File - Carlos Valverde, Ed. D. Intercultural Literature

Writing a Research Paper
Intercultural Literature
C. R. Valverde, Ed.D.
Research Paper Assignment
Identify what the assignment requires:
topic possibilities
number of sources
type of sources (journal, book, Internet)
citation requirements (MLA, APA, Chicago)
presentation requirements (oral or written)
length of paper
due date
A research paper presents the results of your
investigations on a selected topic.
Based on your own thoughts and the facts
and ideas you have gathered from a variety of
sources, a research paper is a creation that is
uniquely yours.
The experience of gathering, interpreting, and
documenting information, developing and
organizing ideas and conclusions, and
communicating them clearly will prove to be
an important and satisfying part of your
Research Paper?
A research paper…
is an extended essay that presents your own interpretation or
evaluation or argument.
 analyzes a perspective/position or argues a point.
 should attempt to contribute to the field of knowledge on your
given topic.
 You are contributing to the existing body of knowledge by
offering your own unique analysis and insight of the
 Regardless of the type of research paper you are writing, your
finished research paper should present your own thinking
backed up by others' ideas and information.
Getting Started
• Choose a topic based on requirements.
• Ask yourself questions:
What do I know about the topic?
What would I like to learn?
What will others learn from reading my paper?
Outlining, clustering, brainstorming, etc. is key to
the research process.
What is the difference between an essay and a
research paper?
When you write an essay, you use everything that you
personally know and have thought about a subject.
When you write a research paper you make a deliberate
attempt to find out what experts know and build upon
what you learn.
Two Types of Research Papers
 1) Analytical Research Paper
 You break a topic or concept down into its parts in order to
inspect and understand it;
 You do research to become an expert on a topic so that you
can restructure and present the parts of the topic from your
own perspective
 2) Argumentative Research Paper
 You do research to support your stand on an issue.
 The research paper is still analytical, but it uses information
as evidence
to support its point, much as a lawyer uses evidence to make his
Getting Started: Formulate a
 Decide
what question you want to answer with
your research.
 Formulate a Question – the answer to the
question becomes your thesis question.
 For example:
– How does exercise improve someone’s mental health?
– What are the effects of violent video games on elementary
school children?
– What was the impact of Cubism on early twentieth century
– Should elementary schools provide more programming in
the arts?
 Start
by finding background information on your
Examples of Research Questions
* A Research Question is a statement that identifies the phenomenon
to be studied. For example, “What resources are helpful to new
and minority drug abuse researchers?”
* To develop a strong research question from your ideas, you should
ask yourself these things:
- Do I know the field and its literature well?
- What are the important research questions in my field?
- What areas need further exploration?
- Could my study fill a gap? Lead to greater understanding?
- Has a great deal of research already been conducted in this
topic area?
Starting Your Research
 Decide
what kind of information that you
need based on your research assignment.
 The information will be determined by your
topic and assignment requirements:
Current or historical or both
Biographical information
Criticism and analysis
And More
Analytical or Argumentative?
 The role of women in Pakistani families.
 Racial profiling in US airports.
 Women in Pakistani families are feminist by nature.
 The need for greater racial sensitivity in US airport
 The need for animal testing despite the numerous claims
of cruelty.
 US immigration policies and anti-immigrant political
Thesis Statement Examples
“The process of Intercultural dialogue promotes a collaborative
learning environment.”
“An immigrant’s life, divided into the world of poverty and school,
demonstrates how these dual roles enhance rather than detract
from one another.”
“Contrary to popular belief, the consumption of beef is
contradictory to the generally accepted diet of human beings.”
“While discrimination and implicit bias may appear to share
superficial similarities, a closer examination reveals many
differences concerning beliefs about cultural groups, concepts of
difference, and the varying levels of tolerance.”
End Presentation 1
Research Thesis Statements
Doing Research
The research process can be exciting or
This is why it is important to choose a topic
you are passionate about; something that
intrigues you; one in wanting to learn more
The research process requires you act like
a detective.
Doing Research
Read, read, read!
Search for what experts are saying
about your topic.
Find connections between what the
experts are saying or finding.
Begin to draw conclusions about the
body of knowledge you research.
One of these conclusions is
ultimately your thesis statement.
Research as a Living Thing...
 It grows and changes as the student explores, interprets, and
evaluates sources.
 Primary and secondary sources are the heart of a research paper,
and provide its nourishment.
Decide on the Usefulness of
Internet Site Information
Evaluate Internet site:
find source of the site and information
 Who is responsible for the website?
 Who provided the information?
• a person who is known in the field of study.
• an organization that is reputable, i.e. American
Cancer Society.
note currency of site – when was it last updated?
assess relevance of information to the
General Organizational Style
Basic Style: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
Basic Content: A research paper contains …
a clear and concise thesis.
Credible sources and information
Appropriate formatting of document (MLA style)
Works Cited list
Modern Language Association
Style Sheet Format
Why is it important?
 MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly
Publishing is published and utilized widely
across the the world.
 Higher education institutions have adopted its
guidelines as the standard for scholarly and
professional writing.
MLA guidelines include…
 How to format documents appropriately;
 How to cite authors and works appropriately;
 How to write an appropriate bibliography format
(Works Cited list)
Scholarly Essay Format
Scholarly Essay cont.
What is an in-text parenthetical citation?
 MLA requires that you cite the quotations, summaries,
paraphrases, and other material used from sources within
parenthesis typically placed at the end of the sentence in
which the quoted or paraphrased material appears.
 These citations correspond to the full bibliographic entries
found in a list of references at the end of the paper.
In-text Parenthetical Citation Example
Why is an in-text citation so important?
 It avoids plagiarism.
 Plagiarism – using any information that is not common
knowledge from any source and not giving proper credit
through citation.
If the ideas and information are not yours, don’t write as if they are. Give
credit where credit is due.
 Plagiarism is a high-risk endeavor. It can lead to…
Failure of the assignment
 Note on academic records
 Expulsion (most institutions)
 Embarrassment and regret
Examples of In-text Parenthetical Citations
Single author named in parentheses.
 The tendency to come to terms with difficult experiences is referred to as a "purification
process" whereby "threatening or painful dissonances are warded off to preserve intact a
clear and articulated image of oneself and one’s place in the world" (Sennett 11).
Single author named in a signal phrase.
 Social historian Richard Sennett names the tendency to come to terms with difficult
experiences a "purification process" whereby "threatening or painful dissonances are
warded off to preserve intact a clear and articulated image of oneself and one’s place in
the world" (11).
Two or more authors.
 Certain literacy theorists have gone so far as to declare that "the most significant
elements of human culture are undoubtedly channeled through words, and reside in the
particular range of meanings and attitudes which members of any society attach to their
verbal symbols" (Goody and Watt 323).
Corporate author (organization, association, etc.).
The federal government has funded research concerning consumer protection and
consumer transactions with online pharmacies (Food and Drug Administration 125).
Works with no author.
Several critics of the concept of the transparent society ask if a large society would be
able to handle the complete loss of privacy ("Surveillance Society"115).
In-text Parenthetical Citations cont.
Work found in an anthology or edited collection.
 For an essay, short story, or other document included in an anthology or edited collection, use the
name of the author of the work, not the editor of the anthology or collection, but use the page
numbers from the anthology or collection.
 Ex: Lawrence Rosenfield analyzes the way in which New York’s Central Park held a socializing
function for nineteenth-century residents similar to that of traditional republican civic oratory
Bible passage.
 Unfortunately, the president could not recall the truism that "Wisdom is a fountain to one who has
it, but folly is the punishment of fools" (New Oxford Annotated Bible, Prov. 20-22).
Secondary source of a quotation (someone quoted within the text of another author).
 As Erickson reminds us, the early psychoanalysts focused on a single objective: "introspective
honesty in the service of self enlightenment" (qtd. in Weiland 42).
Web page.
 Website: Abraham Lincoln's birthplace was designated as a National Historical Site in 1959
(National Park Service).
 Internet Article w/ no page number): A study by the Rand Corporation indicated a “growing
hysteria due to economic turmoil” (“Economic Crisis”).
 Internet citations follow the style of printed works. Personal or corporate author and page number
should be given if they exist on the website. Have more questions? For information on electronic
sources, try the MLA's homepage or Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources.
Caution: How much should I quote?
 If more than 20% of your paper are quotes, which
is someone’s exact words, then that’s too much!
 You want your paper to contain your writing.
 Too many quotes in a paper take away from the
writer’s voice.
Works Cited list (aka Bibliography)
 A list of references that demonstrates the source
of where you obtained your information.
 Demonstrates evidence of your research;
 Allows readers to locate the original documents;
 Brings credibility to your work;
 Helps avoid plagiarism.
Works Cited Format Example
Preparing the Final Version of Your
Research Paper
Revise draft based on comments from your
instructor and/or tutor
Check cited sources for accuracy and MLA Style
or another style format.
Proof read your work – don’t forget the Spell and
Grammar check in Microsoft Word.
Add works cited page.
Add title page.
General Tips
The following information will guide you
through the research paper writing process.
Never hesitate to ask questions.
Keep in mind…
 Argumentative research papers are usually persuasive by
nature, therefore…
Express your argument clearly and convincingly;
 Know your audience;
 Understand the other point of view: strengths and weaknesses;
 Examine the weaknesses of your own arguments;
 All of your arguments must be backed up with reliable and
trustworthy evidence.
Basic format to convey an Argument
Here is a problem
It’s an interesting problem
It’s an unsolved problem
Here is my idea
My idea works (details, data)
Here’s how my idea compares to other people’s
Here's why my idea is important to the field
Viola! A Research Paper
Writing the Introduction
Purpose: to acquaint the reader with the rationale behind your
work, with the intention of defending it.
Describe the importance (significance) of the study - why was
this worth doing in the first place?
Provide a broad context.
Provide a rationale. State your specific hypothesis(es) or
objective(s), and describe the reasoning that led you to select
Describe the problem
State your point (thesis)...and that is all
Sample Introductions
Example 1: Teenagers in many American cities have been involved in
more gangs in the last five years than ever before. These gangs of
teens have been committing a lot of violent crimes. The victims of
these crimes are both gang members and people outside of gangs.
Many people do not want to travel to areas in our cities because of the
danger from this problem. For this terrible situation to stop, it is
going to take a combined effort on the part of many people.
Excellent, supervised after-school programs, more jobs available
for teens, and healthy family relationships will go a long way
towards ending this crisis in our society.
Example 2: During the Middle Ages in Europe and the Middle East
there was much armed conflict between Christians and Muslims.
Christians called these conflicts the Crusades because they were
fighting under the sign of the cross to save the holy lands of the Bible
from being desecrated by non-Christians. However, the true reason
for fighting for these lands was less than holy. It was mainly a
desire for economic gain that prompted the Christian leaders to
send soldiers to fight in the Holy Land.
Elements of an Introduction & Thesis Statement…
* Despite the many cultural, historical, and social implications of tatooing, the art form continues to
thrive in contemporary society.
* While tatooing continues to thrive across cultures in contemporary society, the art form still carries
many negative social and cultural implications.
Another example…
Forms of bullying (i.e.,
High profile events
* Bullying has become an issue of great concern in society today, however,
many of the attempts to prevent it continue to face many social and legal
* While bullying is a part of a greater social problem, ill-prepared schools are
inadequately left with the tremendous responsibility to address this concern.
Building the Body of your Paper
Read and read more!
Find credible sources that support your research
Begin to synthesize the information (develop your
perspective on the issue)
Decide which quotes and sources best suit your
Beware of plagiarism; use parenthetical citations;
paraphrasing vs. summarizing.
Paraphrase vs. Summary
A paraphrase is your “translation” of the text into your own words.
(Unlike a summary, which is shorter than the text, a
paraphrase is about the same length).
A summary condenses the ideas of a text into a briefer version.
(Unlike a paraphrase, which is about as long as the
text, a summary is shorter in length).
If you paraphrase or summarize a specific concept or idea from
your research, you must cite the source with a parenthetical
citation after the last sentence of your paraphrase: Ex: “…
continues to affect society (“US Dept of Education”).
You only need to cite paraphrasing of unique ideas found in your
research. If the idea, fact, claim, or statistic is not yours, you need
to cite it!
If the information is generally considered common knowledge, you
don't have to cite it.
Writing Tips
Use formal prose (avoid “I”)
Stay focused on the research topic and thesis of the paper;
Use paragraphs to separate each important point;
Indent the first line of each paragraph;
Present your points in logical order;
Use present tense to report well accepted facts - for example,
'the statistics show that'; ‘the literature demonstrates that’;
(Published literature is considered timeless so use the present
tense when referring to it) ‘the author states that…’
Use past tense to describe specific results - for example, ‘the
results of the study showed that’; ‘a review of the survey revealed
Avoid informal wording; don't address the reader directly; don't use
jargon, slang terms, or exaggerated language.
When to Use First Person in Academic Writing.
"I", "we," "me," "us," "my," and "our”
Overly strict rules about writing can prevent us, as writers, from being flexible
enough to learn to adapt to the writing styles of different fields, ranging from the
sciences to the humanities, and different kinds of writing projects, ranging from
reviews to research.
When it suits your purpose as a scholar, you will probably need to break some
of the old rules, particularly the rules that prohibit first person pronouns and
personal experience. (Some instructors disagree, so it is a good idea to ask
Avoid “I” when analyzing an objective principle or data (Child Labor,
Propaganda, High School Drug Use, Diamond Mining, etc.)
Use “I” when your personal experience is valuable to your claim, argument, or
research topic.
In many cases, using the first person pronoun can improve your writing, by
offering the following benefits:
 Assertiveness – to emphasize your unique perspective or argument
 Clarity – to avoid awkward constructions and vagueness
 Positioning yourself in the essay – to claim some kind of authority over
your topic
Common Errors in Student Research Papers
Plagiarizing Ideas that are not yours. Give credit when necessary.
Incomplete sentences, redundant phrases, obvious misspellings –
Do not define terms that are well known to the intended reader.
When you affect a situation, you have an effect on it.
 'Affect' is a verb: “Gender discrimination affects child
 'Effect' is a noun. “The effect of gender discrimination is
worrisome to child psychologists.”
Improper Capitalization (names, titles, etc.)
In the USA we put commas and periods before the quotation
mark, not after it.
 “This is a correct example.” not “This is an incorrect example”.
It is easy to lose source information in the
beginning stages of your research.
Take notes of research and sources.
Suggestion: Create a word document to save
URL’s of different sites you visited;
Direct Quotations
Directly quoting means typing one or two
sentences verbatim from a source.
Set up direct quotations with phrases of your
own to guide your flow of discussion.
Use quotation marks (“ ”) to set off directly
quoted material from your own words, and
parenthetically document the work at the end
of the sentence, using MLA format.
Avoid ‘dropped quotations;’ randomly placed
without context or signifiers introducing the
Direct Quotation Example
EXAMPLE: Reflecting upon the role of books in
shaping her childhood among missionaries, Ruth Bell
Graham writes, “I was born and raised in China, … and
books were just a part of our life” (“Literary
Tips: Be sure to use the proper research citation format for
parenthetical documentation.
Use ellipses sparingly in omitting quoted material: Readers
will get suspicious if it looks like you omitted a lot of
If you need to quote three or more sentences, use blocked
quotation format, but don’t use blocked quotations just to
“pad” or lengthen a paper.
Quotation No-nos
NO dropped quotations or quoting without
proper context presented by your own
thoughtful phrasing.
NO traffic‐jam quoting or choo‐choo train
quoting where several direct quotations are
strung together, one after another, without
Source Credibility
Ask yourself the following questions to
determine a source’s level of credibility:
When was the source published?
What are the author’s credentials?
Who’s the intended audience?
Is the argument balanced or does it show bias
and make unsupported claims, illogical
conclusions, or inaccurate generalizations?
Lastly, what sorts of references does your source
Watch for .edu & .gov vs. .com, .org
Final Thoughts
Writing a college research paper is a process‐oriented activity that
encourages independent learning.
Gathering notes, organizing them, shaping your thoughts, and
writing a paper should give you a strong sense of satisfaction.
Allow yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, research, plan, and
Writing a research paper has its own rewards: You’ll remember
what you wrote about long after you’ve graduated from college, and
you’ll retain the valuable practice of independent critical thinking
along with the lifelong ability to synthesize and communicate
Never hesitate to ask questions.