Around God’s World 5th Grade Team 2/28/2011 Mr. Dovenmuehler: Mrs. Brenner: RS: Exploding Ants RED HILL LUTHERAN SCHOOL An Outreach Ministry of Red Hill Lutheran Church (714) 544 – 3132 HOMEWORK Spelling cent sent scent threw through weather whether their there they’re chili chilly tide tied pale pail aloud allowed course coarse Vocabulary critical enables mucus scarce specialize sterile Grammar Focus Possessive Pronouns Literary Elements Graphic Sources Monday Math 1: Practice 10.10 Math 2: Study –Ch. 10 Test Language Arts: Vocab. words-Pearson; Study for Prepositions Test Social Studies: study for your 13 Original Colonies quiz Wed; do Chpt. 8Lesson 3 Vocab. tracker in interactive notebook (pgs.337-341) Tuesday Math 1: Study-Ch. 10 Test Math 2: no hw Language Arts: Spelling “Practice” p. 88 Literature Novel: Mr.D & Mrs.B-Book Blog Wednesday Math 1: no hw Math 2: Practice 11.1 Language Arts: Spelling “Proofread” p. 89; Grammar review page Science: Study I-check for quiz Friday Thursday Math 1: Practice 11.1 Math 2: Practice 11.2 Language Arts: Spelling “Review” p.90; study for tests Literature Novel: Mr.D & Mrs.B-Book Blog DUE DATES & ASSESSMENT: Tues. Wed. Fri. Prepositions Test; Math 2 Ch. 10 Test The Original 13 Colonies Quiz; Math 1 Ch. 10 Test Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar Tests Original Post Blog Due! Science Quiz CA State Standards: HSS-5.3, 5.5, 5.6; Math-NS 1.2, 2.3, 2.4; Reading-RC 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.7 Language Arts W1.1,1.6, 2.3; LC 1.0, 1.5 Science-LS2f, LS 2g NEWSFLASH March Christian Character: Initiative Remember This: 2/28-3/4: Literacy Week: see schedule on the back 3/11: End of Trimester 2; Minimum Day 3/17: 5th Grade Field Trip to OLu & Lunch (10:00am-2:00pm) PTF-8:30am 3/24: PTF Family Dinner Night BIBLE MEMORY VERSE “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 Next Week RS: The Stormi Giovanni Club Spelling (Unit 4, Week 4) sensible washable available agreeable fashionable valuable flexible reasonable favorable breakable convertible forgettable laughable sociable allowable divisible hospitable reversible responsible tolerable Vocabulary cavities combination demonstrates episode profile strict Grammar Indefinite & Reflexive Pronouns Literary Elements Generalize 5TH GRADE NOTES Literacy Week: Monday: Bring in cereal boxes Tuesday: Dress-Up as your favorite book character or Bible hero (you will need to be in school uniform if you do not choose to dress as a favorite character) Wednesday: Writing about a favorite book in class Thursday: Pep Rally 2:10 Friday: Dress in PJ’s-“Reading Under the Sun”-bring a towel, your sunglasses and your favorite book as our whole school participates in a reading time on the blacktop.