Reconciliation_2014 - St. Mary`s Primary School, Hamilton

Preparation for the Sacrament of
Lesson 1
Made in God’s Image
“It was you who created my inmost self and put me
together in my mother’s womb. For all these
mysteries I thank you; for the wonders of myself, for
the wonders of your works.”
Psalm 139
“We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to
live a good life as He means us to live it.”
St. Paul to the Ephesians 1:10
Core Learning
RERC 1-02a
 I know that God created me, body mind and soul
 I know that God has created me in His image (Genesis). He loves me and his love
for me will never come to an end.
 I understand that God created all human beings, in His own image.
RERC 1-03a
 I have been given some opportunities to reflect prayerfully on the way in which
God has communicated with me, through other people, through creation and the
wonder of my being.
RERC 1-09a
 I have explored the themes of Reconciliation and forgiveness in the other strands of
faith and I understand that God loves me unconditionally and is compassionate and
merciful to me when I fall short of my Christian living by sinning
God has created us unique, gifted and loved.
We celebrate the goodness of children.
A sense of their own self worth.
The value Jesus placed on children and their
qualities-this should lead them to Jesus,
particularly in the Sacraments.
Lesson 2
Chosen in Baptism
• Our Journey of Faith begins at Baptism.
• Parents made Baptismal promises for their
“At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in
Galilee and was baptised by John in the
Jordan…You are my Son, whom I Love, with
you I am well pleased”
Mark 1:9-11
Core Learning
RERC 1-09a
 I can recall what I learned about Baptism in Primary 2
RERC 1-04a
 I have reflected on the narrative of Jesus’ Baptism in Mark’s Gospel and can
identify the presence of the Holy Spirit in this story
Lesson 3
Jesus, The Healer
Throughout His ministry, Jesus helped people using words and
Symbolic gestures can be powerful and speak louder than words.
Sacraments use gestures to make the healing & forgiving power of
Jesus visible in the Church today.
By healing sick people Jesus was saying,
“You are accepted by me and by God, my father.”
Lesson 4
What Was Lost, Is Found
Parable of the lost sheep
Role of a shepherd
Jesus is our loving and forgiving shepherd
Children learn to understand their own choicesTurning away from God, turning back to God
Prayer time example:
Think of a time when you
were lost to Jesus through
your actions.
Reconciliation brings
forgiving love, healing,
goodness and friendship.
Lesson 5
Come Down Zacchaeus
Sometimes we don’t think about how our behaviour
affects others.
God always wants us to think about how we are
behaving and is glad when we change for the better.
The story of Zacchaeus reminds us that Jesus welcomes
us with open arms in Reconciliation
Examples of activities
Lesson 6
Mending Relationships
Reconciliation in Action
• The story of the loving father and his two sons.
The father said, “My son you are with me always and
all I have is yours. But it was only right we should
celebrate and rejoice because your brother here was
dead, and has come to life; he was lost and is found.”
• Examination of conscience
I’m sorry for times
when I was…
Prayer examples
Write a private letter to God
or someone else to say sorry
Thank you God for helping me make amends.
As we light the candle we know that God is with us.
In the name of the father…….
Thank you God for always loving me.
Thank you God for all my family who love me.
Oh my God I thank you for loving me.
I am sorry for all my sins,
For not loving others and not loving you
Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again.
Website for Parents
• We are made in God’s image
• The never-ending love of God and of His
• Celebration of the life and goodness of
• Parents and guardians celebrate-
Enrolment Service &
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Values and Attitudes
A sense of their own goodness
A sense of belonging with others
A sense of celebration
A recognition of wrongdoing
A respect for self and others
A capacity to forgive and be forgiven
Things to remember
• Enrolment Service - Sunday 15th February –
11.30am – St. Mary’s Church
• Reconciliation–10th March– 6.30pm – St.
Mary’s Church
• School uniform to be worn for both services.