HOUSING APPLICATION Genesis Program/Exodus Program Please take the time to read this application and complete it to the fullest extent possible. The information you provide will assist us in determining the stability of your housing situation and your eligibility for our programs. Your Name Gender: √ the block City/State Today’s Date F M Current Address Phone Number Your Birthdate Email Address(must be current) Who do you Contact when there is an Emergency? Their Name Their Address Their Phone # What is your marital status? Any children? Single Married Is your child in your custody? Separated Widowed What age is your child? Did you age out of Foster Care? When? Your Basic Needs Do you currently have enough money to meet your basic needs (rent, utilities, food, transportation,etc? Your Current Housing Situation: Are you homeless right now? How long have you been homeless? Are you staying at a Shelter right now? If so, which one? Check those situations that pertain to you: Served a legal eviction notice within 30 days Did not pay utility bills Did not pay last month’s rent Doubled with family or friends Building in bad condition Overcrowded living situation Threats of being kicked out/asked to move out Aging out of foster care Divorced (must supply documentation) Last Known Address Landlord’s Name Street Address City, State and Zip Code Monthly Rent Amount Average Monthly Utility Bill(s) Amount Previous Address Landlord’s Name Street Address City, State and Zip Code Monthly Rent Amount Average Monthly Utility Bill(s) Amount Have you ever applied for government subsidized housing? Landlord’s Phone # Landlord’s Phone # Yes No Yes No If so, when and where? Do you have any outstanding fines and/or monies owed? If so, to whom and how much? We have to ask you about your MENTAL HEALTH status Have you ever been treated for a mental health diagnosis? Have you ever been hospitalized for a mental health issue? If so, please tell us when that happened and where you received treatment. Thank you. Are you on medication(s) for a mental health issue? If so, what are they and the dosage. Use more room to tell us if necessary. Thank you. Alcohol & Drug Usage Tell us about your alcohol and/or drug consumption: Social user, occasional user, regular user, addict Have you ever been in treatment for an alcohol or drug problem? If so, please tell us when that happened and where you received treatment. Thank you. Are you currently involved in ongoing treatment or meetings? If so, tell us about the frequency of those meetings. Use more room on the back to tell us if necessary. Thank you. Domestic Violence Are you homeless due to domestic violence, abuse or assault in the last 30 days? If so, has a police report been made? Income History Are you currently working? Where? Since when? How many Hours/Week? Pay per Hour Has your income decreased in the past three months? Support Network Do you have relatives that live nearby? Have you asked relatives or friends to allow you to live with them until you secure stable housing? Why can’t you stay with family or friends? Lease Violation Circle Which One Pertains to you Financial Hardship Overcrowded Abusive Relationship Health Issues Too unstable or unsafe Strained relationship Other, please explains Arrest History Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Please list any past criminal activity including ALL misdemeanors and felonies. Also include any current outstanding community service, court fines, etc. This information will NOT disqualify you from entering a PAL Mission program. A background check will be conducted. Description of Offense Date of Offense Jail Time Served? Yes No If yes, how long? Probation/Parole Officer Name PO Phone # Next Court Date Outstanding Community Service or Court Fines – Please Give Amounts. Use 2nd page if necessary for any additional offenses Education What is the highest level of education complete? Did you graduate high school? Yes No Year Graduated High School Name Did you have a GED? Yes No Please explain your educational goals. Please read the following CAREFULLY, then sign and date below. The information provided on the previous pages is accurate and honest to the best of my knowledge. I am aware this is NOT a promise of placement, it is ONLY an application. I understand a background check will be issued on my criminal activity (if any). I understand placing false information anywhere on this application may disqualify me from PAL Mission programs. I also understand placing false information on this application is grounds for eviction should I be accepted into a PAL Mission program. In the event I am accepted into a PAL Mission program, I will be prepared to submit the following: photo identification, social security card, proof of income, reunification plan and/or working case plan with JFS (if applicable), a $30 deposit and any other pertinent information as requested by PAL Mission Staff. Applicant Signature Date PAL Mission Staff Date SAVE THIS APPLICATION ON YOUR DESKTOP AND THEN SEND AS AN ATTACHMENT TO: palmission4599@gmail.com