
flashed around them.
The shepherds were frightened.
the angel said, "Don't be afraid!
I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy.
11This very day in King David's hometown
a Savior was born for you.
He is Christ the Lord.
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Luke 2:1-20 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
will know who he is,
because you will find him dressed in baby clothes
and lying on a bed of hay."
many other angels
came down from heaven and joined in praising God.
They said:
14"Praise God in heaven!
Peace on earth to everyone
who pleases God."
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Luke 2:1-20(cont’d)
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
the angels had left and gone back to heaven,
the shepherds said to each other,
"Let's go to Bethlehem and see what
the Lord has told us about."
hurried off and found Mary and Joseph,
and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay.
17When the shepherds saw Jesus,
they told his parents what the angel had said about him.
18Everyone listened and was surprised.
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Luke 2:1-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-04a Revealed Truth of God
Mary kept thinking about all this
and wondering what it meant.
the shepherds returned to their sheep,
they were praising God and
saying wonderful things about him.
Everything they had seen and heard
was just as the angel had said.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
One day a messenger came to the town where Mary
and Joseph were living. The messenger had some
important news from the king. Everyone listened
very carefully. He said, ‘The king wants to count all
the people. Everyone must go back to the town
where their family used to live. Then you will all be
Mary and Joseph’s family used to live in Bethlehem.
So when they heard the messenger, they knew that
they would have to go to Bethlehem.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
They couldn’t go in a comfortable bus, or on a fast
train, because there weren’t any buses or trains
then. The rich people rode on camels or on horses.
The poor people rode on donkeys or else they
walked. Mary and Joseph were too poor to have a
camel or a horse. They had a donkey.
It was a long way to Bethlehem. It took Mary and
Joseph three days to get there. Each night they
stayed at a house. Each day Mary rode on the
donkey and Joseph walked beside her.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
‘Clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop,’ went the donkeys
hooves as they walked along.
After three days they came to Bethlehem.
Hundreds and hundreds of people were there.
Everyone was waiting to be counted. Bethlehem was
very crowded indeed.
‘May we stop as soon as we can?’ asked Mary.
‘Certainly we shall,’ said Joseph. Soon they came to
a house. Joseph knocked on the door. Knock! Knock!
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
The man came out. ‘Have you any room in your
house?’ Joseph asked. ‘My wife is very tired. We
should like to stay for the night.’ ‘No, I’m sorry, I
haven’t any room,’ answered the man. ‘You cannot
stay here.’ And he closed the door.
‘Never mind, Mary,’ said Joseph, ‘we’ll ask at another
house.’ So they walked further down the road. ‘Clip,
clop, clip, clop,’ went the donkey’s hooves as they
walked along.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
At the next house Joseph knocked on the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock! The man came out. ‘Have you
any room in your house?’ Joseph asked. ‘My wife is
very tired. We should like to stay for the night.’
‘No, I’m sorry, I haven’t any room,’ answered the
man. ‘You cannot stay here.’ And he closed the
‘Let’s go a bit further,’ said Joseph. Mary and
Joseph were very tired. There were so many people
in Bethlehem. But Joseph knew that they must find
somewhere to sleep.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
‘I’m sure that God will help us to find somewhere,’
said Mary.
Then they came to a house where lots of people
could stay. Joseph knocked on the door. Knock!
Knock! Knock! The man came out. ‘Have you any
room in your house?’ Joseph asked. ‘My wife is very
tired. We should like to stay for the night.’ ‘No, I’m
sorry, I haven’t any room,’ answered the man. ‘You
cannot stay at my house.’
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
But I expect that he saw Mary sitting on the donkey
looking tired, because then he said, ‘I haven’t any
room in my house, but there is room in my stable.
The animals that belong to the other travellers are
there. My cows are there too. But your wife looks
very tired. You may sleep there if you like.
So Mary and Joseph went to the stable at the back
of the house. They found a corner away from the
animals, and lay down in the straw.
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
That night Jesus, God’s son, was born. He was God’s
Son, but he wasn’t born in a comfortable house. He
was born in a stable with animals nearby.
Mary wrapped baby Jesus in the swaddling clothes
that she had brought. But she hadn’t a cradle for
Him. So Joseph said, ‘Let’s use one of the animal’s
feeding boxes.’ The feeding box was called a
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Luke 2:1-20
RERC 0- 04a Revealed Truth of God
The Birth of Jesus (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 6)
Joseph put some clean straw into the manger and
then Mary gently down to sleep.
Mary and Joseph looked at Baby Jesus. They loved
Him very much. They were so happy. They knew
that God had sent His Son as he had promised.
Jesus, God’s Son, had been born.
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RERC 0- 05a Son of God
Luke 2:8-20
The Shepherds and angels
That night in the fields near Bethlehem
some shepherds were guarding their sheep.
9All at once an angel came down to them from the Lord,
and the brightness of the Lord's glory
flashed around them.
The shepherds were frightened.
the angel said, "Don't be afraid!
I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy.
11This very day in King David's hometown
a Savior was born for you.
He is Christ the Lord.
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Luke 2:8-20 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 05a Son of God
will know who he is,
because you will find him dressed in baby clothes
and lying on a bed of hay."
many other angels
came down from heaven and joined in praising God.
They said:
14"Praise God in heaven!
Peace on earth to everyone
who pleases God."
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Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0- 05a Son of God
the angels had left and gone back to heaven,
the shepherds said to each other,
"Let's go to Bethlehem and see what
the Lord has told us about."
hurried off and found Mary and Joseph,
and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay.
17When the shepherds saw Jesus,
they told his parents what the angel had said about him.
18Everyone listened and was surprised.
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Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
Mary kept thinking about all this
and wondering what it meant.
the shepherds returned to their sheep,
they were praising God and
saying wonderful things about him.
Everything they had seen and heard
was just as the angel had said.
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Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
The shepherds and the angels (alternative)
from Jacqueline Sibley, Story Time Two
Once there was a shepherd.
We do not know his name,
but we shall call him Benjamin.
Benjamin and his friends looked after some sheep.
One night, they were on a hill outside Bethlehem.
It was a cold night and Benjamin
wrapped his cloak around himself to keep warm.
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
The shepherds had built a fire.
The fire frightened away any
lions or bears that might be around,
for lions and bears like to catch little lambs.
The fire also kept the shepherds warm.
Benjamin lay down near it to go to sleep.
He could see the stars twinkling in the sky.
He could hear the sheep saying 'Baa' softly to one another.
Some other shepherds were lying near the fire too.
But some stayed awake because it was their
turn to look after the sheep.
They had to see that none wandered away and was lost.
They had to make sure that no lions or bears were around.
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
Suddenly Benjamin saw a light.
It was shining very brightly.
It was much brighter than the flickering
fire or the twinkling stars.
He couldn't understand what it was.
He jumped up and looked around.
Then he saw an angel.
He had never seen an angel before
and he was frightened. He looked for his friends.
They had seen the angel too.
They were kneeling on the ground hiding their faces.
So Benjamin knelt on the ground and hid his face.
No one dared to look at the angel. They were all afraid.
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
The angel knew that they were frightened.
He said to them, 'Don't be afraid!
I have come to bring you some good news.
Tonight God's Son has been born.
He has been born quite near here in Bethlehem.
You can find Him for yourselves.
You will know when you have found Him because
He has been born in a stable.
His mother has put Him in a manger.
She hasn't a proper cradle for Him.'
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
Suddenly Benjamin saw some other angels in the sky.
They were singing a beautiful song to praise God.
Benjamin listened to their song.
He had never heard anything so beautiful before.
He wondered if he were really dreaming.
Then the song ended. The angels went away.
The bright light disappeared.
It was quiet and dark everywhere again.
Some of the shepherds rubbed their eyes.
Some of them stood up.
No one spoke for a little while.
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
Then one of the older men said,
'Why are we all standing here!
We must go straight to Bethlehem.
We must find this Baby whom God has told us about.'
'Of course we must go,’ said another shepherd.
'Yes! yes !' said Benjamin and everyone else.
So the shepherds left their sheep on the hillside.
They hurried down to Bethlehem as fast as they could go.
Benjamin was very excited.
He could hardly wait to get there.
Soon they came to Bethlehem and found the
stable where Mary and Joseph were staying.
Luke 2:8-20(cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
One shepherd went quietly inside.
'May my friends and I see your Baby, please?' he asked Mary.
'Of course you may,’ Mary replied.
So all the shepherds looked at Baby Jesus.
They were very quiet. They didn't want to frighten Him.
Benjamin looked at Him too.
Baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying a manger,
just as the angel had said.
He was very, very tiny.
Luke 2:8-20 (cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
They were all so happy that
they had seen Baby Jesus.
Each one of them said Thank You' to God
for sending the angel to tell them about Him,
and for letting them see Him.
Benjamin said 'Thank You' to God too.
He knew that he would never
forget that wonderful night.
Matthew 2 : 1-12
RERC 0-05a Son of God
The Magi/Wise men
Jesus was born in the village of
Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was king.
During this time some wise men from the east
came to Jerusalem 2and said,
"Where is the child born to be king of the Jews?
We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.“
King Herod heard about this, he was worried,
and so was everyone else in Jerusalem.
Matthew 2 : 1-12 (cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
brought together the chief priests
and the teachers of the Law of Moses and asked them,
"Where will the Messiah be born?"
told him,
"He will be born in Bethlehem, just as the prophet wrote,
in the land of Judea,
you are very important
among the towns of Judea.
From your town will come a leader,
who will be like a shepherd
for my people Israel.' "
Matthew 2 : 1-12 (cont’d)
RERC 0-05a Son of God
secretly called in the wise men
and asked them when they had first seen the star.
8He told them,
"Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child.
As soon as you find him, let me know.
I want to go and worship him too."
wise men listened to what the
king said and then left.
And the star they had seen in the east
went on ahead of them until it stopped over
the place where the child was.
Matthew 2 : 1-12 (cont’d)
RERC 0- 05a Son of God
were thrilled and excited to see the star.
the men went into the house and saw the child
with Mary, his mother, they knelt down and worshiped
They took out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
and gave them to him.
they were warned in a dream not to return to
Herod, and they went back home by another road.
RERC 0- 07a Son of God
Mark 16:1-6
Easter Sunday morning
the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene,
Salome, and Mary the mother of James
bought some spices to put on Jesus' body.
early on Sunday morning,
just as the sun was coming up,
they went to the tomb.
3On their way, they were asking one another,
"Who will roll the stone away from the entrance for us?"
4But when they looked,
they saw that the stone had already been rolled away.
And it was a huge stone!
Mark 16:1-6 (cont’d)
RERC 0-07a Son of God
women went into the tomb,
and on the right side they saw a
young man in a white robe sitting there.
They were alarmed.
man said, "Don't be alarmed!
You are looking for Jesus from Nazareth,
who was nailed to a cross.
God has raised him to life, and he isn't here.
You can see the place where they put his body.
Romans 8:26-27
RERC 0- 07a Signs of God
The Holy Spirit Helps Us To Pray
certain ways we are weak,
but the Spirit is here to help us.
For example, when we don't know what to pray for,
the Spirit prays for us in ways
that cannot be put into words.
of our thoughts are known to God.
He can understand what is in the mind of the Spirit,
as the Spirit prays for God's people.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering
was sitting in the temple near the offering box
and watching people put in their gifts. He noticed that
many rich people were giving a lot of money.
a poor widow came up and put in two coins that
were worth only a few pennies.
43Jesus told his disciples to gather around him.
Then he said: I tell you that this poor widow has put in
more than all the others. 44Everyone else gave what they
didn't need. But she is very poor and gave everything she
had. Now she doesn't have a penny to live on.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
In God’s House, the Temple, there were thirteen
boxes. Can you count them? One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
Every day crowds of people walked past them and
as they did they usually threw some money into one
of them. You see, these thirteen special boxes
were collecting boxes and the money that people
put into them was used for God’s work.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
One day, Jesus and his friends were sitting in God’s
House, the Temple. As they sat there Jesus could
see the thirteen special boxes and He watched the
people throwing in their money.
One man wore beautiful clothes. He must have had
lots of money to be able to buy them. He stopped
by one of the special boxes. ‘I must give some
money to God’s work,’ he said.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
One man wore beautiful clothes. He must have had
lots of money to be able to buy them. He stopped
by one of the special boxes. ‘I must give some
money to God’s work,’ he said.
So he took out some gold and silver coins and
dropped them into the box, clankety-clanketyclank, clankety-clankety-clank. All the people
watched him. The man listened to them falling and
then he walked away. He still had plenty of gold
and silver coins left to spend on himself.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
A rich man came by. He always ate plenty of good,
rich food. He must have had lots of money to be
able to buy it. He stopped by one of the special
boxes. ‘I must give some money to God’s work,’ he
So he took out some gold and silver coins and
dropped them into the box, clankety-clanketyclank, clankety-clankety-clank. All the people
watched him. The man listened to them falling and
then he walked away. He still had plenty of gold
and silver coins left to spend on himself.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
A lady also walked by the special boxes. She lived
in a magnificent house and had many helpers to do
her work for her. He must have had lots of money,
too. She stopped by one of the special boxes. ‘I
must give some money to God’s work,’ she said.
So he took out some gold and silver coins and
dropped them into the box, clankety-clanketyclank, clankety-clankety-clank. All the people
watched him. The lady listened to them falling and
then he walked away. He still had plenty of gold
and silver coins left to spend on himself.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Another man walked by. He had many camels that
carried things from place to place and they earned
lots of money for him. He stopped by one of the
special boxes. ‘I must give some money to God’s
work,’ she said.
So he took out some gold and silver coins and
dropped them into the box, clankety-clanketyclank, clankety-clankety-clank. All the people
watched him. The man listened to them falling and
then he walked away. He still had plenty of gold
and silver coins left to spend on himself.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Jesus saw all these people as they put their money
into the special boxes. But He also knew about all
the money they had left. He knew that they had
plenty of gold and silver coins left to spend on
Then a very poor lady came by. She lived by
herself and had no husband to earn money for her.
She wasn’t wearing beautiful clothes; her clothes
were old and mended. She didn’t eat plenty of rich
food; sometimes she was very hungry.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
She didn’t live in a magnificent house and have
people to help her. Her house was small and had
very few things in it. She certainly didn’t have any
camels to earn lots of money for her; she couldn’t
even afford a little donkey.
The only money that she had was two tiny brown
coins and they weren’t worth very much at all. But
she loved God. ‘I would like to give something to
help God’s work,’ she thought.
Mark 12:41-44
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Widow’s Offering (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Jesus watched her as she stopped by one of the
special boxes. He saw her drop in, not one, but both
of her tiny brown coins. Clink-clink, they fell. It
wasn’t much money, but it was all she had. Then she
hurried away. She didn’t know that Jesus had been
watching. But Jesus had seen her and He knew that
she had no money left for herself.
As she went away, Jesus said to His friends, ‘The rich
people have given lots of money for God’s work today,
but they all have plenty left for themselves. The poor
lady only gave two tiny coins, but she gave all that she
could. She has given the best gift of them all.
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
expert in the Law of Moses stood up and asked
Jesus a question to see what he would say. "Teacher," he
asked, "what must I do to have eternal life?"
26Jesus answered, "What is written in the Scriptures?
How do you understand them?"
man replied, "The Scriptures say, `Love the
Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and
mind.' They also say, `Love your neighbors as much as
you love yourself.' "
Luke 10:25-37 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
said, "You have given the right answer. If
you do this, you will have eternal life."
29But the man wanted to show that he knew what he
was talking about. So he asked Jesus, "Who are my
As a man was going down from Jerusalem to
Jericho, robbers attacked him and grabbed
everything he had. They beat him up and ran off,
leaving him half dead.
RERC 0-11a Word of God
priest happened to be going down the same road.
But when he saw the man,
he walked by on the other side.
a temple helper came to the same place.
But when he saw the man who had been beaten up,
he also went by on the other side.
man from Samaria then came traveling along that road.
When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him
34and went over to him.
He treated his wounds with olive oil and wine
and bandaged them.
Luke 10:25-37(cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Then he put him on his own donkey and took him to an inn,
where he took care of him.
35The next morning he gave the innkeeper
two silver coins and said,
"Please take care of the man.
If you spend more than this on him,
I will pay you when I return."
Jesus asked, "Which one of these three people
was a real neighbor to the man
who was beaten up by robbers?"
37The teacher answered, "The one who showed pity."
Jesus said, "Go and do the same!"
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
One man said, 'I'll have his clothes: Another man said,
'I'll take his bag. It might have some
money in it!' Then they jumped up among the rocks again
and disappeared.
Poor Mr. Joab was hurt. He couldn't get up.
His head hurt and he had some
scratches on his arms and legs.
'If only someone would come and help me: he thought.
Presently he heard footsteps coming down the road.
Trit-trot, trit-trot, trit-trot. This was a man who said
he loved God.
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
'Here's someone,’ thought Mr. Joab. 'He'll help me: But
when the man saw Mr. Joab he was frightened. 'I must
hurry on: he thought. 'Some bad men might catch me
too: So he just left Mr. Joab lying in the road. He
wasn't kind. Mr. Joab felt very ill.
'I wish I could have a drink of water,’ he thought. Then
he could hear more footsteps. Trit-trot, trit-trot, trittrot. Another man was coming down the road. This was a
man who often went to church. 'I'm sure this man will
help me,’ Mr. Joab thought.
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
The man saw Mr. Joab lying in the road and he came to
look at him. He saw that he was hurt and that he needed
someone to be kind to him, but he thought, 'I must
hurry on, or the bad men will catch me too,’ So he left
Mr. Joab lying in the road. He wasn't kind.
Mr. Joab was so unhappy. He was too hot, and he wanted
a drink, and his arms and legs were hurting. Then he
heard a donkey coming down the road.
Clipperty-clop, clipperty-clop
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
'I wonder if this man will stop and help me: thought Mr.
Joab. 'I don't expect so. The people from his country
aren't friends with the people from my country. He
won't want to help me.'
But the man saw Mr. Joab.
'Poor man: he thought, 'I must help him.’
He got off his donkey and gave Mr. Joab a drink of
water. Then he put some ointment on his cuts, and
bandaged them up. How surprised Mr. Joab was! Fancy
this man helping him!
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
'You're too ill to walk: said the man.
'You must ride on my donkey.'
So Mr. Joab got on to the donkey. and they began to
move along. Quite often Mr. Joab nearly fell off because
he was so ill. so the donkey had to go slowly. Clip-clop,
clip-clop, went the donkey.
'Now we're almost there: said the kind man. 'We'll stay
at that house, and you'll soon be in bed: They stopped
outside the house, and the kind man lifted Mr. Joab off
the donkey and carried him indoors.
Luke 10:25-37
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
Then he put him on to a bed. 'You need a good rest: he
said. 'try to go to sleep.' 'Thank you: said Mr. Joab.
'You're very kind.'
The next morning, the kind man said to the man whose
house it was. 'Here are two silver coins. Mr. Joab can't
pay you for staying here because his money was stolen.
If you need any more money for him. I'll give it to you
next time I come.’
Soon Mr Joab was better. How glad he was for the kind
man who had helped him!
John 5:1-9
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool
Jesus went to Jerusalem for another Jewish festival.
2In the city near the sheep gate
was a pool with five porches,
and its name in Hebrew was Bethzatha.
3-4Many sick, blind, lame, and crippled
people were lying close to the pool.
5Beside the pool was a man who had been sick
for thirty-eight years.
Jesus saw the man and realized that he had
been crippled for a long time, he asked him,
"Do you want to be healed?"
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool
man answered, "Lord, I don't have anyone to
put me in the pool when the water is stirred up. I
try to get in, but someone else always gets there
told him, "Pick up your mat and walk!"
9Right then the man was healed. He picked up his
mat and started walking around.
The day on which this happened was a Sabbath.
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
Once in the land where Jesus lived there was a
man who was very lonely. He didn’t have any
special friends. He didn’t seem to have anyone
who really cared about him. He was lonely and
sad. But not only that, he was also ill. He had
been ill for years and years and no doctor knew
how to make him better. No wonder the man felt
For a long time he had been staying at a certain
pool. There were many other people by this pool,
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
Some of them were blind and couldn’t see. Some
of them were lame and had to walk with sticks.
Some of them just couldn’t move at all. But they
were all staying at the pool for the same reason.
Sometimes the water in this pool began to bubble
and swirl. The sick people were waiting for this
to happen and as soon as it did, they tried to get
into the water. They believed that the first
person to get in would be made well again.
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
The lonely man watched the water every day. As
soon as he saw it move, bubble and swirl, bubble
and swirl, he thought, ‘I must get down to the
pool,’ and he struggled to the edge. But before
he could get into the water, somebody else got in
first. Perhaps the person had some friends to
help him and that was why he had been so quick.
But the lonely man had no friends to help him.
He struggled back to his mat-bed and watched
the water again.
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
Some days later he saw it move once more,
bubble and swirl, bubble and swirl. ‘I must get
down to the pool,’ he thought. But before he
could get into the water somebody else got in
first. That person had some friends to help him
and so he had been quick. But the lonely man had
no friends to help him.
He went back to his mat-bed and thought, ‘I’ll
never be made well. I haven’t any friends who
will help me get into the water. Someone else will
always get there before me.’
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
And yet he stayed there, still hoping that one day
he might manage to be the first one in.
But one day something happened. Jesus went
along to the pool. He saw the lonely man lying on
his mat-bed and he knew all about him. He knew
that he had been lying there for a long time. He
knew that he had often tried to be the first one
into the pool, but that he had nobody to help him.
He knew that the man was lonely and sad.
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
So Jesus asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’
The lonely man looked at Jesus and said, ‘Sir,
when the water bubbles and swirls I’ve tried and
tried to be the first one to get into the pool. But
I haven’t anyone to help me. Somebody always
gets there before me.’
Then Jesus said to him, ‘Get up, roll up your matbed and walk.’ The man looked at Jesus again.
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
He thought, ‘This man looks kind and strong. I
believe that He can help me.’ So he did what
Jesus said. He sat up. Then he stood up. His
legs were quite firm and strong and he felt quite
well. He began to walk about. How happy he felt!
He thought, ‘Now I won’t have to stay by this pool
and more. Now I won’t have to wait for the water
to bubble and swirl. I can go and live at home
again. I can go to work and make new friends. I
can walk about and go wherever I want to go.’
(John 10:25-37)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The miracle of the Man at the Pool (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 4)
And one of the first places to which he walked
was God’s House, the Temple. I expect he went
there to say ‘Thank You’ to God the Father for
sending Someone who cared about him and who
made him better.
Luke 17:11-19
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
his way to Jerusalem, Jesus went along the
border between Samaria and Galilee.
he was going into a village, ten men with
leprosy came toward him. They stood at a distance
13and shouted, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!"
looked at them and said, "Go show
yourselves to the priests."
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
On their way they were healed.
one of them discovered that he was healed,
he came back, shouting praises to God. 16He bowed
down at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The man
was from the country of Samaria.
asked, "Weren't ten men healed? Where are
the other nine? 18Why was this foreigner the only one
who came back to thank God?" 19Then Jesus told the
man, "You may get up and go. Your faith has made you
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
Once there were ten men. You can count them. One,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. We
don't know their names but they could have been
names like Alphaeus, Ezekiel, Malchus, Simeon-you
haven't any friends with those names, have you?
Those ten men were very sad and lonely because they
were all very ill. They didn't have to stay in bed all
day, but they had to keep away from everybody else.
You see, they had spots all over them, and someone
else could get the spots, too.
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
It was rather like when someone has measles or
chicken-pox and they can't come out to play because
someone else might catch it, too.
One man said, ‘I don't think we shall ever be better:
The second man said, 'The doctors don't know how to
make us better.
All the other people who lived near said, 'You can't
stay here in the town. We don't want to get all those
spots. You must go away and live by yourselves. And if
ever you meet anyone else, you must ring your bells,
and say, "Keep away! Keep away!"
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
The third man said, 'What shall we have for food ?'
'We will leave some food for you; said the people.
'But you must only fetch it when we are not there.
We don't want to get all those spots.'
So off went the ten men. One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten. They went out of the
town, and away from all their families and friends. All
the people said, 'Goodbye, and keep away from
everybody. You mustn't come back here.'
Whenever they saw someone coming along the road
they rang their bells, 'Ting-a-ling-a-ling.' How sad
and miserable they all were.
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
The fourth man said, 'I wish I could see my little boy.
I expect he's big enough to walk now.' The fifth man
said, 'I wish I could be with my little girl. She's big
enough to help her mother with the cooking.'
The sixth man grumbled, 'We'll never get better.
It's no good wishing you were at home.‘
One very special day they could see several people
coming along the road. They rang their bells. Ting-aling-a-ling.' They called out 'Keep away! Keep away l'
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
But one man kept on coming nearer and nearer to
They rang their bells again, 'Ting-a-ling-aling.' 'Keep
away! Keep away!' they shouted but He took no
notice. As He came nearer they could see that it was
The seventh man said, 'It's Jesus.'
The eighth man said, 'He can do wonderful things.'
The ninth man said, 'He wants to be everyone's
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
The tenth man said, 'Let's ask Him to help us.' So
they called out together, 'Jesus, Master, please help
Jesus stopped. He was glad they wanted Him to help
them. He didn't run away from them like other people
did. He looked at them all, and when they looked at
Him, He looked so kind and strong. They knew He
loved them. Then Jesus made them well.
Jesus said, 'Go to the man at the church and show
him that you are better; then you can go home to see
your families.'
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
So they all ran off to show that they were better.
One, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
All ten of them.
The first man said, 'My spots have gone.' The second
man said, 'So have mine.'
The third man said, 'We‘ll be able to go and see our
Just then, one man stopped. He turned round. Then
he ran all the way back, until he found Jesus again.
Luke:17:11-19 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (alternative)
From Pamela Dowman, Story Time One
He knelt down in front of Jesus and said, 'Thank You,
Jesus, for making me well again.’
Then Jesus looked around, and He said, 'I thought
there were ten men who had been made well. Where
are the other nine?'
But Jesus was glad that one remembered to say
'Thank You:
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana
days later Mary, the mother of Jesus,
was at a wedding feast in the village of Cana in Galilee.
2Jesus and his disciples had also been
invited and were there.
the wine was all gone, Mary said to Jesus,
"They don't have any more wine."
4Jesus replied, "Mother, my time hasn't yet come:
You must not tell me what to do."
then said to the servants,
"Do whatever Jesus tells you to do."
John 2:1-10 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana
the feast there were six stone water jars
that were used by the people for washing
themselves in the way that their religion said
they must. Each jar held about twenty or thirty
told the servants to fill them to the top
with water. Then after the jars had been filled,
8he said, "Now take some water and give it to the
man in charge of the feast."
John 2:1-10 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana
The servants did as Jesus told them, 9and the man in
charge drank some of the water that had now turned
into wine.
He did not know where the wine had come from, but
the servants did.
He called the bridegroom over 10and said, "The best
wine is always served first. Then after the guests have
had plenty, the other wine is served. But you have kept
the best until last!"
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Once Jesus went to a wedding. He went with His
mother and some of his friends. Can you remember His
mother’s name? Her name was Mary. Mary, Jesus and
His friends walked together to the house of the man
who was being married. He was called the bridegroom.
They were hot and dusty when they arrived. But near
the door there were six water-pots. Let’s count them.
One, two, three, four, five, six. They were very big.
They were almost as big as you are.
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
A helper poured out some water from one of them. So
Mary, Jesus and His friends washed their dusty feet.
They felt much cooler and fresher after this. They
washed their hands too. Then they went in to the
They saw the bride and bridegroom. The bride wasn’t
wearing a long white dress. She was wearing a pretty
dress with a lovely pattern sewn on it.
There were a lot of people at the wedding party. They
were talking and laughing together. The helpers were
very busy.
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
There was some lovely food for the people to eat and
the helpers had to give it to them. There was some
wine for the people to drink and the helpers had to
pour it out for them. They had to see that everyone
had what they wanted. After a while Mary saw that
some of the helpers were looking worried. She saw
some of them whispering together. She thought,
‘Something must be wrong.’ So she asked one of them,
‘What’s the matter?’
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
The helper looked sad. He said very quietly, ‘We
haven’t enough wine. It’s almost gone and we can’t get
any more. Soon we shall have nothing for the people to
drink.’ The helpers didn’t know what to do.
But Mary knew what to do. She went straight to
Jesus. She said to Him, ‘There’s no wine left. The
helpers are very worried. They don’t know what to do.’
She knew that Jesus would help them.
Then Mary said to the helpers, ‘Do what Jesus tells
you to do. Everything will be all right.’ The helpers
believed her. They believed that Jesus would help
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Jesus looked at the water-pots that were near the
door. Can you remember how many there were? Let’s
count them again. One, two, three, four, five, six. Six
water-pots that were very big. They were almost as
big as you are.
Jesus said to the helpers, ‘Fill the water-pots with
water.’ So they did. They knew that they must do
what Jesus told them. They filled the big water-pots
right up to the top.
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
Then Jesus said to them, ‘Now pour some out and take
it to the man in charge of the wedding party.’ So they
did. They didn’t say, ‘But this is water, we can’t take
water to the man in charge.’ They knew that they must
do what Jesus told them. They poured some out and
one of the servants took it to the man in charge.
He tasted it, and it wasn’t water any longer. Jesus had
changed the water into wine.
John 2:1-10
RERC 0-11a Word of God
The Wedding at Cana (alternative)
(from Jacqueline Sibley, Bible Stories for Little Children 5)
The man in charge spoke to the bridegroom. He said to
him, ‘I have just tasted some more of your wine. It
really delicious. You must have kept the best wine until
the end of the wedding party.’ He didn’t know that
Jesus had changed the water into wine.
But the helpers knew. They were glad that Mary had
asked Jesus to help them. And they were glad that
they had done what Jesus said.
Matthew 14: 22-31
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus walks on water
away, Jesus made his disciples get into a boat
and start back across the lake.
But he stayed until he had sent the crowds away.
23Then he went up on a mountain where
he could be alone and pray.
Later that evening, he was still there.
24By this time the boat was a long way from the shore.
It was going against the wind and was
being tossed around by the waves.
Matthew 14: 22-31 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus walks on water
little while before morning, Jesus came walking
on the water toward his disciples.
they saw him, they thought he was a ghost.
They were terrified and started screaming.
27At once, Jesus said to them,
"Don't worry! I am Jesus. Don't be afraid."
replied, "Lord, if it is really you,
tell me to come to you on the water."
Matthew 14: 22-31 (cont’d)
RERC 0-11a Word of God
Jesus walks on water
on!" Jesus said.
Peter then got out of the boat and
started walking on the water toward him.
30But when Peter saw how strong the wind was,
he was afraid and started sinking.
"Save me, Lord!" he shouted.
away, Jesus reached out his hand.
He helped Peter up and said,
"You surely don't have much faith. Why do you doubt?"