Success in the classroom is greatly affected by the conduct of those in the classroom. The following four rules have been developed to help our students be successful. 1. Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings. 2. Be respectful to your teachers and classmates. 3. NO ELECTRONICS! Unless Teacher OKs 4. Food, gum, and drinks are not allowed in the Because we will be conducting many lab activities, it is imperative that students practice safe behavior. Students will be expected to follow the guidelines set forth on the Science Safety Contract. classroom. MATERIALS 3-ring Binder Loose-leaf Paper Pens and Pencils Color Pencils GRADES Major Assignments 60% Tests, projects, exams, major lab reports Minor Assignments 40% Quizzes, class work, lab work and other assignments – 30% Homework - 10% HOMEWORK GRADING SCALE 2 to 4 per week 20-40 minute assignments Preview upcoming material Review covered material Study for quizzes and tests Work on projects 93 – 100 A 85 – 92 B 77 – 84 C 70 – 76 D 0 – 69 F LATE WORK Late work will be excepted up to 5 days after an excused absence. Fundamentals of Microbiology Topics Microbial World and You Time Assessment Labs & Activities 2 Weeks Microbiology Pretest *Viewing and drawing from prepared slides Readings & Videos Scientific Investigation Movie: “Outbreak” and/or “Contagion” Chapter 1 Powerpoint *5 Characteristics of Life *Microbes Benefits Humans Microbes that causes Diseases 3 Weeks *Test from Notes *Viral or Bacterial Research *Preparing agar plates *History of the Study of Microorganisms *Germ Theory of Diseases *Koch’s Postulate *Naming of Bacteria, Morphology and Arrangements *Observing Microorganisms thru a Microscope *Basic techniques to study bacteria *Preparing smears for staining *Gram stains *Identification of Unknown Bacteria *Functional Anatomy of Prokayotic and Eukaryotic Cells *Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells *Prokaryotic Cell Structure 3 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Lab assessment of aseptic technique *Microscope Lab *Aseptic transfer activity * Simple stain lab Chapter 1 Powerpoint 3 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Staining quiz *Types of bacteria quiz *Gram Stain Lab *Acid-fast stain Lab Chapter 3 Powerpoint 1 weeks *Quiz differentiating a Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells *Project presentations Observing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells under microscope Chapter 4 *Microbial Metabolism *Enzymes and Coenzymes *Competitive and Non-competitive Inhibitors *Energy Production *Microbial Growth *Control of Microbial Growth *Bacterial Genetics *Antibiotic Resistance 1 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Enzyme lab Chapter 5 2 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Case study responses *Genetics test Colony Description Lab Antibiotic Resistant Lab (2008) Chapter 6, 7, 8 Multiple Drug Resistant TB case study Survey of the Microbial World Topics Time *Classification of Microorganisms *Domains Bacteria and Archaea *Eukaryotes – Fungi, Algae, Protozoa and Helminths *Viruses *Prions Assessments Labs and Activities Readings and Videos 2 weeks *Project presentations *Classification Webquest and project Chapters 4 2.5 weeks *Disease research presentation *Virus webquest *Viral Disease research Chapter 13 “Between the Living and the Dead” case study Engineered Viruses Could Kill Cancer article Prions article Interaction Between Microbe and Host *Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity 2.5 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Whom Infected Whom? Activity *John Snow and Cholera activity Chapter 15 Biological Weapons Bioterrorism and Epidemics Infectious Diseases 2.5 weeks *Disease Research presentation *Bacterial and Viral Disease research Powerpoint Applied and Environmental Microbiology Microbial Diseases of the Digestive System. 3 weeks *Questions from lab activities *Case study responses *Food microbiology test Chapter 25 * Review for Final Exam 1 week “Jeopardy” game Exam Review