Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Dietetic Technician Program NUTR 270 Supervised Field Experience III Preceptor Training Program 2015-2016 Agenda • Morrisville State College • Site Coordinator Expectations • Dietetic Technician Program (DTP) • SUNY Affiliation Agreements • ACEND Accreditation Standards • Injury Reporting • CDR Preceptor Training • Questions – • Foundation Knowledge & Competencies of the DTP NUTR 270 – Supervised Field Experience III 2 Morrisville State College A College that Works in a System that Excels • • • A unit of the State University of New York (SUNY). Main campus located in Morrisville, NY. Certificate, Associates, & Bachelor degrees offered. Vision Morrisville State College aspires to be a recognized leader in innovative applied education. Mission Morrisville State College works to offer diverse learning experiences so that graduates may pursue rewarding lives and careers, become engaged citizens, and contribute to our collective future. 3 Morrisville Works to: Inspire Learning through Experience Goal 1: To offer career-focused, experiential learning Goal 2: To promote inquiry and scholarship at all levels Goal 3: To enhance cultural competency and promote equity and inclusion Build Community Goal 4: To create a vibrant campus community for personal interaction and growth Goal 5: To engage the local community in civic and cultural affairs Goal 6: To promote regional, state-wide and international partnerships Achieve a Sustainable Future Goal 7: To develop campus resources and operations with minimum resource footprint Goal 8: To achieve effective and sustainable levels of required resources Goal 9: To assess and document success in achieving the College’s mission 4 School of Science, Technology, & Health Studies Dean: Joseph Bularzik, PhD Galbreath Hall 315-684-6079 Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Joan A. Nicholson, MA, CAS, RD, CDN, CHES, FAND Department Chairperson Dietetic Technician Program Director Crawford Hall #323 315-684-6213 5 Faculty Joan A. Nicholson, MA, CAS, RD, CDN, CHES, FAND Associate Professor Dietetic Technician Program Director #323 Crawford Hall Morrisville, NY 13408 316-684-6213 Course Instructor for NUTR 270 – Supervised Field Experience III Bonnie St. Hilaire, MA, RD, CDN Associate Professor #322 Crawford Hall Morrisville, NY 13408 316-684-6932 6 Dietetic Technician Program • Focus on the role of human nutrition in health & disease; application of nutrition principles in wellness, fitness, and total health. • Students gain practical experience along with the theoretical content presented in the classroom. • DTP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition & Dietetics (ACEND). • Upon graduation, students meet the requirements to sit for the national dietetic technician credentialing exam administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). • Dietetic Technician Program is a ThinkPad University curriculum – laptop computers is integrated into courses 7 MORRISVILLE STATE COLLEGE DIETETIC TECHNICIAN (AAS) – CODE #573 64 credit hours FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER FSAD 101 Quantity Food Preparation and Service FSAD 102 Certification of Applied Food Service NUTR 110 Nutrition 1 NUTR 115 Health Field BIOL 150 Human Anatomy & Physiology I ( A & P) BIOL 150 L A & P I Lab (science) *Math as advised GNED 100 as advised CREDITS SPRING SEMESTER 3 1 3 2 3 1 BSAD 116 Business Organization & Management NUTR 160 Diet Therapy NUTR 170 Supervised Field Experience I BIOL 151 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (A & P) BIOL 151L A & P II Lab (science) NUTR 219 Orientation to Summer Field Experience PSYCH 101 Introduction to Psychology *Math as advised 13 NUTR 220 Summer Supervised Field Experience – 150 Hours completed during Summer SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER NUTR 220 Summer Supervised Field Experience NUTR 210 Lifecycle Nutrition NUTR 225 Educational Methods for the Food and Health Care Fields NUTR 230 Supervised Field Experience II FSAD 255 Food Purchasing and Cost Control COMP 101 Composition and Research CREDITS 2 3 3 3 4 3 18 SPRING SEMESTER NUTR 260 Meal Management NUTR 270 Supervised Field Experience III FSAD 257 Senior Seminar SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology COMP 102 Writing about Literature *MATH 123 or 141 Math Requirements: *Demonstrated proficiency through MAGN 101 (Intermediate Algebra) and completion of MATH 123 or MATH 141 is required for graduation. *This is a recommended sequence. Each student should consult with his/her academic advisor prior to registering. 8 2012 Knowledge & Competencies for the DTR 1. Scientific and Evidence Base of Practice: general understanding of scientific information and research related to the dietetic technician level of practice. Knowledge KDT 1.1 The curriculum must include a general understanding of the scientific basis of dietetics, exposure to research literature and application to technical practice. Competencies Upon completion of the DTP, graduates are able to: CDT 1.1 Access data, references, patient education materials, consumer and other information from credible sources CDT 1.2 Evaluate consumer information to determine if it is consistent with accepted scientific evidence CDT 1.3 Collect performance improvement, financial, productivity or outcomes data and compare it to established criteria CDT 1.4 Implement actions based on care plans, protocols or policies NUTR 270 – Supervised Field Experience III Course Description • Last course in a series of 4 required field experiences courses • Students spend 15 weeks at in a variety of community nutrition programs • • • • • • • school food programs WIC food production businesses children’s centers dining services for a community senior food programs community food outreach Students • Second year students 10 NUTR 270 – Supervised Field Experience III Supervision • Preceptor is responsible for supervision on site • Coordinates with the facility site coordinator & staff Course Structure • Rotation sites assigned to each student • Course sections are Wednesday or Thursday • Maximum 7 students per section • Class times = 8:00 am – 1:45 pm 11 STUDENT COMPETENCIES The MSC DTP Student Learning Assessment Plan specifies the student to achieve the specified ACEND competencies. The following learning outcomes are identified for NUTR 270 – Supervised Field Experience III DTP Competency Assessment Method Utilized CDT 2.1: Adhere to current federal regulations and state statutes and rules, as applicable and in accordance with accreditation standards and the Scope of Dietetics Practice Standards of Professional Practice and the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics Faculty and/or Preceptor evaluation of student will rate student performance as satisfactory. CDT 2.6 Participate in professional and community organizations Student enrolled in course will attend annual MRDA Nutrition Conference CDT 2.7: Establish collaborative relationships with other health care professionals and support personnel to effectively deliver nutrition services. Student will receive a letter grade of C or above Community Nutrition Rotation Portfolios. CDT 2.8: Demonstrate professional attributes with various organizational cultures. Student will receive a letter grade of C or above Community Nutrition Rotation Portfolios. CDT 2.9: Perform self-assessment, develop goals and objectives and prepare a draft portfolio for professional development as defined by the Commission on Dietetic Registration CDT 3.3: Provide nutrition and lifestyle education to well populations Student will receive a letter grade of C or above on rotation/journal assignments. Student will receive a letter grade of C or above on the Wellness Newsletter. 12 Preceptor Task #1 Complete 4 forms Preceptor Information form Facility Information form Memorandum of Understanding for the Preceptor form New Field Experience Site Evaluation Form • Purpose: the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics must document who the students work with and where the students complete their supervised field experience. • Pages 12-18 in Preceptor Manual Submit completed forms (including your resume) as soon as possible 13 Preceptor Task #2 SUNY Affiliation Agreement with MSC Legal contract between SUNY and facility Provides liability insurance for the student MSC Contract Officer will email contract to the preceptor. Preceptor forwards contract to administrator or legal department of the facility. Contract must be signed prior to the students’ first day of rotations. Return signed & notarized contract to MSC as soon as possible 14 Preceptor Task #3 Complete CDR online Dietetics Preceptor Training Program Required policy of MSC Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Estimated completion time = 8 hours Training can be accessed as often as you wish • To access the course, visit Submit Certificate of Completion as soon as possible 15 Preceptor Manual • Contains additional information that you may reference any time • Access & print a copy of the Preceptor manual 16 Student Injury Reporting • If a student becomes injured while completing duties during the field experience, a Report of Injury Form must be completed and returned to the course instructor as soon as possible. • A copy of this form is located on page 23 of the site coordinator manual. 17 Preceptor Task #4 Complete Preceptor Training Attendance Sheet Complete Preceptor Training Evaluation Form Submit forms as soon as possible 18 In Summary Submit: 1. Preceptor Information (including resume) 2. Facility Information 3. Memorandum of Understanding forms 4. New Field Experience Site Evaluation form 5. Return SUNY Affiliation Agreement to MSC 6. Submit Certificate of Completion for CDR online Dietetics Preceptor Training Program 7. Submit Attendance Sheet &Training Evaluation Form 19 Thank You… • I hope you enjoy your experience working with the dietetic technician program students. • Questions? Joan A. Nicholson, CAS, MA, RD, CDN, CHES, FAND Associate Professor 315.684.6213 20