Purification of cycle sequencing products

BIO2MAR Sequencing Service: General Information
The instrument
 Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer
 16 capillaries: 80 cm length array to give the longest sequences (35 cm
and 50 cm arrays exist for shorter sequences)
 POP-7 polymer
 Run time: 3h per 16 samples (can be reduced for short products)
PCR product purification (optional)
 Agencourt® AMPure® XP or AmpliCleanTM PCR Purification (magnetic
Cycle Sequencing
 BigDye® Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit
Purification of cycle sequencing products
 Agencourt® CleanSEQ® or D-PureTM Dye-terminator removal (magnetic
Data analysis
 Sequencing Analysis v5.4 (base-calling and clipping)
 CodonCode Aligner version 4.2.7 (clipping, assembly)
(http://www.codoncode.com/aligner/archive.htm) is available to
platform users (reservation on the Bio2mar website http://bio2mar.obsbanyuls.fr/). When you connect for the first time, click on “use licence
server” and enter the address : The next time you connect,
the IP address will be memorized.