Environmental Health & Safety Legislation and Standards [Opens in

Purdue University Calumet
School of Technology
Course Syllabus
OLS 33300 - Environmental Health & Safety Legislation and Standards
Credits and Contact Hours:
3 credit hours, 3 contact
Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name:
Shoji Nakayama
Text Book, Title, Author and Year:
Title: Occupational Safety and Health Law Handbook, 2nd ed., 2007 Author: Bailey
Introduction to the Course:
a. Catalog Description
A study of the laws, codes, and standards which affect the occupational safety and health.
Emphasis is placed on an overview of various environmental, health and safety related
laws, codes and standards such as: OSHA, DOT, FRA, MSHA, EPA, NFPA, ANSI,
NIOSH, ISO, etc.
b. Prerequisites: OLS 33100
c. Selective Course
Specific Goals to the Course:
a. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
Describe and discuss various topics with regard to the OSHAct. (j, k)
The reasons Congress enacted the Occupational Safety Health Act of 1970; the
rulemaking process that must be followed by OSHA; the strengths and weaknesses of the
General Duty Clause of the OSHAct and list situations where OSHA Compliance Safety
and Health Officers cite this provision of the Act; list the rights of employees and
employers under the Act; the importance of self-audits and inspections to a strong safety
program and OSHA recordkeeping requirements (j, k)
Discuss the difference between General Industry and Construction Industry OSHA
regulations.(j, k)
Explain and discuss EPA related regulations such as RCRA, CERCLA, CWA, CAA,
SARA-EPCRA applicable to EHS professionals and discuss coordination of state and
local laws with the EPA.(j, k)
Explain and discuss transportation related regulations/standards applicable to EHS
professionals such as DOT (recordkeeping), FAA, FRA, and USCG. (j, k)
Describe and discuss various standards and regulations pertain to EHS professionals such
as MSHA, DOH, NFPA, ANSI, ANSI Z10, NIOSH, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001,
ACGIH, OSHA VPP. (h, j, k)
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b. Student Outcomes
This course satisfies ABET Criterion h, j, k
Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply):
□ Lecture
□ Laboratory
x Online
□ Discussion groups
□ Projects
□ Other (explain)
Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply):
x Quizzes – (30% - assessments/quizzes)
x Exams – 15%
x Homework – 20%
□ Papers
□ Lab Reports
x Class participation (15% - attendance, participation, and discussion boards)
x How final grade is determined – professional development/engagement – 20%
Brief List of Topics to be Covered:
 OSHAct
 The Rulemaking Process
 The Duty to Comply
 The General Duty Clause
 Employer’s and Employees’ Rights
 Refusal to Work and Whistleblower Protection
 DOT Presentation
 Self-Audit & Inspections
 Inspections
 Contesting Citations and Penalties
 Criminal Enforcement of Violations
 Judicial Review of Enforcement Actions
 NFPA Presentation
 Imminent Danger Inspections
 State Plan
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