Business Communication: Process and Product, 4e


Chapter 2

Communicating in Groups and Teams

Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication:

Process and Product, 5e

Copyright © 2006

Why form groups and teams?

• Better decisions

• Faster response

• Increased productivity

• Greater “buy-in”

• Less resistance to change

• Improved employee morale

• Reduced risks

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Ch. 2, Slide 2

Four Phases of Team


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Ch. 2, Slide 3

Four Phases of Team



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Ch. 2, Slide 4

Four Phases of Team



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Ch. 2, Slide 5

Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming

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Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming

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Ch. 2, Slide 7

Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming Norming

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Ch. 2, Slide 8

Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming Norming

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Ch. 2, Slide 9

Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming Norming Performing

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Ch. 2, Slide 10

Four Phases of Team


Forming Storming Norming Performing

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Ch. 2, Slide 11

Characteristics of

Successful Teams

• Small size, diverse makeup

• Agreement on purpose

• Agreement on procedures

• Ability to deal with conflict

• Use of good communication techniques

• Ability to collaborate rather than compete

• Shared leadership

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Ch. 2, Slide 12

Roles Played by Team


Task Roles

• Initiator

• Information seeker/giver

• Opinion seeker/giver

• Direction giver

• Summarizer

• Diagnoser

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Ch. 2, Slide 13

Roles Played by Team


• Energizer

• Gatekeeper

• Reality tester

What kinds of statements might be made by these role players?

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Ch. 2, Slide 14

Roles Played by Team


Relationship Roles

• Participation encourager

• Harmonizer/tension reliever

• Evaluator of emotional climate

• Praise giver

• Empathic listener

What kinds of statements might be made by these role players?

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Ch. 2, Slide 15

Roles Played by Team


Dysfunctional Roles

• Blocker

• Attacker

• Recognition-seeker

• Joker

• Withdrawer

What kinds of statements might be made by these role players?

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Ch. 2, Slide 16

Skills for Team Leaders

Task Relationships

• Goal setting

• Agenda making

• Clarifying

• Summarizing

• Verbalizing consensus

• Establishing work patterns

• Following procedures

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Ch. 2, Slide 17

Skills for Team Leaders

Interpersonal Relationships

• Regulating participation

• Maintaining positive climate

• Maintaining mutual respect

• Instigating group self-analysis

• Resolving conflict

• Instigating conflict

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Ch. 2, Slide 18

Methods for Reaching

Group Decisions

• Majority

• Consensus

• Minority

• Averaging

• Authority rule with discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

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Ch. 2, Slide 19

Common Conflict

Response Patterns

• Avoidance/withdrawal

• Accommodation/ smoothing

• Compromise

• Competition/forcing

• Collaboration/ problem-solving

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Ch. 2, Slide 20

Six-Step Procedure for

Dealing With Conflict

1. Listen.

2. Understand the other point of view.

3. Show concern for the relationship.

4. Look for common ground.

5. Invent new problem-solving options.

6. Reach a fair agreement.

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Ch. 2, Slide 21

Strategies for Effective

Conflict Resolution

Clear the air.

• If you’re on a team with someone who seems consistently irritated with you, ask for a private meeting.

• Solicit feedback; listen without interrupting and with an open mind.

• Request permission to respond with equal openness.

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Ch. 2, Slide 22

Planning and Participating in Meetings

Before the meeting

• Consider alternatives. Is a meeting necessary?

• Invite the right people. Include . . .

those who have information.

those who can make decisions.

those who must implement decisions.

• Distribute an agenda.

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Ch. 2, Slide 23

Planning and Participating in Meetings

During the Meeting

• Start on time and introduce the agenda.

• Appoint a secretary and a recorder.

• Encourage balanced participation.

• Confront conflict frankly.

• Summarize points of consensus along the way.

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Planning and Participating in Meetings

Ending the Meeting and Following Up

• Review meeting decisions.

• Distribute minutes of meeting.

• Remind people of action items.

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Collaboration Technology

Facilitates Meetings

• Audioconferencing (teleconferencing)

• Videoconferencing

• Desktop conferencing

• Media conferencing

• Internet relay chat

• Webcasting

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Ch. 2, Slide 26

Collaboration Technology

Facilitates Project Meetings

Software programs help managers

• Identify project phases

• Clarify goals

• Establish deadlines

• Anticipate obstacles

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Ch. 2, Slide 27

Collaboration Technology

Facilitates Decision Support

“Digital dashboards” help managers

• Gather more data in shorter time

• Crunch information in near real-time

• Analyze information easily and quickly

• Forecast business performance

• Explain shifts in performance

• Make informed decisions

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Ch. 2, Slide 28


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Ch. 2, Slide 29
