Miami Dade County Public Schools Department of English

Miami Dade County Public Schools
Department of English Language Arts (Elementary)
Administrators Guide for Effective Implementation of Reading Intervention
Who meets criteria
to receive Reading
Statute 6A-6.054
WonderWorks® ®
Student Progression
The primary factor in determining if a student meets
criteria to received Reading Interventions is their (PLS)
Probability of Literacy Success on the FAIR-FS.
For further assistance with proper student placement into
WonderWorks® ® and Adaptive Learning® refer to the
“WonderWorks® Tier 2 Resources” grade specific packet
provided by the RtI department. (Click Link Below)
Utilize 2014 AP3 FAIR data to place students in
intervention at the beginning of the school year.
Kindergarten and First Grade
(One Phonics Lesson Behind the Whole Group Instruction)
Foundational Skills Kit:
Lesson Cards
Blackline Masters (Practice and Assessment Books)
One kit per interventionist
Adaptive Learning
(Computer Based Foundational Skills Intervention)
Interventions for RtI/MTSS - In grades K-5, a minimum of 30
minutes of uninterrupted, daily, immediate intensive
intervention (iii),is required for Tier 2 students in addition to
instruction in the 90minute reading block as defined by the K12 CRRP.
One identified teacher per grade as the “Grade Level
Interventionist”. “Grade Level Interventionist” schedule
adjusted to allow for pulling of groups daily
Teacher delivering intervention (no more than two grade
Hourly personnel pulling several groups per day
Special Area teachers pulling several groups per day
Probability of Literacy Success Cut Scores (Placement criteria may change after the
implementation of the NEW FAIR-FS)
Kindergarten & 1st grade – (0-16% Priority 1), (16-39% Priority 2)
(40-85% based on resources)
Second Grade – (0-16% &or LC – Priority 1) (16-39% &or LC-Listening Comprehension &
TDI-Targeted Diagnostic Inventory – Priority 2) (40 to below 84% based on resources)
Third - Fifth Grade – WRT < 30% (Priority 1) WRT, VKT, SKT > 30% (Priority 2)
PLS > 85% based on resources)
Second through Fifth Grade
ACT- Aligned with the current Unit/Week of instruction in Whole Group
Foundational Skills Lesson Cards Kit for ( Non-Fluent) Readers
ACT (Access Complex Text) (Fluent Readers) :
Teacher Editions
Interactive Worktexts (may be consumable)
Apprentice Level (Leveled Readers)
Decodable Readers (Second Grade ONLY)
Blackline Masters (Practice and Assessment Books)
Unit Assessments
The student progression plan states that a minimum of 30 minutes of instruction each
of art and music and 60 minutes for social science per week must be provided. For
physical education, per statutory language, time requirements may be modified for
students requiring intervention in Tiers 2 and 3 with a minimum of 60 minutes of
instruction required PER WEEK.
Scheduling Best Practices:
 Schedule the intervention for the student at the same time every day by grade level
for continuity and consistency
 Schedule no more than 2 grade levels at the same time for monitoring and support
 Avoid scheduling interventions at the beginning or end of the day (compromised
instructional time)
 Avoid assigning multiple interventionists to a student
 Schedule students to intervention groups based on reading data
 Include intervention time into the master schedule
 Once groups have been identified, develop separate intervention schedules for
each interventionist/group
Office of Academics and Transformation, Department of English Language Arts (Elementary), 2014-2015
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Miami Dade County Public Schools
Department of English Language Arts (Elementary)
Administrators Guide for Effective Implementation of Reading Intervention
Sample Schedules
In grades K-5, a minimum of 30 minutes of uninterrupted,
daily, immediate intensive intervention (iii), is required for Tier
2 students in addition to instruction in the 90- minute reading
block as defined by the K-12 CRRP. Individual intervention
beyond the initial block and iii is required for students which
have been identified through the RtI/MTSS process as Tier 3.
Grades 2-5 Sample Intervention Schedule
30 MinIntervention
30 Min-Art
30 MinIntervention
30 Min-PE
Based on RtI/MTSS, time requirements for these students,
including students with disabilities, may be modified in art,
music and social science. A minimum of 30 minutes of
instruction each for art and music and 60 minutes for social
science per week must be provided.
30 MinSocial
Special Area
30 MinIntervention
30 Min-PE
30 MinIntervention
30 MinMusic
For physical education, per statutory language, time
requirements may be modified for students requiring
intervention in Tiers 2 and 3 with a minimum of 60 minutes of
instruction required per week.
Evidence of the
implementation of
Intervention Exit
Student work folders with the following components:
o Attendance Logs (Click link below for a sample)
o Graphic Organizer
o Completed Sentence Summary Frames
o Respond to Reading Questions Answered
o Write About Reading
o Weekly Assessments
o Unit Assessments
Evidence of mastery on the Unit Assessment in Wonders and evidence of mastery in the WonderWorks® Week 6 Assessment.
(Click link below for OPM Response Rates)!Vs=&app=AttachmentManager
Office of Academics and Transformation, Department of English Language Arts (Elementary), 2014-2015
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