1 Pyramid Design Challenge Teacher Reference Guide: Overview Summary: This is a three or four class unit on the engineering design process that helps students achieve national goals in engineering and thinking skills. During this lesson, students will learn about the engineering design process and practice the steps by building pyramids in teams using common household items. Grade Level: Grades 6-12 Time Required: approximately 3 hours. Educational Standards: Massachusetts Science and Technology / Engineering (Technology / Engineering) Content Standard 2: Engineering Design National Academy of Sciences: New K-12 Science Education Standards Content Standard ETS1: Engineering Design Suitable Learning Objectives: Student will be able to: Build a simple prototype Recognize and discuss various solutions to a design problem Identify the criteria and constraints of a successful solution Sequence the steps of the engineering design process in a simplified format and recognize what each step is asking Discuss various materials needed to construct a prototype and recognize that there may be more than one material to complete a task Describe how 3D models can aid in the design process Activity Materials (per team): Scissors Poster board Glue stick Scotch tape Masking tape Box of playing cards Spaghetti Plastic straws String Rubber bands Calculator Student Worksheets and Links: Student Handout (Class 1) pdf Prezi link for Class 2 Student Handout (Class 2) pdf Student Handout (Class 3) pdf Daily Agenda: Class 1: In Class: Build a pyramid in teams using different household materials and reflect on design challenge Homework: Reflection question on the process Student Documents: Student Handout with activity instructions and questions Class 2: In Class: Learn about the engineering design process by observing an expert in action Homework: Students compare two different approaches to solving an engineering problem Student Documents: Student Handout with place to answer questions from Prezi Class 3: In Class: Practice engineering design process with team by designing and building a new pyramid Assessment: Team presentations at end of class Student Documents: Student Handout with activity instructions and rubric Ruler Timer 2 Pyramid Design Challenge Teacher Reference Guide Summary: This is a three or four class lesson on the engineering design process that helps students achieve national goals in engineering and critical thinking skills. The activities of the unit will provide students the opportunity to solve a design challenge and to see how an expert approaches a similar challenge using the engineering design process. Students then practice and reflect on the engineering design process during a second design activity. During the handson activities students will be expected to design a structure while working collaboratively as a group, planning work, considering constraints and criteria, organizing materials, coming up with a solution from several alternatives, trying modifications, suggesting improvements, learning from past experience, and communicating the design process. Timing Modifications: Students can either present the presentations from class 3 during class 4, (which makes this a 4-class lesson) or they can pass in their presentations to the teacher at the end of class 3 in written form (which makes this a 3-class lesson). If you only have two classes, you can omit the class 3 activity and only do classes 1 and 2. Educational Standards: Massachusetts Science and Technology / Engineering (Strand 4: Technology / Engineering) Content Standard 2: Engineering Design 2.1: Identify and explain the steps of the engineering design process, i.e., identify the need or problem, research the problem, develop possible solutions, select the best solution(s), construct a prototype, test and evaluate, communicate the solution(s), and redesign.) National Academy of Sciences: New K-12 Science Education Standards Content Standard ETS1: Engineering Design ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution Learning Objectives: See individual class instructions below. Sources: Dassault Systemes Passion for Innovation: Khufu Reborn (http://www.3ds.com/company/passion-forinnovation/the-projects/khufu-reborn/khufu-reborn/) National Academy of Sciences: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012). Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework (2006). PBS Design Squad (http://pbs.org/designsquad). Sheppard, S. (2001). The compatibility (or incompatibility) of how we teach engineering design and analysis. International Journal of Engineering Education, 17(4-5), 440-445. 3 Pyramid Design Challenge Teacher Reference Guide Class 1 Instructions Time: 60 minutes Overview: Students will build a model pyramid in teams using different household materials provided to them. The design challenge does not require prerequisite knowledge or skills and involves construction that can be readily accomplished by students. The design challenge is attainable, but just barely, within the time frame of the exercise. The students will feel pressured for time, which should lead to team members working in parallel and require an assessment of what can be achieved in the time required. The challenge has multiple solutions, none of which is obviously the “best” one. Even though all of the students are building a pyramid, because of the variety of materials, there should be a lot of variation. Finally, the challenge allows and encourages unconventional thinking. Teams can use materials in any combinations and can manipulate materials in any way they want as long as it is within the parameters of the Design Requirements on the Student Handout sheet. Learning Objectives: Recognize there exist many different ways to represent and solve a problem Discuss various materials needed to construct a prototype Build a simple prototype Recognize that there may be more than one material to complete a task Materials: Print out Student Handout (Class 1) for each student. You should purchase all of the materials on the Student Handout sheet ahead of time. While the building materials on the Student Handout sheet are one suggestion, you can modify the list by removing some materials or adding others. Here are some suggested limitations on materials: 13 straws, 26 pieces of spaghetti, 26 playing cards (half a deck), 1 roll of scotch tape, 1 roll of masking tape, 1 glue stick, 3 feet of string, and 5 rubber bands. Differentiated Instruction: The activity can be made more difficult by adding more constraints such as fewer materials, less time, or a minimum height requirement (80 cm is a reasonable minimum height requirement). Set-up: Set up the classroom for the work to be done in teams of three to four students. All of each team’s materials except for the poster board should be inside a paper bag before the students begin building. Team Size: Three students per team is an ideal team size. Ideally, each student will have the opportunity to engage in all aspects of the activity. You may find that larger teams make it difficult for all students to have a turn at manipulating the materials. Teacher Role: The role of the teacher is to provide materials, answer clarification questions asked by the students, and to act as a timekeeper. As the students are doing the activity, circulate around the room, making observations that can be discussed at the end of class. Watching carefully what students do and listening to what they say will help you understand their thinking and help you ask better questions during the group reflection at the end of class. Since there is no “correct” solution to the building challenge, encourage students to think creatively about how to use the materials they have been given. If students finish early, encourage them to think about how they can improve their design or to try an alternate design. Grading: This activity does not need to be graded as it is designed as a learning experience. Homework: Students answer the question on the back of the Student Instruction Sheet for next class. 4 Timeline Example: This is an example of a timeline for a 50 minute class. 5 minutes: divide students into teams, distribute instructions, and have students read the Student Handout sheet. 25 minutes: students build their pyramids 20 minutes: students discuss the discussion questions from the Student Instruction Sheet with their teams and with the class 5 minutes: clean up 5 Pyramid Design Challenge Teacher Reference Guide Class 2 Instructions Time: 60 minutes Overview : In part 2 of this lesson, students will learn the steps of the Engineering Design process by watching segments from the Khufu Reborn Documentary, which features French Architect, Jean-Pierre Houdin, and the evolution of his theory on pyramid construction. The teacher will direct the class through the Engineering Design Process Prezi and lead a series of short classroom discussions. Students are required to sit with their day 1 teams to discuss and record answers on their Student Handouts after each video clip. At the end of this lesson, students will reflect on their design process and how they could incorporate the Engineering Design Process in tomorrow’s challenge. Learning Objectives: Identify the criteria and constraints of a successful solution Discuss various solutions to a design problem Sequence the steps of the engineering design process in a simplified format and recognize what each step is asking (What is the problem/need? What information do I need to find out? What are a few ways to solve the problem?) Describe how drafting techniques and production of visuals and 3D models can aid in the construction of prototypes Materials: Computer with internet and speakers Engineering Design Process Prezi: http://prezi.com/jkrj7n5romeq/engineering-design-process/ Student Handout (Class 2) for each student Teacher Handout (Class 2) Differentiated Instruction: This presentation can be modified to meet the needs of your students by adding/subtracting discussion questions, or allowing students to click through the presentation at their own pace or with a partner. Set up: Download the Engineering Design Process Prezi to be projected on a screen/whiteboard Print out copies of the Student Worksheet Class 2 for each student in the class Familiarize yourself with the Khufu Reborn documentary clips and the steps of the engineering design process Read through all discussion questions and suggested answers Write activator question on the board Teacher Role: The teacher will direct the class through the Engineering Design Process Prezi and lead a series of short classroom discussions. The teacher will lead the classroom discussion by choosing and reading suggested discussion questions ( ). The teacher will also prompt students to record their answers ( ) on their Student Handouts when the icons indicate. The suggested discussion questions are not required, and the teacher should foster natural dialogue with the class. Timeline: The following is a suggested timeline for a 60 minute class. Time for each step will vary depending on classroom discussion. 6 1. Activator Question (1-2 min): Post the following question on the board prior to starting class to activate students’ thinking. The answer below will serve as a precursor to the video clips in this lesson. Students will write their own ideas and answers to the question in their notebooks and share their responses once everyone is settled and ready. How do you think the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built? Answers will vary. Accept all appropriate responses and then read the following information to the class: The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest of the 7 Wonders of the World, and it is the only one still standing today. Although there are no records of how the pyramid was constructed, a French Architect named Jean-Pierre Houdin has utilized the Engineering Design Process to develop a convincing theory. Today we will watch segments from the Khufu Reborn documentary and learn how create concrete solutions to everyday and extraordinary design problems. 2. Learning Standards and Objective slides (1-2 min) Begin the Prezi presentation. Click through and read slides 1-2 to the class 3. Video 1 “Identify the Problem” (2 min) Instruct students to record step 1 “Identify the Problem” on their Student Worksheet. 4. Identify the Problem Discussion (5-7 min) Click through slides 5-11 and instruct students to fill in responses were appropriate according to their Student Worksheet. Ask the class the following Questions: (Slide 5) What was the problem that Jean Pierre defined? Answer: How was the Great Pyramid built? (Slide 6-7) When identifying a problem, the engineer must understand the criteria and constraints. Criteria reflect the needs of the end-user of a technology, product, or structure, and address such things as how the product or structure will function, its durability and its cost. Criteria should be measurable and stated so that the engineer can tell if a given design meets them. What do you think the Pharaoh Khufu’s criteria were when building the Great Pyramid? Answers may include but not limited to: Size (height / volume), durability, cost, burial chamber made out of 60 ton blocks. (Slides 9-10) Constraints, are the conditions under which the problem must be solved, which may be physical, economic, legal, political, social, ethical, aesthetic, or related to time and place. Some constraints that can be measured are limits on cost, size, weight, or performance. Although constraints place restrictions on a design, they may change during design / construction. What were some of the constraints during the building the Great Pyramid? Answers may include but not limited to: Materials (limitations on wood), tools/technology, workers, time. 7 (Slide 11) Read question 1 to the class and call on volunteers to answer. Record acceptable answers on the board in the space provided and instruct students to record responses on their Student Worksheet. 1. What were your team's criteria and constraints for building the pyramids yesterday? Answers may include but limited to: Criteria = Need to maximize volume, square bottom Constraints = Time, limited choice of materials, number of students on team 5. Video 2 “Research and Brainstorm Solutions” (1 min) Instruct students to record step 2 “Research and Brainstorm Solutions” on their Student Worksheet. 6. Research and Brainstorm Solutions Discussion (5-7 min) Click through slides 13-17 and instruct students to fill in responses were appropriate according to their Student Worksheet. Ask the class the following Questions: (Slides 13-16) What were the problems with each of the three theories that Jean Pierre found and what was his new theory of how the Pyramid was built? Answer: Wooden cranes: unlikely 60 ton blocks could be hoisted up a steep incline. Huge ramps on outside: in order to reach the top of the pyramid, the volume of the ramp would have been double the volume of the Pyramid. Spiral ramp: makes it difficult to monitor project and turning of blocks around corners would have been dangerous. New theory is an internal ramp (spiral ramp inside the pyramid) Why is it important to do research before brainstorming ideas right away? Answer: You can save a lot of time to see what worked in the past and what didn’t. Learn from others’ mistakes and findings. Why is brainstorming of new ideas important? Answer: It helps gather the team to come up with several ideas and encourages creativity. Why is it useful to look at sketches or drawings during the brainstorming process? Answer: They allow engineers to visualize elements of a possible solution and help in sharing and discussing design ideas (picture worth a thousand words) Why was it important to study the results of other teams after the design challenge? Answer: You can learn from the successes and failures of others, too 8 (Slide 17) Read questions 2a. and 2b. to the class and call on volunteers to answer. Record acceptable answers on the board in the space provided and instruct students to record responses on their Student Worksheet. 2a. What were the three possible theories that Jean Pierre found? Answers: Wooden levers, massive external ramp, spiral ramp around outside of pyramid 2b. What are the benefits of researching and brainstorming possible solutions? Answers may vary. Accept all appropriate responses. 7. Video 3 “Select the Best Solution” (1:30 min) Instruct students to record step 3 “Select the Best Solution” on their Student Worksheet. 8. Select the Best Solution Discussion (5-7 min) Click through slides 19-25 and instruct students to fill in responses were appropriate according to their Student Worksheet. Ask the class the following Questions: (Slide 19) What were some of Jean-Pierre’s ideas that you saw in the video? Answers may include but not limited to: Internal Spiral ramp Wooden Cranes at each corner (Slide 24) What did the Egyptians do with the External Ramp? Answers may include but not limited to: Transported larger, heavier burial chamber stones Transported material and workers from the plateau onto the bottom half of the pyramid Disassembled and recycled the ramp stones to build the top half of the pyramid (Slide 25) Read question 3 to the class and call on volunteers to answer. Record all appropriate answers on the board in the space provided and instruct students to record responses on their Student Worksheet. 3a. Which solution(s) did Jean-Pierre select? Answer: He theorized that the Egyptians used a large external ramp for the bottom third of the pyramid and heavy burial chamber stones, and also used a spiral ramp internally with ventilation shafts and levers at each corner of the spiral. 3b. What were some design elements that worked well in class yesterday? Answers may vary. Accept all appropriate responses. 9 9. Video 4 “Prototype, Test, Redesign” (5-7 min) Instruct the class to turn their Student Worksheet over to the back page click through slides 26-32 . Instruct the class to record the following steps: “Step 4:Construct a Prototype”, “Step 5: Test and Evaluate the Solution”, “Step 6: Redesign” Explain to students that the Engineering Design Process is an iterative process in order to work out any problems with the solution. 10. Prototype, Test, Redesign Discussion (10 min) Click through slides 33-37 and instruct students to fill in responses were appropriate according to their Student Worksheet. Ask the class the following Questions: (Slide 33-36) A prototype is a model built to test something or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. Why do you think Jean Pierre constructed a 3D model of the pyramid? What are some advantages of using a 3D model of the pyramid to test his theory? Answers may include but not limited to: A virtual 3D pyramid has all the same geometric and physical properties as a real pyramid, but can be changed quickly in the computer. It is an “electronic twin” of the real pyramid that can be taken anywhere on a laptop computer. The pyramid can be examined from all angles and it is possible to simulate many different situations quickly without doing anything to the real pyramid. The 3D model allows Jean Pierre to quickly go through steps 4-6. He puts in a new feature into the 3D model, tests and evaluates it, and then redesigns until he comes up with a solution that works. Once something is built, is it always going to work? Answer: No. You often need to test and redesign. Do you think the Egyptians used the engineering design process to build the Pyramid? Answer: Yes. They built several pyramids before the Great Pyramid and refined their technique over many and several attempts. They learned from their mistakes. years When you were building your model pyramid yesterday how could you find out what the best materials or combinations were to use were for the construction? You can test supports made of different materials and analyze the results before building the whole pyramid. For example, if you thought using pasta was the best method, but it did not hold up well when you tested it, you would have moved on to a different material instead of building your pyramid out of pasta. (Slide 37) Read questions 4a. and 4b. to the class and call on volunteers to answer. Record all appropriate answers on the board in the space provided and instruct students to record responses on their Student Worksheet. 10 4a. Why did Jean-Pierre use 3D modeling and simulation software? Answer may include but not limited to: A virtual 3D pyramid has all the same geometric and physical properties as a real pyramid, but can be changed quickly in the computer. It is an “electronic twin” of the real pyramid that can be taken anywhere on a laptop computer. The pyramid can be examined from all angles and it is possible to simulate many different situations quickly without doing anything to the real pyramid. The 3D model allows Jean Pierre to quickly go through steps 4-6. He puts in a new feature into the 3D model, tests and evaluates it, and then redesigns until he comes up with a solution that works. 4b. Did your team make any changes or additions to your design during the construction process? Why? Answers may vary. Accept all appropriate responses. 11. Video 5 “Communicate the Solution” (1:30 min) Instruct students to record step 7 “Communicate the Solution” on their Student Worksheet. 12. Communicate the Solution Discussion (2-3 min) Read question 5 to the class and call on volunteers to answer. Record all appropriate answers on the board in the space provided and instruct students to record responses on their Student Worksheet. 5. Why do you think it is important to communicate your solution? Answer may vary. Accept all appropriate responses. 13. Think, Pair, Share Summary (5-7 min) Instruct students to sit with their team from Day 1 to Discuss and answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think following the engineering design process is a better method of designing than trial and error? 2. Jean Pierre worked with a team of engineers to design and test his model. Describe the importance of teamwork in the engineering design process. 3. When can mistakes be valuable? 4. How would you tackle a similar challenge in the future? Homework: Log on to the 3DS Experience and explore the interactive tour Alternative Assignment: Compare and contrast Jean-Pierre’s 3D simulation with the methods used in NOVA video. Glossary of Terms 3D Simulation CAD Criteria Constraints Iterative Prototype 11 Pyramid Design Challenge Teacher Reference Guide Class 3 Instructions Time: 60 minutes Overview: Students will once again build a model pyramid in teams using different household materials provided to them. This time students are also required to create a presentation where they have to answer some questions about their process. To do well on this task, students will be expected to use what they learned from the previous design challenge. Students are also expected to use the steps of the engineering design process such as identifying the problem (criteria and constraints), brainstorming possible solutions, choosing one solution, constructing, testing, and redesigning. Learning Objectives: Sequence the steps of the engineering design process in a simplified format and recognize what each step is asking Identify the criteria and constraints of a successful solution Discuss materials needed to construct a prototype Recognize there exist many different ways to represent and solve a problem Draw a picture to represent a solution to a design problem Build a simple prototype Materials: Print out Student Handout (Class 3) for each student. You should have all the same materials available that you had in Class 1. Print out the Khufu Bucks photocopies and cut out the Khufu Bucks. Differentiated Instruction: The activity can be made more difficult by adding more constraints such as fewer Khufu Bucks, less time, or a minimum volume requirement. Set-up: Set up the classroom for the work to be done in teams of three to four students. Have all the construction materials ready at the teacher station and hand out 200 Khufu bucks to each team. The teams will have to use their Khufu Bucks to purchase materials from the teacher. Team Size: Three students per team is an ideal team size. The same teams that worked on the first design challenge should be working together again. Teacher Role: The role of the teacher is to “sell” the students materials, answer clarification questions asked by the students, and to act as a timekeeper for the building and presentation phases of the activity. Encourage students to use the steps of the engineering design process throughout the task and point out that it is on the last page of the Student Handout. Presentations: You can either have the students hand in their team presentations at the end of class (3-day lesson) or have them present at the beginning of the next class (4-day lesson). Grading: The example rubric on the Student Handout sheet takes into account teamwork, following the engineering design process, construction of the pyramid, and the presentation. While the rubric gives equal weight to all four, you can give more weight to one such as the presentation. The team with the tallest pyramid gets an extra credit point. This is designed to give students an incentive to build the tallest pyramid. 12 Homework: There is no homework for the next class. Timeline: This is an example of a timeline for a 60 minute class. 5 minutes: divide students into teams, distribute instructions, and have students read the Student Handout sheet. 30 minutes: students build their pyramids 20 minutes: students work on their presentations 5 minutes: clean up