Job Announcement - Chesapeake Network

The leadership of Concerned Citizens for Proper Land use – the group organized to fight the
Crystal Spring development in Annapolis -- is seeking a coordinator who shares the fervent
opposition to this massive project and who is willing to use his or her time and talents to
coordinate efforts with Gerald Winegrad in achieving the goals and mission of the coalition.
See Mission Statement attached.
This person would report directly to Gerald Winegrad as supervisor and work under his
direction. The duties would include the following:
*Coordination with Gerald of the day-to-day efforts, including communicating with coalition
supporters, assisting in arranging meetings of the group and committees, arranging meetings
with City, County and State officials, developing periodic updates, and developing fact sheets.
*Arranging for community outreach by working with leaders of Annapolis Neck communities
who oppose the development of Crystal Spring to organize and coordinate community
meetings and presentations, actions to be taken by community members, and fundraising.
*Plan and help co-ordinate public rallies or demonstrations.
*Help develop and implement a campaign to include:
 a monthly schedule for outreach to the public through media communications such as
LTEs, op-eds, and press releases, and meetings with reporters where necessary;
 web site and/or blog site updates with regular blogs;
 Tweet and Facebook postings;
 developing fact sheets and other materials for use with the public and
media and for posting on the web site/blog; and
 assisting in developing a strategy to educate and win over elected officials.
*Maintain and update the website and/or a new blog site. The updates
would include newspaper articles, LTE’s, filings made by the coalition, Mayor and City
Council actions, and other items to keep the public informed.
*Design, edit, and distribute a monthly e-newsletter, whose content will be provided by Gerald,
and develop potential other items of interest.
*Ascertain email addresses of supporters and contributors for whom we do not have complete
*Meet periodically with the leaders of the coalition to strategize and to discuss PR and
communication efforts.
TERMS: The Citizens for Proper Land Use Coordinator would be a part-time contractual
worker who would be expected to devote 25 hours per week for 50 weeks of the year from the
date of signing this contract. If more time is spent in a week, the excess time can be carried
over to the next week to average out at 25 hours per week. If more hours are needed, the extra
hours would be carried over to the next month and subtracted from the 25 hours a week
requirement during the next month. If after each 3 month interval, more than the 25 hours per
week has been required and subject to the pre-approval of Gerald Winegrad, the coordinator
will be reimbursed for these extra hours at a rate of $18 per hour. The Coordinator commits to
fulfilling the terms of this contract for one full year after signing this contract.
The Coordinator shall be paid $1,667 for each of the 12 months of this contract due to the
coordinator beginning on the_________ day of ________________ after submittal of a time
sheet to Gerald Winegrad showing days and hours worked, and tasks undertaken, for each
monthly payment. This is a total of $20,004 for one year of services.
Out-of-pocket expenses shall be limited to those approved by Gerald Winegrad beforehand.
As an independent contractor, the Coordinator is expected to work from their home office and
use their own computer, email service, and phone without charge to Citizens for Proper Land
We have both read and reached agreement on the terms of this contract and commit to its
fulfillment on this ___________ day of _______________ and the contract shall begin to run
on ______________________.
Signed: ______________________________________________, Coordinator
______________________________________________, Supervisor and Director
Gerald W. Winegrad
Whereas, The 111-acre site known as Crystal Spring Farm has the last extensive forest in the City of Annapolis.
The 82-acres of forest have been designated by the City as a priority forest meaning it has priority for retention
and protection and, under law, the forest “shall be left in an undisturbed condition unless the developer can
demonstrate that all reasonable efforts have been made to protect them and the plan cannot reasonably be
altered.” The forest is important for water quality, air quality, carbon sequestration, wildlife including birds
and mammals, and the wetlands, including vernal pools, are essential for amphibians, birds, mammals, and
water quality. In fact, 212 species of birds have been found on the site including many species on the
Congressionally mandated Species of Conservation Concern list.
Whereas, The developer’s last plans formally filed with the City on December 31, 2014 City propose to destroy
43.46 acres of this forest and to level some large trees of significance. The development plan calls for a massive
development including a separate senior community of single-family and duplex homes at the southern end of
the property nearest to Crab Creek and the South River separated from the facilities at the north end by about
one-half mile. At the north end, senior living includes two apartment buildings of 20 apartments each coupled
with a 6-story three-winged building containing 289 apartments, two assisted living centers with 75-125 suites,
a separate chapel, and a recreation center.
Whereas, The northern portion of the development abutting Forest Drive also would contain 140-150 non-age
restricted town houses or apartments; a 160,695 square foot shopping center including a 54,277 square foot
food store; a 69,000 square foot, four-story 80 room hotel and spa; a drive-through bank; restaurants and
offices; and an amphitheater. The commercial area would be roughly the size of Annapolis Harbour Center
and there would be new roads and 1,669 parking spaces.
Whereas, Besides this destruction of forested habitat and impacts to wetlands, there are serious water quality
problems with such massive clearing, increased air emissions, more traffic in an already overburdened,
congested area, and more school overcrowding. The total number of new housing units under construction or
planned for the Forest Drive/Annapolis Neck corridor is more than 1,150 units plus more than 232,000 sq. ft.
of retail commercial space.
Therefore, We urge that all efforts be made to preserve and protect Crystal Spring in its entirety through
purchase using state Program Open Space funds and other funds to justly compensate the owner and
permanently protect Crystal Spring as open space. If this cannot be accomplished, we urge that a conservation
easement be purchased to protect and preserve the land and fairly compensate the owner while allowing her
use and enjoyment of the property. Perhaps the conservation easement could allow some limited development
for equestrian use and perhaps some senior-related housing at the northern end, closest to Forest Drive, with
all forest clearing to be replaced on site on at least a one-to-one basis.
Therefore, Should such acquisition that would fairly compensate the landowner not prove possible, we support
a significant downsizing of the proposed development to scale back and move all development to the north
closest to Forest Drive and the elimination of all of the non-senior related development so as to minimize
clearing of forest. All forest cleared would be replaced on site on at least a one-to-one basis and all wetlands
would be protected. A permanent conservation easement extinguishing all development rights would be placed
on all acreage not developed as well as another such easement on the 75-acres at the adjoining Mas-Que Farm.