Dwelling Place Fellowship Church 12-29


Dwelling Place Fellowship Church 12-29-14

Stepping into more!

Is your faith in God revived for the coming year? Trial will either break your faith or make it stronger. The exercise of faith conditions your spiritual ability to overcome in the days ahead. There will be folks that are your friends that will be deceived by the spirit of this world and you will have to move on from the relationship because there will be no remedy. Heartbreak and disappointment will be used by the enemy to poison the pure waters of God that need to flow out of you for His kin gdom’s advancement. It is true that you have been made more than a conqueror through Christ because of His amazing love for you. And nothing will ever separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Not death, life, angels, demons, fears about today or worries about tomorrow, no powers of hell can separate us from God’s love…

Paul stated that he was convinced…fully persuaded beyond doubt that NOTHING that hell could throw at him was strong enough to separate him from the love of

God in Christ Jesus his Lord.

What about you? Are you “Fully persuaded” that NOTHING can take you out?

Acts 1:1-14 Mesg. Together in obedience to Jesus and together in prayer

1 Dear Theophilus, in the first volume of this book I wrote on everything that

Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he said good-bye to the apostles, the ones he had chosen through the Holy Spirit, and was taken up to heaven. 3 After his death, he presented himself alive to them in many different settings over a period of forty days. In face-to-face meetings, he talked to them about things concerning the kingdom of God. 4 As they met and ate meals together, he told them that they were on no account to leave Jerusalem but "must wait for what the

Father promised: the promise you heard from me. 5 John baptized in water; you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit. And soon."

6 When they were together for the last time they asked, "Master, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel now? Is this the time?"

7 He told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business.

8 What you'll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world."

9 These were his last words. As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. 10 They stood there, staring into the empty sky. Suddenly two men appeared — in white robes! 11 They said, "You Galileans! — why do you just

stand here looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly

— and mysteriously — as he left."

Returning to Jerusalem

12 So they left the mountain called Olives and returned to Jerusalem. It was a little over half a mile. 13 They went to the upper room they had been using as a meeting place:

Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas, son of James.

14 They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer, the women included. Also Jesus' mother, Mary, and his brothers.

In Act 2, the Holy Spirit came. The apostles and all who were present, were baptized in holy fire and the church was birthed. Tongues were spoken as the

Spirit of God gave the utterance and all heard the mighty works of God described in their own language. God wants all men to hear, really hear the good news of

Christ! He wants all to hear the good news in their own tongue. The only way re velation knowledge of God’s love can impact someone is not by mere intellectual understanding, but by the love of God exploding upon the heart. For the heart is the gateway to true spiritual wonder and awe.

2 Chron 7:14-16 AMP The dedication of Solomon’s Temple

14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will

I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer offered in this place.

16 For I have chosen and sanctified (set apart for holy use) this house, that My

Name may be here forever, and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually.

Psalm 138 TPT The Divine Presence By King David.

1 I thank You Lord, And with all the passion of my heart! I worship You in the presence of angels, Heaven’s mighty ones will hear my voice As I sing my loving praise to You! 2 I bow down before Your divine presence And bring You my deepest worship, As I experience Your tender love And Your living truth. For the promises of Your Word And the fame of Your name Have been magnified above all else! 3 At the very moment I called out to You, Your presence came and You answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul, And breathed fresh courage into me! 4 One day all the kings of the earth Will rise to give You thanks,

When they hear the living words that I have heard You speak! 5 They too will sing of Your wonderful ways, For Your ineffable glory is so great! 6 For though You are lofty and exalted, You stoop to embrace the lowly. Yet You keep Your

distance from those filled with pride. 7 Through Your mighty power I can walk through any devastation, And You will keep me alive, reviving me. Your power will set me free from the hatred of my enemies. 8 You keep every promise You’ve ever made to me! Since Your love for me is so constant and endless, I ask You,

Lord, to finish every good th ing that You’ve begun in me!

Father in Jesus Name, we will not settle on knowing You in a small way. We choose to know You deeply. We will not stay in a place of slumber but will live fully awake! My passion is to know You…to love You with all that I have. These are the days of Isaiah 60 and we will arise and shine with the Glory of Your presence! You fashioned and formed us for this hour of revival. We embrace Your

Father’s blessing and all You have done to deliver me from my past. Your glory is our futur e. The increase of Your Kingdom and the majesty of Your Son’s fame is why we live. We give You Lord the Highest praise and our deepest worship now and forever…Amen.
