Selection and Neutrality • Mutations (though rare) arise constantly in all organisms. • What happens to them over time? • Some changes are without any consequence - neutral. • Other changes are deleterious - negative selection. • Very rarely, some change is advantageous - positive selection. Neutrality Any particular allele that confers no selective advantage or disadvantage (as homozygote or heterozygote) is called neutral. Examples? • most synonymous codon changes. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. • most changes in introns. • most changes in transposable element sequences. Allele frequency • Consider one position in the genome (conventionally called a “site”). • Count up the nucleotide at that position in all members of a population (or the entire species). For example: nt A C G T total number frequency 7934 0.793 0 0.000 2054 0.205 12 0.001 10000 1.000 Two allele simplification • Most positions in the genome are all (or almost all) one nucleotide. • Called “monomorphic” (one form). • Most positions with differences are dominated by two nucleotides. • Called “dimorphic” - extensively modeled. For example: nt A C G T total number frequency 99998 1.000 1 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.000 100000 1.000 (nearly) monomorphic For example: nt A C G T total number frequency 65476 0.655 0 0.000 34523 0.345 1 0.000 100000 1.000 (nearly) dimorphic Two allele simplification By convention, allele frequencies are called p and q. Designate allele A (frequency p), allele a (frequency q). Genotype frequencies (with random mating) are: QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. AA homozygote: p2 Note - A and a don’t imply Aa heterozygote: 2pq which one is “normal” or dominant, they are simply aa homozygote: q2 designators. p q 1 ( p q) 2 p 2 2 pq q 2 1 (Hardy Weinberg equilibrium) Tracking allele frequency over time (2-allele system) • At each generation, the gametes that make the next generation are drawn AT RANDOM from the current alleles. • As this random draw repeats, allele frequencies change. • Call the two alleles A and a. fraction of A allele (a allele is 1 - p) diploid population size = 1000 no selection, simply random gametes drawn at each generation. A graphical representation of how the simulations work random draw of alleles for gametes that produce next generation Population: ~100 diploids red allele 20% What will the frequency of the red allele be? Possibly 19%, 20%, 21% etc. (in fact this value will have an approximately normal distribution with mean 20%) diploid population size = 1000 At each generation, make a pool of 2,000 gametes drawn randomly according to the allele frequency. Repeat. Tracking allele frequency over time (cont.) If you run multiple simulations, the result differs: diploid population size = 1000 Each line is from an identical independent simulation. This is called genetic drift. Tracking allele frequency over time (cont.) The rate of drift depends only on population size: population 1,000 population 300 population 100 Allele extinction and fixation A allele fixed (a allele extinct) a allele fixed (A allele extinct) Neutrality and Drift Now consider a brand new mutation (arose in one gamete of one parent): population size 50, single new allele most of the time the new allele quickly disappears rarely the new allele drifts to fixation Neutral mutations and drift to fixation underlie most genome change. Most human SNPs are neutral! • Probably >90% of all known human SNPs (possibly 99%) are neutral. If a sequence has no function (evolves neutrally) it will usually have changed so much between mouse and human that you can no longer detect similarity. From UCSC browser: thin olive line can’t be aligned to mouse positions of known SNPs Sum up over whole genome - is each SNP located in region conserved in mouse? Neutrality and mapping SNPs You can now understand why this sort of pedigree makes sense - the A and B alleles have no phenotype (they are neutral). The only way to detect them is by some molecular genotyping test. From lecture 12: Negative (purifying) selection • Force that “keeps things the same”. • Eliminates deleterious sequence changes via phenotypic effect. • Accounts for sequence conservation over long times. Negative (purifying) selection Eliminates deleterious sequence changes via phenotypic effect. population size 1,000 ¼ of AA homozygotes fail to reproduce CFTR protein alignment: human, chimp, dog, mouse, rat, chicken, zebrafish (gap positions removed) strong negative selection weaker negative selection Human: Chimp: Dog: Mouse: Rat: Chicken: Zebrafish: what about this site? probably neutral - it doesn’t matter what amino acid is here, so any mutation is acceptable but then why are the human-chimp and mouse-rat amino acids the same? very little divergence time - amino acid changing mutation just hasn’t happened Negative selection gets very weak when allele frequency is very low. (for recessives) population size 10,000 ¼ of AA homozygotes fail to reproduce A allele frequency AA genotype frequency 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.09 0.1 0.01 0.03 0.0009 0.01 0.0001 0.003 0.000009 0.001 0.000001 for a recessive, only these can be selected against Disease alleles • Almost by definition, disease alleles are all under strong negative selection. Why do they still exist? • Primarily, balance between new mutation and effective removal by negative selection. • Rarely, disease alleles are advantageous in heterozygotes or under unusual conditions. Examples of heterozygote advantage include sickle cell trait. Heterozygote advantage, homozygote lethal population size 500 From lecture 1: AA homozygote reproduces 80% as often as Aa heterozygote, aa homozygote never reproduces. a allele similar to sickle-cell trait - heterozygote is relatively resistant to malaria, but homozygote is very sick. Reaches a stable allele frequency proportional the degree of heterozygote advantage. Positive (Darwinian) selection • When an allele confers a selective advantage. • Very rare among newly arisen mutations. • Corresponds to the type of selection Darwin had in mind. Ultimately responsible for all “adaptive” change. Positive selection is powerful Simulation started with a SINGLE A allele (mimics new mutation) population size 1,000 AA reproduces 100% of the time Aa reproduces 90% of the time aa reproduces 80% of the time notice relatively small advantage conferred by A allele Lactase persistence - example of positive selection • The enzyme lactase permits digestion of lactose (mostly found in milk). • Encoded by a single gene - LCT. • Ancient humans expressed lactase only in infancy. • Many modern human populations express lactase throughout life. ancestral state common in many current human populations weaning LCT gene weaning LCT gene off Frequency of lactase persistence little or no dairy farming The selection for lactase persistence probably started only about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago. Course review session Final exam: -8 questions - 200 points total -Questions focus almost exclusively on material covered in the second half of class (lecture 10 onwards)… - if you’ve forgotten the major concepts from the first half of the course (Mendelian segregation, complementation, epistasis, etc.) you will have trouble -if you didn’t work the problem sets, you may also be sorry -Todays review session will cover molecular markers, the use of molecular markers in linkage studies, LOD score analysis & constructing contigs (STS analysis, chr. walk) What are polymorphic loci? A polymorphic site or locus… A location in the genome where at least two versions of the sequence exist in the population, each at a frequency of at least 1% e.g., UW student population— about 40,000 80,000 copies of (e.g.) chromosome 2 70,000 copies have A-T base pair 10,000 copies have C-G base pair each is at > 1% of total population, so this is a polymorphic site How to find polymorphic sites? -Randomly select and test specific DNA sequences DNA from indiv. #1 DNA from indiv. #2 DNA from indiv. #3 Digest DNA with restriction enzyme ** * Use as a probe in southern blot Etc. Southern blotting procedure radioactive probe: * * * = restriction site restriction endonuclease digestion large - agarose gel electrophoresis Denature DNA with NaOH then transfer to nylon filter Hybridize radioactive single-stranded DNA probe + small Expose to film nylon filter with immobilzed DNA * * * Practice question What would homozygous genotypes look like on the Southern blot? Hind III restriction ..AAAAGCTTAG.. endonuclease ..TTTTCGAATC.. cleavage site ..AATAGCTTAG.. ..TTATCGAATC.. Practice question What would homozygous genotypes look like on the Southern blot? Practice question What would homozygous genotypes look like on the Southern blot? How to find polymorphic sites? -Randomly select and test specific DNA sequences DNA from indiv. #1 DNA from indiv. #2 DNA from indiv. #3 Digest DNA with restriction enzyme ** * Use as a probe in southern blot Not polymorphic Etc. How to find polymorphic sites? -Randomly select and test specific DNA sequences Etc. Repeat with a different probe DNA from DNA from DNA from indiv. #1 indiv. #2 indiv. #3OR the same probe and a different Digest DNA with restriction restriction enzyme enzyme digest ** * Use as a probe in southern blot Not Polymorphic polymorphic ! could be 20,000,000bp (or more) Disease gene X The POINT: The polymorphic marker a polymorphic and the disease gene are site in the two different entities; the genome polymorphic marker may segregate with (be linked to) the disease gene, but is not the disease gene. normal allele of disease gene Using polymorphic markers to map a human gene Example: Using a Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) marker to map a dominant (D) disease. SNP resulting in RFLP RFLP allele 1: Restriction endonuclease RFLP allele 2: cleavage site Probe: marker Dd dd Genomic DNA obtained from corresponding individuals in the pedigree. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dd Dd Dd dd dd Dd Dd Dd RFLP DNA is digested with restriction enzyme and subjected to southern blot analysis using probe shown above RFLP genotype: 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 1 2 Using polymorphic markers to map a human gene Dd dd If linked, one of the RFLP alleles should segregate with the disease; the other RFLP allele should segregate with WT phenotype. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dd Dd Dd dd dd Dd Dd Dd RFLP RFLP genotype: 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 Let’s say that we know the phase of I-1 and I-2: 2 1 d d Which individuals in the pedigree appear1 2 D D to be recombinants? 1 2 Using polymorphic markers to map a human gene Dd dd If linked, one of the RFLP alleles should segregate with the disease; the other RFLP allele should segregate with WT phenotype. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dd Dd Dd dd dd Dd Dd Dd RFLP 1 2 RFLP genotype: 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 Let’s say that we know the phase of I-1 and I-2: 1 d Map distance between disease gene and RFLP marker: 2 D 1/8 (100) = 12.5cM Using polymorphic markers to map a human gene Dd dd If linked, one of the RFLP alleles should segregate with the disease; the other RFLP allele should segregate with WT phenotype. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 dd Dd Dd dd dd Dd Dd Dd RFLP 1 2 RFLP genotype: 1,1 2,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Is the marker linked to the disease? Can’t tell Practice question In a certain plant species… R f r F X flower fragrance (F) is dominant over unscented (f) r color (B) fis dominantr over white (b) f blue flower rounded leaves (R) is dominant over pointy (r); and The parental and recombinant thorny stems (T) is dominant over smooth stems (t). types are the same! Need to be From the following crosses, can you determine whether the fragrance heterozygous at both loci gene is linked to any of the other genes; if so, at what map distance? Bb Ff x bb ff Rr ff x rr Ff Tt Ff x tt ff 270 blue, fragrant 281 blue, non-fragrant 268 white, fragrant 275 white, non-fragrant 219 rounded, fragrant 222 rounded, non-fragrant 209 pointy, fragrant 216 pointy, non-fragrant 333 thorny, fragrant 36 thorny, non-fragrant 39 smooth, fragrant 342 smooth, non-fragra Can’t tell! LOD score analysis LOD=X% = log10 probability of observed genotypes if the loci are linked at X cM probability of observed genotypes if the loci are unlinked example = Normal = nail patella syndrome (dominant) I B A (blood type phenotype) II AB 1 2 3 O 4 5 6 7 8 III B B A B B B A A Figure 1. A human pedigree showing segregation of the nail-patella syndrome and blood type. Recombinants? Recombination frequency? 1/8*100 = 12.5% example = Normal = nail patella syndrome (dominant) I B A (blood type phenotype) II AB 1 2 3 O 4 5 6 7 8 III B B A B B B A A Figure 1. A human pedigree showing segregation of the nail-patella syndrome and blood type. LOD=X% = log10 probability of observed genotypes if the loci are linked at X cM probability of observed genotypes if the loci are unlinked example = Normal = nail patella syndrome (dominant) I B A (blood type phenotype) II AB 1 2 3 O 4 5 6 7 8 III B B A B B B A A Figure 1. A human pedigree showing segregation of the nail-patella syndrome and blood type. LOD=12.5% = log10 probability of observed genotypes if the loci are linked at 12.5 cM probability of observed genotypes if the loci are unlinked example = Normal = nail patella syndrome (dominant) I B A (blood type phenotype) II AB 1 2 3 O 4 5 6 7 8 III B B A B B B A A Figure 1. A human pedigree showing segregation of the nail-patella syndrome and blood type. probablity of recombinant (12.5cM) = 0.125/2 = 0.0625 probablity of non-recombinant = (1-0.125)/2 = 0.4375 example LOD=12.5% = log10 probability of observed genotypes if the loci are linked at 12.5 cM probability of observed genotypes if the loci are unlinked probablity of recombinant (12.5cM) = 0.125/2 = 0.0625 probablity of non-recombinant = (1-0.125)/2 = 0.4375 example LOD=12.5% = log10 (0.4375)7*(0.0625) probability of observed genotypes if the loci are unlinked i.e. independent assortment probablity of recombinant (12.5cM) = 0.125/2 = 0.0625 probablity of non-recombinant = (1-0.125)/2 = 0.4375 example LOD=12.5% = log10 (0.4375)7*(0.0625) = 1.099 (0.25)8 probablity of recombinant (12.5cM) = 0.125/2 = 0.0625 probablity of non-recombinant = (1-0.125)/2 = 0.4375 +3 and up: significant evidence in favor of linkage Does a LOD score value of 1.099 provide significant evidence in favor of linkage? evidence not significant Below -2: evidence against linkage I. Clone large pieces of the genome Make a BAC library of large genomic DNA inserts STS 24 62 17 54 20 9 19 36 4 Many copies of the same chromosome… different copies sheared at different places BACs Bacterial Artificial Chromosome; can hold inserts of 150-200 kb (YACs vector insert Yeast Artificial Chromosomes; can hold inserts of > 1 million bp.) II. Map location on genome STS 24 62 17 54 20 9 19 36 4 For example: STS = sequence tagged site… short, unique genomic sequence—not present anywhere else in the genome— that can be detected by PCR… ID tag for that portion of genome Which portion of the genome is represented in this BAC’s insert? Test the BAC by PCR: Does it test positive* with PCR primers for STS 24? Does it test positive with PCR primers for STS62? …etc. *Test positive? What does that mean? 4. Repeat-but also test whether your new clone has the same sequences as the previous clones 3. Design PCR primers that can amplify these sequences 2. Sequence a few small parts 1. Randomly pick one clone BAC clone library Means PCR of this clone produces a product with primer sets that amplify products A,B,C-but clone was tested with all of the primer sets-so the other sequences aren’t represented in this clone Means that CHI sites are neighbors, but don’t know the order in which they are arranged Means that B site is next to H site (ATTTAT) 8 I Dd Dd Cf allele? II D? dd D? (ATTTAT) 3 Cf allele? Gel analyzing repeat size for each individual I-1 I-2 II-1 II-2 II-3 Repeat size (ATTTAT) 6 10 Cf allele? 8 6 3 (ATTTAT) 10 Cf allele? Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in a single human gene. The pedigree to the right describes the inheritance of cystic fibrosis in a small family. Based on that information, what is the most likely mode of inheritance of cystic fibrosis? Write a genotype for each individual given the phenotype information alone. If you are uncertain of an allele, use a "?". (ATTTAT) 8 I Dd Dd 3,8 10,6 II D? dd D? 8,6 10,3 10,8 Gel analyzing repeat size for each individual I-1 I-2 II-1 II-2 II-3 Repeat size Cf allele? (ATTTAT) 3 Cf allele? (ATTTAT) 6 10 Cf allele? 8 6 3 (ATTTAT) 10 Cf allele? A cartoon of the 4 parental chromosomes that carry the cf locus and the linked repeat is shown to the left. Using the pedigree and the linked marker, show which repeat is linked to a wild type (WT) or a mutant (cf) allele. Write that information on the figure, and write the repeat genotype under each individual in the pedigree as well. and 10 d 3 d maybe I Dd Dd 3,8 10,6 II D? dd D? 8,6 10,3 10,8 Gel analyzing repeat size for each individual I-1 I-2 II-1 II-2 II-3 Repeat size 10 8 3 d and 10 d maybe 6 3 These parents are expecting another child. The DNA of the fetus is isolated and analyzed as above. The repeat locus genotype is 10/8. What would you predict about the fetus’ genotype at the cf locus? How certain can you be about the cf genotype? What other information would you need to increase your confidence in the prediction? The two pedigrees show inheritance of an autosomal dominant trait (D = disease, dominant; d = normal, recessive). Numbers in {curly brackets} indicate alleles of a microsatellite repeat polymorphic locus. For each pedigree, state whether the meiosis in II-1 is informative or uninformative, giving the parental types for II-1 in each case. Are the pedigrees informative or uninformative?