Course: Anatomy & Physiology INSTRUCTORS: Dennis Blackburn, DO [Orthopedic Surgeon] Joseph Nunez, MD [Pediatrician] Samir Bhatt, MD [Cardiologist] Carrick Adam, MD [Pediatrician] Rashik Patel, MD [Internal Medicine] Prerequisite; Course Description: Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory-based course that investigates the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered will include: Human Organization; Support, Movement, and Protection of the body; Integration and Coordination; Maintenance of the Body; Reproduction and Development of the human body. Students will engage in many topics and competencies related to truly understanding the structure and function of the human body. Working from the topics of basic anatomical terminology to the biochemical composition of the human body, all the way into each of the major systems of the body, students will learn through reading materials, study guides, unit worksheets, group work, projects, and labs. Students will be responsible for proper use of lab equipment, lab reports, vocabulary and projects assigned throughout each unit. Course Objectives / ESLRs [Expected School-wide Learning Results] Mind Students will understand the functions of each organ system and how structure related to function Students will develop the skills of scientific inquiry while learning concepts in the classroom, lab, and field. Heart Students will understand how biological and social concepts related to the content apply to their everyday lives and develop an increased knowledge of these concepts. Body Students will be able to describe how the human body is studied including the use of specific terminology. Soul Students will expand their responsibility to respect the life God has given us to use and manage Course Outline: Textbook: Mader’s Understanding Human Anatomy & Physiology 8th Edition Part I Human Organization Chapter 1: Organization of the Body Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life St Joseph High School Anatomy & Physiology 2015-2016 Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function Chapter 4: Body Tissues and Membranes Page 1 Part II Support, Movement, and Protection Chapter 5: The Integumentary System Chapter 6: The Skeletal System Chapter 7: The Muscular System Part III Integration and Coordination Chapter 8: The Nervous System Chapter 9: The Sensory System Chapter 10: The Endocrine System Part IV Maintenance of the Body Chapter 11: Blood Chapter 12: The Cardiovascular System Chapter 13: The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses Chapter 14: The Respiratory System Chapter 15: The Digestive System Chapter 16: The Urinary System and Excretion Part V Reproduction and Development Chapter 17 The Reproductive System Chapter 18: Human Development and Birth Chapter 19: Human Genetics Required Class Material Your Brain Attitude to learn Your Text book Pencil Safety Glasses ? iPad/Laptop o Penultimate o Evernote or OneNote GoodNote 4 Quizlet Extra Credit Anatomy in the News [worth 5 extra credit points] Submissions of Anatomy and or Physiology in the News may be submitted each month and must be typed (10 Font Times New Roman). Find a newspaper, magazine, or internet article on some aspect of ANATOMY and/or PHYSIOLOGY. Write a three paragraph summary of the news article that includes the following information: Who, What, Where, When, Why it is related to ANATOMY and/or PHYSIOLOGY. Cite the source: Title of Article, author, date, and URL or Title of Article, author, date, and newspaper or magazine. No more than 5 extra credit assignments may be turned in each semester and no more than three may be turned in per week. Labs Cat Dissection Balance Lab & 5 Senses Lab Eye Ball Dissection Tissue Identification St Joseph High School Anatomy & Physiology 2015-2016 Page 2 Etc. . . Homework: Yes Homework is your friend. The amount of homework will vary week to week. Homework is in the form of reading, answering the chapter questions, making/going over vocabulary terms cards, using the online resources, or working in small groups doing projects. Projects: There will be a project throughout the year. These will be individual, small group, and large group participation. Disease Diary Submissions to the Disease Diary are due by the 15th of the Following months November, January, February, March, and April. They must be typed (10 Font Times New Roman). Each submission should contain a graphic of some aspect of the disease as well as an outline description of the specific characteristics, causes, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for the disease. All sources should be cited in the correct format for print and internet. Please include the reference for any graphics you include. If you find a particularly useful source site, please indicate this so it can be added to the reference sites list. Please title the Disease Diary for the month and with your last Name. [Nov_Blackburn] Classroom Etiquette and Expectations: NO FOOD OR DRINK –EVEN WATER- IN A LAB CLASS!!!!!! All work is due at the beginning of the class period or when specified by the teacher. IF it is not turned in at that time it is considered late and will follow the late policy. LATE POLICY: You have until 8:15 am of the following calendar day to turn it in for a grade no higher than 75% of the available points or a D. After 8:15 am it will no longer be accepted for credit and you will be given a zero. As for excused absences. You have the same amount of days (not class periods) to make up homework that you missed. So if you are gone one day, you have one day to make it up. If not made up or scheduled the make up in the allotted time it is late and will follow the previously mentioned late policy. This goes for tests, quizzes, labs, homework, etc. Whatever is not made up in the proper amount of time will become zeroes. If you are going to be absent due to an extracurricular activity- PLEASE come ask for guidance on your homework assignments/labs/quizzes/tests. Grading: See the “Shield”. Breakdown of Work and grade percentages: Disease Diary Projects Labs (Reports & Participation) Lab Tests % of Grade 10 10 10 10 Semester I [approx.. number] Semester II [approx.. number] 4 2 8 4 5 2 10 5 St Joseph High School Anatomy & Physiology 2015-2016 Page 3 Quizzes Chapter Tests Finals 10 25 25 20 10 1 20 9 1 ** Extra Credit points will be added to your total number, which then improve your percentage and ultimately your grade.. References: Hunt, Veronica. Human Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus. Harlington High School Lankow et al. Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lab Syllabus. Mayville State University Dornon. Human Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus. Central High School. Muskopf, Shannan. Anatomy & Physiology Class Website- The Biology Corner. McLaughlin, L. Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus. Merced High School. St Joseph High School Anatomy & Physiology 2015-2016 Page 4