Genome Sequencing Core Laboratory Location: Brody Medical

Genome Sequencing Core Laboratory
Brody Medical Sciences Building - Room 3S-10
Adam Asch, MD,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology
Phone: 744-1775
Technical Assistance:
Tom Green
Phone: 744-3375
The Genome Sequencer FLX System is an automated DNA sequencing system capable of
preparing, amplifying and sequencing a library of DNA fragments in a massively parallel
fashion. The instrument can sequence de novo or re-sequence an average of at least 100
million bases per sequencing run and read lengths of 400 bases. The core laboratory consists
of all the components necessary for ultra-high throughput sequencing experiments, including
the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument and accessories; software to generate basecalls and
interpret the raw reads; and the reagent kits required for library construction, clonal
amplification, and sequencing.
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