Locations in Wilson Library Walter Library Magrath Library (612) 624-1071 smartlc@umn.edu http://smart.umn.edu Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Facilitator Job Description – Statistics The SMART Learning Commons is hiring a Statistics or related major to serve as Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) facilitators for STAT 1001 during the fall 2012 semester. Qualifications: PAL facilitators must maintain a minimum 3.2 overall grade point average. The applicant is required to have completed STAT 1001 with an “A-” or better, or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency (excellent performance in another statistics course for which STAT 1001 is a prerequisite. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are also essential for this position. Completion of higher level statistics courses with “B+s” or better is preferred. Previous experience and a strong desire to help others learn is a plus. Duties: Facilitate one weekly study session where students work in small groups on activities prepared by the facilitator that address the topics and concepts discussed in each week’s lectures. Attend at least one lecture each week, read the text, and work through assignments. The lecture meets MWF 9:05-9:55. Coordinate PAL session activities with the course instructor when appropriate. Attend a two-day training workshop (a paid activity) the week before fall classes begin. Dates: Wed Aug 29 and Thu Aug 30, 2012. Participate in a one credit, professional development course - OUE 3050: Introduction to Peer Cooperative Learning, which meets weekly for 50 minutes (Mon 4:40-5:30) during the fall semester. This aspect of training is unpaid but is required for new facilitators. Attend a one hour weekly meeting with other PAL facilitators and the PAL team leader to coordinate PAL session activities and for on-going training. Meet occasionally with the PAL Supervisor individually to discuss session observations and plans. Provide handouts for PAL sessions as necessary and submit an electronic copy for the PAL Resource Library. Hours: Weekly commitment will average 5 hours per week: 1 hour per week attending lecture, 2 hours for weekly preparation (one of the hours can be used to attend a second lecture or to meet with the instructor), 1 hour for a weekly team meeting, and 1 hour facilitating the PAL session. Credit opportunity: This experience can qualify as a one credit directed study and/or a pre-teaching experience for the College of Education. Pay: $11.00/ hr. Pre-semester training will be paid at same rate. Questions may be directed to mlilly@umn.edu. 3/22/16