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Which of the following is not a duty
of the local liaison?
a) Identifying homeless children and youth
b) Coordinating with community agencies
c) Assisting homeless families with rent and
d) Assisting u.y. in deciding which school (the
local school or the school of origin) is in the
student’s best interest
Which of the following is not a duty
of the local liaison?
c) Assisting homeless families with rent and
If a local policy conflicts with a federal
law, the school district should
Follow the local policy
Follow the federal law
Appeal to the School Board
Write a letter to the editor of the local paper
If a local policy conflicts with a federal
law, the school district should
b) Follow the federal law
According to the McKinney-Vento Act,
a homeless student lacks a
a) Stable, regular, and adequate nighttime
b) Fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
c) Fixed, standard, and adequate nighttime
d) Permanent, regular, and adequate nighttime
According to the McKinney-Vento Act,
a homeless student lacks a
b) Fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
A currently enrolled McKinney-Vento
student should be allowed to
participate in athletics, if
a) He/she requests to join the team
b) He/she qualifies for the team and provides
proof of domicile before playing
c) He/she qualifies for the team, regardless of
providing proof of domicile
d) He/she participated in the same sport at a
prior school
A currently enrolled McKinney-Vento
student should be allowed to
participate in athletics, if
c) He/she qualifies for the team, regardless of
providing proof of domicile
In the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless,
“awaiting foster care placement”
a) Includes any child in foster care
b) Includes any student in foster care who does
not need transportation to school
c) Includes youth who have aged out of foster
d) Should be determined based on state and
local child welfare policies
In the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless,
“awaiting foster care placement”
d) Should be determined based on state and
local child welfare policies
An unaccompanied youth is not
considered homeless if he/she
a) Is emancipated
b) Is allowed by his/her parents to return home
to live
c) Is living in a situation that is fixed, regular,
and adequate
d) Has been living in the same place for more
than six months
An unaccompanied youth is not
considered homeless if he/she
c) Is living in a situation that is fixed, regular,
and adequate
If a school district wishes to verify the
living arrangement of a homeless student,
it should NOT
a) Enroll the student immediately, then begin
the verification process
b) Call the family’s landlord or the manager of
the motel where the family says it’s living
c) Ask the family or student for additional
d) Conduct a home visit
If a school district wishes to verify the
living arrangement of a homeless student,
it should NOT
b) Call the family’s landlord or the manager of
the motel where the family says it’s living
According to the McKinney-Vento Act,
“enrollment” is defined as
a) Adding a student’s name to a school’s
attendance roster
b) Attending classes
c) Attending classes and participating fully in
school activities
d) Attending classes and participating in at least
two extra-curricular activities
According to the McKinney-Vento Act,
“enrollment” is defined as
c) Attending classes and participating fully in
school activities
If a homeless child comes to enroll in
school without proof of immunization,
the school district should
a) Deny enrollment until proof can be provided in
the interest of the safety of other students
b) Enroll the child provisionally, allowing him/her
30 days to provide proof or be disenrolled
c) Enroll the child, but quarantine him/her until
immunizations are obtained
d) Enroll the child and assist the family/child with
getting the needed immunizations or proof of
prior immunizations
If a homeless child comes to enroll in
school without proof of immunization,
the school district should
d) Enroll the child and assist the family/child
with getting the needed immunizations or
proof of prior immunizations
School districts must enroll homeless
unaccompanied youth
a) Immediately, even if the student is unable to
provide any of the required documentation
b) Immediately, but may require the student to
provide proof of guardianship within 30 days of
c) Immediately, but only if the youth is able to
bring a caregiver in to sign the needed
d) Only if the unaccompanied youth presents
required paperwork at the time of enrollment
School districts must enroll homeless
unaccompanied youth
a) Immediately, even if the student is unable to
provide any of the required documentation
When a McKinney-Vento eligible student
becomes permanently housed
a) He/she can continue attending the school of
origin until the end of the school year
b) He/she must disenroll from the school of origin
immediately and begin attending the local
c) He/she must meet with the local liaison to
determine if he/she will continue to attend the
school of origin
d) He/she must go through the dispute resolution
process to determine if he/she will be allowed
to continue attending the school of origin
When a McKinney-Vento eligible student
becomes permanently housed
a) He/she can continue attending the school of
origin until the end of the school year
McKinney-Vento eligible students
a) May attend any school within the district
where they are residing, at their
parent’s/guardian’s discretion
b) May attend the local school or their school of
origin, if feasible
c) Must attend the school of origin, unless this
is against the school district’s wishes
d) Must attend the local school, unless this is
against the school district’s wishes
McKinney-Vento eligible students
b) May attend the local school or their school
of origin, if feasible
Which of the following is not a criteria listed in the
U.S. Dept. of Education’s Guidance for the feasibility
of a homeless student to attend the school of origin?
a) The school district’s ability to pay for the
b) The student’s need for special instruction
c) The student’s age
d) The time remaining in the school year
Which of the following is not a criteria listed in the
U.S. Dept. of Education’s Guidance for the feasibility
of a homeless student to attend the school of origin?
a) The school district’s ability to pay for the
If an enrolling student is unable to
present previous academic records, the
school district should NOT
a) Contact the student’s previous school
immediately to request the transfer of the
student’s records
b) Communicate via e-mail or phone with
personnel from the student’s previous school to
find out more information
c) Place the student with a tutor instead of in a
classroom until records are received
d) Speak with the student and/or his/her parent to
find out more information
If an enrolling student is unable to
present previous academic records, the
school district should NOT
c) Place the student with a tutor instead of in a
classroom until records are received
In the case of a dispute over which
school is in a student’s best interest
a) The student should be enrolled immediately
in his/her requested school until the dispute
is resolved
b) The student should be enrolled immediately
in the school recommended by the school
district until the dispute is resolved
c) The school district should delay the student’s
enrollment until the dispute is resolved
d) The school district should flip a coin to decide
In the case of a dispute over which
school is in a student’s best interest
a) The student should be enrolled immediately
in his/her requested school until the dispute
is resolved
According to U.S. Department of Education
Guidance, school districts may transport
homeless students to their school of origin
a) Using school buses only
b) Using school buses and approved taxi
c) Using school buses, approved taxi services,
and public transportation for students 12 and
d) Using the mode of transportation they, in
consultation with the parents, deem to be
the best
According to U.S. Department of Education
Guidance, school districts may transport
homeless students to their school of origin
d) Using the mode of transportation they, in
consultation with the parents, deem to be
the best
According to the Child Nutrition and WIC
Reauthorization Act, which of the following are
automatically eligible for free school meals
a) Students designated as homeless according to
the McKinney-Vento Act and attending Title I
b) K-5 students designated as homeless according
to the McKinney-Vento Act
c) All students designated as homeless according
to the McKinney-Vento Act
d) All students designated as homeless according
to the McKinney-Vento Act, as long as they have
no food allergies
According to the Child Nutrition and WIC
Reauthorization Act, which of the following are
automatically eligible for free school meals
c) All students designated as homeless
according to the McKinney-Vento Act
A McKinney-Vento eligible student who was
expelled from his school of origin for fighting
a) Should automatically be granted enrollment to
his local school
b) Should be granted enrollment to his local school
after going through a psychological evaluation
c) Should be allowed to continue attending his
school of origin after going through a
psychological evaluation
d) Should have the same enrollment rights at his
local school under the school district’s
disciplinary policy as would a housed student
A McKinney-Vento eligible student who was
expelled from his school of origin for fighting
d) Should have the same enrollment rights at
his local school under the school district’s
disciplinary policy as would a housed