The Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression
and the New Deal
The Great Depression
The New Deal
The Second New Deal and Its’ Effects
The Great Depression
Causes of the Depression
 Roaring 20s help Herbert Hoover get elected in
 Several underlying problems during 1920s boom
Farm Problems-After WWI demand for crops and crop
prices fall
Wealth is distributed unevenly- Rich become richer,
workers became less poor
Easy Credit- debt grows as people can’t pay off credit
The Great Depression
Stock Market Crash
 Investors buy stock on speculation- hope the stock
would go up
 October 1929- Market up and down; scared investors
sell all stock
 October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday
 1st example of business cycle- growth and slow down
of economy
 When the market collapsed, the Great Depression
began- 1929-1941
Banks collapse- ppl. pulled all savings from banks banks close
Businesses closed, unemployment rises- 1933: 25% UR
Hawley Smoot tariff- Gov’t passes extremely high tariff, only
hurts economy
The Great Depression
Hoover and the Great Depression
 While most Americans kept their job, wages were
drastically cut
 Bread lines, soup kitchens, homeless shelters become
common--. American Dream impossible
 Hoovervilles created- tents/shacks built on vacant lots
for homeless
 Some farmers prosper- grow own food most lost their
farms to banks- tenant farmers
 1930s- terrible drought in the Great Plains Dust Bowl
 Farm families had no choice but to migrate Dust Bowl
refugees were known as Okies
The Great Depression
Hoover’s Response Fails
 Urged Americans to go about their business as
 Laissez Faire attitude says Americans should
take care of themselves- no gov’t welfare
 Believed gov’t should help businesses, not
control them
 Organized Boulder Dam- gave power and water
and work to millions
 Begins passing measures to reform banking
Federal Home Loan Bank Act lower interest rates
for mortgage
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Finance big
business, money will trickle down to citizens
The Great Depression
The Bonus Army
 WWI vets march on
the White House lawn
demanding promised
bonus checks
 Hoover uses force to
remove Bonus Army
soldiers from local
The New Deal
FDR Takes Charge
 1932: Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt wins
 FDR campaigns using “New Deal” plan
Gov’t should play active role in ending Depression
FDR uses the “Brain Trust”, group of close advisers,
to help plan New Deal
Frances Perkins-first woman to serve in a cabinet
The New Deal
The First Hundred Days
 FDR passes 15 new bills (First New Deal)relief, recovery,
 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- insured
bank deposits
 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- provides financial aid to
 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- Gov’t builds dams along
TN River to provide jobs and electricity
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- provide jobs for young
 National Recovery Administration (NRA)- set minimum
wage, govern competition in business
 Public Works Administration (PWA)- built bridges, dams,
power plants
 FDR immediately starts a bank holiday- close all banks for 3
 Begins giving weekly speeches on radio to reassure the nation
Fireside Chats
Migrant Mother
Photo by Dorothea Lange
The New Deal
Opposition to the New Deal
 Some thought New Deal was too radical,
some thought it didn’t do enough
 Most complained New Deal was making
the gov’t too big and powerful
 These critics formed the American
Liberty League- thought FDR was
The New Deal
has 3 very outspoken critics:
Francis Townsend- favors giving checks to
citizens and money would “filter” out
Charles Coughlin- said FDR wasn’t doing
enough to fight Depression
Huey Long- Proposes a “Share Our Wealth”
solution- high taxes on wealthy, cut taxes for
middle class
The Second New Deal
 Goals:
Promote general welfare
Intervene to protect citizens’ rights
The Second New Deal
Works Progress Administration (WPA)- built/improved
nations’ highways, etc.
 New programs expensive gov’t uses deficit spending
(spending money you don’t have)
 FDR creates the Social Security Act- unemployment
insurance for workers/pension plan for retirees
 FDR still trying to help farmerselectricity- Rural
Electrification Admin (REA)
 Gov’t gives price supports (subsidies) to farmers
 Surge in labor union membership Wagner Act
guaranteed employees the right to join and labor union
The Second New Deal
Act also granted collective bargaining- right to
negotiate between employer and employee
1936-FDR re-elected
Supreme Court begins to question FDR’s
authority to create ND programs
SC nullifies the NIRA and AAA
FDR decides to “pack the courts”
FDR proposed increasing number of SC justices from
9 to 15, “packing court” with ND supporters
SC suddenly starts ruling in favor of FDR’s policies
After his reelection in 1936, and as a reaction to opposition he was getting
from the Supreme Court, FDR attempted to "pack" the Court by enlarging it
(by 6 judges) and then appointing justices who would agree with his
approach. This cartoon is a commentary on the Roosevelt "court-packing"
The Second New Deal
Effects of the New Deal
 Women’s role in society
expands b/c of Eleanor
 ER fights for AA rights Black
Cabinet- AA leaders to advise
 FDR runs for a 3rd and 4th
term in 1940 and 1944
 FDR had created a solid
supportive groups of
Democrats New Deal
Southern whites, AA, farmers,
northern workers, immigrants
The Second New Deal
Legacy of the New Deal
 New Deal increases size of Fed. Gov’tsome programs still around
 ND didn’t end Depression, but helped
restore economy
 FDR rejected laissez faire economicsleads to welfare state provide for all US