Exam 3

Name: ______________________________
Date: 4/23/14
CHM 130, Exam 3: Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 13
Show all work and clearly mark all answers for full credit.
1. (4 pts) What is the percent composition by mass of each element in acetaminophen, C8H9NO2
(otherwise known as Tylenol).
Use the balanced equation Ca (s) + 2 H2O (l)  Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g) for questions 2 – 5. Show all work
and circle/square your final answer!
2. (2 pts) If two moles of Ca are used, how many moles of water are needed for complete reaction?
3. (2 pts) How many moles of calcium hydroxide can be formed from 3.14 moles of water?
4. (5 pts) How many grams of calcium hydroxide can be formed from 1.56 grams of water?
5. (5 pts) How many liters of hydrogen gas can be produced from 25.5 grams of water?
___ 6. (5 pts) Which of the following is NOT a property of gases?
a. They are expandable.
b. They are compressible.
c. They take the shape of their container.
d. They completely mix together.
e. They have high densities.
___ 7. (5 pts) Which one of the following changes increases the pressure of a gas?
a. Increasing the volume.
b. Decreasing the temperature.
c. Decreasing the number of gas molecules.
d. None of the above
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2014
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Name: ______________________________
Date: 4/23/14
8. (4 pts) Bicycle tires are typically inflated to a pressure of 115 psi. What is this pressure in torr and
9. (6 pts) A gas in a closed 295 mL container has a temperature of 29.5oC. What is the volume of the
container when the temperature is raised to 356.6 K?
10. (6 pts) A gas occupies a 25.0 L container with a moveable lid at a pressure of 925 torr and a
temperature of 15.4oC. What will the volume of the gas be at STP?
11. (6 pts) Indicate the strongest type of Intermolecular Force (London, dipole-dipole, or hydrogen
bonding) in samples of the following substances.
a. Br2: _____________
b. NH3: _____________
c. CH2F2: _____________
For questions 12-15, identify if what is being described is an ionic bond (I), polar covalent bond (P),
nonpolar covalent bond (N), London force (L), dipole-dipole force (D), or hydrogen bonding force (H).
___ 12. (2 pts) What holds the N atom to the H atom in NH3?
___ 13. (2 pts) What holds two CH3OH molecules together?
___ 14. (2 pts) What holds potassium and iodide ions together?
___ 15. (2 pts) What holds two fluorine molecules together?
___ 16. (5 pts) As the strength of intermolecular forces increase, which of the following decreases?
a. surface tension b. boiling point
c. vapor pressure
d. melting point
e. viscosity
___ 17. (5 pts) Which statement below is true when comparing samples of C2H4 and H2O?
a. H2O has a higher vapor pressure.
b. C2H4 has a higher boiling point.
c. H2O has a lower surface tension.
d. H2O has a lower melting point.
e. C2H4 has a lower viscosity.
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2014
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Name: ______________________________
Date: 4/23/14
18. (8 pts) On the heating curve shown to the
right, identify the letter that matches each term
Boiling: _____
Gas: ________
Liquid: _____
Melting: _________
Bonus (2 pts): what is the temperature of the
freezing point of this substance? ________
19. (8 pts) Indicate whether the following solutes are soluble/insoluble or miscible/immiscible with water.
Circle ONE answer for each.
a. CH3OH (l)
b. I2 (s)
c. AgNO3 (s)
d. CF4 (l)
20. (5 pts) What is the percent by mass of glucose if 5.42 grams of glucose are dissolved in 25.56 grams
of water?
21. (6 pts) What mass of water should be added to 4.50 grams of KOH to make a 12.0 % solution?
22. (5 pts) What is the concentration (in molarity) of a solution made by adding 9.54 grams of AgNO3 to
250.0 mL of water?
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2014
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