When & What to Test

2016 California
Physical Fitness Test
The Physical Fitness
Test (PFT)
 Required per Education Code Section 60800
 Primary Goal: To assist students in
establishing lifetime habits of regular
physical activity
(includes Training DVD and Cadence CD)
No testing changes
Process Overview
 Site Level Training: January 25 – 29
 Certificate of Training form to R & E: by Feb 1
 Scan
Forms will not be sent to school until this
form is returned to R&E
 Testing: February 1 – 16
 Site review of scan forms: February 17 – 25
 Submit scan forms to R & E: by Feb 26
 Reports to students: May 20
 Summary Reports posted on DataQuest: October
Who to Test
 No parental exemptions
 All students in grades 5 & 7 including:
Students with Disabilities
Independent Study
 Take as much of the test as
conditions permit
 IEP determines how student will
When & What to Test
Testing Window: February 1-16, 2016
Three Fitness Components:
 Aerobic Capacity
 One-Mile Run
 Muscle Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility
 Curl Up
 Trunk Lift
 90° Push Up
 Back-Saver Sit and Reach
 Body Composition (completed by Health Services
 Body Mass Index
Aerobic Capacity
One-Mile Run
 Objective: To run a mile at the
fastest pace possible (walking is permitted)
 Materials Required:
 Flat running course and stopwatch
 Test Administration Manual (4th edition),
pages 32-33
 Proper Scoring:
 Leading zeroes for single-digit times
 Score: Record “59” minutes, “59” seconds for
incomplete test
Muscle Strength,
Endurance, and Flexibility
 Abdominal strength and endurance
 Curl Up
 Objective: To complete as many curl ups as possible
up to a maximum of 75 at a specified pace
 Materials Required:
 Cadence CD (1 curl up every 3 seconds)
 Gym mat, measuring strip
 Test Administration Manual (4th edition), pages
 Proper Scoring:
 Minimum: 1
 Maximum 75
Score of ‘8’
(with leading
 End test after second form correction
 Leading zero for single-digit score
Muscle Strength,
Endurance, and Flexibility
Trunk extensor strength and flexibility
 Trunk Lift
 Objective: To lift the upper body 12 inches off the floor using
the muscles of the back and hold the position to allow for
 Materials Required:
 Gym mat, yardstick or 15-inch ruler
 Test Administration Manual (4th edition), pages 45-47
 Proper Scoring:
 Two attempts - record the highest
 Discourage overextending
 Minimum: 0 inches
 Maximum 12 inches
 Score recorded to nearest inch
 Leading zero for single-digit score
Score of ‘6’
(with leading
Muscle Strength,
Endurance, and Flexibility
 Upper body strength and endurance
 90° Push Up
 Objective: To complete as many
push ups as possible at a rhythmic pace
 Materials Required:
 Cadence CD (rhythm of 20 push ups per
 Test Administration Manual (4th edition), pages
 Proper Scoring:
Score of ‘42’
 Minimum: 1
 Maximum: 75
 End test after second form correction
 Leading zero for single-digit score
Muscle Strength,
Endurance, and Flexibility
 Flexibility
 Back-Saver Sit and Reach (left and right sides)
 Objective: To be able to reach the specified
distance (maximum 12 inches) on the right and left
sides of the body
 Materials Required:
 Sit & Reach box calibrated in inches, not metric
 Test Administration Manual (4th edition), pages
 Proper Scoring:
 Reach 4 times and hold on the fourth for 1
Example: Score of
Left ‘11’
 Discourage overextending
Right ‘9’
(with leading zeros)
 Minimum: 0 inches
 Maximum 12 inches
 Score recorded to nearest inch
 Leading zero for single-digit score
Body Composition
Body Mass Index (compares height and weight)
(completed by Health Services Nurses)
 Objective: To determine the
appropriateness of a child’s weight relative
to height
 Materials Required: None
 Data collected by district nurses
 Proper Scoring: Nurses enter data
Scan Form Specifics
 Certification of Training form on
R&E website submission via fax, mail or
 Reminders:
 “Test date” - leave blank
 “Reason for Incomplete Test” box
 “Reason Not Tested” box
 Completely darken bubbles, no
Sharpies, do not hole punch
 All scan forms due to R&E by
February 26, 2016
 Non pre-ID students - Write Student
Name, SID, School, Grade on blank
 Please do not void any forms
Reminder: Teacher logs
need to be turned in to
R&E with scan forms
Dr. Evellyn Elizondo
Research and Evaluation
Phone: (661) 631-4670
Email: elizondoe@bcsd.com