_________________________ Officer Notebook Office: Name: Date: Officer Duties (per bylaws): Responsibilities and activities for your office – a checklist of what you need to accomplish (this is often different from the duties): Revised 09/12 Incoming Officer Worksheet Complete this worksheet before your officer transition retreat. Bring it with you to the retreat so as to help you plan your time in office. Name What do you want to accomplish during your term? What ideas to you have to contribute to your office? What does your position mean to you? How do you see yourself benefiting from this office? What skills will you need to be a successful leader and officer? Revised 09/12 Office Officer Goals What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? How will you know when it is achieved? What do you need to do in order to achieve this? (Be specific) Whose assistance do you need in working to achieve this? In other words, who do you need to get involved to succeed? Are there any resources that you need to achieve this? (Financial, physical, etc) Who is responsible for making sure this is all accomplished? (specifically – name someone) When will this be accomplished by? (set a specific date) Notes Revised 09/12 Officer Goals What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? How will you know when it is achieved? What do you need to do in order to achieve this? (Be specific) Whose assistance do you need in working to achieve this? In other words, who do you need to get involved to succeed? Are there any resources that you need to achieve this? (Financial, physical, etc) Who is responsible for making sure this is all accomplished? (specifically – name someone) When will this be accomplished by? (set a specific date) Notes Revised 09/12 Officer Goals What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? How will you know when it is achieved? What do you need to do in order to achieve this? (Be specific) Whose assistance do you need in working to achieve this? In other words, who do you need to get involved to succeed? Are there any resources that you need to achieve this? (Financial, physical, etc) Who is responsible for making sure this is all accomplished? (specifically – name someone) When will this be accomplished by? (set a specific date) Notes Revised 09/12 Officer Contact Information Write all the contact information that you have used while in office. Include vendors, advisers, others that were of a resource to you. Contact Name Revised 09/12 Contact Information (E-mail, Cell, address, etc) Reason Weekly Officer Report Complete this brief report each week and submit to your Eminent Deputy Archon and place copy in your officer notebook. What have you accomplished in the past week? What have your successes and challenges? Describe your plans for the next week. How are you progressing on your officer goals? What campus, alumni, and Fraternity resources can you seek out for help? Other comments: Revised 09/12 Outgoing Officer Worksheet Complete this as you are leaving office. Bring this to the officer transition retreat. Discuss your answers with your successor. Remind him to place this in the front of his officer notebook. Name What do you wish you had been told before taking this position? What were your biggest successes this year? What are ideas that you tried and didn’t work? What do you recommend the next officer try? Did you run out of time and not get to work on a project? What is the most rewarding aspect of this office? Revised 09/12 Office Chapter Information Include in this section of the binder the following from the chapter. Your Eminent Archon or Eminent Deputy Archon should provide them to you. Chapter goals for semester Chapter contact information (List of brothers’ phone and e-mail addresses) Calendar of chapter and campus events for the semester Copy of chapter bylaws Revised 09/12