Birds, the Ivory Billed Woodpecker How They Live

Birds, Snowy Egret
How They Live
By Ellie Shim
Basic life cycle
Starting to mate
Building a nest
From egg to baby
Nearly grown
Again and again and again…
Basic life cycle
They are a new born egg.
Finally in the outside
Fully grown Snowy
Nearly an adult.
Starting to mate
The Snowy Egrets’ breeding season begins
in March, April or May. These birds are
beautiful or handsome thanks to the snow
white feather. Using this strong point, they
attract the females.
They stick the feathers out that grows on
the heads and chest to attract the females.
Doing this, makes the male look strong and
handsome. Many of the female birds like the
bird’s strong looks.
Building the nest.
First of all the Snowy Egret finds a place to
make the nest. This place is near the Barrier
islands (an island that forms in the shallow
water along the coastline) and in shrubs that
are few feet off the ground.
These birds build a safe nest for their eggs.
They need reeds and twigs. The birds have a
organized rule. The male gets the material, and
the female constructs.
From egg to baby
After the big construction of the nest, the
female will crouch down and lay her eggs. She
will lay about three to five greenish- blue-ish
eggs. The parents will take turns to take care of
the eggs for three weeks until they hatch.
The eggs will one day hatch. Following their
organized rule, they will take turns giving the
babies regurgitated food. (food that were spat
out and given to the other) The chicks will
fledge when they are about one month old.
Nearly grown
The baby birds will leave their nest in about
four weeks time of their birth. They will first
hop around the branches near the nest. With
the parent’s supervise. After hopping around,
the snowy egret will depart their nest.
This will happen around mid august and the
baby bird will go off to find a new colony.
Again and again and again…
This is a life cycle of the Snowy Egret.
The word cycle is something that keeps
happening. Do you get my point? This
cycle of a Snowy egrets will be happing
forever. Watch and enjoy this video.