Tigger Comes to the Forest

7 класс
1. Use the words from the pool to fill in the gaps in the following text:
Geographic Landmarks
Diverse, extends, mountain, southern, western, rich, population, rural
As the world’s largest country, Russia has a very 1._______ geography.
Northern Russia 2._______ into the Arctic Circle. This area is primarily tundra and
forests, with thousands of lakes.
Russia has many 3._________ areas. The Ural Mountains cover 2,500 miles of eastern
Russia. The Caucasus Mountains cross the 4.______ part of Russia, from the Black Sea to
the Caspian Sea.
The North European Plain lies from the 5.________ boarder to the Ural Mountains. This
is a large rolling plain with 6._______ soil and grasslands.
Three quarters of the Russian 7.________ live in the cities and towns of western Russia.
About 25% of the population still live in 8._________ areas.
2. Read the text “Swan Lake” and continue the sentences:
1. “Swan Lake” is the most famous ballet in the world but the first performance…
2. “Swan Lake” is a love story of the prince and…
3. “Swan Lake” makes an unforgettable impression as…
4. “Swan Lake” has already visited such cities as…
5. St Petersburg is a home place for…
6. St Petersburg has brought up world famous…
7. The Russian Ballet Academy was named after…
8. St Petersburg Ballet Theatre is a combination of…
3. Open the brackets to complete the sentences:
If it (be) your first trip to Russia, you are sure (experience) language problems. If you
(not know) the Russian alphabet, you (not be) able to read signboards and find your way.
Even hotel staff may not (speak) English. The situation in regional cities is worse. You rarely
(find) a cafe or restaurant with an English menu.
You should always have a card from your hotel. If you (look) for some address, it’s
better to have it with you written in Russian. (Ask) your translator or a friend to write down a
list of necessary phrases that you can (give) people (read) what you want. If you can’t get
right at the hotel or any other place, ask for a person who can speak English. Russians are
very helpful and they will keep (try) to help you even if they not (understand) you.
4. Tick those words and phrases which are used with the definite article:
1. Russia
2. Russian Federation
3. National Government
4. Russian President
5. Federal Council
6. Speaker
7. Prime Minister
8. Peter the Great
5. Remember the geographical names and fill in the gaps:
1. the Golden ___________
2. the Neva ____________
3. the Russian __________ Church
4. the Ural ___________
5. the Okhotsk _________
6. the Arctic ____________
7. St ____________
8. the Caucasus ____________
6. Fill in the articles where necessary:
… Russian culture is non-individualistic. The power of … individual in Russia is much less
than in … west and most deals are pushed through … family, friends and acquaintances.
There is … Russian saying: “One is not a
soldier in the battlefield”. In Russia one needs to know … people in power to make … things
work. This is why they maintain more friendships than … average westerner. They often have to
rely on their friends to help them out. You know someone who knows someone who is in …
power, this is … way they have the things done.
7. Reading. Read about the Russian system of education and answer the question:
Russian Schools as they are shown by foreigners
Russia has one of the best mass-education systems in the world, producing a literacy
rate of 98% (higher than most Western European countries). The system consists of
obligatory basic education and higher education.
Education in Russia is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. It consists
of primary school education for ages 6-10, followed by senior school for ages 10-15. If a
pupil of secondary school wishes to go on in higher education, he or she must remain to
complete secondary school for 2 more years, from age 15 to 17.
Primary and secondary schools include 11 years of study. Every school has a core
curriculum of academic subjects. After completing this stage pupils are awarded the
Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education.
At the age of 15 children may choose to enter a vocational school or non-university
institute. These usually offer programmes of academic subjects and a programme of training
in a technical field until students reach the age of 17 or 18. Such institutions used to be
called technikum but now most of them are known as colleges.
Class work often means reciting and written and oral testing. Teachers criticisizing
students in front of the class are frequent. If a student does not perform to standard, he will
be “left back” to remain another year.
1. What reputation does Russian education have?
2. What is the average level of literacy in Russia?
3. What are the components of the Russian education system?
4. Which education is compulsory in Russia?
5. What is necessary to continue education in a university?
6. How long does a pupil study at school?
7. What papers does a student receive after schooling?
8. What education is given at colleges?
9. What is usually done in class?
10.What may happen to a poor student?
7 класс
1. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the text:
As we (know)1 we are living in the world of globalization. English language (be)2 a common
language and (speak)3 in many countries. It (consider)4 universal language. Most of the
universities worldwide (include)5 English as one of their major subjects.
English (be)6 the first and foremost criterion whether you (apply)7 for a job or you (seek)8
admission in a reputed college/university/institution. Companies (welcome)9 those candidates
who speak fluent English and have the relevant qualification and skill set. However,
candidates with the relevant qualification without (have)10 proper knowledge of English
language (reject)11.
2. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Over the years, …1 English language has become one of our principal assets in getting …2
global leadership for books written by Indian authors and for films made by …3 Indians in
English. …4 famous Indian movie maker Shekhar Kapoor’s film “Elizabeth” has got several
nominations for …5 Oscar Awards. It does not require any …6 further argument to establish
the advantage …7 language has brought to us at …8 international level.
3. Vocabulary. Remember the rules of word building and transform the words into
suitable form to complete the sentences:
English is an 1._________ language. There are many
languages in the world and English is the foremost of them all.
It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world.
English has become the key instrument of 2.___________.
What is paramount today is to know how to use the English
language rather than just to know it.
English is the only language that the German, the 3._______,
the Japanese and Russians are keen to learn although their
native languages are 4.______ developed as English. Now
almost all the 5.________ are conducting 6.________ studies
through English medium.
The English language is used all over the globe for
7.__________ of international trade. A good 8.__________ of
English is essential for the 9.__________ of knowledge and to
further studies. It is almost indispensable for higher scientific
and 10.___________ studies.
4. Speaking. Read the information given and express your own opinion of the matter:
You should not be surprised to know that English is the second most spoken language after
Mandarin. To add on to this fact, English is the native language of more than 350
million people worldwide. Furthermore, you will find more people communicating in
English than those speaking Arabic and French collectively. Undoubtedly, the popularity of
the language has termed English the international language of diplomacy, business, science,
technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, engineering, tourism, UN & NATO
armed forces, Hollywood films and the best pop and rock music of the world.
5. Reading. Read the text “An English-speaking World” and find synonyms to the
following phrases:
1. sb possesses sth;
2. having desire to find out;
3. connected with language;
4. development of English;
5. to be;
6. live on the territory of some country;
7. mother tongue;
8. the stock of words;
9. spoken almost everywhere;
10. language of the whole world.
6. Vocabulary. Read the text “An English-speaking World” and state the origin of the
given words:
1. opera
2. operetta
3. piano
4. potatoes
5. tomatoes
6. tobacco
7. curious
8. planet
9. plum
10. plate
7. Grammar. Give the plural forms of the following words if possible:
1. baby
2. safe
3. hero
4. zoo
5. city
6. wife
7. ski
8. snow
9. college
10. bay
8. Grammar. Read the words and find those which have irregular plural forms:
1. house; 2. people; 3. morning; 4. team; 5. mouse; 6. wolf; 7. deer; 8. pear; 9. foot; 10.
9. Choose the right article to complete the sentences:
(a/ the/ -)1 Two men in a smoking-room were talking of their private school days. “At our
school,” said one of them, “we had a ghost’s footmark on the staircase.”
“What was it like?”
“Oh, very unconvincing. Just (a/ the/ -)2 shape of a shoe, with (a/ the/ -)3 square toe, if I
remember right. The staircase was a stone one. I have never heard any story about (a/ the/ -)4
thing. That seems odd, when you come to think of it. Why didn’t somebody invent one, I
“You never can tell with (a/ the/ -)5 little boys. They have a mythology of their own. There’s a
subject for you, by (a/ the/ -)6 way – “The Folklore of Private Schools.”
“Yes; the crop is rather scanty, though. I imagine, if you were to investigate the cycle of ghost
stories, for instance, which the boys at (a/ the/ -)7 private schools tell each other, they would all
turn out to be (a/ the/ -)8 highly-compressed versions of stories out of books.”
10. Group the words according to their part of speech:
Practice, related, interpreter, old-fashioned, realize, average, up-to-date, disappointed,
helpful, almost, dictionary, afterwards, practise, memorize
11. Vocabulary. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. to talk … an interpreter; 2. to work … an interpreter … a group; 3. to translate a story …
another language; 4. to be … … practice, 5. to be related … marriage; 6. to be related …
some problem; 7. … average; 8. to be rude … parents; 9. to realize … the difficulty; 10. to be
disappointed … his decision.
7 класс
1. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the story:
Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria of Kent (bear)1 at Kensington Palace in London in
1819. Victoria’s father, the Duke of Kent and Strathearn, (be)2 the fourth son of King George
III. The Duke of Kent and Strathearn, like many other sons of George III, (not marry)3 during
his youth. The eldest son, the Prince of Wales (the future King George IV), did marry, but
(have)4 only a daughter, Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. When she (die)5 in 1817, the
remaining unmarried sons of King George III scrambled (marry)6 and fathered children to
provide an heir for the king. At the age of fifty the Duke of Kent and Strathearn (marry)7
Princess Viktoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, the sister of Princess Charlotte’s widower Prince
Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield and widow of Karl, Prince of Leiningen. Victoria, the
only child of the couple, was born in Kensington Palace, London on 24th May, 1819.
Although christened Alexandrina Victoria, from birth she formally (style)8 Her Royal
Highness Princess Victoria of Kent, but (call)9 Drina within the family. Princess Victoria’s
father died of pneumonia eight months after she was born. Princess Victoria’s uncle, the
Prince of Wales, (inherit)10 the Crown, (become)11 King George IV.
2. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was …1 celebrated Italian Renaissance
He has been described as …2 archetype of …3 “Renaissance man” and as …4 universal
genius. Leonardo is well-known for his masterly paintings, such as “…5 Last Supper” and
…6 “Mona Lisa”. He is also known for many inventions that were conceived well before
their time but of which few were constructed in his lifetime. In …7 addition, he helped
advance …8 study of anatomy, astronomy and civil engineering.
Leonardo was born in Anchiano, near Vinci, Italy. He was …9 illegitimate child. His father
Ser Piero da Vinci was …10 young lawyer and his mother, Caterina, was …11 peasant girl.
3. Vocabulary. Remember the rules of word building and transform the words into
suitable form to complete the sentences:
1.___________ Day is also known as Poppy Day, and in America it Remember
is called Veteran’s day. It was first observed in 1919, however, until Tradition
1945 it was called Armistice Day. 2.__________ there is two Effect
minutes of silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the King
eleventh month because that was the time (in Britain) when the Memory
armistice became 3.____________ in 1918.
Today, in the UK Remembrance Sunday is also observed on the Civil
Sunday nearest to November 11th. So, in the United 4.___________, Person
two minutes’ silence is observed on November 11th itself, and on the Suffer
second Sunday of November. Remembrance Sunday ceremonies are
held at War 5.__________ all over the UK, and over the years it has
become a 6.____________ day of the sacrifice of servicemen and
women but the suffering of 7.___________ in times of war.
Remembrance Sunday is commemorated by church services around
the UK and a parade of ex-service 8.__________ in London’s
Whitehall. Wreaths of poppies are placed on war memorials from
the Cenotaph, a war memorial in Whitehall, to the tiniest war
memorials in villages all over Britain. Small wooden crosses are
placed in Gardens of Remembrance as private acts of remembering
individual losses and 9._________, and people pin poppies to their
coat or jacket.
4. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. Your speech sounds sad/ sadly. 2. Looking strange/ strangely at me she started to speak. 3.
Why are your mates looking so exciting/ excitingly? 4. Does this soup taste nice/ nicely? 5.
Are you feeling well/ good? You are not looking all right. 6. What smells so sweet/ sweetly?
7. What is it? I’ve never seen such a fruit. It tastes strange/ strangely. 8. The dog came up to
the table and smelled the plate thorough/ thoroughly.
5. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. There is a nice (home/ house) near the road. 2. She is absent-minded today as she has
problems at (home/ house). 3. Have you discussed yet which (home/ house) you would live
in after marriage? 4. (home/ house) is the best place where you can relax and forget about all
the problems. 5. Never stay at (home/ house) all day, always try to have a walk at least for
half an hour. 6. You have promised not to be late (home/ house), we are having quests today.
7. My parents would like to buy a new (home/ house) in the country. 8. Do you like your
(home/ house)? Would you like to change it?
6. Vocabulary. Group the words according to their part of speech:
Regretfully, bowl, repair, firm, cheerfully, close, light, winding, candle
7. Vocabulary. Fill in prepositions where necessary:
1. to blow … a candle
2. to turn … the light
3. to light … a candle
4. to pull … a tooth
5. to pull a toy … … himself
6. to push his way … the crowd
7. to struggle … an enemy
8. to struggle … independence
9. to struggle … life
10. to wind a scarf … her neck
11. to share a book … a friend
12. to be regretful … the talk
13. to bounce … one book … another
14. to knock … the door
15. to be close … the door
8. Vocabulary. Combine the words to make true word combinations:
1. a tall
a. smile
2. a light
b. path
3. a cheerful
c. bowl
4. to push
d. candlestick
5. to wind
e. puppies
6. a winding
f. summer dress
7. bouncy
g. an alarm clock
8. a salad
h. the button
7 класс
1. Vocabulary. Group the adjectives as negative or positive:
Attractive, boring, independent, famous, noble, greedy, lonely, modest, smart, slim,
stupid, cheerful, wicked, ugly, gloomy, clever, polite, brave, honest, wise, sad, poor,
careless, lazy, dull, lovely, tidy, firm, bouncy.
2. Grammar. Complete the sentences using the right degree of comparison:
1. My sister is (pretty) than yours. 2. Which of your classmates is (clever)? 3. Who is
(attentive): you or your brother? 4. Which continent is famous for (severe) winters? 5. The
25th of July was (hot) day of the year. 6. What is (difficult): to speak or to write in English?
7. I think Madonna is (famous) than Frank Sinatra. 8. Walking is (healthy) than going by car.
3. Grammar. Make the right choice:
1. The two women (have talked/ have been talking) since morning and they are still talking.
2. What (have you been doing/ have you done) all this time? You look terrible. 3. I (haven’t
found/ haven’t been finding) any information about this writer. 4. You (have made/ have
been making) much progress in English lately. You should keep on like that. 5. Our
neighbours (have been living/ have lived) here since the building itself was built. 6. The child
(has already been finishing/ has already finished) the essay. Now he is in the garden. 7. The
boss (has known/ has been knowing) the information you are telling now. 8. The school team
(has won/ has been winning) the competitions since 1978.
4. Grammar. Find out more information by making special questions to the statement:
The children in our class have been studying works by famous Russian poets for three
a. Which_______________________________________________________?
b. What kind____________________________________________________?
c. Who________________________________________________________?
d. What________________________________________________________?
e. How long____________________________________________________?
f. For how many_________________________________________________?
g. What works___________________________________________________?
5. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. Use the knowledge of your (older/ elder) sister. 2. The (older/ elder) a child is the bigger
problems he has. 3. If you are the (oldest/ eldest) son in the family you have to take
responsibility of the youngsters. 4. When his son becomes (older/ elder), he will go to school.
5. I know his (older/ elder) brother, he is a nice fellow. 6. Are they really (older/ elder) than
your children? 7. Harry got married being much (older/ elder) than you are now. 8. I think
she looks (older/ elder) her age.
6. Vocabulary. Group the words:
reason, station, improvement, news, knowledge, information, road, shop, yard, door,
building, remark, town, destination, decision, conversation
7. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. I think I’ll be (later/ last/ latter/ latest). 2. When did you (later/ last/ latter/ latest) see that
book? 3. The manager saw Andrew and Alice in the hall and wanted the (later/ last/ latter/
latest) to come up to him. 4. Is his arrival the (later/ last/ latter/ latest) news in the office? 5.
If you call him (later/ last/ latter/ latest) you may lose your (later/ last/ latter/ latest) chance to
talk to him. 6. That was our (later/ last/ latter/ latest) conversation before his death. 7. Can
you give me the (later/ last/ latter/ latest) information about the meeting? 8. I’ve already had
a talk with the detective and his assistant, the (later/ last/ latter/ latest) was friendlier during
the question.
8. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. Can you (swim/ have a swim)? – Yes, I could (swim/ have a swim) when I was five. 2.
Let’s (swim/ have a swim) and go home. 3. How many times a week do you (swim/ have a
swim)? 4. Do you mind if we (swim/ have a swim) along the shore? 5. I think we can (swim/
have a swim) first and then talk about our problems. 6. Who taught you to (swim/ have a
swim)? 7. I don’t think it’s a good idea to (swim/ have a swim) in this unknown river. 8.
People usually (swim/ have a swim) from five till seven in this pool.
9. Reading. Study the text “A.A. Milne” and find synonyms:
a. one of the authorities at school
b. the one who studies mathematics
c. a scientific magazine
d. a kind of funny and clever
e. composition
f. a sum of money a person receives for his work
g. to begin (about a war)
h. loved and admired
i. a toy in the shape of a bear
j. something that happens every day
10. Vocabulary. Remember the rules of word building and transform the words into
suitable form to complete the sentences:
It was not until 1925 that Pooh officially came into 1.______.
Milne’s 2._________ for the Christmas Eve issue of the
Evening News was a bedtime story that he had made up for
his son about 3.________ he had with his teddy bear who was
known as Winnie the Pooh. It was also at this time that the
Milne family moved to the cottage at Cotchford Farm in
Sussex which later provided the 4._________ for the Pooh
This bedtime story formed the first chapter of Milne’s next
book, 5._______ “Winnie the Pooh” (1926). In an attempt to
shield his son from the 6.________ generated by the success
of the Pooh stories, Milne announced that “The House at Pooh
Corner” would be his last Christopher Robin book.
7.____________, Milne didn’t write the Pooh stories and
poems for children but instead intended them for the child
within all of us. He also never read the stories and poems to
his son Christopher, preferring rather to amuse him with the
works of P.G. Wodehouse, one of Milne’s 8._________
authors. Although Milne went on to write other plays and
novels, these Pooh stories remain his best-9.______ works.
For many years Milne himself resented his 10.________ fame
being based on children’s books, not on his other work.
11. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Pooh Goes Visiting
…1 Pooh always liked …2 little something at …3 eleven o’clock in …4 morning, and he was
very glad to see Rabbit getting out the plates and mugs. Having …5 mouthful of something at
Rabbit’s is very nice indeed, but squeezing back out of …6 front door again is …7 different
matter. When Pooh finds himself …8 Wedged Bear, there’s nothing to do but wait until he
gets thin again. Oh Bother!
12. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the story:
Tigger Comes to the Forest
Pooh was just going (say)1 “Hallo!” for the fourth time when he (think)2 that he wouldn’t, so
he said, “Who (be)3 it?” instead. “Me,” (say)4 a voice. “Oh!” (say)5 Pooh. “Well, (come)6
here.” So Whatever-it-was (come)7 there, and in the light of the candle he and Pooh (look)8 at
each other for some time. “I (be)9 Pooh,” said Pooh. “I’m Tigger,” said Tigger. And that
(be)10 the beginning of some very bouncy stories.
7 класс
1. Vocabulary. Translate the underlined words and use them in sentences of your own:
Christmas Decoration Items
Decorating homes is a very old tradition associated with Christmas. So, when it comes to
decorating items, there are plenty of them. Decoration is all about lending a personal touch to
the surroundings and for this one can use many items. Some of the popularly used items are:
candles, flowers, pictures, an Artificial Christmas tree, figurines of Santa, angel, stockings,
cards, bows, ribbons, candy cane, lights, wreaths, mistletoes, sticky mirrors, etc. The items
mentioned above are traditionally used for decorations, but you can always come up with
something new. It is all about using your imagination and coming out with some interesting
2. Grammar. Make the right matching:
a. cowardly
a. a black look
b. a useless object
b. a red rag
c. annoying
c. once in a blue moon
d. sad
d. a white elephant
e. rarely
e. (feel) blue
f. angry look
f. (be) yellow
3. Grammar. Find more information:
Now Christmas celebrations vary greatly between regions of the United States, because of
the variety of nationalities which have settled in it.
a. When___________?
b. Why ____________?
c. What____________?
d. Where___________?
e. What ___________?
f. Which___________?
g. How much ________?
h. How______________?
4. Vocabulary. Remember the rules of word building and transform the words into
suitable form to complete the sentences:
It was a 1._________ cold morning in Sandringham but hundreds
of people braved the 2._____ temperatures for what has become a
Christmas tradition here.
3._______ queuing near the entrance to the Church of St. Mary
Magdalene, hoping to catch a glimpse of or even exchange a
Christmas 4._____ with members of the Royal Family before the
morning service were searched by police officers but remained in
high spirits.
Talk of royal 5.________ occupied many as they waited. Some had
hoped to see Prince William, who recently announced his
6.________ to Kate Middleton. But the prince is on duty at RAF
Valley and Miss Middleton is believed to be spending her last
Christmas as a single woman with her family.
Sheila Clark - who comes here every year - told us she wasn’t
7.______. Clutching a large camera, she said: “We’ll see plenty
more of them in the 8._______ year.”
Ms Middleton is thought to be spending Christmas Day
9._________ with her family in Berkshire.
Members of the public gathered at Sandringham from early on
10.________ morning to greet the Royal Family as they left the
service at St Mary Magdalene Church.
5. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
1… Queen’s Christmas message will be broadcast at 1500 GMT. 2… Buckingham
Palace says 3… monarch has made sport 4… central focus of her message this year. She
emphasizes how it can be used to build communities and create harmony, and highlights the
important role that 5… volunteers play. 6… message will also focus on how sport can be
used to encourage the development of vital social skills. 7… Christmas Day messages are
normally recorded at 8… Buckingham Palace, but this year 9… Queen suggested 10…
Hampton Court Palace, 11… first time it has been used. 12… broadcast, produced by ITN,
will be available on 13… Royal Channel of 14… YouTube website. It will also be shown in
Commonwealth countries and on 15… British Forces Broadcasting Service.
6. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the story:
The History Of The Mince Pie
Centuries ago the mince pie (be)1 a large dish filled with various meats such as chicken,
partridge, pigeon, hare, capon, pheasant, rabbits, ox or lamb tongue, livers of the animals,
and mutton meat (mix)2 with fruits, peels and sugar. It originally (know)3 as a Christmas Pye.
The square shape (say)4 to resemble Jesus’ cradle. A small doll made from pastry (place)5 on
the top in the centre of the pie where the hollow indentation would be. These were known as
Crib Pies.
During the Medieval Crusades the Crusaders (return)6 to the UK with spices and these
gradually (add)7 to mince pies until over the years meat was fully replaced by the spices. At
around this time it was thought that the shape (change)8 from square to round and the size
(make)9 smaller.
During the reign of Oliver Cromwell they were banned along with other Christian
traditions and acts. When they were reintroduced to Britain their size was again reduced, to
the size as they (be)10 today, so that they could be served individually, especially to guests.
They were named Wayfarer Pies.
7 класс
1. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the story:
If you (look)1 for the most important book in your country’s history, (come)2 here to the
British library. (Get)3 off the tube at St. Pancras – Kings’ Cross station. After you (get)4 on
If you (have) not a map of that area, there (be) one in every bus station so you (be)8 fine.
There are two or three restaurants in the buildings, plus one in the court. The building (have)9
elevators and escalators so there shouldn’t be any access-related issues.
Now let’s (talk)10 about the library itself. You might expect it (be)11 an old building with
wonderful architectural motifs while it’s actually quite a new bricks-and-metal building that
actually (combine)12 the old knowledge with the new technology-based one.
At the time I (visit)13 the library, there (be)14 a huge stamps’ exhibition and one on statistics
plus the permanent one featuring manuscripts and old books on every domain from
On the ground floor there’s an “IT room”, one where you can test some of the technologies
(use)15 by the library to keep everything organized or for (undertake)16 research.
2. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
…1 British library is situated on …2 North side of …3 Euston Road slightly to …4 east of
…5 St Pancras station. When you walk in …6 main entrance hall you will see the exhibition
areas to your left. There are lots of fascinating and rare books on …7 display. To use …8
library you have to make …9 application for …10 ticket and bring proof of identity with you
and proof of residence. I faced …11 real interrogation on what my motives were and what
books I wanted to read. In …12 fact you are expected to bring …13 list of books that you
wanted to read. I had not done this and had …14 vague idea as to what I wanted to read. I
thought that I was going to be turned down but eventually I was issued …15 ticket for three
months. During that period I went about once …16 week to read an out of print book that
was rather too expensive to buy. When you use …17 catalogue on …18 internet you have to
indicate which room you want to collect …19 books. This is not a standard public library as
you can’t take …20 books with you. You normally have to give at least 2 days notice and
you have to choose …21 seat number. On …22 day you go to the room and go to …23
collection point. You show your card to …24 librarian who fetches your book. You then go
and sit at …25 allocated seat. I recall that the room closes at 5pm. It was an extremely
worthwhile experience.
3. Grammar. Group the nouns as countable, uncountable and collective:
contents, adventure, impression, telly, jewels, sugar, money, news, family, group, class,
rice, butter, egg, music, cinema, painting, arts, speaker, bowl
4. Grammar. Remember the usage of future tenses. Make the right choice:
1. Is that phone? I (shall answer/ am going to answer). 2. When we (shall meet/ meet) my
new partner I (shall introduce/ introduce) him to you. 3. I don’t remember exactly but I think
my plane (will take off/ takes off) at 7 o’clock. 4. I (shall leave/ am leaving) in a minute or I
(shall be/ shall have been) late. 5. If you (will not come/ don’t come) I (shall not speak/ am
not speaking) to you about the case. 6. By Friday the guests (will have left/ will leave) my
house. 7. I think he (will be/ will have been) a good manager in our company. 8. We (will be
having a tour/ will have) at this time tomorrow.
5. Grammar. Ask for more information:
The founding of the Beijing Library was first officially proposed by Zhang Zhidong, a
scholar of the Ground Secretariat in charge of a King Dynasty forerunner of the Ministry of
a. What ________________________________________________?
b. How _______________________________________________?
c. Who _________________________________________________?
d. Why ________________________________________________?
e. What ________________________________________________?
f. What ________________________________________________?
g. Which _______________________________________________?
h. What kind of __________________________________________?
6. Vocabulary. Match the given words to make true word combinations. If necessary
use a preposition of.
a swarm
a herd
a school
a committee
a pride
a bunch
a bundle
a flock
a pack
7. Grammar. Remember the usage of articles with names of meals and food. Fill in the
1. … dinner
2. … nice dinner
3. … milk
4. … white milk
5. … sweet chocolate
6. … red apple
7. … tasty brunch
8. … hot supper
9. … salty soup
10. … quick lunch
8. Vocabulary. Fill in the gaps using the correct prepositions with the verb to run:
1. Don’t run … when I am talking to you. 2. I just mentioned that I could punish him and …
he ran. 3. Doesn’t it seem to you that the machine has run …? 4. Never run … any person we
are created as equals. 5. The little boy, though little, ran … the room, took his toy and ran …
it. 6. If we spend so much the money we have planned for a month will run … for a week. 7.
That man died last Friday as he had been run … by a car. 8. Watch out. The milk is running
… my glass.
9. Vocabulary. Match the words to make combinations:
a. a friend
b. a cake
c. to come
d. quickly
e. a spell
f. for a flat
g. listeners
h. chair
7 класс
1. Grammar. Transform the sentences into the passive where it is possible.
1. The actors played the performance with great enthusiasm. 2. We heard some jazz from the
next room. 3. Mom usually bakes a cake on Sundays. 4. We were planning a holiday at the
week end. 5. The girls have been laughing at the joke more than fifteen minutes. 6. Everyone
was speaking about that new thriller. 7. They will show the opera next month. 8. The author
will have finished the novel by July.
2. Reading. Study the text ‘Theatre and Cinema: How It All Began’ and find
synonyms to the following words:
1. people who come to see a performance –
2. development (of drama) –
3. songs proclaiming some idea –
4. the main (singer) –
5. all the things a man possesses –
6. to act –
7. a set of news shown on screen –
8. constant (programs) –
9. to make –
10. to play the main role –
3. Vocabulary. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. I’ve set my heart … the film. I really want to see it. 2. My clock was 20 minutes late as it
had been set … six but I turned out to be late. 3. Come … sight, I want to have a good look at
you. 4. … the sight of her husband she turned into smiling. 5. The musicians were turning …
before the concert. 6. I’ll spread some butter … your bread, if you don’t mind. 7. We have
been living … the same neighbourhood for twenty years. 8. What do you spend your pocket
money …?
4. Grammar. Remember the usage of articles with the names of seasons. Fill in the
1. The tree has a good crop of berries in … winter. 2. … winter was too cold if compared
with other winters. 3. This year we had … early winter. 4. … Winter has already come. It
snows every day. 5. My brother came back from the army in … winter of 1998. 6. It is …
frosty winter and many children can enjoy it. 7. We are not going to have a holiday in …
winter. We are planning to go to the sea in … summer. 8. It is … broad winter as it is the
middle of February.
5. Grammar. Remember the usage of articles with the parts of day. Fill in the gaps:
1. … morning
2. … early morning
3. in … morning
4. on … winter morning
5. … warm morning
6. … real morning
7. … first morning of the week
8. … late morning
9. late in … morning
10. … morning of that Friday
6. Vocabulary. Make possible word combinations with the verb set using your logic
and imagination. Use them in your own sentences.
1. set _____________________________________________________
2. set about ________________________________________________
3. set to ___________________________________________________
4. set out __________________________________________________
5. set off ___________________________________________________
6. set out ___________________________________________________
7. set ______________________________________________________
8. set to ____________________________________________________
7. Vocabulary. Group the words as:
noble, unfortunate, fortune, sour, greet, chatterbox, fascinating, impress, adventure, cosy,
manage, spoil, watchful, witty, powerful, depressing, boring
7 класс
1. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Michael Schumacher drove in his first kart race at …1 age of five. Although …2 father Rolf
was not enthusiastic about his son’s expensive kart ambitions, the boy was able to pursue his
career because from …3 time to time he received financial support from local sponsors. Rolf
had built his first kart and registered his son in the Kart-Club Kerpen-Horrem. Michael’s
enthusiasm for kart-driving continued to grow. In 1980, …4 members of the Kerpen kart club
built …5 new track in Manheim, …6 suburb of Kerpen. Michael and his brother Ralf spent
…7 every free minute there. Michael was still too young for championship races, and he had
to wait until 1983 for his German kart licence. In 1984, he promptly became …8 German
Junior Champion. In 1985, he won …9 German Junior Championship again and also came
…10 second in the Junior World Championship in Le Mans.
2. Reading. Study the text “History of the Olympic Games” and find synonyms to the
1. very old
2. first made
3. start again
4. to organize
5. to greet
6. contest
7. to show
8. activity
9. a piece of evidence about the past
10. aggressive, hostile
11. to give assistance
12. to fight in sports
3. Writing. Complete the sentences:
1. The footballer kicked the ball as soon as … 2. In case … you will always be in good
shape. 3. We may take him as a goalkeeper of our team on condition … 4. Angela’s brother
went in for basketball until … 5. Before he … Mackie spent five years in football. 6. We may
start the game after … 7. If … our team will lose the game tomorrow. 8. You may train here
till …
Vocabulary. Match sports equipment that goes together:
a shuttlecock
a. a boat
a stick
b. boxing gloves
a chessboard
c. a ball
a basketball
d. chessmen
a tennis racket
e. a ring
a sail
f. a racket
a ring
g. a ball
a club
h. a puck
5. Vocabulary. Combine the words to make true word combinations or compounds:
6. Vocabulary. Group the words:
exercises, a mistake, money, a subject, a favour, a law, a translation, a list, progress,
well, a noise, an effort, the reading, dinner, the sights, a fire
to make
to do
7. Vocabulary. Fill in the gaps using the word combinations in the table:
to do (sb) good, to do with (sth), to do without (sth), to do one’s best, to do
(sb) wrong, to do up sth, to do out sth, to do away with (sth)
1. She will try … as she is very interested in the project. 2. I am not very hungry, I shall … a
cup of tea. 3. If you stay in the country, it will … you … There’s a river, a lot of fresh air and
a forest where you can have long walks. 4. Smoking will only … you … as it is very
harmful. 5. You need to … the flat as the quests are coming tomorrow. 6. You should do …
eating so much or you might grow fat very quickly. 7. Why are you … ? Are you seeing
Mike today? 8. I may easily … a fork and use a spoon if you can not find any.
8. Vocabulary. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. What you are asking is … my duties. 2. I don’t think I can help you as it is … my power to
do. 3. The little boy threw his ball … the ground and couldn’t catch it back. 4. You are
talking so loudly as if barking … me. What’s the matter? 5. Do not talk to the manager, it
will be barking … the wrong tree. 6. Can you point … the girl I should speak to? 7. The rain
was so heavy that the raindrops were beating … the window rather aggressively. 8. Do not
stare … the window, you might fall out. 9. What is lying there … the dust? 10. You
shouldn’t stare … people like that, it is not proper.
9. Reading. Read the text “The Great Shooting Day” and say whether the given facts
are true, false or not stated.
1. Mr Victor Hazell was very prosperous.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
2. The filling station was on the coast of the ocean.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
3. Mr Victor Hazell only socialized with his own class.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
4. Mr Hazell didn’t have a filling station.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
5. Mr Hazell had very bad manners.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
6. The boy’s father protected his son.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
7. The shooting party was the biggest event for the locals.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
8. The shooting party wasn’t so popular with the nobles.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
9. The nobles came to honour Mr Hazell and his party.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
10. The boy’s father had a plan to spoil the shooting party.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
7 класс
1. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1.(Last/Latest) winter we went skiing a lot. 2. He has already received the (last/latest)
information. 3. All the children in our class are (elder/older) than me. 4. My (older/elder)
brother Toni is good at mathematics. 5. We have decided to go to Italy (next/nearest)
summer. 6. If you go (farther/further) you will see the bus stop. 7. Is it the (last/latest) train to
Chicago? 8. Speak (further/farther) on the problem.
2. Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Among …1 most accomplished and well-known of …2 world’s deep-sea explorers,
Robert Ballard is …3 best known for his historic discovery of …4 sunken R.M.S. “Titanic”.
During his long career he has conducted more than 120 deep-sea expeditions using …5 latest
exploration technology, and he is a pioneer in the early use of deep-diving submarines.
Ballard has pioneered distance learning in the classrooms of America and around the
world with …6 JASON Project, …7 award-winning educational programme that reaches
more than 1.7 million students and 38,000 teachers annually. He has received prestigious
awards from …8 Explorers Club and …9 National Geographic Society as well as …10
Lindbergh Award. In 2003, …11 President George W. Bush presented him with the National
Endowment for the Humanities Medal in the Oval Office of …12 White House.
Ballard is …13 president of …14 Institute for Exploration, scientist emeritus from the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and …15 director of the newly created Institute for
Archaeological Oceanography at …16 University of Rhode Island, where he is in search of
lost ancient history in the depths of the sea.
3. Reading. Study the text “Come Away, Come Away!” and find synonyms to the
1. to look for sth  ________________
2. to be afraid of sth  ________________
3. somebody you don’t know  ______________
4. very  _____________
5. seriously  ______________
6. to say sth indistinctly  ______________
7. little  _________________
8. very surprised  _________________
4. Writing. Complete the sentences:
1. I saw my friend rushing into … 2. It is high time to get down to … 3. You will easily see
it if you turn … 4. Poor thing! He got into an accident. He was run … 5. If you keep fit,
you may get … 6. I think the boy is afraid of the dog, that’s why he ran … 7. It turns …
8. Don’t you think it is cold? You should do…
Vocabulary. Make the opposite of the following:
impressive  ______________
helpful  ________________
polite  _________________
proper  ________________
regular  _________________
careless  _________________
understand  _______________
something  _________________
6. Vocabulary. A. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. belong … the world … literature; 2. throw a letter … the ground; 3. bark … the wrong
tree; 4. point a finger … the dog; 5. beat … death; 6. threaten the son … punishment; 7.
stare … the guests; 8. stare … the window; 9. lie … the dust; 10. It’s … my duties.
7. Reading. Read the text “The Great Shooting Day” and say whether the given facts
are true, false or not stated.
1. Wendy woke up because the little boy made a lot of noise in her room.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
2. Wendy knew the boy’s name.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
3. The boy had a short name.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
4. Peter Pan wrote his address on his letters.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
5. Wendy was parentless as her mother died.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
6. Peter Pan cried because he had no mother.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
7. Wendy helped the boy with his shadow.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
8. Peter didn’t like the question about his age.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
9. Peter Pan didn’t want to become a grown-up.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
10. Peter took care of the lost boys.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated
8. Grammar. Change the sentences from active to passive:
1. They sent me a telegram yesterday. 2. They discovered America in the 15th century. 3. Mum
has done all the housework. 4. He bought a new TV set two days ago. 5. The children have eaten
all the chocolate before dinner. 6. My brother has already fixed our computer. 7. His little son
has made that drawing. 8. They visited the museum and saw a lot of interesting exhibits.
9. Grammar. Open the brackets to complete the story:
During Drake’s lifetime, England and Spain (be)1 bitter rivals. Queen Elizabeth I of
England (send)2 Drake on a mission to explore and to seek treasure and spices. He (set)3 sail
from England in 1577 with 165 crewmen and five ships. Like Magellan, Drake and his crew
(suffer)4 hardships, such as storms at sea, starvation, illnesses, and attempted mutinies.
He abandoned two of his ships on the coast of South America and (separate)5 from the
other two ships in the Straits of Magellan. He was able (establish)6 that the Tierra del Fuego area
was an island and not a continent, as many Europeans (believe)7 following Magellan’s
expedition. Drake (rob)8 Spanish ships in the Caribbean and in Central America and loaded his
ships with treasure to take back to Queen Elizabeth.
In June 1579, Drake (land)9 on the coast of present-day California and sailed as far north as
the area that would become the United States-Canadian border. Upon arrival, Drake (knight)10 by
the queen aboard the “Golden Hind”.
10. Vocabulary. Make the right choice:
1. What are you (doing/making)? – I’m (doing/making) a new dress. 2. Will you (make/do) some
coffee? 3. Can you cook chicken? – I’ve never (done/made) that before. 4. Who walks the dog in
your family? – My mum (does/makes). 5. He is (making/doing) his speech for tomorrow
meeting. 6. My little son always (makes/does) a mistake in this word. 7. Don’t (make/do) scenes.
It is impolite. 8. Tomorrow we are (doing/making) the sights of the city.
11. Vocabulary. Look at the word combinations. Which of them are idioms? Prove your
point of view.
1. to throw a ball to the ground
2. to stand your ground
3. to bark at the boy
4. to bark up the wrong tree
5. to set you heart upon the dress
6. to shake hands on the bargain
7. to go for a walk
8. to be under the spell