20-Bank Regulation

Bank History and
Adam Smith and the “Invisible hand”
 As
individuals pursue their self interest, they promote
the well-being of everyone.
 19th century example: British making loans to build
railroads in U.S.
What problems might prevent the invisible hand
from operating? (market failure)
Role of Intermediaries
Role of government
Adverse Selection: Akerlof (1970)
Adverse Selection: poor quality products are
attracted to markets
Buyers are willing to pay
 $15,000
for good used car
 $ 7,500 for a “lemon”
Many Sellers
 50%
good cars: willing to take $12,500
 50% bad cars: willing to take $7,500
Adverse Selection
Buyers have no information about car quality –
50/50 proposition
 On
average, expect to get a car worth
0.50(7,500)+0.50(15,000) = $11,250
 Buyers will not pay more than $11,250 for any car.
Good cars exit market
All bad cars sold for $7,500
Good sellers can’t credibly claim to be “good”
Market Failure
Adverse Selection
Adverse Selection in Financial Markets
 Firms
needing capital
 Create
more information
Disclosure requirements (regulation)
 Use
financial intermediaries who can monitor
Restrictions on entry
 Disclosure requirements
Moral Hazard
Moral hazard: Incentives change after
transaction takes place.
 When
insured, take more risks
 Once financed, tendency to slack
buys corporate jet with stock issue
 Banks invest depositor money in risky ventures
Moral Hazard
 financial
Align incentives of CEO with shareholders
 Use
financial intermediaries who can monitor
Regulation on assets and activities (regulation)
Other issues
Financial intermediaries also promote the
invisible hand by:
Lowering transaction costs
 Economies
of scale
Promoting risk sharing
 Pooling
 Hedging expertise
Ch 10 – History of Banks
Crazy complex system of regulation
 Comptroller
of the currency
 Federal Reserve
 State Banking Authorities
When faced with regulation, banks
develop methods to avoid costs
History of Banks
American’s have distrusted big banks
19th Century: states issued charters to banks
 Raised
funds by issuing own currency
 No regulation – often failed
1863 – National Bank Act
 Established
national banks chartered by federal gov
 Heavy tax on bank notes issued by state banks
 State banks survived by acquiring funds through
 Dual banking system
Central Banking
1913: Federal Reserve System Created
National Banks required to become members of the
Federal Reserve System
Central Bank Established
State Banks allowed option to join
Most did not
Structure of Banking Industry
McFadden Act of 1927
 No
branching across state lines
 National Banks had to conform to state
regulations and could only branch in their
home state
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933
 Separation
of I-Banks from Commercial Banks
Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
I-banking activities of commercial banks blamed
for bank failures during Great Depression
Investment bank:
 Raises
capital by “underwriting” securities
 Advises on merger activities
 Research and brokerage services
 Security Dealers
Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
Separation of I-Banks from Commercial Banks
 Commercial
Prohibited from underwriting or dealing in securities
 Limited banks to debt securities approved by regulators
 Investment
Prohibited from commercial banking activities
Erosion of Glass-Steagall
Banks at a competitive disadvantage
 Good economy – people invest in securities
 Bad economy – people turn to traditional banks
 Barriers to “economies of scope”
Financial Innovation:
 Brokerage
firms develop money market mutual funds.
Pressure from Federal Reserve
 Used
loopholes in system to allow commercial banks to
engage in limited underwriting
 Allowed Citicorp and Travelers to merge
Gramm-Leach Bliley (1999)
Allows I-banks to purchase commercial banks
Allows commercial banks to underwrite
insurance and securities.
Erosion of McFadden Act
Bank Holding Companies
 Holding
company can own banks across state lines
ATM’s owned by someone other than the banks.
Mcfadden repealed by Riegle-Neal act of 1994
 Has
led to consolidation trend
Decline of Traditional Banking
Traditional Banking
 Make
long-term loans
 Fund them by making short-term deposits
Greater Competition for Deposits
Regulation Q
Maximum interest paid on deposits about 5%
Can’t pay interest on checking accounts
Rise in inflation in 1960’s: higher rates
Money Market Mutual Funds
Decline of Traditional Banking
Greater Competition for Assets
Junk Bonds
Commercial paper
Bank’s responses:
 Pursue
riskier activities
 Pursue off-balance sheet activities
Loan sales
Fee’s for services: fx trades, loan commitments, banker’s
Ch 11 – Bank Regulation
Banks solve some asymmetric info problems
but create others – depositors need to monitor and
evaluate banks
Regulation deals with asymmetric info problems
But creates others – provide insurance and perform
other activities that may promote moral hazard
Government Safety net
Free rider problem faced by depositors
Adverse selection and bank panics
 1819,
1937, 1857, 1873, 1884, 1893, 1907, 1930-1933
Deposit Insurance: FDIC insurance
Moral Hazard – depositors have no incentive to monitor
 “Too
Big to Fail”
Restrictions on Bank Asset
Commercial Banks:
High quality corporate bonds are allowed but subject to
Common stock investment is allowed in subsidiaries of
banks or bank holding companies that are legally separate
Gramm-Leach-Bliley (1999)
Except in rare instances, banks restrict themselves to
“investment-grade” securities (high rated bonds)
“prudent man” rule of law: The fiduciary is required to invest trust
assets as a "prudent man" would invest his own property
Other Regulations
Capital requirements
 Basel Accord:
banks must hold at least 8% of “riskweighted” assets and off-balance sheet items.
Bank Supervision
Supervision of Risk Management
Disclosure Requirements
How Good Are the Regulators?
Burst of Financial innovation in 1960’s and
Banks have incentive to engage in riskier
activities – further fueled by deposit insurance.
New legislation in early 1980’s:
 S&L’s
and Mutual Savings allowed
40% of assets in commercial real estate loans
30% in consumer lending
10% in commercial loans and leases
10% in “direct investments”: junk bonds, common stock, etc.
up from $40k to $100k
 Phased out Regulation Q
How Good Are the Regulators?
S&L’s regulated by Federal Savings and Loan
Incorporation (FSLIC) which lacked the expertise
to monitor effectively.
Rising rates further increased moral hazard.
 S&L’s
bread and butter was fixed-rate mortgages.
Regulators refrained from closing insolvent S&L’s
 Further
increased moral hazard
Bank Failures increased dramatically
How Good Are the Regulators?
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
Enforcement Act of 1989
Rearranged how banks are regulated
Infusion of capital to bailout insolvent institutions
New restrictions on asset holdings of S&L’s
Increased capital requirements
FDIC Improvement Act of 1991
Increased FDIC’s ability to borrow from treasury
FDCI charge higher deposit insurance premiums