BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Kit Page 1 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Table of Contents About this RPL Kit Page 3 The Diploma of Human Resource Mgt qualification Page 4 The RPL process Page 5 Gathering evidence Page 6 Submitting the evidence Page 8 Summary of Evidence (Matrix) Page 10 Evidence Planner Page 12 Page 2 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 1. About this RPL Kit This kit is designed to help you compile evidence through a recognition process to achieve this qualification. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of evidence submitted by you, the student. You are going to work through the requirements of the qualification and gather: Evidence of prior training and qualifications Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Evidence of current competence Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) This is an “assessment only”pathway This is an “assessment only” pathway based on designed for candidates with relevant qualifications and/or business experience. You may be eligible for some but not all of the units that make up the qualification. So it is possible you are mixing the recognition process with some formal learning (components of a course). Quality portfolio preparation takes time We appreciate that evidence gathering and portfolio preparation takes some time. It is in your best interest to start planning, organising and get the process under way as quickly as possible. Planning, organisation and presentation are important This kit provides planning tools that guide the evidence gathering. Use these tools and tables to build up your planned evidence. Here are some tips to putting your portfolio together: Look for evidence that meets the requirements for multiple units of competency If you can demonstrate evidence that covers several units of competency, it will minimize time spent searching for and compiling multiple forms of evidence for each unit. Authenticity You need supporting evidence to authenticate that the products and processes you are submitting are indeed your work. Third party letters or references may be requested to support your portfolio. Recent evidence is preferred The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent projects as evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and do not go back more than five years. This should be discussed with the assessor. Your academic training and qualifications may go back further than five years to demonstrate knowledge of vocational education and training. Label the evidence Complete the cover page, evidence summary matrix, provide an index and label the evidence. The assessor will not proceed unless the cover page and summary are submitted and the evidence is organised and labelled. Page 3 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 2. Course Structure BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resource Management BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment selection and induction processes BSBHRM513A Manage workforce planning BSBWRK510A Manage employee relations BSBHRM502A Manage human resources management information systems BSBHRM512A Develop and manage performance-management processes BSBHRM505B Manage remuneration and employee benefits BSBHRM507A Manage separation or termination BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements Page 4 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 3. The RPL Process STAGE 1 1. Enquiry-call Open Training Institute on +61 (03)86282500 2. Enrolment and payment of fees STAGE 2 1. Access RPL Kit online via My Study Centre STAGE 3 1. Read RPL Kit thoroughly Support Available from your Assessor on +61 (03)86282500 2. Commence compiling your Portfolio STAGE 4 1. Upload Evidence Planner, Summary of Evidence and your supporting documents. 2. Portfolio assessed DEEMED COMPETENT (COMPLETE AND SUFFICIENT) 1. Conversation with Assessor for validity. 2. Assessor signs off DEEMED NOT YET COMPETENT (INCOMPLETE OR INSUFFICIENT) 1. Assessor will provide feedback and request additional evidence or information on supporting documents provided. 2. You submit additional evidence/information. QUALIFICATION OR STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT ISSUED Page 5 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 4. Gathering Evidence Contact with the Assessor If required, you can contact the Assessor by calling student services on (03) 8628 2500 to assist the evidence gathering process. The Assessor can help to: interpret the units of competency advise on matching evidence to the competencies clarify ways to organise the portfolio clarify the underpinning knowledge and skills required identify ways to fill gaps in experience and learning What will the Assessor be looking for in the assessment of the portfolio? The Assessor will take an integrated and holistic approach to assessment and is looking for: evidence of the specific evidence requirements for each unit of competency evidence of valid, current products that align to the units of competency, the performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work of the candidate evidence of valid, current processes that aligns to the units of competency, the performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work of the candidate evidence of the application of required skills and key competencies/employability skills What if I don’t achieve all competencies by the end of the portfolio appraisal? On submission of your portfolio, you will receive feedback from the Assessor. If there are gaps in evidence or a question arising from the quality of the evidence, authenticity or currency you will be contacted and given the opportunity to resubmit further evidence. You will have an agreed time from when you enrolled in the RPL process to complete all assessments with reasonable adjustments depending on your circumstances. The Assessor will sign off on the units of competency that have been achieved and the Statements of Attainment indicating partial completion or the full qualification will be issued. What sort of evidence should you provide? The Assessor is looking for specific evidence across the units of competency. The evidence will be made up of: 1. Products –that have been developed, documented and used by you. 2. Processes –evidence that shows “how” you do what performed tasks, conducted research or applied required knowledge and skills 3. Required knowledge and required skills –that demonstrate your understanding of theory, legislation, and the principles of business. Page 6 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Rules of Evidence Currency – relates to the age of collected evidence. Competency requires demonstration of current performance – therefore the evidence collected must be current/very recent. Try to find evidence which shows that you can perform the competency now. If all your evidence is 5 to 10 years in the past and you have not been active in recent years then currency of skills and knowledge is questioned. Validity –is when the process assesses what it claims to assess. Try to ensure that the evidence relates clearly and directly to the elements and performance criteria in each unit of competency. Check the overview of evidence and the specific evidence requirements if you are not sure if the products and processes are appropriate. Sufficiency –relates to the amount of evidence collected. The collection of sufficient evidence is necessary to ensure all aspects of the competency have been captured and to satisfy the need for repeatable performance. Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. Try to present enough evidence, not too much, not too little across the units of competency. The specific evidence requirements in each unit will indicate the minimum amount of evidence that must be submitted. Authenticity –relates to ensuring the evidence is from the candidate and not another person. The assessor needs to be satisfied the own work. Do not make things up and do not say that work done by someone else is yours. Provide evidence that the work is yours through third party letters of authentication or statutory declarations. Range –Try to collect a number of pieces of evidence that cover a range of contexts, locations and the times you have demonstrated the competencies. These explanations have been adapted from the TAA04 Training and Assessment Training Package Glossary of Terms ©ANTA 2004 Examples of Evidence Curriculum Vitae and authenticated work history Qualifications (E.g- Vocational, Higher Education), Certificates of Attendance (Training Seminars) or Training records Products, Processes and examples of work (E.g- Strategic/Business/Marketing Plans, Procedures, Job Descriptions, Performance Appraisals, Coaching logs) Third party reports from verified and appropriate people, preferably from the workplace Work records that support your evidence (E.g- project files, emails, meeting notes, diaries) Reports, Assignments Page 7 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Putting the portfolio of evidence together Step 1: Start preparing the Summary of Evidence Matrix The matrix is an overview of your portfolio. Keep building this table as you continue evidence gathering. The Summary of Evidence Matrix must be submitted with the portfolio. Step 2: Start to fill in the Evidence Planner table–by unit of competency. Fill in the Evidence Planner table listing your evidence and explaining how it aligns to each units of competency that it addresses. Remember, some evidence will address more than one unit of competency. The Evidence Planner explanation will give the Assessor a better understanding of how the documents you submit meet the requirements of the unit and your understanding of the required knowledge and skills across the qualification. Read the units in detail this time clarifying your potential evidence against: the elements, required skills/knowledge and performance criteria. Check the range of variables to clarify the language and terms and the application of performance criteria in your own work context. Step 3: Review and finalise your evidence You should now have your evidence organised and be able to see areas where the evidence might be weak. Organise the verification and third party letters. The Assessor will prefer to see letters on company stationery. Emails are not acceptable. The declaration forms in this kit can also be used. Step 4: Compile the portfolio Check the labels and organise the evidence. Do not send originals of qualifications; get copies certified as a true copy. Finalise the certified Summary of Evidence table with the explanations of your evidence in your own words. Finalise the Evidence Planner Matrix –the ‘at a glance” summary pa the top of your portfolio. Open Training Institute will accept photocopies certified by anyone who is currently employed as: an accountant (they must be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants, or the National Institute of Accountants, or the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants or Registered Tax Agents). a bank manager, but not a manager of a bank travel centre Page 8 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit a a a a a a a a a barrister, solicitor or patent attorney credit union branch manager commissioner for declaration Justice of the Peace medical practitioner (doctor) police officer in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above postal manager pharmacist principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school Step 5: Submit the portfolio Presentation of your portfolio is important. RPL applications should be uploaded via My Study Centre. Copies of all parts of the applications must be retained by the applicant. Page 9 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 6. Summary of Evidence (Matrix) The following matrix is completed as an example. Please use the matrix provided in the following page Evidence Resume BSBDIV301A BSBSUS301A BSBCUS301B BSBITU301A BSBWRT301A BSBFLM306C BSBINM301A X X X Certificates Letter from Supervisor BSBWHS302A X BSBINN301A BSBFLM309C X X X X BSBINM302A X Page 10 of 33 X X BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Diploma in Human Resource Management- Summary of Evidence Matrix Use this summary to build a picture of your evidence across the units of competency in the Diploma in Human Resource Management Evidence BSBHRM501B BSBHRM506A BSBHRM513A BSBWRK510A BSBHRM502A BSBHRM512A Page 11 of 33 BSBHRM505B BSBHRM507A BSBWHS401A BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Diploma in Human Resources Management-Evidence Planner Use these summary tables to gather evidence that addresses the details in units of competency. BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services Element Determine strategies for delivery of human resources services Manage the delivery of human resources services Performance Criteria Analyse business strategy and operational plans to determine human resources requirements Review external business environment and likely impact on organisation's human resources requirements Consult line and senior managers to identify human resources needs in their areas Review organisation's requirements for diversity in the workforce Develop options for delivery of human resources services that comply with legislative requirements, organisational policies and business goals Develop and agree on strategies and action plans for delivery of human resources services Agree and document roles and responsibilities of human resources team, line managers, and external contractors Develop and communicate information about human resources strategies and services to internal and external stakeholders between the human resources team, service providers and client groups Document and communicate service specifications, performance standards and timeframes Identify and arrange training support if required Agree and arrange monitoring of quality assurance processes Ensure that services are delivered by appropriate providers according to service agreements and operational plans Identify and rectify under-performance of human resources team or service providers Identify appropriate return on investment in providing human resources services Page 12 of 33 Evidence Provided Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Evaluate human resources service delivery Critical Aspects of Assessment Manage integration of business ethics in human resources practices Establish systems for gathering and storing information needed to provide human resources services Survey clients to determine level of satisfaction Capture ongoing client feedback for the review processes Analyse feedback and surveys and recommend changes to service delivery Obtain approvals to variations in service delivery from appropriate managers Support agreed change processes across the organisation Ensure that personal behaviour is consistently ethical and reflects values of the organisation Ensure that code of conduct is observed across the organisation and that its expectations are incorporated in human resources policies and practices Observe confidentiality requirements in dealing with all human resources information Deal with unethical behaviour promptly Ensure that all persons responsible for the human resources functions are clear about ethical expectations of their behaviour demonstrate skills in planning and implementing a coordinated approach to human resources functions across the organisation demonstrate methods of engaging key stakeholders, developing and monitoring human resources plans, and aligning human resources with broader business objectives apply knowledge of relevant legislation. Skills Required analytical and problem-solving skills to review business and operational plans and to develop and evaluate human resources strategies to support them communication and negotiation skills to consult with key stakeholders across the organisation and ensure their support for human resources strategies communication skills to manage service delivery learning skills to see that performance is managed and skills are developed in a range of contexts Page 13 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit technology skills to: communicate with key stakeholders support HR functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies. human resources strategies and planning processes as they relate to business and operational plans performance and contract management relevant legislation that applies to human resources Required Knowledge Page 14 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM502A Manage human resources management information systems Element Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Collect, collate and document information requirements of users Identify human resources information requirements Select human resources information management system Implement human resources information system Identify communication processes to support user needs Agree on information requirements and communication processes with users and relevant managers Develop a draft information systems management plan with agreed review mechanisms, timeframe and criteria Specify information requirements in a clear and concise manner Ensure information requirements are consistent with organisational objectives and policies Identify resources required to meet the information requirements within budget parameters Agree on selection criteria for the information management system with relevant groups and individuals Ensure that selection criteria for the system has the capability to meet organisation's objectives, policies and budget parameters Evaluate potential systems against the criteria Undertake cost benefit and risk analysis in relation to the systems which meet the selection criteria Establish preferences for system and provide selection report to senior managers Ensure that preferred system is capable of being customised to meet organisation and user requirements Develop implementation plan with users, other relevant groups and individuals Confirm implementation plan's roles and responsibilities with individuals and groups involved Assign resources to meet implementation plan timeframe, quality and other objectives Modify implementation schedule to resolve any problems arising Page 15 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Skills Required Knowledge Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Monitor and evaluate performance of human resources information system Ensure groups and individuals contribute to implementation in accordance with plan objectives Monitor information system performance and prepare performance reports Obtain feedback from users about the system Benchmark system performance against other systems, and latest trends and developments Analyse performance gaps and current strategies and introduce improvements assessment of written reports on HRIS specification, selection and implementation implementation plan for an HRIS and associated management skills to oversee transition and implementation of a new HRIS knowledge of the types of HRIS available and their respective capabilities and limitations literacy skills to write specifications for systems people management skills to work with contractors or staff who will be implementing the HRIS planning and organising skills to transition the HRIS technology skills to ensure suitability of software for organisational requirements monitoring, measuring and evaluation techniques for a range of human resource management functions procurement procedures, including preparation of a technical brief types of HRIS that are available and their respective capabilities and limitations Page 16 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM505B Manage remuneration and employee benefits Element Develop organisation's remuneration strategy Implement remuneration strategy Review and update remuneration strategy Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Analyse strategic and operational plans to determine the scope of remuneration and benefits plans Undertake research on current practice, recent developments and legislative parameters for the remuneration strategy Develop options for consideration by relevant managers Present options showing the link to organisational strategic objectives Ensure remuneration policies and incentive plans are agreed and recorded Ensure that organisation is positioned as an employer of choice and regarded as a desirable workplace Research occupational groups to determine those which are industrial agreement based Access or undertake market rates surveys regularly to ensure the organisation's required level of competitiveness for particular occupational groups is maintained Align remuneration and benefits plans with performance management system Ensure that employees receive at least their minimum entitlements according to organisational policies and legal requirements Ensure salary packages comply with organisational policies and legal requirements, including fringe benefits tax (FBT) and superannuation Ensure incentive arrangements, if included, comply with the organisation's remuneration strategy Consult managers and employees about the effectiveness of the remuneration strategy Amend strategy and plans as necessary to meet organisational policies and legal requirements Page 17 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Critical Aspects of Assessment BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Skills Required compliance with the legal aspects of managing remuneration and benefits application of remuneration strategies for different occupational groups and circumstances application of awards and agreements to structure remuneration processes application of the requirements of the Australian Taxation Office in relation to income tax, superannuation reporting, FBT and bonus payments interpersonal skills to: communicate sensitively about remuneration observe confidentiality numeracy and technology skills to: calculate costs to the organisation graph salary costs link salaries to budgets research skills to determine appropriate models of remuneration and benefits for particular occupational groups and individuals Knowledge Required award structures for industrial agreements ethical practices relating to remuneration and benefits strategies leasing arrangements, including novated leases models for bonus and incentive schemes, including gain sharing or profit sharing relevant legislation, for example equal employment opportunity, diversity and anti-discrimination legislation remuneration principles or models and strategies requirements of the Australian Taxation Office in relation to income tax, superannuation reporting, FBT and bonus payments Page 18 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment selection and induction processes Element Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures Recruit and select staff Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Analyse strategic and operational plans and policies to identify relevant policies and objectives Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documents Review options for technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process Obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers Trial forms and documents that support policies and procedures and make necessary adjustments Communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and provide training if required Determine future human resources needs in collaboration with relevant managers and sections Ensure current position descriptors and person specifications for vacancies are used by managers and others involved in the recruitment, selection and induction processes Provide access to training and other forms of support to all persons involved in the recruitment and selection process Ensure that advertising of vacant positions complies with organisational policy and legal requirements Utilise specialists where necessary Ensure that selection procedures are in accordance with organisational policy and legal requirements Ensure that processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed Ensure that job offers and contracts of employment are executed promptly and that new appointments are provided with advice about salary, terms and conditions Page 19 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Critical Aspects of Assessme nt Manage staff induction Provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons engaged in staff induction Check that induction processes are followed across the organisation Oversee the management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated Obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on the extent to which the induction process is meeting its objectives Make refinements to induction policies and procedures development of a policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction OR critical analysis of an existing policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction knowledge of relevant legislation Skills Required diversity, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination principles and associated legislation employee contracts industrial relations recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres relevant legislation on equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination relevant terms and conditions of employment understanding of psychometric and skills testing programs workplace relations regulations, workplace relations legislation and other relevant legislation Knowledge Required communication skills to liaise across the organisation and to ensure that policies and procedures are well supported leadership skills to engage others and to ensure that good processes are followed and supported literacy skills to document clear policies and procedures and to develop proformas to support recruitment, selection and induction concept of outsourcing Page 20 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM507A Manage separation or termination Element Develop policies and procedures for separation/termination of employment Manage separation/termination processes Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Undertake research to determine features of best practice systems of separation/termination and the legal requirements Undertake consultation with relevant managers prior to the introduction of new forms, procedures or systems Develop policies, procedures and supporting documentation for all forms of separation/termination Ensure procedures for dismissal or termination respect employees, provide strict confidentiality and comply with legislation Obtain support for separation/termination policies and procedures from senior managers Communicate policies and procedures and supporting documents to relevant personnel Use feedback to make refinements to policies, procedures and supporting documents for separation and termination Develop a redundancy or redeployment plan Manage redundancies and redeployment and provide relevant information about processes so that work outcomes are not compromised Provide outplacement or other assistance in accordance with organisational policies and legal requirements Ensure that dismissals for incapacity to perform or misconduct comply with legislative and organisational requirements Ensure that human resources staff, managers and supervisors have necessary skills and knowledge to take disciplinary action Review workforce data for predicted numbers of people retiring and make necessary plans Review and evaluate separation/termination procedures regularly and introduce improvements Page 21 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Skills Knowledge Required Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Manage exit interview process Ensure that separating employees are offered the opportunity to participate in exit interviews Ensure that the process for exit interviews is clear and that staff are skilled to conduct them Ensure that data from exit interviews is recorded and depersonalised Analyse data from exit interviews to establish trends and patterns and introduce improvements across the organisation development of policies and procedures to manage all aspects of separation and termination of employees OR critical analysis of an existing policy and procedures framework on separation and termination knowledge of the legislative requirements for dismissal skills in counselling employees in disciplinary proceedings, providing advice on termination and conducting exit interviews. analytical and organisational skills to work with data about trends and to plan for redeployment or redundancies communication skills to support disciplinary processes and to see that employees are properly counselled; to conduct exist interviews; and to negotiate terms and conditions of separation/termination disciplinary procedures employment contracts, and terms and conditions procedures for dismissal, suspension, voluntary termination, retirement and redundancy relevant Commonwealth and state legislation on industrial relations, unlawful dismissal and grounds for dismissal sexual harassment, discrimination, racial vilification policies and legislation Page 22 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM512A Develop and manage performance-management processes Element Develop integrated performancemanagement processes Facilitate the implementation of performance-management processes Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Analyse organisational strategic and operational plans to identify relevant policies and objectives to be reflected in integrated performancemanagement processes Develop objectives for performance-management processes to support organisational strategy and goals and to build organisational capability Design methods and processes for line managers to develop key performance indicators for those reporting to them Develop organisational timeframes and processes for formal performancemanagement sessions Ensure performance-management processes developed are flexible enough to cover the range of employment situations in the organisation Consult with key stakeholders about the processes and agree on process features Gain support for the implementation of the performance-management processes Train relevant groups and individuals to monitor performance, identify performance gaps, provide feedback and manage talent Work with line managers to ensure that performance is monitored regularly and that intervention occurs as required and in line with organisational policies and legal requirements Support line managers to counsel and discipline employees who continue to perform below standard Articulate dispute-resolution processes where necessary, mediating between line managers and employees Provide support to terminate employees who fail to respond to interventions, according to organisational protocols and legislative requirements Ensure recorded outcomes of performance-management sessions are accessible and stored securely according to organisational policy Regularly evaluate and improve all aspects of the performance- Page 23 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Skills Knowledge Required Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Coordinate individual or group learning and development management processes, in keeping with organisational objectives and policies Design and develop learning and development plans and strategies to encourage effective employee performance Deliver learning and development plans according to agreed timeframes and ensure they deliver specified outcomes Contract appropriate providers for performance development, as identified by the plans and according to organisational policy Monitor learning and development activities to ensure compliance with quality assurance standards Negotiate remedial action with providers where necessary Generate reports to advise appropriate managers on progress and success rates of activities develop a performance-management process to support business goals, or critique existing performance-management processes provide support for mediation for effective management of performance issues develop approaches to improve performance and address identified performance gaps. analytical skills to ensure processes are practical and gather necessary information communication and conflict-management skills to deal with grievances, disputes and disagreements leadership skills to obtain support and endorsement of the performance-management processes across the organisation training, coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills using a range of methods to cater for differences in learning styles, to ensure managers are competent to manage performance. characteristics of a learning organisation equal employment opportunity, privacy and confidentiality, diversity and anti-discrimination policies and legislation grievance procedures models for giving feedback and options for skill development options in the design of performance management and talent management processes Page 24 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit role of performance management in relation to broader human resources and business objectives. Page 25 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBHRM513A Manage workforce planning Element Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Review current data on staff turnover and demographics Research workforce requirements Develop workforce objectives and strategies Implement initiatives to support workforce planning objectives Assess factors that may affect workforce supply Establish the organisation's requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce Review organisational strategy and establish aligned objectives for the modification or retention of the workforce Define whether staff turnover is unacceptable and if so consider strategies to address the turnover Define objectives to retain required skilled labour Define objectives for workforce diversity and cross-cultural management Define strategies to source skilled labour Communicate objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders Obtain agreement and endorsement for objectives and establish targets Develop contingency plans to cope with extreme situations Implement action to support agreed objectives for recruitment, training, redeployment and redundancy Develop and implement strategies to assist workforce to deal with organisational change Develop and implement strategies to assist in meeting the organisation's workforce diversity goals Implement succession planning system to ensure desirable workers are developed and retained Implement programs to ensure workplace is an employer of choice Page 26 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Skills Required Knowledge Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Monitor and evaluate workforce trends Review workforce plan against patterns in exiting employee and workforce changes Monitor labour supply trends for areas of over- or under-supply in the external environment Monitor effects of labour trends on demand for labour Survey organisational climate to gauge worker satisfaction Refine objectives and strategies in response to internal and external changes and make recommendations in response to global trends and incidents Regularly review government policy on labour demand and supply Evaluate effectiveness of change processes against agreed objectives review relevant supply and demand factors that will impact on an organisation's workforce develop a workforce plan that includes relevant research and specific strategies to ensure access to a skilled and diverse workforce. communication and leadership skills to: explain the need for change gain senior management support for workforce planning initiatives literacy skills to read and write reports and succinct workforce plans numeracy skills to work with data and predictions about labour supply information analytical skills to review data according to the needs of the organisation technology skills to: communicate with key stakeholders support HR functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies. current information about external labour supply relevant to the specific industry or skill requirements of the organisation industrial relations relevant to the specific industry labour force analysis and forecasting techniques Page 27 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements Element Provide information to the work team about WHS policies and procedures Implement and monitor participation arrangements for managing WHS Implement and monitor organisational procedures for providing WHS training Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Accurately explain to the work team, relevant provisions of WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice Provide information about the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs, and ensure it is readily accessible to and understandable by the work team Regularly provide and clearly explain to the work team, information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control Communicate to workplace parties the importance of effective consultation mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the workplace Apply consultation procedures to facilitate participation of the work team in managing work area hazards Promptly deal with issues raised through consultation, according to organisational consultation procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Promptly record and communicate to the work team the outcomes of consultation over WHS issues Identify WHS training needs according to organisational requirements, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Make arrangements to meet WHS training needs of team members in consultation with relevant individuals Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance, to facilitate team and individual achievement of identified WHS training needs Identify and report to management the costs associated with providing training for work team, for inclusion in financial and management plans Page 28 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Implement and monitor organisational procedures and legal requirements for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks Implement and monitor organisational procedures for maintaining WHS records for the team Identify and report on hazards in work area according to WHS policies and procedures, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Promptly action team member hazard reports according to organisational procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Implement procedures to control risks using the hierarchy of control, according to organisational and WHS legislative requirements Identify and report inadequacies in existing risk controls according to hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements Monitor outcomes of reports on inadequacies, where appropriate, to ensure a prompt organisational response Accurately complete and maintain WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements Use aggregate information and data from work area records to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area Critical Aspects of Assessment Skills Required applying organisational WHS management systems and procedures in the work team area applying procedures for assessing and controlling risks to health and safety associated with those hazards, according to the hierarchy of control and as specified in commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice providing specific, clear and accurate information and advice on workplace hazards to work team knowledge of legal responsibilities of managers, supervisors, PCBUs or their officers and workers in the workplace analytical and problem solving skills to: identify hazards assess risks in the work area review information relating to monitoring and evaluating incidents, and the effectiveness of risk controls coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues literacy skills to understand and interpret documentation, and to interpret WHS requirements Page 29 of 33 Knowledge Required BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit hazards and associated risks in the workplace key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to the business organisational policies and procedures relating to hazard management, fire, emergency, evacuation, incident investigation and reporting relevance of consultation and participation as key mechanisms for improving WHS and culture WHS legislative responsibilities, duties and obligations of managers, supervisors, persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers, and workers in the workplace. Page 30 of 33 BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBWRK510A Manage employee relations Element Develop employee and industrial relations policies and plans Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Analyse strategic plans and operational plans to determine long-term employee relations objectives Analyse existing employee relations performance in relation to workforce objectives Evaluate options in terms of cost-benefit, risk-analysis and current legislative requirements Work with the management team to develop industrial relations policies and plans Identify the skills and knowledge needed by management and the workforce to effectively implement these strategies and policies Develop an implementation plan and contingency plan for the employee relations policies and strategies Make arrangements for training and development for identified needs to support the employee relations plan Implement employee relations policies and plans Undertake associated employee relations activities to reach agreement on changes required by policies or implementation plan Ensure procedures for addressing grievances and conflict are properly documented Communicate key issues about procedures for addressing grievances and conflict Review employee relations policies and plans to establish whether they are meeting their intended outcomes Page 31 of 33 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Manage negotiations to resolve conflict Train individuals in conflict-management techniques and procedures Identify and where possible alleviate or eliminate sources of conflict or grievance according to legal requirements Check documentation and other information sources to clarify issues in dispute Obtain expert or specialist advice and/or refer to precedents, if required Determine desired negotiation outcomes, negotiation strategy and negotiation timeframes Advocate the organisation’s position in negotiation to obtain agreement Critical Aspects of Assessment Document and if necessary certify the agreed outcomes with the relevant jurisdiction Implement agreements Take remedial action where groups or individuals fail to abide by agreements demonstrate understanding of current Australian industrial relations system and relevant legislation document strategies and procedures for dealing with grievances and disputes apply negotiation and conflict-resolution techniques Skills Required communication skills to advocate, consult, negotiate and mediate conflict innovation and problem-solving skills to manage sensitive and important issues planning and time-management skills to: meet critical deadlines sequence tasks prepare submissions present cases Page 32 of 33 Knowledge Required BSB50613 Diploma in Human Resources Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit enterprise and workplace bargaining processes key entities in the Australian industrial relations system, including courts and tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies relevant industrial, workplace health and safety, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation in federal, state and territory jurisdictions Page 33 of 33