American Literature Research Paper 2015

American Literature Research Paper 2015 (Tatman)
Assignment: Choose one of the stories listed below for study and research. Based on your reading and
research, you will choose a literary device to focus on for the selection that you choose.
Choose one:
General Topics (please choose one)
– Imagery in…
– Tone in…
– Symbolism in…
Now you must choose one of these selections:
Edgar Allan Poe
 “The Masque of the Red Death”
 “The Tell-Tale Heart”
 “The Fall of the House of Usher”
 “The Raven”
Nathaniel Hawthorne
 “Young Goodman Brown”
 “The Minister’s Black Veil”
 “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
 “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment”
 The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville
 “What Redburn Saw in Launcelott’s Hey”
AmLit112B Research 1
112 American Literature Research Paper Guidelines
The paper must be a minimum of 3 full typed pages- no more than 5 typed pages. This does NOT
include your Works Cited page.
You must use three sources. Your Primary Source will count as one of the three sources.
All prewriting assignments are due as per the calendar. Points will be deducted for each day an
assignment is late.
The paper MUST follow current MLA guidelines
You will turn in the completed paper in a two-pocket folder. On the left you will place all
preliminary work; on the right you will place your completed paper. Please note: copies of all
research used in your paper must be included in your research folder and turned in on the due
date. Highlight what you quote or paraphrase! Remember, your primary source is part of your
research, and you should include a copy of that as well.
Because of the amount of time given for this assignment, it is expected to be in on time. A paper
turned in late for any reason will be penalized ten points per day (this includes weekends).
Pick topic/have a copy of your primary source
Working thesis statement
Preliminary outline
4 scholarly sources
Annotated bibliography covering those 4 sources (typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard)
Full sentence outline with textual evidence from at least 3 sources (including your primary source)typed
7- Rough draft with works cited page-typed
8- Final draft with preliminary work (typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard)
Grading Scale for research paper - The research category is worth 15% of your grade.
Within that category, the assignments will be weighted as follows:
Thesis statement and Preliminary outline – weighted 1 time
Sources and annotated bibliography- weighted 2 times
Full sentence outline- weighted 2 times
Rough draft with works cited page- weighted 1 time
Final draft with preliminary work- weighted 4 times (2 times for content/ 2 times for mechanics)
AmLit112B Research 2
Tatman-112B American Literature Research Paper
*All assignments are due on the due date EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT/SICK/AT THE DOCTOR,
etc. A penalty of 10 points a day will be deducted from the assignment grade for every day that the
assignment is late.
1. Pick your topic-Pick the theme would like to study.
- Materials you will need for the assignment: Highlighter, Research
Folder, and change for copies in the media center
Due Date
Thursday, 3/5
2. Working Thesis statement-handwritten
Friday, 3/6
3. Preliminary Outline-handwritten
Wednesday 3/11
4. 4 scholarly sources (must print or make a copy of the sources)
Tuesday, 3/10
5. Annotated Bibliography covering those 4 sources, typed, submitted in Friday, 3/13
hard copy and to blackboard
6. Final Full Sentence Outline-typed
Thursday, 3/19
 Must include textual evidence from at least 3 sources (including
your primary source)
7. Rough Draft with Works Cited Page-typed
Friday, 3/27
8. Final draft of Research Paper with preliminary work-typed, submitted
in hard copy and to blackboard
 Minimum of 3 pages
 Minimum of 3 different sources used
 Final copy should be turned in WITH YOUR RESEARCH
FOLDER-Your research folder should contain the following
i. Primary Source (story)
ii. Thesis Statement
iii. Preliminary Outline
iv. 4 Annotated Sources
v. Annotated Bibliography covering 4 sources
vi. Full Sentence Outline
vii. Rough Draft
viii. Final Copy of Research Paper
Thursday, 4/2
AmLit112B Research 3
For the last name in the upper right hand
corner, insert page number, type your last
name and ONE space. Make sure you change
the font to 12 pt. Times New Roman.
John Walton
Mrs. Johnson
American Lit-1st per
20 March 2012
Title of Paper
Thesis: author’s last name uses literary element (characterization, symbolism, etc.) to reveal the theme
that complete sentence expressing a life lesson.
I. Literary element (Characterization, Symbolism)
-MLA format-double space or skip lines
-Each point is a brief phrase, one to three words
-Each point is a topic, not a title; just capitalize the first word.
-If you have an “A,” you must have a “B.” If you have a “1,” you must have a “2.”
AmLit112B Research 4
Sample thesis and preliminary outline.
MLA Heading
Explosive Title: __________________________
Thesis statement/Claim: ____________________________________________________
A. ___________________________
B. ___________________________
Reason #1: 1st area of support for your thesis: _______________________
A. ______________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________
AmLit112B Research 5
C. ______________________________________________________________________
Reason #2: 2nd area of support for your thesis: ______________________
A. ______________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________
Reason #3: 3rd area of support for your thesis:_______________________
A. ______________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________
Reason #4: 4th area of support for your thesis (possibly counter
AmLit112B Research 6
A. ______________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________
Conclusion – Restate thesis in a different way. Sum up the main points of your argument
and findings. Bring the reader to a higher level of understanding.
AmLit112B Research 7
Preparing an Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of sources about a particular topic in which each citation is followed
by a brief paragraph that discusses aspects of the source. An annotated bibliography is useful for
documenting your research in a specific area, exploring varying viewpoints, and summarizing main points
form different sources.
The citation includes the bibliographic information of the source. The annotation is a brief paragraph
following the citation.
The annotation can serve many different purposes including any or all of the following:
 describe the content of the source
 describe the intended audience
 evaluate the credibility of the source
 discuss the writer’s background
 describe your reaction
 describe the usefulness of the source
You are required to annotate all potential sources. Be sure to research your topic fully. Only sources
which have been annotated can be used in the final paper. Allow three school days to receive feedback
on/approval of any annotation submitted after the initial due date. No extension of due dates will be
allowed to accommodate late research.
For the purposes of this research assignment, your annotation should include the following:
 thesis (one sentence that expresses the main idea of the article; use verbs such as “claims,” “argues,”
“believes,” “proposes, etc.)
 summary of the main points of the article (three sentences)
 an evaluation of the writer’s credibility for all sources except those obtained from Gale’s Discovering
Collection, Gale’s Literature Resource Center, Poetry for Students, and Short Stories for Students.
Format your citations in the same manner as for a normal reference list; then follow these instructions for
adding an annotation.
1. Use hanging indents.
2. As with every other part of an MLA formatted essay, the bibliography is double spaced, both
within the citation and between them. Do not add an extra line between the citations.
3. The annotation is a continuation of the citation. Do not drop down to the next line to start the
4. The right margin is the normal right margin of your document.
5. The title of your annotated bibliography is the working title for your paper.
See the sample annotated bibliography on the next page.
AmLit112B Research 8
Hafner 1
Mary Hafner
Ms. Pavkovich
American Lit 112B-7
21 February 2012
More than the Playground Blues: Examining Increased Incidents of Childhood Depression
Abe, Marylynn. “Childhood Depression: Rich or Poor, More Kids Struggle With Symptoms.”
USA Today. 13 August 1998:1D-2D. Sir Issue Research. Web. 09 February 2012. In this
article, Elias talks about childhood depression and how many children struggle with
symptoms, no matter what their socio-economic status. 4-6 sentences summary, This
source is credible because it was screened by Sirs Issues Research database, which
screens sources for scholarly authors and reputable publishers. 3-5 sentences how I am
going to use this article in my paper.
Elias, Marylynn. “Childhood Depression: Rich or Poor, More Kids Struggle With Symptoms.”
USA Today. 13 August 1998:1D-2D. Sir Issue Research. Web. 09 February 2012. In this
article, Elias talks about childhood depression and how many children struggle with
symptoms, no matter what their socio-economic status. 4-6 sentences summary, This
source is credible because it was screened by Sirs Issues Research database, which
screens sources for scholarly authors and reputable publishers. 3-5 sentences how I am
going to use this article in my paper.
Jones, Marylynn. “Childhood Depression: Rich or Poor, More Kids Struggle With Symptoms.”
USA Today. 13 August 1998:1D-2D. Sir Issue Research. Web. 09 February 2012. In this
article, Elias talks about childhood depression and how many children struggle with
symptoms, no matter what their socio-economic status…
AmLit112B Research 9
Your Name
Ms. Tatman
American Literature 112B
2 November 2012
Working Title of Your Paper
Thesis Statement: Write your thesis statement here.
I. Each roman numeral corresponds to a body paragraph. Write your topic sentence for your
paragraph here.
A. Textual Evidence: Put your quote or paraphrase WITH LEAD-IN and
-Don’t forget your last name and
page number in the top right
1. Put your analysis/commentary here.
B. Textual Evidence
Times New Roman
Size 12
1 inch margins
1. Analysis
C. Textual Evidence
1. Analysis
II. Topic Sentence
A. Textual Evidence
1. Analysis
B. Textual Evidence
*Remember, you must use at least 3 sources
in your outline (1 primary (short story) and 2
secondary). All textual evidence, including
paraphrases and direct quotes, must have
parenthetical citations.
**Also, remember that this outline is to help
you get your thoughts in order. Make sure you
are logically proving your thesis and that each
body paragraph stays on topic!
1. Analysis
III. Topic Sentence (continue structure from paragraphs I and II)
IV. Conclusion
AmLit112B Research 10
Works Cited
DiBlasio, Natalie. “Schools Once Again Face Bind Over Censorship vs. Book Lists.” USA
TODAY. 19 Aug 2011: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 13 Mar 2012.
Penner, Diana, and Karoline Kallweit. “Librarians lead Fight Against Banned Books.” Global
Information Network. 24 Sept 2010: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 13 Mar 2012.
Potter, Mitch. “Libya Celebrates Banned Books.” Toronto Star. 15 Nov 2011: A.19. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 13 Mar 2012.
“To Kill a Mocking Book.” Indian Express. 01 Oct 2011: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 13
Mar 2012.
Checklist: Creating the Works Cited page
 Organize your sources in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. If there is no
author, use the first word of the title to alphabetize.
 Works Cited is your title. Center this at the top of the page. Do not underline or bold.
You will have a header in the upper right hand margin because this is the last page of
your paper.
 Use a hanging indent with each source citation. Go to Paragraph; Special; Hanging
 Use MLA Formatting: TNR, 12 pt., Double Space, No extra spacing after paragraph
AmLit112B Research 11
Research Paper Rough Draft
Uses at least 3 sources
3 pages (MINIMUM)
At least 3 quotes with correct leadins and citations
 ALL information that is not your
own must be cited
 Lead-ins for all direct quotations
Name on the front of the folder
In the RIGHT pocket (in this order)
1. Sources
2. Annotated Bibliography
3. Pre-liminary Outline
4. Full Sentence Outline
In the LEFT pocket
1. Rough Draft-stapled
AmLit112B Research 12
1 inch margins
Times New Roman
Size 12
Double Space
NO EXTRA SPACES (go to paragraph on Microsoft word and check the box that says
“do not add space after paragraphs of the same style)
Header with YOUR last name (space) and page # (insert PAGE NUMBER and add your
last name)
o Your Name
o Teacher Name
o Course Name-Class Period (American Literature 112B-4th or 7th)
o Date (*number 1st, no commas, 14 March 2012)
Center Title
Indent Paragraphs
Works Cited Page
1 inch margins
NO HEADING-the works cited should be the 4th (or 5th) page of your research paper)
the Works Cited Page is the last page of your paper-NOT A NEW DOCUMENT
Hanging Indent
Alphabetical Order
“Article Titles” in quotations
Book, Magazine, Journal, Website Titles in italics or underlined
AmLit112B Research 13
3 page (minimum) Rough Draft of Research Paper including Works Cited page
Due Friday, March 14 for 100 total points
Rough Draft of the Research Paper
 Length: 3 full pages (minimum) to 6 pages (maximum)
 Direct quotes: 3 (minimum)
 Direct quotes have quality lead-ins that introduce the quote
 Citations are included for every quote in the paper (all direct quotes and paraphrased
 Be careful not to plagiarize information from your sources. If you use a specific idea or
definition in your paper, you must cite the source.
 Research Folder
Works Cited page
 3 sources (minimum)
 Every source that is used in the paper is listed on the Works Cited page
 The Works Cited page is the last page of your rough draft, NOT a new document.
Therefore, this will most likely be the 4th or 5th page of your rough draft (depending on
the length of your paper).
 The title (Works Cited) is centered on the page. No bold or underline.
 Use hanging indent
 Alphabetical order
 “Article Titles” in quotations
 Book, Magazine, Journal, Website, Database Titles in italics.
MLA formatting
 Heading on page one: Student Name
Mrs. Pavkovich
American Lit. 112B - Period
5 April 2012
 All lines are double spaced
 Page number header (Insert; Page number – put in your last name) – please make sure
that it is in Times New Roman font 12 pt. size
 1 inch margins
 Times New Roman font in 12 pt. size
 NO EXTRA LINE SPACES (go to Paragraph menu and click on the box that says “do
not add space after paragraphs of the same style”)
TOTAL for Rough Draft and Works Cited
Your research folder should include:
 Your name on the front of the folder
 In the RIGHT pocket (in this order)
1. Sources
2. Annotated Bibliography
**Clean out everything else!
3. Preliminary Topic Outline
 Full Sentence Outline
 In the LEFT pocket
1. Rough Draft – typed and stapled (Works Cited is the last page of this document)
AmLit112B Research 14
American Lit Research Paper Checklist
_____ Final paper with all preliminary work (thesis, preliminary outline, annotated bibliography,
Full-sentence outline, rough draft) in a 2 pocket folder
_____ Final paper – 3 FULL typed pages minimum
_____ Works Cited attached to final copy – NOT a new document (entries alphabetized, double
Spaced, hanging indents)
_____ Copies of articles with quotes/paraphrases used highlighted (remember to include a copy
of the primary source as well)
MLA Guidelines
_____ 1 inch margins
_____ Times New Roman size 12
_____ Last name and page number in upper right corner
_____ Heading
_____ Double spaced, NO extra spaces (go to paragraph, check dialog box)
_____Title is not underlined or italicized; story title in quotation marks and correctly capitalized
_____ If the author’s last name/article title is in the lead-in, the author’s last name/title name
Should not be in the citation
Works Cited Page
_____Article Titles are in quotation marks
_____Titles of books and titles of databases are in italics
_____ Alphabetical Order
_____ Hanging Indent
_____ Title is Works Cited (not in all caps, not underlined, is at the top of the page)
_____ Double Spaced, NO extra spaces
_____ Sources on the Works Cited page match sources in your paper EXACTLY – the first
words on the Works Cited page should be the same exact words that are in your
parentheses in your paper.
Grammar and Punctuation
_____ NO I or YOU or WE or US (Ctrl+F+I/you) – Search for any I/you/we/us in your paper
and change/reword
_____No SAYS (Ctrl+F+says) – change to writes unless the narrator is actually saying
_____Check your comma splices
***You MUST have complete sentences and sentences cannot run together. Sentences
should be separated by a period or by a comma AND a conjunction.
_____ commas inside quotation marks: In “The Masque of the Red Death,”
_____ PLEASE make sure that the short story title is in quotation marks. If you are writing
about a novel, it should be italicized.
AmLit112B Research 15
Research Paper Rubric
Mechanics – 100 points (weighted twice)
 Format – Headers, margins, Works Cited
 Correct Citations
 Preliminary work turned back in
 Copies of articles? Highlighted quotes/paraphrases?
 Grammar
Word Choice
Punctuation errors
First, second person used
Incorrect quotation punctuation
Subject, verb agreement
Inconsistent tense
Run-ons, commas splices
Pronoun reference errors
Content – 100 points (weighted twice)
Effective introduction
Solid thesis statement/claim
Solid conclusion
Clear topic sentences/good transitions (topic sentence relates to thesis/claim/argument)
Clear organizational strategy-each paragraph is coherent and relates back to topic
Adequate support for main ideas
Paper makes an argument
Paper proves that argument with adequate research
AmLit112B Research 16