1.The emblematic example of the EOT -extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) -limitation of classical "macroscopic" grating theories -a microscopic pure-SPP model of the EOT 2.SPP generation by 1D sub-l indentation -rigorous calculation (orthogonality relationship) -the important example of slit -scaling law with the wavelength 3.The quasi-cylindrical wave -definition & properties -scaling law with the wavelength 4.Multiple Scattering of SPPs & quasi-CWs -definition of scattering coefficients for the quasi-CW l How to know how much SPP is generated? General theoretical formalism 1) make use of the completeness theorem for the normal modes of waveguides (z) Hy= α(x) α(x) HSP(z) σaσ(x)H(rad) σ Ez= α(x) α(x) ESP(z) aσ(x)E(rad) (z) σ σ x 2) Use orthogonality of normal modes dz Hy(x,z) ESP(z) 2 α(x) α(x) dz Ez(x,z) HSP(z) 2 α(x) α(x) PL, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, PRL 95, 263902 (2005) General theoretical formalism x exp[-Im(kspx)] General theoretical formalism applied to gratings eSP x eSP eSP x/a General theoretical formalism applied to grooves ensembles • 11-groove optimized SPP coupler with 70% efficiency. • The incident gaussian beam has been removed. General theoretical formalism 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 • 11-groove optimized SPP coupler with 70% efficiency. • The incident gaussian beam has been removed. General theoretical formalism 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 • 11-groove optimized SPP coupler with 70% efficiency. • The incident gaussian beam has been removed. 1.Why a microscopic analysis? -extraodinary optical transmission (EOT) -limitation of classical "macroscopic" grating theories -a microscopic pure-SPP model of the EOT 2.SPP generation by sub-l indentation -rigorous calculation (orthogonality relationship) -the important slit example -scaling law with the wavelength 3.The quasi-cylindrical wave -definition & properties -scaling law with the wavelength 4.Multiple Scattering of SPPs & quasi-CWs -definition of scattering coefficients for the quasi-CW SPP generation n1 n2 SPP generation n1 a -(x) a+(x) n2 SPP generation n1 b -(x) b+(x) n2 Analytical model 1) assumption : the near-field distribution in the immediate vicinity of the slit is weakly dependent on the dielectric properties n1 2) Calculate this field for the PC case a a+(x) -(x) n2 3) Use orthogonality of normal modes dz Hy(x,z) ESP(z) 2 α(x) α(x) dz Ez(x,z) HSP(z) 2 α(x) α(x) Valid only at x = w/2 only! 1/2 wI n ε l 1 α α 4 2 π n1 εn22 1n2 n1 w' I0 PL, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, JOSAA 23, 1608 (2006). probability excitation total SPSP efficiency excitation Total |a|2 results obtained for gold solid curves (model) marks (calculation) Question: how is it possible that with a perfect metallic case, ones gets accurate results? |b|2 Analytical model 1) assumption : the near-field distribution in the immediate vicinity of the slit is weakly dependent on the dielectric properties n1 2) Calculate this field for the PC case a a+(x) -(x) n2 3) Use orthogonality of normal modes 1/2 wI n ε l 1 α α 4 2 π n1 εn22 1n2 n1 w' I0 describe geometrical properties -the SPP excitation peaks at a value w=0.23l and for visible frequency, |a|2 can reach 0.5, which means that of the power coupled out of the slit half goes into heat EXP. VERIFICATION : H.W. Kihm et al., "Control of surface plasmon efficiency by slit-width tuning", APL 92, 051115 (2008) & S. Ravets et al., "Surface plasmons in the Young slit doublet experiment", JOSA B 26, B28 (special issue plasmonics 2009). Analytical model 1) assumption : the near-field distribution in the immediate vicinity of the slit is weakly dependent on the dielectric properties n1 2) Calculate this field for the PC case a a+(x) -(x) n2 3) Use orthogonality of normal modes 1/2 wI n ε l 1 α α 4 2 π n1 εn22 1n2 n1 w' I0 describe material properties -Immersing the sample in a dielectric enhances the SP excitation ( n2/n1) -The SP excitation probability |a|2 scales as |el|-1/2 PL, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, JOSAA 23, 1608 (2006). a-(x) a+(x) b-(x) b+(x) Grooves S S S = b + [t0 a exp(2ik0neffh)] / [1-r0 exp(2ik0neffh)] PL, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, JOSAA 23, 1608 (2006). groove S S S = b + [t0 a exp(2ik0neffh)] / [1-r0 exp(2ik0neffh)] 3 gold l=0.8 µm 2 S l=1.5 µm 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 h/l Can be much larger than the geometric aperture! Grooves S S S = b + [t0 a exp(2ik0neffh)] / [1-r0 exp(2ik0neffh)] r r = r + a2 exp(2ik0neffh)] / [1-r0 exp(2ik0neffh)] PL, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, JOSAA 23, 1608 (2006). 1.Why a microscopic analysis? -extraodinary optical transmission (EOT) -limitation of classical "macroscopic" grating theories -a microscopic pure-SPP model of the EOT 2.SPP generation by sub-l indentation -rigorous calculation (orthogonality relationship) -the important slit example -scaling law with the wavelength 3.The quasi-cylindrical wave -definition & properties -scaling law with the wavelength 4.Multiple Scattering of SPPs & quasi-CWs -definition of scattering coefficients for the quasi-CW - All dimensions are scaled by a factor G - The incident field is unchanged Hinc(l)=Hinc(l') H'inc= Hinc r' l' Hinc l r'/G e G e' If e=e', the scattered field is unchanged : E'(r')=E(r'/G) The difficulty comes from the dispersion : e' e e'/e = G2 (for Drude metals) A perturbative analysis fails Unperturbed system (E' H') E' = jwµ0H' H' = -jwe(r)E' Perturbed system E = jwµ0H H = -jwe(r)E -jwDeE (E H) De Es=E-E' & Hs=H-H' Es = jwµ0Hs Hs = -jwe(r)Es –jwDeE Indentation acts like a volume current source : J= -jwDeE A perturbative analysis fails c1 wDeE d(r-r0) One may find how c1 or c1 scale. c1 "Easy" task with the reciprocity c1 J d(r-r0) c1 Source-mode reciprocity c1 = ESP(1)(r0)J c1 = ESP(1)(r0)J provided that the SPP pseudo-Poynting flux is normalized to 1 ½ dz [ESP(1) HSP(1))]x = 1 ESP = N1/2 exp(ikSPx)exp(igSPz), with N|e|1/2/(4we0) A perturbative analysis fails wDeE d(r-r0) c1 c1 One may find how c1 or c1 scale. Then, one may apply the first-order Born approximation (E = E'Einc /2). Since Einc ~ 1, one obtains that dielectric and metallic indentations scale differently. De De ~ 1 for dielectric ridges De ~ e for dielectric grooves De ~ e for metallic ridges Numerical verification 0 10 |HSP| e-1/2 -1 10 0 10 1 l (µm) H. Liu et al., IEEE JSTQE 14, 1522 (2009 special issue) 10 (results obtained for gold) Numerical verification 0 10 |HSP| e-1/2 -1 10 0 10 1 l (µm) H. Liu et al., IEEE JSTQE 14, 1522 (2009 special issue) 10 (results obtained for gold) Numerical verification 0 10 |HSP| e-1/2 -1 10 0 10 1 l (µm) H. Liu et al., IEEE JSTQE 14, 1522 (2009 special issue) 10 (results obtained for gold) Numerical verification 0 10 |HSP| |e|-1/2 -1 10 0 10 1 l (µm) H. Liu et al., IEEE JSTQE 14, 1522 (2009 special issue) 10 (results obtained for gold) Local field corrections: small sphere (R<<l) De eh-eb J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics eb - eh - + + - + E - + - + incident wave E0 E= 3e b E0 De+3eb E = E0 for small De only ! Just plug De in perturbation formulas fails for large De. H'inc= Hinc l' Hinc l e G e' assumptions : the field distribution in the plane in the immediate vicinity of the slit becomes independent of the metallic permittivity (as |e|). (the particle dimensions are larger than the skin depth) H'inc= Hinc l' Hinc l e G e' assumptions : the field distribution in the plane in the immediate vicinity of the slit becomes independent of the metallic permittivity (as |e|). (the particle dimensions are larger than the skin depth) H'inc= Hinc l' Hinc l e G e' assumptions : the field distribution in the plane in the immediate vicinity of the slit becomes independent of the metallic permittivity (as |e|). (the particle dimensions are larger than the skin depth) H'inc= Hinc l' Hinc l e G e' assumptions : the field distribution in the plane in the immediate vicinity of the slit becomes independent of the metallic permittivity (as |e|). (the particle dimensions are larger than the skin depth) H'inc= Hinc l' Hinc d1 l e')1/2 l e G The initial launching of the SPP changes : HSP e' |e|-1/2