Biology I (H) Chapter 1 Study Guide

Biology Chapter 1 Study Guide
Dr. Angwenyi
Chapter 1: The Science of Biology
The test will consist of:
A. 35 Multiple choice questions (70 Points)
B. Short Answer questions (20 Points)
C. One Essay or Lab based question where you would be asked to propose a
hypothesis and design an experiment. ( 10 Points)
Use the review guide provided to prepare for the test.
Biology Study Guide Chapter 1- The Science of Biology
The variable that Is deliberately changed is the ____________ variable.
The vast majority of organisms reproduce _________________.
The smallest units that are considered to be alive are ____________.
The metric system is based on multiples of ____________.
The work of scientists begins with _____________ _______________, from
which we gather data.
6. How does science differ from art & history? (because it relies on
__________________ or ________________)
7. What is “data” in a scientific experiment?
8. Define hypothesis and be able to give or recognize an example.
9. A hypothesis may arise from: (list three things)…
10. A hypothesis is useful only if it can be ___________.
11. Know the three types of variables & know the examples of those variables from
Redi’s experiment.
12. A _____________ experiment allows the scientist to ISOLATE & TEST a SINGLE
13. Why do scientists publish the details of their experiments?
14. When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes
a(an) _____________.
15. ________________-a well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of
16. Biology is the study of ______________.
17. Know the 8 characteristics of living things and be able to recognize examples of
18. Cell Specialization allows cells to ________________ different
19. ___________________--process by which organisms keep their INTERNAL
20. ____________________-refers to the land, water & air on Earth. (*Look at
levels of organization for this answer!)
21. ____________________-group of organisms of ONE type living in ONE PLACE.
22. List the levels of organization from the SMALLEST to the LARGEST.
23. In the metric system, the basic unit of length is the _____________.
24. On the Celsius temperature scale, how many degrees are between freezing &
boiling points of water?
25. The LITER measures __________ & the GRAM measures ________________ in
the metric system.
26. The use of a _________________
______________________ can magnify objects up to 1000 times.
27. What is a compound microscope?
28. __________________-groups of cells that develops from a single original cell.
29. __________________-the BEST instrument for separating the LIQUID portion of
blood from the solid portions of whole blood.
30. ***Know all safety rules for lab/science!
31. Define QUALitative observation & QUANTitative observation and give an example
of each.
32. What is Spontaneous Generation?
33. WHO finally settled the argument over spontaneous generation?
34. _________________-the chemical reactions through which an organism builds
up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes.
35. CAN a theory change over time? EXPLAIN your answer IN ESSAY FORM!!
36. USING SCIENCE SKILLS…you will be given an experiment…and asked to
determine the control and the variable for the experiment…
37. What are the 3 Goals of Science and why is this important?
38. What are the steps of the Scientific method?
39. Complete the Chart below
Controlled Experiment
An experiment where
only one variable
Controlled Variable
All parts of the
experiment that are the
Manipulated variable
The variable that is being
deliberately changed.
Responding variable
What is being
measured…this is also
known as Data.
The experiment ran
under normal conditions.
40. How do observations and inferences help scientists to make a hypothesis?
41. Explain how a hypothesis different from a theory?
42. Define the term biology.
43. What are the eight characteristics of life? Which is the most important
characteristic and why?
44. Provide an example of homeostasis and explain why is essential for living
organisms to maintain a stable internal environment.
45. Complete the following metric conversions.
a. 65 mL = ______________________________ L.
b. 548 km = ______________________________ cm
c. 0.855 g = ______________________________ mg
d. 550 cm = ______________________________ m
e. 995 mm = _____________________________ m
46. Calculate total magnification for an specimen observed at an objective power
lens of X40 and eyepiece magnification of X10. _______________________.