Georgia Studies Syllabus Mr. Fell Unit 1: Geography of Georgia/Georgia’s Beginnings…10,000 B.C. to A.D. 1700 (2 Weeks) – Geographic regions; Natural Resources; Environmental/Geographic factors; Weather and Climate; Georgia’s prehistory and archaeology; Native American prehistoric traditions; Cultural achievements. Unit 2: Exploration and Georgia Colonization (3 Weeks) – European exploration, contact, and settlement; Colonization; Georgia is created; Georgia as a trustee and royal colony; Georgia culture and society; Regional differences among American colonies; Introduction of Africans and slavery in Georgia. Unit 3: Revolution, Statehood, and Westward Expansion (5 Weeks) – Causes of the American Revolution; Attitudes in Georgia towards Independence; Major Events and influential people in the American Revolution; Early statehood in Georgia. Unit 4: Government (3 Weeks) – United States Constitution; Georgia’s Constitution; Overview of the framework of Georgia’s Government; The electoral process; Rise of two-party politics in the state; Overview of the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and Local Governments Unit 5: Civil War and Reconstruction (4 Weeks) – Antebellum (Pre-Civil War) Georgia; Causes of the Civil War; Major Events of the Civil War in Georgia; Significant Georgians in the Civil War; Reconstruction policies and their impact on Georgia. Unit 6: New South (3 Weeks) – Political, Social, and Economic changes that occurred in Georgia after Reconstruction; Treatment of African Americans in Georgia after the Civil War and Reconstruction; Beginning of the Civil Rights movement in Georgia; Causes of World War I and GA’s contributions. Unit 7: Early 20th Century Georgia (4 Weeks) – The Roaring 20’s; the Great Depression; the impact of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Georgia’s contribution to WWII. Unit 8: Modern Georgia and Civil Rights (4 Weeks) – Growth of Modern Georgia; the Role of Georgia in the Civil Rights Movement; Georgia as a center for transportation; Significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970 . Unit 9: Personal Finance (1 Week) – Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Goods and Services; Personal Money Management; Sources of Income; Importance of saving money; Credit (importance and dangers); Investment of money. Georgia Milestones Review (3 Week) – Review information contained in the Georgia Performance Standards (History, Geography, Economics, and Civics/Government) prior to the spring 2016 Georgia Milestone. Grading Summative Assessments (Unit Tests, Projects, etc.) Quizzes Classwork Homework 40% 25% 25% 10 % A – 90-100% B – 80-89% C – 70-79% F – 69 and below Requirements Regarding Assignments It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missing assignments. Students have three class days to make up tests, quizzes, classwork, and homework assignments following an absence. Failure to do so will result in a zero on that assignment. Students will be allowed a second opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the standards on one of the following a test, quiz, homework, or classwork assignment every four and a half weeks. Text: Creating America: A History of the United States. Text: Georgia in the American Experience. This syllabus is subject to change in order to accommodate class needs