Shakesbook Slides

Bell Work-Tuesday, Feb 16th
1. What are the different elements of a Facebook
page? (Make a brief list)
2. How can a Facebook page help you understand
a person? OR What can a Facebook page reveal
about a person? Explain your answer.
Compose answers on a full lined sheet of paper-----You will need it again at the end of class!
Exit Ticket-Tuesday, Feb
1. Refer back to the idea that you selected or
generated for the Cover Photo Component.
Select another character from the novel that this
idea could also be applied to and explain why the
statement or phrase could apply to that character
as well. Support your answer with an example
from the text.
Make sure to include your phrase in your response!
Make sure to MLA cite your evidence!
Gen Bell Work-Wed, Feb 17th
1. Read through the two number 6 components listed on
the “Greasebook Assignment” handout.
2. Develop 1 question regarding the number 6 tasks.
3. Review components 1-5 responses from yesterday.
4. Take out your What’s in a Name assignment.
Component 6 Task---Breakdown
1. Compose 3 Facebook conversations using The Outsiders.
What does this mean?
To Create 1 Conversation:
Compose a Status/Comment
Then, Compose 2 Replies to that Status/Comment
Where do you get the information for the Status/Comment
and the Replies?
Answer: From the Text!!!!
Comment/Status Update
Reply 1
Reply 2
Both of These
Represent 1
Conversation of
the 3
Comment/Status Update
Reply 1
Reply 2
Process for Completing Component 6
Step 1: Select a Significant Scene from the Novel
Questions to Help Find Scenes:
~What scenes contain major conflicts?
~What scenes communicate important information about
~What scenes are crucial to the plot?
Process for Completing Component 6
Step 2: Analyze the Scene by Answering the Following ?’s:
• What is happening at this point in the plot of the novel?
• Who is involved? (Active [Participates] vs. Inactive [Just There])
• How do the characters feel about what is happening? Are there any
clues in the text? Could we make an inference about how they might
be feeling based on what is happening and our knowledge of both
the character and how a person might feel in that circumstance?
Process for Completing Component 6
Step 3: Using your previous analysis of the scene, determine
something significant that one of the characters involved in the scene
would say. Using this, compose your Comment/Status Update.
This step must be in your own words!
Step 4: Identify the exact quote that proves that what your character
would say is valid based on what is happening in the novel.
This is your evidence!!!!
Process for Completing Component 6
Step 5: Using your knowledge of the characters in the book, determine
which characters would have something to say about the
Comment/Status Update that you created in Step 3. Select 2
characters and write what they each would say in the Reply 1 and
Reply 2 boxes.
These should be in your own words!
Step 6: Identify the exact quote that proves that what your characters
would say is valid based on what is happening in the novel or who
they are as characters.
This is your evidence!!!!
Conversation in My
Own Words
Evidence to
Prove My
Conversation is
Your Turn!
Before we begin, have we answered all your questions from
the bell work?
Task: With your tablemates, select 3 significant scenes!
Helpful Hint: Use your resources!!!!!!! (Handouts from
Outsiders Folder)
When you’ve completed this, you’ve completed Step 1!
On your own!
Task: Individually compose your 3 conversations by using the 6 Step
Process, Your Resources and Your Knowledge of the Characters.
Helpful Resources: (6 Step Process Notes, My Steve Randall Example,
Handouts from Outsiders Folder, Greasebook Assignment)
Questions to Think About
• Even though another character isn’t involved in the chosen scene,
could you pull evidence from another section and write their
response in the conversation based on that evidence instead?
• Could connecting your conversation to our theme(s) and/or
conflict(s) generate a conversation or guide what your characters
might say?
• What type of tone would be used in this type of conversation?
• What types of things spark debate on Social Media?