Lecture Presentation

Charles W. Davidson
College of Engineering
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0080
So you want to transfer to
Dr. Emily Allen
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
San Jose State University
November 5, 2008
What is engineering?
Engineering is about creating products that
meet a market need and provide value to
the customer.
Engineering is a discipline that creates and
transforms ideas and concepts into a
product that satisfies a customer’s
-Savage, The Engineers Survival Guide
What is engineering design?
Engineering design is a systematic,
intelligent process in which designers
generate, evaluate, and specify concepts
for devices, systems or processes whose
form and function achieve clients’
objectives or users’ needs while satisfying
a specified set of constraints.
Dim et al.
Systems Engineering is the key to
a successful design
Engineers are responsible to understand
how their design decisions can impact
society and the environment
Our responsibility is not just to the
customer, but to the global community
-Savage, The Engineers Survival Guide
Engineering Design
Define problem
Gather information
Communicate results
Evaluate alternatives
Generate alternative solutions
Model and test alternatives
Select and implement design
Charles W. Davidson College of
Ranked 12th in the nation in public
comprehensive universities
Enrolls 5,000 engineering students
Employs 110 regular faculty, 150 part-time
Provides hands-on practical education
Offers preparation for the global economy
Charles W. Davidson College of
Our vision:
To be a learning community that empowers
its students to better the world through
innovative applications of engineering
knowledge and skills.
BS Degrees offered at SJSU
Aerospace Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
General Engineering (Bioengineering Concentration)
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Software Engineering
Preparing to Transfer
Calculus, calculus, calculus
Chemistry and physics sequences
Lower division engineering
More important than completing entire
General Education sequence!
Take WST before transferring if possible
Take calculus
Once you get to University
Get advising every semester
Get to know your professors
Join student organizations
Get summer internships
Take every opportunity for international
Live as close to campus as possible
Transitioning to SJSU
See your Major advisor
Get involved in student organizations
Go slow, get A’s and B’s
Go fast, get D’s, repeat, go slow
How long will it take to graduate?
University full-time load = 12 units
Engineering load for 2-year graduation plan
= 16-18 units per semester
Consider that 8-10 hrs per week required
per 3-unit class
20 hr/week job + 3 classes = 50 h/week
Carrying only 12 units/semester = 5-6
semester minimum
Be realistic! Aim for success!
We focus on engineering
student success
New Engineering Student Success Center
Professional development opportunities
Student services
Advising is critical
You cannot register without an advising
Major advising
in your department
General advising
in the ESSC
International travel opportunities
Global Technology Institute (GTI)
2-week engineering study trip to Asia
Summer service institutes
Semester abroad programs
Industry projects
Senior design projects
Co-op class (Engr 197)
Part-time co-ops
Summer internships
Masters projects
Developing new programs in this area
Student services
Student Leadership Council
Student organization activities
over 30 organizations in CoE
Resume building, interviewing workshops
Career center
Tutoring opportunities
Very active MESA Engineering program
Probation support
Your success is our success!
For more information…
Dr. Emily Allen