WHAT’S NEXT? TARGET CONCEPT IDENTIFICATION AND SEQUENCING LEE BECKER1, RODNEY NIELSEN1,2, IFEYINWA OKOYE1, TAMARA SUMNER1 AND WAYNE WARD1,2 1 2010.06.18 Center for Computational Language and EducAtion Research (CLEAR) University of Colorado at Boulder 2 Boulder Language Technologies Goals: Introduce Target Concept Identification (TCI) Potentially the most important QG related task Encourage discussion related to TCI Define a TCI based shared task Illustrate viability via Baseline and straw man systems Challenge the QG Community to consider TCI Overview Define the Target Concept Identification and Sequencing tasks Describe component and baseline systems Discuss the utility of these subtasks in the context of the full Question Generation task Final Thoughts QG as a Dialogue Process Question Generation is much more than surface form realization depends not only on the text or knowledge source also depends on the context of all previous interactions The Stages of Question Generation Target Concept Identification What to talk about next? Direction of flow - or Series circuits Question Type Determination How to ask it? •Definition Question •Prediction Question •Hypothesis Question Question Realization Final natural language output What will happen to the flow of electricity if you flip the battery around? Target Concept Identification Out of the limitless number of concepts related to the current dialogue, which one should be used to construct the question? Inputs: Output: Knowledge sources Dialogue Context / Interaction History The next target concept Subtasks Key Concept Identification Concept Relation Identification and Classification Concept Sequencing Key Concept Identification Goal: Extract important concepts from a knowledge source (plain text, structured databases, etc…) Want not just the concepts, but the concepts most critical to learning Preferably identify core versus supporting concepts Key Concept Identification: CLICK - Customized Learning Service for Concept Knowledge [Gu, et al. 2008] Personalized learning system Utilizes Key Concept Identification to: Assess learner’s work Recommend digital library resources to help learner remedy diagnosed deficiencies Driven by concept maps Expert concept map Automatically derived concept maps Key Concept Identification: CLICK: Building a gold standard concept map Source data 20 Digital library resources Textbook like web text collectively considered to contain all the information a high school graduate should know about earthquakes and plate tectonics _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Key Concept Identification: CLICK: Building a gold standard concept map Experts asked to extract and potentially paraphrase spans of text (concepts) from each resource Concept 19: Mantle convection is the process that carries heat from the core and up to the crust and drives the plumes of magma that come up to the surface and makes islands like Hawaii. Concept 21: asthenosphere is hot, soft, flowing rock Concept 176: The Theory of Plate tectonics Concept 224: a plate is a large, rigid slab of solid rock _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Key Concept Identification: CLICK: Building a gold standard concept map Experts link and labeled concepts (i.e. build a map) for each of the 20 resources Open ended label vocabulary Discourse-style relations: elaborates, cause, defines, evidence, etc… Domain specific relations: technique, type of, and indicates, etc… 10 most frequent labels account for 64% of labels Key Concept Identification: CLICK: Building a gold standard concept map Experts individually combined 20 resource maps to span the whole domain Experts collaboratively combined their individual resource maps to create a final concept map Key Concept Identification: CLICK: Automated Approach _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Digital library resources (webtext) Extract concepts from texts using multidocument summarization [De la Chica et al. 2008] Identify and classify links between extracted concepts to create a network (concept map) [De la Chica et al.2008] Discover central or key concepts (versus supporting concepts) through graph analysis. [Ahmad et al. 2008] Key Concept Identification: Concept Extraction COGENT System [De la Chica 2008] MEAD [Radev et al. 2004] – Multi-document summarizer Supplemented with additional features to tie into educational goals Run on 20 digital library resources used to construct expert concept map Extracted concepts evaluated against expert map concepts ROUGE-L: F-Measure 0.6001 Cosine Similarity: 0.8325 Key Concept Identification: Concept Relation ID and Classification Concept Relation Identification AKA Link Identification Given two concepts, determine if they should be linked Concept Relation Classification AKA Link Classification Given a linked pair of concepts, assign a label describing their relationship This information can be useful both for concept sequencing and question realization Can potentially comprise a separate task Key Concept Identification: Concept Relation Identification Given two concepts, determine if they should be linked Approach [De la Chica et al. 2008]: SVM-based classifier Lexical, syntactic, semantic, and document structure features Performance P = 0.2061 R = 0.0153 Data set is extremely unbalanced majority classification (no-link) overwhelmingly dominates A good starting point for a challenging task worthy of further investigation Key Concept Identification: Concept Relation Classification Towards a gold standard Experts labeled links on concept maps [Ahmad et al. 2008] Discourse-like labels: cause, evidence, defines, elaborates… Domain-specific labels: technique, type of, slower than Vocabulary unspecified 10 most frequent labels account for 64% of the links With some refinement could use RST or Penn Discourse labels to create gold standard Next steps Create more reliable link classifier Develop a link relation classifier Key Concept Identification: Graph Analysis Given a concept-map (graph) identify the key or central concepts (versus supporting concepts) Approach: Graph analysis using PageRank + HITS algorithm Key concepts are the intersection of: Concepts selected by PageRank + HITS Concepts with the highest ratio of incoming vs. outgoing links Concepts with the highest term density Evaluation: No gold standard set of core concepts Experts asked to identify subtopic regions on concept map Earthquake types, Tsunamis, theory of continental drift… 80% core concept coverage of 25 subtopics Concept Sequencing Goal: Create a directed acyclic graph, which represents the logical order in which concepts should be introduced in a lesson or tutorial dialogue (w/r to a pedagogy) Partial Ordering Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pitch represents the perceived fundamental frequency of a sound. A shorter string produces a higher pitch. A tighter string produces a higher pitch. A discussion of the difference in pitch across each of the strings of a violin and a cello. 2 1 4 3 Concept Sequencing: Straw Man Approach Aim: Show the viability of a concept sequencing task Intuition: Concepts that should precede other concepts will exhibit this behavior across the corpus of digital library resources Issues: Concepts may not appear in their entirety in a document Aspects of concepts may show up earlier than the concept as a whole Approach: Treat concept to document alignment as an information retrieval task Concept Sequencing: Implementation Indexed the original 20 CLICK resources at the sentence level using Lucene (Standard Analyzer, similarity score threshold = 0.26) Concepts are queries A concept’s position in a resource is the sentence number of the earliest matching sentence Concept A Concept B Concept C Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ 1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ 1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ Concept Sequencing: Implementation Resource 1 Preceedes A A B C Resource 2 B C 1 1 1 A A B C Resource 3 B C 1 X X A A B C Total B C 1 1 1 A Preceedes Preceedes With concept positions identified and tabulated, compute pairwise comparisons between all concepts’ sentence numbers If concept does not appear in a resource, do not include it in comparison Concepts with an identical number of predecessors are considered to be at the same level Preceedes A B C 1 B C 2 1 2 Concept Sequencing Results Concept Sequencing System Output Concept Sequencing Evaluation Data Student Essay Sentence Number Concept Number 21,23 85, 88, 92, 94, 176 1,3 210, 215, 217, 53, 55, 57, 58 24,26 444, 324, 342, 360 19,31 94, 95, 96, 138 42,44,45,46 610, 615, 613, 616, 618, 627 Remediation Order Remediation Strategey Currently no canonical concept sequence for CLICK data Instead derived gold-standard evaluation data using a set of expert provided remediation strategies for individual students essays Concept Sequencing Evaluation Data Of 55 key concepts 14 did not occur in any of the remediation strategies 41 left to define concept sequence evaluation Used frequency of precedence across remediations to create a first pass concept sequence Manually removed loops and errant orderings Concept Sequencing Evaluation Data Gold-standard Evaluation Sequence Concept Sequencing Evaluation F1-Measure Average Instance Recall (IR) over all gold-standard key concepts that have predecessors Average Instance Precision (IP) over all of the non-initial system-output concepts that are aligned to gold-standard key concepts Gi all predecessors of ith gold-standard key concept Oj all predecessors of jth system output concept h h G i Oi 1 1 R IRi h i1 h i1 G i l l 1 1 Oj G j P IP j l j 1 l j 1 O j Concept Sequencing Results and Discussion F1=0.526 (P=0.383, R=0.726) Gold-standard System output Multiple initial nodes One single initial node Linear hierarchies All nodes with same number of predecessors at the same level All inclusive ordering favors recall Future Work Utilize pairwise data to produce less densely packed graphs More sophisticated measures of semantic similarity Make use of concept map link relationships (cause, define…) Conduct expert studies to get gold-standard sequences and concepts Tutorial Dialogue and Question Realization Dialogue-based ITS Labor intensive Effort centers on authoring of dialogue content and flow Design of dialogue states non-trivial Tutorial Dialogue and Question Realization So what does Target Concept Identification buy us? Critical steps towards more automated ITS creation Decreased effort Scalability Contextual grounding TCI Mappings to Dialogue Management Key Concepts = States or Frames Concept Sequence = Default Dialogue Management Strategy Tutorial Dialogue and Question Realization Example: Concept Now that you have defined what an earthquake is, can you explain what causes them? Caused-by 486: an earthquake is the sudden slip of part of the Earth’s crust... Concept 561: …When the stress in a particular location is great enough... an earthquake begins Suppose student has stated a paraphrase of 486 ITS can produce: Final Thoughts Defined Target Concept Identification Baseline and past results suggest feasibility of TCI subtasks Challenge the QG community to continue to think of QG as the product of several tasks including TCI Acknowledgements Advisers and colleagues at: The University of Colorado at Boulder The Center for Computational Language and EducAtion Research (CLEAR) Boulder Language Technologies Support from: The National Science Foundation. NSF (DRL-0733322, DRL0733323, DRL-0835393, IIS-0537194) The Institute of Educational Sciences. IES (R3053070434). Any findings, recommendations, or conclusions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of NSF or IES. References 1. F. Ahmad, S. de la Chica, K. Butcher, T. Sumner, and J.H. Martin. Towards automatic conceptual personalization tools. 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