Unit: Periodic Trends and Chemical Bonds
Standards: HS-PS1-2
Essential Questions:
1. How is the Periodic Table Arranged, and what can it tell us?
Extend the
I Can:
Complete a series of labs to predict and determine the different periodic trends, and write a lab report of my findings.
Assessment Items:
Lab Report discussing results (and accuracy) of the labs done in class. (Following Lab Report
Format discussed in class)
Apply the
Knowledge of the
Predict if a molecule has ionic or covalent bonds and show how those bonds form.
Use trends in the periodic table (Electron
Affinity, Electronegativity, and Atomic
Radius) to predict if a given element is more or less reactive than another.
Briefly explain where elements of the periodic table come from.
When given a molecule, determine if it forms an ionic or covalent bond, and be able to draw/show that bond.
Predict whether a given element is more reactive or less reactive when compared to another, using the periodic trends discussed in class.
Be able to back up reasoning with evidence from class and lab.
Describe (in general terms) where the elements come from and how they originally formed
List the Families of Periodic Table
Briefly Describe the families (a few facts that they share within each family)
Define Ionic and Covalent bonds
Draw out both covalent and ionic bonds
Predict what oxidation number (charge) will form when an atom makes an ion
Basic recall questions asking for definitions, examples, characteristics of atoms, and oxidation numbers that have been discussed in class.
With Help
Provide some 2.0 information, but there are pieces that are missing, unclear, or incorrect.
Basic Recall questions that are answered, but some details are missing or incorrect.