Chapter 1 Chapter 10 The Order Entry/Sales Introduction to Accounting Information (OE/S) Systems Process 1 Learning Objectives • Understand relationship of OE/S process and its environment • Appreciate potential of OE/S process to assist management decision making. • To demonstrate how integration by ERP systems and e-commerce add-ons can improve effectiveness and efficiency of OE/S process. Learning Objectives (2) • Achieve understanding of OE/S logical and physical characteristics • Be familiar with technologies re OE/S • Know operations & information process control goals and control plans for OE/S Revenue Cycle (merchandising) Order entry/ sales process Billing/ accounts receivable/ cash receipts process Revenue Cycle Inventory process General ledger 4 5 OE/S Horizontal Information Flows • • • • • • Customer places order S.O. dept. requires CR approval from CR dept. CR dept. informs S.O. dept. of decision S.O. dept. acknowledges customer order S.O. dept. notifies shipping dept. of S.O. S.O. dept. notifies warehouse, B/AR/CR process, payroll process, & General ledger Cont….. 6 OE/S Horizontal Information Flows (2) • Warehouse sends completed picking ticket to shipping department • Shipping dept. informs S.O. dept of shipment • Shipping dept. informs carrier & B/AR/CR process of shipment 7 Vertical perspective of the OE/S system VP Marketing Manager, advertising Manager, raw product development Manager, customer sales & service Manager, marketing intelligence Manager, sales promotion Supervisor, sales order department 8 OE/S Context Diagram Customer Acknowledgement Customer Customer Reply Customer Inquiry OE/S System Customer Customer Order Commissions P/AP/CD system (payroll) Completed packing slip Bill of lading Sales order notification Shipping's billing notification Carrier B/AR/CR System 9 Customer Marketing data OE/S Level 0 DFD Inventory master data Accounts receivable master data Customer Order Sales order master data Customer acknowledgement Customer master data 1.0 Validate Sales Order B/AR/CR process Commissions Picking ticket Sales order Notification Completed picking ticket data P/AP/CD (payroll) Packing slip 2.0 Complete Picking ticket Shipping's billing notification Sales order master data 3.0 Execute shipping notice Completed picking ticket Completed packing slip Carrier Shipping notice data Bill of lading 10 Marketing file Customer order 1.1 Verify inventory available OE/S Level 1 DFD Backorder Reject Inventory master file Customer master file Inventory available order A/R master file 1.2 Check credit Reject Accepted order Sales order master file Sales order notification 1.3 Complete sales order Inventory master file GL inventory sales update Customer acknowledgement Packing Picking Commissions slip ticket 11 Level 1 DFD narrative • 1.1 - Verify inventory available – inquiry of inventory master file to check – reject or make “backorder” if not available; send to next process if available – record demographic and other info in marketing file • 1.2 - Check credit – check to see if valid customer – check A/R master file to see if credit limit is ok – if invalid or over limit, reject; if not, send to next process Cont… 12 Level 1 DFD narrative (2) • 1.3 Complete sales order – add pricing info from inventory file – update inventory file - reduce quantity on hand – notify GL inventory has been reduced and cost of goods sold increased – update Sales Order master file to show completed order – Notify P/AP/CD that commissions are due – disseminate sales order 13 Dissemination documents • Picking ticket - authorizes warehouse to “pick” goods, send to shipping. Has warehouse location. • Packing slip - attached to outside of carton; identifies customer and goods. • Customer acknowledgement - notifies customer of acceptance of order; shipping date. • Sales order notification - internal form sent to billing department re pending shipment • Bill of lading - contract between shipper & carrier; carrier gets copy, shipper keeps copy. 14 OE/S Files • Marketing file - sales-oriented data, some from OE/S, other from Marketing information system • Customer master file - data about customer characteristics: name, address, credit limit, etc. • Sales order master file - file of “open” sales orders; can be checked periodically/follow up. • Completed picking ticket file - used for follow up and audit purposes. • Shipping notice file - used for follow up and audit purposes 15 16 17 18 19 20 Control Goals of the Business Process Control Goal of the Operations Process Recommended Control Plans Ensure effectiveness of operations by achieving the following process goals ABC D P-1: Independent customer master file maintenance P-2: Enter data close to location where customer order is prepared P-3: Customer credit check Ensure Ensure efficient security employof ment of resources resources P-1 P-2 P-2 Control Goals of the Information Process P-1 P-3 For sales order and inventory master data, ensure: For shipping notice inputs, ensure: For sales order master data, ensure: IVICIAUCUA IVICIAUCUA P-1 P-2 P-2 P-2 P-2 P-3 P-3 P-4 P-4: Independent pricing daa P-5 P-5: Independent shipping authorization P-6: Packing slip tickler file For sales order inputs, ensure: P-5 P-6 P-7: Completed picking ticket file Key: possible system goals: A - Provide timely responses to customer inquiries B - Provide timely acknowledgement of customer orders C - Provide assurance of customers’ creditworthiness D - Provide timely shipment of goods to customers P-6 P-7 IV = input validity IC = input completeness IA = input accuracy UC = update completeness UA = update accuracy 21 Control Goals of the Business Process Control Goal of the Operations Process Recommended Control Plans Ensure effectiveness of operations by achieving the following process goals ABC D Ensure Ensure efficient security employof ment of resources resources P-8: 1 for 1 checking of goods, picking Control Goals of the Information Process For sales order inputs, ensure: For sales order and inventory master data, ensure: P-9 P-8 P-8 P-9 P-9 P-9 P-9 P-9 P-14 P-14 P-9: Populate inputs with master data P-9 P-9 P-9 P-9 P-10: Online prompting P-10P-10 P-10 P-10 P-10 P-10 P-11P-11 P-11 P-11 P-11 P-11 P-11: Preformatted screens P-13: Programmed edit checks P-14: Compare input data with master data P-12 P-12 P-12: Interactive feedback checks P-13 P-13P-13 P-14 P-14 Key: possible system goals: A - Provide timely responses to customer inquiries B - Provide timely acknowledgement of customer orders C - Provide assurance of customers’ creditworthiness D - Provide timely shipment of goods to customers For sales order master data, ensure: IVICIAUCUA IVICIAUCUA P-8 ticket and packing slip For shipping notice inputs, ensure: P-13 P-14 P-14 IV = input validity IC = input completeness IA = input accuracy UC = update completeness UA = update accuracy 22 Learning Objectives • Understand relationship of OE/S process and its environment • Appreciate potential of OE/S process to assist management decision making. • To demonstrate how integration by ERP systems and e-commerce add-ons can improve effectiveness and efficiency of OE/S process. Learning Objectives (2) • Achieve understanding of OE/S logical and physical characteristics • Be familiar with technologies re OE/S • Know operations & information process control goals and control plans for OE/S